Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 73, No. 8, pp. 2867-2871, August 1976 Immunology Purine metabolism in adenosine deaminase deficiency* (immunodeficiency/pyrimidines/adenine nucleotides/adenine) GORDON C. MILLS, FRANK C. SCHMALSTIEG, K. BRYAN TRIMMER, ARMOND S. GOLDMAN, AND RANDALL M. GOLDBLUM Departments of Human Biological Chemistry and Genetics and Pediatrics, The University of Texas Medical Branch and Shriners Burns Institute, Galveston, Texas 77550 Communicated by J. Edwin Seegmiller, June 1, 1976 ABSTRACT Purine and pyrimidine metabolites were MATERIALS AND METHODS measured in erythrocytes, plasma, and urine of a 5-month-old infant with adenosine deaminase (adenosine aminohydrolase, Subject. A 5-month-old boy born on December 5, 1974 with EC deficiency. Adenosine and adenine were measured severe combined immunodeficiency was investigated. Physical using newly devised ion exchange separation techniques and examination revealed enlarged costochondral junctions and a sensitive fluorescence assay. Plasma adenosine levels were sparse lymphoid tissue (5). The serum IgG (normal values in increased, whereas adenosine was normal in erythrocytes and parentheses) was 31 mg/dl (263-713); IgM, 8 mg/dl not detectable in urine. Increased amounts of adenine were (34-138); found in erythrocytes and urine as well as in the plasma. and IgA was less than 3 mg/dl (13-71). Clq was not detectable Erythrocyte adenosine 5'-monophosphate and adenosine di- by double immunodiffusion. The blood lymphocyte count was phosphate concentrations were normal, but adenosine tri- 200-400/mm3 with 2-4% sheep erythrocyte (E)-rosettes, 12% phosphate content was greatly elevated. Because of the possi- sheep erythrocyte-antibody-complement (EAC)-rosettes, 10% bility of pyrimidine starvation, pyrimidine nucleotides (py- IgG bearing cells, and no detectable IgA or IgM bearing cells. rimidine coenzymes) in erythrocytes and orotic acid in urine [3H]Thymidine incorporation into blood stimu- were measured. Pyrimidine nucleotide concentrations were lymphocytes normal, while orotic acid was not detected. These studies lated by phytohemagglutinin and concanavalin A was not suggest that the immune deficiency associated with adenosine significantly greater than in unstimulated lymphocytes. In- deaminase deficiency may be related to increased amounts of tradermal delayed hypersensitivity tests to common microbial adenine, adenosine, or adenine nucleotides. antigens, including Candida albicans, were negative. Adeno- sine deaminase activity in red cells, as measured by Kalckar's Adenosine deaminase (adenosine aminohydrolase, EC, method (8), was less than 1% of normal. At the time of these an enzyme that is widespread in animal tissues, plays a key role studies, the child was free of clinical infection, but he exhibited in (a) the normal catabolic pathway for adenine nucleotides, severe growth failure. and (b) the production of hypoxanthine for use in the purine Chemicals and Solutions. Analytic grade ion exchange resins salvage pathway (Fig. 1). Intense interest has centered on this (200/400 mesh) were obtained from Bio-Rad Laboratories. enzyme since Giblett et al. (1) described the association of its Chloroacetaldehyde was prepared as follows: 100 ml of chlo- deficiency with an autosomal recessive immunodeficiency. The roacetaldehyde, dimethylacetal (Aldrich Chemical Co.), was disease is characterized by serious infections, severe thymus- refluxed for 30 min with 30 ml of 1.5 M H2SO4, and the chlo- dependent (T) lymphocyte and variable bone marrow-de- roacetaldehyde was collected by distillation. Concentrations pendent (B) lymphocyte deficiencies, and characteristic skeletal were determined by conversion to the bisulfite derivative, with abnormalities. This disease is fatal unless the immune system excess bisulfite determined iodometrically. This provided of affected patients is reconstituted. While the clinical and chloroacetaldehyde, which had minimal absorbance at 280 and genetic aspects of this disorder have been well described (2-6), 305 nm and minimal fluorescence when excited at those wave the relationship between the enzyme deficiency and the im- lengths. Sodium acetate buffers, used as eluants for cation ex- munodeficiency is not understood. Although recent evidence change analysis, were prepared from solutions of sodium acetate suggests a causal relationship (7), elucidation must ultimately (anhydrous, reagent grade) and acetic acid (analytical reagent). depend upon the measurement of key metabolites and enzyme Since the cation was the eluting ion, listed sodium acetate buffer activities in the affected purine and pyrimidine pathways. concentrations refer to the Na+ concentration. Buffer pH values The identification and quantitation of adenine and adenosine refer to pH at 22. in blood has been difficult because the amounts of these sub- Preparation of Protein-Free Supernates. Heparinized ve- stances are low and adenine nucleotides are relatively high nous blood was centrifuged within 15 min of collection. Plasma within erythrocytes. The recent development of a sensitive was removed carefully from the erythrocytes, which were re- fluorescence assay for adenine-containing compounds has en- suspended in a corresponding amount of 0.154 M NaCl. The hanced the detection of these compounds in red cells. In the erythrocyte suspension was deproteinized with trichloroacetic present study, various ion exchange procedures were used for acid (9). After recentrifugation to remove traces of cells, plasma preliminary separations, and adenine- containing compounds was deproteinized in the manner described for erythrocytes. were identified and quantitated using either ultraviolet ab- The protein-free supernates were stored frozen until ana- sorption or fluorescence spectra. With these techniques, we lyzed. have studied changes in purine and pyrimidine pathways in an Analytical Procedures. Anion exchange chromatography adenosine deaminase deficient individual. of erythrocyte nucleotides and phosphate esters was carried out Abbreviations: cAMP, adenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate; Ado, using a multiple column technique as described previously (10, adenosine; Ade, adenine. 11). For fluorescence assay of adenine compounds, the proce- * Presented in part at the annual meeting of The Society for Pediatric dure of Avigad and Damle (12) was used with minor modifi- Research, St. Louis, Mo., April 29, 1976. cations. Chloroacetaldehyde condenses with adenine com- 2867 Downloaded by guest on October 1, 2021 28682:Proc.Immunology: Mills et al. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 73 (1976) ATP Standards ADA-Urine Rib-5P aAMp I(i) Ade Adninb _ ATP Ad 4 f ( )AMP _± ADP .20 .20 1 3A~ A260 Adenosin(t ca PPi .10 .10 L222 NH3 Pi \ JINH3 Inosine e-."I, IMP 1io 20 30 40 10 20 30 4 rPi (D P K De novo Rib-IPw4 i) PRPP-~~() purine 4ib-I P synthesis Hypoxanthine -,-. Uric Acid FIG. 1. Abbreviated scheme of adenine nucleotide metabolism. Enzymes catalyzing the various reactions are (1) phosphoribosyl- pyrophosphate synthetase, (2) adenine phosphoribosyltransferase, (3) hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (IMP:pyrophosphate phosphoribosyl transferase, EC, (4) adenylate deaminase, (5) 5'-nucleotidase (5'-ribonucleotide phosphohydrolase, EC, (6) nucleoside phosphorylase, (7) adenosine deaminase, (8) adenylate FRACTION NUMBER kinase, (9) adenylate cyclase [ATP pyrophosphate-lyase (cyclizing), EC], (10) adenosine kinase, and (11) xanthine oxidase. FIG. 2. Cation exchange separation of adenosine (Ado) and ad- enine (Ade) using HCl as an eluant. Four Dowex AG50-X4 columns (0.5 X 20 cm, H+ form) were eluted simultaneously using gradient pounds to form the highly fluorescent 1,N6-etheno derivative elution with 1.5 M HCl added dropwise to a closed mixing reservoir containing 300 ml of water (75 ml/column). Fraction volumes were (13). 2,8-Dioxyadenine also reacts readily, but the product has 3.5-4.0 ml. Elution profile A shows the separation of known samples a different excitation spectrum. Pyrimidines with a 6-amino of Ado and Ade. Three milliliters of the patient's urine were used for group (e.g., cytosine) also react, but maximal fluorescence in elution profile B, and 4.5 ml ofnormal urine (0.10 hr excretion volume) this case is at a lower wavelength. In our procedure, a concen- were used for elution profile D. For elution profile C, the protein-free tration of chloroacetaldehyde of 0.067 M in the heated sample supernate corresponding to 0.50 ml of the patient's erythrocytes was was used with a reaction time of 40 min at 80°. Either a phos- used. In each case, samples were passed through short Dowex AG1-X4 columns (1 X 5 cm, formate form) to remove anionic components prior phate or acetate buffer (0.05 M) was used for pH control. Ad- to cation exchange chromatography. Elution profiles A and B were enine or adenosine standards were analyzed simultaneously run simultaneously. Since elution profiles C and D were run sepa- with each determination. An unheated sample containing all rately, the peak positions did not match exactly those noted for pro- components was used as a blank. Fluorescence measurements files A and B. A26o, absorbance at 260 nm. ADA, adenosine deami- were made with an Aminco-Bowman spectrophotofluorometer nase. with an 416-992 Xenon lamp and an R136 photomultiplier tube, using slit arrangement number three. In most cases, flu- children showed no significant adenine in elution profilest (Fig. orescence spectra were obtained to assure identification of 2D). Although
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