Echinoderms and Chapter 29 Organizer Invertebrate Chordates Refer to pages 4T-5T of the Teacher Guide for an explanation of the National Science Education Standards correlations. Teacher Classroom Resources Activities/FeaturesObjectivesSection MastersSection TransparenciesReproducible Reinforcement and Study Guide, pp. 127-129 L2 Section Focus Transparency 71 L1 ELL Section 29.1 1. Compare similarities and differences MiniLab 29-1: Examining Pedicellariae, p. 788 Section 29.1 among the classes of echinoderms. Inside Story: A Sea Star, p. 790 Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, p. 29 L3 Basic Concepts Transparency 50 L2 ELL Echinoderms 2. Interpret the evidence biologists have Problem-Solving Lab 29-1, p. 792 Echinoderms BioLab and MiniLab Worksheets, p. 129 L2 Basic Concepts Transparency 51 L2 ELL National Science Education for determining that echinoderms are Investigate BioLab: Observing Sea Urchin Laboratory Manual, pp. 205-210 L2 P Standards UCP.1-5; A.1, A.2; close relatives of chordates. Gametes and Egg Development, p. 800 Content Mastery, pp. 141-142, 144 L1 P 1 Physics Connection: Hydraulics of Sea Stars, C.3, C.5, C.6 (1 session, /2 P block) p. 802 P Reinforcement and Study Guide, p. 130 L2 P Section Focus Transparency 72 L1 ELL Section 29.2 LS Concept Mapping, p. 29 L3 ELL Reteaching Skills Transparency 43PL1 ELL P LS Invertebrate Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, p. 29 L3P P Chordates LS Section 29.2 3. Summarize the characteristics of MiniLab 29-2: Examining a Lancelet, p. 797 BioLab and MiniLab Worksheets, pp.P 130-132LS LSL2 P chordates. Inside Story: A Tunicate, p. 798 Content Mastery, pp. 141, 143-144P L1 P Invertebrate 4. Explain how invertebrate chordates Problem-Solving Lab 29-2, p. 799 LSLS Chordates are related to vertebrates. P P LS LS Assessment Resources AdditionalP Resources National Science Education 5. Distinguish between sea squirts LS P LS Standards UCP.1, UCP.2, and lancelets. Chapter Assessment, pp. 169-174 LS Spanish Resources ELL P LS UCP. 4, UCP.5; A.1, A.2; MindJogger Videoquizzes English/Spanish Audiocassettes ELL P C.3, C.5, C.6; G.1-3 (2 ses- LS LS P 1 PerformanceAssessment Assessment Resources in the Biology Classroom AdditionalCooperativeLS Learning Resources in the Science Classroom COOP LEARN sions, /2 block) LS Alternate Assessment in the Science Classroom Lesson Plans/Block SchedulingP LS Computer Test Bank P P LS BDOL Interactive CD-ROM, Chapter 29 quiz LS Need Materials? Contact Carolina Biological Supply Company at 1-800-334-5551 KeyKey toto TeachingTeaching StrategiesStrategies or at http://www.carolina.com LS L1 Level 1 activities should be appropriate LS MATERIALS LIST for students with learning difficulties. LS LS L2 Level 2 activities should be within the BioLab Alternative Lab ability range of all students. Teacher’s p. 800 microscope, microscope slides (5), p. 796 microscope, prepared slides of L3 Level 3 activities are designed for above- coverslips (5), petri dish, dropper (2), sea urchin development and lancelets average students. Corner The following multimedia resources are available from Glencoe. test tube, beaker (2), sea water, live sea ELL ELL activities should be within the ability Quick Demos Products Available From Index to National urchins (male and female), syringe with range of English Language Learners. Biology: The Dynamics of Life p. 789 stereomicroscope, live sea Glencoe Geographic Magazine needle, potassium chloride solution COOP LEARN Cooperative Learning activities CD-ROM ELL urchin, toothpick To order the following products, The following articles may be P are designed for small group work. Exploration: The Five Kingdoms MiniLabs p. 789 dropper P call Glencoe at 1-800-334-7344: used for research relating to this P These strategies represent student prod- Exploration: Echinoderms p. 788 microscope, prepared slide of p. 791 heavy book P CD-ROM chapter: ucts that can be placed into a best-work Exploration: Symmetry sea star pedicellariae, paper, pencil p. 795 preserved specimens of tuni- P NGS PictureShow: Structure of “Pillar of Life,” by George Grall, P portfolio. BioQuest: BiodiversityP Park p. 797 stereomicroscope, microscope cates and lancelets Invertebrates July 1992. LS These strategies are useful in a block Videodisc Program slide, forceps, metric ruler, preserved p. 796 microscope, prepared slide of LS scheduling format. Transparency Set specimen of Branchiostoma cali- lancelet cross section LS NGS PicturePack: Structure of Starfishes forniense (Amphioxus) LS Invertebrates LS LS The Secret of Life Series Sea Stars Chordate Body Plan Action of Tube Feet 786A 786B ChapterChapter 2929 ChapterChapter SECTION PREVIEW Section Objectives Section 29.1 Compare similarities Echinoderms and and differences among 29.1 Echinoderms the classes of echino- GETTING STARTED DEMO 29 derms. Prepare Invertebrate Chordates Interpret the evidence Visual-Spatial Use live biologists have for Key Concepts or preserved sea stars or determining that hink about what the best defense echinoderms are close The characteristics common to sea urchins to point out the What You’ll Learn relatives of chordates. might be for a small animal that echinoderms are presented. The physical characteristics of I You will compare and moves slowly in tide pools on the Vocabulary diversity of echinoderms is con- contrast the adaptations T ray echinoderms. Elicit from stu- of echinoderms. seashore. Did you think of armor, spines, or sidered. Deuterostome develop- dents how the meaning of the pedicellaria I You will distinguish the fea- perhaps poison as methods of protection? tube feet ment is examined in terms of its term echinoderm relates to tures of chordates by examin- Sea urchins are masters of defense—some ampulla evolutionary significance. the features of animals in this ing invertebrate chordates. water vascular system use all three methods. The sea urchin looks madreporite group. Echinoderm means different from the feather star and from “spiny skin.” The animals clas- Why It’s Important Planning the sea star on the facing page, yet sified in this phylum have By studying how echinoderms I Obtain droppers for the Quick and invertebrate chordates all three belong to the same phy- P Demos. spinelike structures covering function, you will enhance your lum. What characteristics do I Make photocopies of the their bodies. understanding of evolutionary they have in common? What relationships between these Feather star inner, shaded area of Figure two groups. features determine whether an animal is an echinoderm? (above) and sea 29.6 for the Reteach. LS urchin (inset) Theme Development GETTING STARTED Evolution is a major theme in this chapter. Students study how Observing a Sand Dollar 1 Focus Examine the brittle skeleton of echinoderm larvae and inverte- a sand dollar. Notice the petal- Bellringer brate chordates show similarities like marking on its upper sur- starfishes, may not appear spiny at to certain vertebrates. The theme face. What kind of symmetry What Is an Echinoderm? Before presenting the lesson, first glance, but a close look reveals of systems and interactions is does this organism exhibit? Members of the phylum Echino- display Section Focus Trans- that their long, tapering arms, called WORD Origin obvious as students learn how the dermata have a number of unusual parency 71 on the overhead pro- To find out rays, are covered with short, rounded characteristics that easily distinguish echinoderm jector and have students answer echinoderms and invertebrate more about spines. The spiny skin of a sea From the Greek them from members of any other the accompanying questions. chordates are adapted to and echinoderms and invertebrate cucumber consists of soft tissue words echinos, chordates, visit the Glencoe animal phylum. Echinoderms move interact with their environments. embedded with small, platelike struc- meaning “spiny,” L1 ELL Science Web Site. by means of hundreds of hydraulic, and derma, meaning www.glencoe.com/sec/science suction cup-tipped appendages and tures that barely resemble spines. “skin.” Echinoderms have skin covered with tiny, jawlike The endoskeleton of all echinoderms are spiny-skinned is made primarily of calcium carbon- ECTION OCUS animals. TransparencyP 71 Echinoderms S F pincers. Echinoderms (ih KI nuh Use with Chapter 29, Section 29.1 If time does not permit teach- durmz) are found in all the oceans of ate, the compound that makes up pedicellariae ing the entire chapter, use the the world. limestone. From the Latin Some of the spines found on sea BioDigest at the end of the word pediculus, A sea star extends its stom- Echinoderms have endoskeletons stars and sea urchins have become meaning “little unit as an overview. foot.” Pedicellariae LS ach from its mouth and If you were to examine the skin of modified into pincerlike appendages Brittle star resemble little feet. engulfs a sea urchin. Hours several different echinoderms, you called pedicellariae (PED ih sihl AHR P later, the sea star draws would find that they all have a hard, ee ay). An echinoderm uses its jawlike its stomach back in and spiny, or bumpy endoskeleton cov- pedicellariae for protection and for moves away. All that’s left of the urchin is the bumpy ered by a thin epidermis. The long, cleaning the surface of its body. You globe you see here. Even its pointed spines on a sea urchin are can examine these structures in the LS Sea urchin spines are gone. obvious. Sea stars, sometimes called MiniLab on the following page. Sand dollar 1 The word echinoderm comes from the Greek echinos, 786 29.1 ECHINODERMS 787 meaning “spiny,” and derm, meaning “skin.” Why do you think this name was given to this group of organisms? Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2 How is the radial symmetry of these saltwater animals an advantage? AssessmentAssessment PlannerPlanner BIOLOGY: The Dynamics of Life SECTION FOCUS TRANSPARENCIES Look for the following logos for strategies that emphasize different learning modalities.
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