PROCEEDING Proceeding International Conference On Religion and Social Humanities (ICReSH) Theme Radicalism In Global Constellation Batusangkar, 5-6 November 2018 Speaker: Sidney Jones (Director Institute For Police Analyse Of Conflict) Nasir Abbas ( Radicalism Observer and Analyse) Syekh Walid Hamdi (Cairo University Mesir) Dr. Kasmuri, MA (Rektor IAIN Batusangkar) Dr. Yusefri., M. Ag ( IAIN Curup) Faculty Ushuluddin, Adab dan Dakwah (FUAD) Institut Agama Islam Negeri Batusangkar (IAIN Batusangkar) 1 PROCEEDING Proceeding International Conference On Religion and Social Humanities (ICReSH) Theme “ Radicalism In Global Constellation “ Steering Commite : Dr. Kasmuri, MA Drs. Adripen, M.Pd Dr. Zulkifli, MA Organizing Commitee: Dr. Irman, S.Ag, M.Pd Novi Budiman S.IP, M.Si Eliwatis, M.Ag Irwandi, MA Editor : Dewi Dahlan, M.IP Reviewer: Dr. Yuzarion, S.Ag. S.P.Si, M.Si Dr. Risman Bustaman Marhen, M.PD Hafizullah, MA Refika Mastanora, M.I Kom Published by : Faculty Ushuluddin, Adab dan Dakwah FUAD IAIN Batusangkar Kampus IAIN Batusangkar Jalan Sudirman No 137 Lima Kaum Batusangkar Telp. (0752) 71150, 574221, 71890. Fax (0752) 71879 Website : Email : [email protected] ISBN: 978-602-53390-0-4 All Right Reserved No Part Of This Publication May Be Reproduce without Written Permission Of The Publisher. 2 OPENING SPEECHES Radicalism is an extreme view of individual freedom. The emphasis of radicalist thinking lies in violence and direct action carried out by groups who act on behalf of their struggle with resistance to oppressed groups. At the global level, radical actions in the form of violence have a very long history and have a wide impact in the global political constellation. Genocide and Bosnian ethnic cleasing by Serbia. The case is identified as an ethnic conflict with religious nuances, so-called ethnic religious conflict (ethno religious conflict), also related to the distribution of sources of power, both political and economic. In Turkey, violence occurs between ethnic minorities who are minority with majority Turkish, and in Iraq between Kurds and Arabs, and in India ethnic and religious conflicts. Conflict, violence and radical actions are suspected and associated with the formation of separate state movements (ethno-nationalism), the struggle for independence or accommodation in the political structure. The radicalism movement that occurs in the world and especially in Indonesia, if viewed from a social science perspective does not actually arise from actual religious entities as esoteric beliefs and promote peace. The radicalism movement is more a reaction of individual and group disappointment and helplessness towards modernity and secularization or parliamentary diplomacy efforts that fail to achieve the ideals of power (politics) and economics, or in other words as a form of escape from ways of interacting and communicating that emerge from because of shock culture. But so far there has been a lot of misinterpretation of the concept of radicalism which has much to do with certain religions. Because of the many different interpretations of radicalism, it is deemed necessary to examine these acts of radicalism in various perspectives in the field of scientific studies. The perspective referred to here is to examine the understanding of radicalism in the context of communication and mass media, radicalism in the context of education, radicalism in the legal context, radicalism in the context of 3 peace, political radicalism, radicalism in the context of psychology, radicalism in the context of religion, and radicalism in a social context . With the many acts of violence carried out by radicalism groups, many studies and methods of mitigation are needed so as not to always cause unrest in the community. This is a challenge for finding new thoughts that can accommodate and solve every problem that these radicalism groups do. The International Conference on Religion and Social Humanities (ICReSH) The Global Constellation Radicalism In will discuss and find solutions to issues of movements carried out by small groups of people who perceive themselves as fighters of this Shari'a 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS WELCOME ADDRESS .................................................................................. 2 OPENING SPEECHES ................................................................................... 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. 5 RADICAL INTENTION OF FEMALE STUDENTS WHO WEAR VEILED. Rena Kinnara Arlotas, Rahmadianti Aulia .................... 7 KEDUDUKAN PERSEKUSI DALAM SISTEM PEMIDANAAN. Roni Efendi, Khairina, Inong Satriadi, Sulastri Caniago ............................................................................................. 22 RECONCEPTUALIZING RADICALISM IN MULTY PERSPECTIVE. Hariya Toni, Hasep Saputra ............................................. 39 RADIKALISME DAN UPAYA MENANGGULANGINYA. Zulkifli ............................................................................................................. 54 RESPON MAHASISWA FUAD IAIN BATUSANGKAR TERHADAP RADIKALISME AGAMA. Dewi Dahlan ............................... 67 RADIKALISME DAN PERMASALAHANNYA. Syafriwaldi .................... 81 THE ROLE OF PARENTS AND TEACHERS IN PREVENTING RADICALISM IN EARLY CHILDHOOD. Meliana Sari ................................................................................................... 89 PROSPEKTIF HUKUM ISLAM DALAM PLURALISME HUKUM DI INDONESIA. Elimartati ........................................................... 102 PEMANFAATAN NEW MEDIA SEBAGAI ALAT KOMUNIKASI PROPAGANDA RADIKALISME. Oktri Permata Lani ....................................................................................... 113 INTERAKSI SOSIAL DISOSIATIF SEBAGAI BENTUK PERILAKU SOSIAL YANG MENYEBABKAN DISINTEGRASI BANGSA. Syaiful Marwan ............................................... 138 MODEL KONSELING ISLAM RATIONAL EMOTIVE BEHAVIOUR THERAPY TERHADAP ANTISIPASI PENGARUH RADIKALISME DI KALANGAN SISWA MADRASAH ALIYAH KOTA PADANG. Sisrazeni, Silvianetri ........................................................................................................ 147 5 DAMPAK PRASANGKA DALAM PENGGUNAAN MEDIA SOSIAL PADA KAMPANYE PILPRES 2019 DI INDONESIA. Refika Mastanora ........................................................................................... 167 POLA-POLA KEKUATAN RADIKALISME. Farida Arianti, Yustiloviani, Hidayati Fitri ........................................................................... 185 STRATEGI MENGHADAPI PAHAM RADIKALISME TERORISME. Beni Putra Hanafi .......................................................................................... 192 PUSTAKA SEBAGAI BENTENG PENANGKAL PEMIKIRAN RADIKAL.Rika Jufriazia Manita ................................................................. 210 RADICALISM IN ISLAM PERSPECTIVES. Syofrianisda ......................... 219 6 RADICAL INTENTION OF FEMALE STUDENTS WHO WEAR VEILED. Rena Kinnara Arlotas email : [email protected] Rahmadianti Aulia Email: [email protected] Program Studi Psikologi Islam Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Studi Agama UIN Imam Bonjol Padang Abstract Many college prohibit their students from wearing veils while on campus. In general, this is due to the view that female students who wear veiled are identical with radical movements and even terrorists. This research was conducted to find out how radical intentions on veiled female students. The study was conducted by giving the Activism and Radicalism Intention Scales (ARIS) of Moskalenko - Mccauley to 58 veiled female students from UIN Imam Bonjol Padang. The results showed that the average intention of Activism in veiled female students was 3,5, and the intention of radicalism was 2,283. This means that the intention of political activism and radical intention of veiled female students is low. There is no relationship between using the veil with political and radical movements. Keywords : Intention, radical, female students who are veiled Abstrak Banyak kampus yang melarang mahasiswinya menggunakan cadar selama berada di lingkungan kampus. Pada umumnya hal ini disebabkan oleh adanya pandangan bahwa mahasiswi yang bercadar identik dengan gerakan radikal bahkan teroris. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana intensi radikal pada mahasiswi bercadar. Penelitian dilakukan dengan memberikan skala Activism and Radicalism Intention Scales (ARIS) dari Moskalenko – Mccauley kepada 58 orang mahasiswi bercadar yang berasal dari UIN Imam Bonjol Padang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, rata-rata intensi Activism pada mahasiswi bercadar adalah 3.5, dan intensi radicalism adalah 2.283. Artinya kecenderungan mahasiswi bercadar untuk melakukan aktivitas politik dan tindakan radikal tergolong rendah. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara menggunakan cadar dengan gerakan politik dan tindakan radikal. Kata kunci : Intensi, Radikal, Mahasiswi Bercadar 7 PENDAHULUAN Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), cadar adalah kain penutup kepala atau muka (bagi perempuan). Para ulama berbeda pendapat mengenai hukum menggunakannya. Ada ulama yang mewajibkan dan ada pula yang tidak mewajibkan. Pendapat mereka berlandaskan pada dalil-dalil Alquran dan sunnah. Diantara dalil yang digunakan oleh ulama yang mewajibkan cadar adalah QS. An-Nur ayat 31, yang artinya “Katakanlah kepada wanita yang beriman: Hendaklah mereka menahan pandangan mereka, dan memelihara kemaluan mereka.”. Ayat ini dipahami
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