5tie ORACLE Volume 5, Number IO THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY NEWARK CAMPUS April 3, 1969 A New Doctor In The House F·OUNDERS HALL INSPECTED by Joane Young FOR FIRE SAFETY It is Dr. Robert Dorrell now. Tuesday March 11, he defended by Steve Smitl1 his dissertation, "The Early History Of the Hartman Theater: 1911- At the beginning of fall quarter, Newark Fire Chief E.E. Malloy 1921." In his thesis he discussed this period in the light of the de­ expressed concern over the lack of fire hydrant at Founders Hall. He velopment of the theater's managerial policies. This was the period also mentioned that school buildings were required to have an evacu­ of the greats: Al Jolson, the Great Zeigfield, and W. C. Fields. ation drill once every month. Because there have been no fire drills The Doctor received his Bachelor of Fine Arts from Drake Uni­ to date, this reporter went to the Newark Fire Department and the versity and his M. A. from Western Reserve in Cleveland. From 1950- following action was promptly taken. 1954 he was an army entertainment director. He was the first man After conferring with Fire De­ ever employed at the post level. Dorrell taught at Westminister College partment officers, a decision was have a fire evacuation when in Pennsylvania from 1957-1967, except 1965, when he spent his made to investigate the matter. warmer weatl1er arrives. The residenc}'. at Ohio State. He has spent his last two years teaching Within 15 minutes two officers, S. school is required by State law at Newark Campus. P. Faller and J. H. Burrell, were to have an evacuation once every Dr. Dorrell hails from Des at Founders Hall to inspect the month, but this rule is not strictly Moines, Iowa, and his wife is. the believes that Newark is almost as facilities and to talk to Mr. Robert enforced d u r i n g inclement former Betty Evans from Newark. good and in some respects better McGaughy. weather. They have three children: Law­ than the Columbus campus. He Officers Faller and Burrell tour­ Mr. McGaughy promised the rence, 16, and twins David and also feels quite strongly against ed the building and made several extinguishers, and he plans to Deborah, 9. The family resides in "the inconvenience of the student." recommendations. They offered look into the matter of drills dur­ Heath. He feels that maturity is born the possibility of installing fire ing Spring quarter. He also plans During the quarter break, Dr. from inconvenience. In the theater extinguishers in the lounge, the to have evacuation routes posted Dorrell planned to build a new he dislikes people who express an kitchen, and in The Lamplighter for an evacuation drill early in and more adequate stage for the interest, but are not willing to Theater. They also ordered the spring quarter. Students should auditorium. For spring quarter he give 100%. He also dislikes those school to draw fire evacuation watch bulletin boards for routes is planning a campus play. It will who arrive after curtain time. 'foutes and alternate routes and to applicable to their class exits. either be a comedy or a number It bothers Dr. Dorrell that New­ of one-acts in the new Lamplight­ ark offers only a two-year pro­ er Studio Theater. The new gram. He feels it is the students' theater -~ill hold close to eighty disadvantage 'tliat they must get in TIGHTENS GRIP people. The one-acts will be ex­ gear his freshman year and then ous perimental productions to which leave Newark the following year. ON REGIONAL CAMPUSES there will be no admission charge. Dr. Dorrell admires the admin­ by Judy Dove Dorrell has four pet peeves, half istration, building, and students. The. Ohio State University is tightening its grip on its regional for school and half for the theater. The interest shown in the theater campuses. According to Dr. Donald P. Anderson, Assistant Dean of He dislikes comparison of Newark is "great" and the encouragement Research for the OSU ·college of Education, each student must complete Campus with main campus. He he has received is "wonderful." three quarters in full-time residence on the Columbus campus to graduate from Ohio State University. Full-time residence is defined as a course load of twelve or more hours per quarter taken on the main campus. LIGHT POLE A.P.O. PARTIES Dr. Anderson continued that OSU administrative personnel are INSTRUCTORS FOR COLLIDES · WITH AT BURR OAK attempting to take the advanced SPRING QUARTER 1969 courses from the regional cam­ MISS JAMISON Members of Alpha Phi Omega puses, consolidating them on the ACCOUNTING-Keith T. Murga­ Fraternity retreated to Burr Oak main campus, and offering main­ troyd Mary Lou Jamison will be shy Lake for three days to enjoy their ly basic courses on regional cam­ RURAL SOCIOLOGY-Dr. G. of light poles from March 12 on. vacation in fraternal company. puses. Dr. Anderson added that Howard Phillips As she was leaving campus in her The eight members stayed in a the Newark Campus has the BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES-Wil­ car the afternoon of that date, she cabin owned by Rick Smeltzer's smallest number of registered stu­ liam C. Slater and Raymond was blinded by the afternoon sun. uncle. Activities included fishing, dents of. OSU's regional campuses. Jezerinac Because of moisture on her wind­ card playing, ice cube battles, BOTANY-William C.' Slater shield, her dark glasses, and the ping pong, and relaxing. Ken The major reason for consolidat­ CHEMISTRY- Dr. Wilma Meck­ sun, she did not notice that she Secrest, president, even went ing advanced college courses to stroth- Mr. Philip Miller was headed for a meeting with swimming in the near 30° lake the main campus is to alleviate COMPUTER SCIENCE & IN- one of the poles on campus until water. the problem of negligent compli­ FORMATION- George Kono- too late. She slammed on her Those that attended the outing ance with the University's resi­ mos brakes, but the car slid over the from March 11 through March 13 dent regulation. Dr. Anderson COMPARATIVE LITERATURE gravel and hit the pole, toppling were Larry Woodford, Rich Rose, stressed that, not so much for t11e - Mrs. Inez Freeman, Mrs. it. Her car was "totalled" in the Jay Huffman, Rick Smeltzer, Ken Newark Campus, as on ot11er Lowanne Callander, John Rog­ accident. Miss Jamison was not Secrest, Dave Harlan, Wayne regional campuses, there are ers hurt, although the following day Ehret, and Phil Van Winkle. "The enough courses offered for a stu­ ECONOMICS-Mrs. Sandra Pritz she still was quite shakey as the party was just to have a good dent to complete nearly all of his EDUCATION-John Davis result of the unscheduled incident. time," said Ken. college requirements without at­ ENGINEERING GRAPHICS- The police noted that the pole The A.P.O. , will meet again tending the Columbus campus for Clyde Kearns became uprooted because of the April 8, at 1: 00 p.m. in room 90. the required three quarters. There­ ENGINEERING MECHANICS­ softness of the soil in which it was "All interested males are wel­ fore the University is shifting the Dr. David Jenkins anchored. come." stated Ken. advanced courses to Columbus. (See Instructors, Page 6) Page 2 THE ORACLE April 3, 1969 THE ORACLE Established in 1965. Published five times per quarter and distri­ buted free of charge to students of OSU Newark Campus. The Oracle welcomes advertisements. STAFF _S·kip Salome!s Editor-in-Chief ---------------------------------------- Al Zellner. Business Manager___________ _________ __________________ Rick Bline FRISHES RESTAURANT News Editor ___ _________ ________ ____ ____ ____ _____ ___Linda Howa rd Sports Editor__ __ _________ _______ __________________ ______ S.teve Smith Fe a tu re Editor ______ ____ ____ _________ ___________________ Kris Emblen Photography Editor __ ______ ____ ___ _______________________John Hill Art Editor _______ __ ____,___ ___ _____ __________ _____ ___ __ _____ Sue Massie Advisor___________ __ _________ _______ _____ _____ Gordon R. Kingery Ar·o·und the corner from the. Diane Ferguson Sondra Laugherty Denny Morris Phill Gantt Marylou Louden Beth Richards Kris Glaser Liz McCann Kim Skivington O.S.U. Campus Nancy Koehler Bonnie Meagher Sally Watson Pat Lapworth Jim Mercuri Ken Willis 1649 Granville Rd.; Newark, Ohio Near the -Southgate Shopping Center Wl:LCo.MG 8ACI< SPECIAL EVENTS CALENDAR 7 64 Hebron Rd.; 1969 TENNIS SCHEDULE Sat., April 12 (1:00)-0SU Columbus (away) Tues., April 15 (12:30)-KSU Wadsworth (away ) Heath, Ohio - Thurs., April 17 ( 12: 30 )-OU Chillicothe ( Home ) Tues., April 22 (1 :00)-KSU Canton (away) Thurs., April 24 (12:30)-KSU Ashtabula (Home ) Tues., April 29 (1:00)-0SU Lima (away) Sat., May 3 ( 11: 00 )-OU Chillicothe ( away) Tues., May 6 (12:3,0)-KSU Wadsworth (Home ) Thurs., May 8 ( 12:30 )-KSU Ashtabula (away) Fri., May 9 (12:30)-0SU Lima (Home ) Stop and meet Jack Spencer at the Granville Tues., May 13 (12:00)-KSU Canton (Home ) Sat., May 17-SPRING TOURNAMENT-Newark location and enjoy a meal or sandwich! 1969 GOLF SCHEDULE Sat., April 12 ( 10.00 )-OSU Mansfield (away) Tues., April 15 (112:30)-KSU Wadsworth (away) Thurs., April 17 (12:30)-0U Chillicothe (Home) Tues., April 22 (1 :00)-KSU Canton (away ) Thurs., April 24 ( 12:30)-KSU Ashtabula (Home ) fo.r Carry caU: 344-9386 Fr-i., A'.pril 25 ( 12: 30 )-OU Zanesville (Home ) Tues., April 29 ( 1: 00 )-OSU Lima (away) Fri., May 2 ( 12:30)-0U Zanesville (Home ) Sat., May 3 (11:00)-0U Chillicothe (away) 344-2489 Tues., -May ( 12:30)-KSU Wadsworth (Home ) Thurs., May 8 (12:30)-KSU Ashtabula (away ) Fri., May 9 (12:00)-0SU Lima- (Home) Tues., May 13 (12:00)-KSU Canton (Home) Sat., May 17-SPRING TOURNAMENT-Newark April 3, 1969 THE ORACLE Page 3 PERFORMERS SAMPLE TWENTY-FIVE RENAISSANCE CONSORT OF VOICES AND VIOLS PROGRAM OF A LOOK AT SHAKESPEARE'S ENGLAND - YEARS OF ENGLISH RENAISSANCE SCENE ONE-LONDON Those who for one reason or another did not attend A Look at Street Cryes of London (entire ensemble )-Orlando Gibbons Shakespeare's England, one in the series of Ten Evenings on Campus, Let me alont in this cell-E.
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