"TTr" BP 10 THE EVENING WORLD, SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1922. that stands out a'bovo tho clean ap- TRAP ALLEGED BURGLARS, pearance and lines of tho ohassls, It JHE STUTZ ALWAYS 'BIG FIELD FOR A jBUSMESS DOOMS REFINEMENTS FRONTENAC MOTOR Is Its sturdlness. SHOOT ONE IN LEG F Four wheel brakes ao a necessary adjunct to the fleeting speed of the 4 Frontenac motor. Thoy mo new In Anthony llorborat was thot In the leg America, but they have been success- whllo he and Anthony Ilosa, tho police I i BUILT AND SOLO MODERN QUALITY WHEN NEW PRICES THE NEW SERIES EXH BIT ON fully proven a vaiuablo asset In tho allege, were trying to early to- motoring creations of foreign coun- day from Detectives Thomas L'ngland tries and racing has proved that they and Abraham Ackerman. The detec- are necessary for speedy cars. It Is had Interrupted ' evon more Important to stop quickly tives an attempt to CAR ATLOW PRICE AREANNOUNCED CHALMERS GARS AT E than to accelerate quickly. rob the men's furnishing store of R, O FOR PERFORMANCE C0MM0D0R Comfort has been carefully worked Tompkins & Sons, No. HG Itlohmond out, and It rides tho road with un Avenue, Port Iltchinond, S. I. ease that characterized the speeding An attempt had been mads to rob the fleetness of the Frontenac In winning store last Thursday. Thinking the men Louis Chevrolet, of Racing two consecutive International races, F. Klingensmith Says His Entire Country Responded Company Has Produced might como back, tho dotcctlve-- i hid In Comnanv. Has Never Hurried L IVoth tho front and rear springs arc the cellar, llorborat and Rota, it Is Fame, Builds Car With exceptionally long nnd flfcxlble. Tho said, camo In through Low-Pri- ce Fills and a window and ly Adopted the Numerous New Car When Cadillac Company Practical, Substantial rear sprlngh.ve two reversed top started to saw a holo In the floor. Tho Many Novel Features. leaves taking up the strain due to the detectlvos ordered them to surrender . "Innovations." Long Felt Want. Made Recent Cut. Economical Car drive. Both men ran and the detectives fired The one new au- tho 1'rontenac. of the William N. Thompson. "It fits tho demand for a modern Hlnce announcement of sub- "Tho evident value of the New tomobiles of the season, designed by By qunllty car nt a low price." stantial reduction by the Cadillac Series Chalmers Six makes It n real Car Co. of Louts Chevrolet of racing fame, is (President Stutz Motor Thnt Is how Krnnk I... Klingensmith, Motor Car Company of Detroit In tho motor says E. W. America. Inc.i car Investment," being announcod for tho first time. President of the CSrny Motor Corpora- price of all ten models of the Type Clarl;, of sales of Chyl. The in coining: when nil auto- Detroit, explaliiH success of director the The latest offering of this great time tion, the 01, messages have swept by Co. new high to Hold on the the (liay ear. hundreds mors Motor Car "The will be mobiles will lmve lc Into the general offices reporting point In the advarcemcnt of good, sly. shown of transportation This new car. which combines public at the Commodore Hotel lobby dur- basis engineering features and rid- that the buying has responded cylinder construction us registered In The Stutz car wan mailo to pcr-foi- ing sells less Immediately to the new standard In this car, together with Its beautiful ing the week. comfort yet for than design, gen- A Statement by C. W. perform well, belore It was $501, Is making Its In lobby automobile values set by the lowered body clearly establish Its Louis Chevrolet, It 'will be remem- Nash, President and debut the uine worth. of to the public. Tlio In- of the Hotel Commodore. price. bered, Is the only man who ever built ever offered Embodying the Identical sterling "Tho New Chalmers Six is dtctinc-tlv- c Bpccdway saw it "Those who hiivo been In close two different cars to win the great dianapolis Motor with qualities which drew a nationwide in its beauty. A really now type The Nash Motors touch autoinotlvo engineering 500-Mi- Company, In 1911 wan there It earned de- le Sweepstakes Concerning flrat and it realize that thu last two yearn have ovation when it was Introduced, the of fender, graced with a newly International tho slogan, "the car that made good Type CI Cadillac Is being accepted signed, beautiful crown, creates a raco at the Indianapolis Its 600 seen many changes In Its develop- Motor In a day" by flnlMilnR tlrt ment. Tho nutomoMIe Industry at the new price aa a purchase of splendid effect. It Is gracefully curved Speedway years. gruelling racing without a h?s follows perfoctly t?o consecutive miles of been undergoing tho somo sound financial merit, the reports say, and tho arc of the 1920 Inglo mechanical adjustment. teats and This was in and 1921. the same criticism as many other In- adding that "live prospects" by tho wheel which It covers. Without From that very day tho product score are appearing In the East, touching tho ornate this fender Is to- Tho Frontenac motor Is original In perform- dustries and wo realize that the pub- has been made and sold for Is now West, North and South. tally different from any heretofore Its design, extremely clean cut and glva owner service lic demanding satisfactory ance and to the a transportation as low price Is The New York district took orders and aside from Its beauty ti tailored with an oyo to 11 years. at a as Is practical keeping over a period of consistent with good quality," con- for more cars during the last week In also and substantial, new clean, During tho rapid strides of the December than any other week dur- sturdy enough to tako the to with a minimum of effort. many tinued Mr. Klingensmith. knocks automobile Industry when "I'eoplo hnve learned to know good ing 1921. which a fender Is too often subjected. It ts of tho overhead camshaft type many changes were adopted niirrioniy nirs. Although they can pay only a Prospects for n bumper Cadillac "The low top and one-pie- wind- that is used In all raco cars, and Is Iiy somo manufacturers, the stutz modorate price for ,i car, thoy Insist year are bright Indeed, according to shield develop to a degreo that raki ill driven by a doublo silent was crippled by any of thoso spirit reflected In messages. ness which Is so ortcn unsucceHsfu'ly chain fitted never thnt It must be a good one, properly the the tako'-u- p basis principles. None were "Wo shall sell at least 100 per cent. sought for in a motor body design. with automatic sprockets. nhifts of built, good looking and comfortable. This motor differs from In they wore given the more cars than wo sold year," i The high hood and c- -r others sdcrpted until "And thoy are not so much con- last sides of the that the camshaft construction and critical acid test for better service cerned now over what stunts auto- comes a wire from Houth Carolina, offer tho appearance of power. Hut to give Atlanta, Ocorgla, body Is hung low so, valve actuating mechanisms are in a to tho original product, built mobiles can do feats they will never and tho Cadillac the nnd, while soparato compartmont from the valves atlsfaction In performance. need In their day by day driving. Company adds: massive In apeparanco, tho car Ins Nash Models closely followed reduction in price is most grace. Steel dine wheels to themselves and for this reason con With this creed What thoy do want Is nblllty to do "The the add the bo thoroughly lubricated without ex- during the last decade and more, what they rtecd dona. A reasonable wonderful stimulant we have ever sturdy mannlshness. Ribbed rubber foot-ma- periencing tho troubles found In other Mtutz owners have learned to know ppecd rango with economy of fuel known." running board, ts nnd kick types of overhead camshaft motors, that certain whims, fancies or trick and oil. nulck rjick-u- n on demand. Don Lee, Cadillac distributer In pads lend finish as well a protection. viz.: the drawing in of oil around tho bodv deslcns are not a detracting In- - San Francisco, telegraphed: All In all the car Is one admired fit inlet valvo stems at low throttles, lluence from their e- -r whicfl they of leg room thoso they Insist upon. "Wo expect this season to produce its beauty equally on the boulevard when the vacuum In tho Inlet mani- have, always been prmid to own. "Realizing this trend hi Ambitions, tho biggest trade wo have ever en- and tho open road. joyed, fold Is very high, a condition present In fact Stutz car have always been Mr. Heall nnd I choso tills time for as the price has been suffi- "There Is nothing freakish about the at least 30 per cent, of your bringing out Gray hecauso It ciently cut to Insure In the minds of design of the Now the time the over long, given tho Sarins Chalmers Krontc-na- new sold service a In c and for motor Is operation. Tho time and y when buyers are de- admirably moots this demand. We the buying public a stability of prlco Six. It combines that which Is prac- type of construction eliminates manding so much for their Invested grasped this opportunity to make It for a lengthy period." tical with that which Is simple am tho smoky motor, excessive carbon dollars.
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