Generous Rendina gift will provide training for hospitality students By Jeffery Seay founder, chairman and chief exec- Editor in Chief utive officer of Rendina Compa- nies, the nation’s leading health n September 2003, when care real-estate development or- Florida State University ganization, and Paramount Real alumnus Bruce A. Rendina Estate Services Inc., a leading prop- returned to campus to take erty management company that part in the College of Business’ manages more than 4 million Charles A. Bruning Distin- square feet of commercial and guished Speaker Series, he gave medical real estate. Rendina Bruce Rendina Isome sage advice to the students earned his Bachelor of Science de- in the audience: Don’t be afraid gree in accounting from FSU in to step out of the box and be an 1976. innovator. “Bruce Rendina, who is a The advice has paid off for long-standing friend of Florida Rendina, a pioneer in the medical State University, lives the values real-estate development industry we teach at FSU,” President T.K. who has donated $2 million to FSU Wetherell said. “Florida State owes to enhance student training in hos- the Rendina family a debt of grati- pitality on the university’s Alumni tude for its unselfish generosity to Center campus. In recognition of the university.” actions. Perhaps more importantly, “What put us on the map, in this generous gift, a suite will be Stepping out of the box to be however, are the solid relation- terms of medical real-estate devel- named after him at the Alumni an innovator has been the key in ships that Rendina Companies opment, was that we specialized in Center, and students will have the Rendina’s drive to build his com- builds with physicians and hospi- partnering with our hospital opportunity to benefit from the pany into the successful position tal systems. The company’s unique clients, which could be large hospi- generosity of the Rendina family. that it currently enjoys. Rendina ownership structure for health- tal systems or small, not-for-profit “It is my hope that this hospi- Companies has established solid care facilities provides physicians hospitals,” Rendina said. “In devel- tality suite will provide excellent relationships with lenders and in- and hospital systems with substan- oping a medical office building, we training opportunities for Florida vestors throughout the United tial equity participation without typically lease the land from the State University hospitality stu- States, having completed more any cash investment or loan guar- hospital and build the building, but (Continued on page 9) dents,” said Rendina, who is the than $1 billion in real-estate trans- antees. November 2006 FSU to hire 200 academic stars in cluster initiative By Jill Elish FSU News and Public Affairs the nation. university’s associate vice president ofadvancingtheuniversityinstrate- Over the next five years, FSU for Research. The themes are being gically targeted areas,” Ellington will authorize the hiring of about proposed, developed and imple- said. “This approach maximizes the lorida State University 200 new tenured or tenure-track fac- mented by current faculty to build opportunity to propel programs in- has embarked on what ulty members by recruiting in on the university’s unique academ- to national and international promi- may be one of the most groups of five to eight people fo- ic strengths in areas of intellectual, nence. Although we have many ambitious ongoing plans cused on an academic theme, ac- economic and social importance. programsthatareofworld-classcal- for academic “cluster” hiring in cording to W. Ross Ellington, the “Cluster hiring affords a means iber, many others are on the cusp of reaching such distinction. Cluster hires in these programs will provide F the vehicle for them to go to the next Tallahassee, FL 32310-6068 Florida State University 1600 Red Barber Plaza, SuitePublic 104 Broadcast Center level.” Many of the new hires will be senior faculty who will ar- rivewithfully established programs, grants, graduate students and post- doctoral fellows, Ellington said. Cluster hiring is part of the univer- sity’s “Pathways of Excellence” ini- tiative, a series of goals that includes enhancing the university’s federal grants and awards, scholarly pro- ductivity, graduate program and faculty recognition, and the breadth and number of students who earn doctoral degrees. There will be five rounds of campuswide competi- Montgomery, AL Permit #335 PAID U.S. Postage Organization Non-Profit tions to determine which cluster proposals will receive funding. FSU Photo Lab / Bill Lax Already, hiring is under way Ross Ellington, left, and T.K. Wetherell (Continued on page 9) 2 / November 2006 November 2006 / 3 A new President’s House to be elegant campus landmark By Fran Conaway University Communications gram Director Bob Bischoff, stu- Contributors to the President’s dents from across the university House will receive a wide array of are working on creating decora- benefits and recognition. For more A new President’s House is tive molding, plaster and decora- information, call Jeff Ereckson at rising at Florida State University. tive panels for the house. The stu- the FSU Foundation, (850) 644- After five years without an official dents are learning to use a special 8253, or e-mail jereckson@founda presidential residence on campus, material, fortified plaster, to make tion.fsu.edu. a gracious Greek-Revival-style the molds and create FSU-inspired As of September 2006, the fol- structure now is taking shape at items. lowing individuals and firms had the Alumni Center on West Ten- Florida State University’s first made generous contributions to the nessee Street. President’s House became a reali- President’s House: the Bruce A. Relying on private funds and ty in the spring of 1948. The home Rendina family, the Ghazvini fam- in-kind contributions, the new of eight FSU presidents and their ily, C.W. Roberts Contracting Inc., President’s House will provide a families, the “house on the hill,” as Spearman Management LLTBuild- campus landmark and unique set- it was known, became a beloved ing Corp., Jenkins Brick, Jackson- ting to reach out to university university landmark familiar to Cook LC, Childers Construction, friends and visitors. generations of alumni. Former stu- Cook Brothers, Ron Book, Culpep- An event and reception facil- dents fondly recall President’s Ice per Construction, Peter Brown ity as well as a private residence Cream Socials among the many its hospitality and celebrate its ac- try,the new home will be designed Construction, Siemens Building for the president and his family, university events hosted at the complishments. Like its predeces- to continue and build on the uni- Technologies, Earthcore/Isokern, the new President’s House will be house. sor and like presidents’ houses at versity’s tradition of excellence Cherokee Brick & Tile Co. and Bar- Come home. designed and decorated to reflect Eventually,though, time took major universities across the coun- and outreach. nett, Fronczak Architects. FSU’s distinguished heritage and its toll on the McIntosh House, and showcase campus treasures. the structure, originally built in This residence will give the 1895, deteriorated to the point that president and administration a it was no longer suitable as a resi- warm and charming environment dence. to reach out at the highest levels to Since 2001, FSU’s presidents current and potential supporters, have lived off-campus in private as well as national and interna- homes, and the old President’s tional dignitaries and scholars, leg- House, now renovated, serves as a islators and government officials, welcome center at the Alumni As- corporate representatives and sociation complex. granting agencies, alumni, boost- As it became clear that a new ers, faculty,staff members and stu- on-campus home was needed, Vir- dents. ginia Wetherell rolled up her Virginia Wetherell, wife of sleeves to consider designs and FSU President T.K. Wetherell, has develop the private resources taken a key role in the planning needed to make the home a reali- and design of the house. ty. “Weare so grateful for a num- The three-story residence will ber of very generous contributions serve as both the president’s pri- of funds, as well as services, mate- vate quarters (third floor) and a WHITEFENCE FARMS - A FLORIDA ADDRESS FOR ALL SEASONS. 331 231 Tallahassee rials, antiques and equipment, and venue for university hospitality Panama 10 Jacksonville Destin City Beach we are hoping that other FSU and special events (first and sec- TALLAHASSEE IS KNOWN AS “THE OTHER FLORIDA” WITH ITS DEEP-ROOTED friends and alumni will choose to ond floors). Florida-specific gar- WhiteFence Farms 75 4 help us as we move toward com- dens and landscaping will sur- SOUTHERN HISTORY, MILD SEASONS AND GRACIOUS HOSPITALITY. Orlando Tampa pleting this beautiful new resi- round and enhance the home. 95 dence,” she said. As former FSU President A CANOPY OF ANCIENT LIVE OAKS, DRAPED IN SPANISH MOSS, GUIDES YOU HOME The President’s House also Doak Campbell noted in his book, will provide valuable educational “A University in Transition,” a TO 373 ACRES OF ROLLING HILLS, HICKORY GROVES AND COMMUNITY FARMFIELDS. opportunities for students in president’s house is “much more FSU’s Dedman School of Hospital- than merely a place for the presi- ity, as well as for students in the dent and his family to live.” It al- FSU Photo Lab / Michele Edmunds LOCATED JUST EIGHT MILES EAST OF DOWNTOWN TALLAHASSEE, THREE TO TEN-ACRE Master Craftsman Program. Ac- so offers a gracious and unique FSU first lady Virginia Wetherell in front of the President’s House cording to Master Craftsman Pro- FARMSTEADS OFFER LARGE SPACES WITH ROOM TO GROW, QUIET TO THINK AND TIME TO setting for the university to extend Florida State University Vice President for Florida State Times The is published six times Board of Trustees DREAM.WE CALL IT WHITEFENCE FARMS.YOU’LL CALL IT HOME.
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