Tw~.~H~·J I I 'I ~ P It; BIRSTALL

Tw~.~H~·J I I 'I ~ P It; BIRSTALL

----~ - ~~~~~~A· ~ft~~p· ~- ~~~~-r~---~-. --~----------~------------~~~~~-~---~+_---~~~====~==~====~~~~======~~-~U~H~~~~~·~tW~.~H~·J I I 'I ~ P It; BIRSTALL ... 1558 Np RAVENFIELD 1563 f- 1 Tong 1550 Nr EDLINGTON 1731 2 Biarley .. 1824 ' Ns WADWORTH 1575 3 Drighlington 18 15 Nt · SRAITHWELL 4 CI"ckheaton 1761 1559 5 Liverseage 1813 Nu STAINTON 1566 WARMF 1 C:~8 CROFTON 1615 Nv WHISTON 1592 WITH DATE OF COMMENCEMENT OF REGISTERS m HUDDERSr-IE LD ... HEMSWORTH 1654 Nw WICKERSLEY 1567 1 Trini,y Church ACKWORTH 1558 Nx TR EETON 1677 2 P dddock B ADSWORTH 1680 Ny TODWICK 1577 EAST .A.RDS LEY 16S-l, J l Nz LAUGHTON EN LE MORTHEN 1562 GA RFORTH J Longwo d 1 Firbeck 1721 SWILLINGTON Slaithwafte Ed. KIRK SMEA TON 2 1612 5 ScafT'"":"'!:o ""'! "': n E" f-!1r.H HOYLAND ~. ~ ----.,;;;;;.....;;;......-- ---- ~ CASTLEFORD 6 Mar ·,.n I W"st Bretton Salvin 1592 FERRY FRYSTON 1674- ALMO. 'DBURY 2 West C layton 1720 BROTHERTON 1562 1 Lock,,"-co-d ,_AWTHORNE 1653 PONTEFRACT 1585 2 Linthwai,,. :::" e BURGHWALLIS 1596 1 Knottingley 1724 3 Soum C:-<>sland ;::g KIRK BRAMWITH 1700 -t. Meltham :::'h THURNSCOE 1619 1. Peculiar jurisdictions layover pa.rts of the 5 . E n CLAYTON WITH FRICKLEY •.• 1577 following parishes: Holmii .~ Eo HOOTON PAGNELL ••• 1538 I Ep ADWICK LE STREET .. 1547 ALMONDBURY-part of the Manor of Marsden E r BRODSWORTH 1538 (which also lay partially in the parish of Es OWSTON 1683 HUDDERSFIELD) IS t BARNBY UPON DON .•• 1600 ;:u KIRK SANDALL 1679 SA TLEY - tha Manor of Batley t:. v B OLTON UPON DEARNE 1560 E w H ICKLETON 1626 CALVERLEY - the Manor of Pudsey l---- ,'\ ECCLESFIELD - Town End in the township N a BARNBURGH ••. • 155 of Bolsterstone (sea also note 2) Nb MARR 172 Nc HIGH MELTON... 153 GOLDSBOROUGH - the township of Coney­ Nd ADWICK UPON DEARNE 169 thorp a Na WATH UPON DEARNE 159 Nether Hoyland. 1740 HA R EWOOD - the townships of Dukeswick and 2 Swinton 1815 Weeton 3 Wentworth 1654 Nf MEXBOROUGH ••• 156 HUDDERSFIELD part of tha Manor of Ng SPROTBROUGH • 155 Marsden (which also lay partially in the parish Nh WARMSWORTH • .• 159 of ALMONDBURY) Nj ARMTHO'RPE ••• 165 Nm RAWMARSH 165 KILDWICK - th... Manor of SUsden Nn HOOTON ROBERTS 170 No THRYBERGH .• • 159 KIRKB Y OVER BLOW - the townships of Rigton, Stainburn and Swindon LEATH LEY - the township of Castley LEEDS - part of the Manor of T e mple Newsham (which lay mainly in the parish of WHITKIRK) BARNOLDSWICK 1587 MIRFIELD - the Manor of Crossley THORNTGN IN CRAVEf'-j 1566 NORMANTON - the M'anor of Altofts 'ROWSHOLME (extra parochial) RIPLE Y - the townships of Clint and Killinghan ,OLTON BY BOWLAND 1558 RAC EWELL •• J 1587 SPOFFORTH - the townships o.f Plompton and \\A RTON IN CRAVEN 1548 Little Ribston SROUGHTON IN CRAVEN 1689 \ DDINGHAM 161 WARMFIELD - the Manors of Warmfield and SOUTH STAINLEY 165 Heath BURTON LEONARD 1672 20PGROVE 1584 WHITKIRK part of the Manor of Temple ~; TAVELEY 1558 Newsham (which also lay partially in the parish .dDD 1678 of LEEDS). ;;A RNHAM 1569 r.,A RTON CUM GRAFTON 1648 The peculiar jurisdiction which layover Town i(NARES BOROUGH 1561 End in the township of Bolsterstone 1 Harr ogate 1748 is not shown on this map. , .". rkendale 1780 ':f\VERAH PARK (extra parochial) The Lancashire parishes of WHALLEY and ~O :"'DSBOROUGH 1707 ROCHDALE in the Archdeaconry and Diocese MAULEVERE·R· ~L LERTON 1557 of Chester extended into the West Riding where :HIXLEY 1568 are the chapelries of Whitewell and Saddle­ U:.<\THLEY 1674 worth respectively. '< ( THER (detached) SAXTON IN ELMET 1538 ~ •. The Nottinghamshire parishes of BLYTH and L~ ED S, ST PETER 1572 FINNINGLEY in the Archdeaconry of Notting ­ Holy T rinity 1730 ham and Diocese of York . extended into the S t John 1725 West Riding. The parish of ROSSINGTON. S t Paul 1796 wholly in the West Riding. also lay in this Chapel Allerton 1789 Archdeaconry. ., Heading!ey 1723 Bramley 1717 5. The West Riding parishes of S EDBERGH, Arm.1ey 1722 BENTHAM, CLAPHAM and ·THORNTON IN Nortley , 1813 LONSDALE lay in the Western Deanery of Farnley 1773- Kirkby Lonsdale (which also extended into , i-I olbeck 1717 Lancashire and Westmorland) in the Archdeac­ :-Iun let 1686 onry of Richmond. The other West Riding . 17 O. "parishes in this Archdeaconry lay in the Eastern D eanery of Boroughbridge. WCODK!RK A peculiar jurisdiction layover the parishes I) 2 3 4 5 6 789 of GIS BURN and SAXTON IN ELMET prior to 1541. ES W ~ QTJ.-IIJ f ·m 1965 UfvlBERLAND L CAS ~,~Ac'~ g;J:~ WIT H DATE O F CO MM EN CE MENT O F RE G I STE RS. SCALE: 0 , l J .. ~ II 1 B 9 '0 ";:':::~Ak . I 0 PA,RI SI-IES ' I ~, + Chape/r/es VL VER S TON: Sr. MAllY JURISDICTIONS 1I0ly Triniljj ARCI-IDEACONRY OF CI-IESTER W£STMORLAND ARCIID£ACONRY OF !<ICflMOIVIJ PECULIAR OF THE J)EAN AN.D CHAP YORK -lZ- BLACKBi/R 1'/: T.MliRY 1568 Sr. J"lIn '1.99 Sf. Pf'/ul 1792 .t;!:P.:t.' f" 1921 tWCASTE!i?: • U : t'fA~Y , .loA" OVer j)arwen: ~ Anl1e YORKSHIRE Holy rr,il/IJ; 181;1 ~ cvA:q._- --- W E5,T RIDING Sr. James 17(J CHORLEY: ., S1; tAkllU.vcG Sr.l(eof"!}e NWchvl'eh. i" -!'/lM'le 15'7+ • S(/RY: Sr.M. U~Y I 1' S/:J{lI", ~------- ~ ~4 • .III1"J,I " 4~'" BOLTON: '"... "5 J Sr.PEUIl 1587 1IVeRPOO': Sf. fleorS. 1796 V. tVk,~ las ;600 All, Sa. .nls 1818 ~ PErEF/ 109<) /lo/y rrin:'t.!J 1826 let;eor.!l 'lJ'I- I; 'nJJ/nas 175'0 ~ Anne 177.5 r. ./",j" 17&7 oL [)II Af·t , 1,,& #,nitJ 1792 Sr. MAllY' I:Sk,ohen 1792 l$'s8 i':MaIMeJ./ 1l9i Sr.Perer /768 !, '/Irisr ClwrCh 1797 S/:James 18$0 II Stun!-s llC)o f: l'1arHn 's Ct'l11et~r!l 1119 ! ~ ~ l'1arys Cemeler.:; li06 ~----------------~RADCLIFFE: i':Br/de 1831 1:7: MARY 't: Cafherlne 1831 SI:T/'omo, j,IJavid 16'27 ;<: GuKe lip ~ Markn ,;, '*9 Flo/tls 1819 /; Mar!! /B/,'",,) 1829 ASIITON-IJNOER-LYN£: t. 1'14111114$ IIS+ sr MICNAEL. IS9.f. f. M/~AQ#I (~'fy) 1816 Sf. f'elvtr 18N ~Marlc lilS '//:wI '769 U'hlhp 1811 MANCfI£STER: ~ 511/"'1/ IIJI SS.MMY, ~ENIS ANP t;.!'D,fCE (COUECIAU CNvIfCN) 1575 SI:AMe 17j6 Sf: .lames /781 ~L TOtY- ON- TilE-#IL L: St.John 1761) r. MA-fY 15"16 SI: Mary 1756 I Mary . Edpe /r't/l IiI] S;-; M/cIrMI 171)/ ~ AnM, flnnlt1y 1132 Sf. Antl~ I ", AII'''Drs I1JI Sf. Clemgnt 179S :ytrl'on: Sf: vcor,J e 1811 SI': l'1aHMw 1116 i':AuJvsrlne t.t;I.rje SI-Paul 174S St.1'e/'er Ill) S CIIorll",,- Df/ - Metllock,' Sf. Lv.l:g 1105 CHES1-HRS AHS~n~ 1820 SI. S4Yiovr If/J 6 Salfortl: S .u;ro'/ Trillity '7°P, 51, !ii-elMln "9~ J..IARRINCTON ,' Iv'IC;A N: fir. I'llili/> 1116 ST. £{PNIN 15 91 AU SAllaS Cllrist Cllvre'" IIJI Holy_ li'i"if!! 1810 Sf. (ftor"ge Sf, 7I:WI II SI ~Sf lJerhy: 1737 11]1 1,,// PUBLISH£"0 BY TilE It1/Sf/ T/ITE OF H£RALOIC AND G£N£ALOC;ICAL S r VOIES, """" /111 GY(Jngt/''J 1 18;6 COI'1I'IL EP ANP PRAWN BY .t'.N.f.lEWITT AN/) FA,8 0XALi. Sf NOR 7"I·{G4 TE) C4 t1/ T£RBVRY, KENT, ENGLAND. ~UII£L[Y +"BARtlSEY + Isr6+ 1538 1I11~"'HAI'1 lSI' LEEDS +IIDlL THORNFR 'WH~BY ".,i I~06 1622+ 15&3 R!YO CHflPELR/FS S T . -prT~'" ('PI/I'! . eN) 15'7Z ST. ;;roH/V 17ZS IA,,.'TY GHVRcll , 7.30 .sT. 7>I/U/- ,,,'6 I . HCl/t"I'It;/-£y 1 7Z3 2. CHAP£L ~"'ATO'" 17n 3 . "BR.RI'r7LEY '7' T .. 11'..,.1£.£"'( 17~Z "'3 /77Z /7' ., 17ZD 1686 TH£ 50UT/-/£RN HALF" OF" THE ,-------,----""- I / I ,/ 0J[5T / " / f \ \ \ q.. •\ '. !I;l' ~ ", <t .tr \ .51l£FFI[LD + l\/!>/NG I 1560 ~ , ,I I " ~ I ":';) or YORK5f-1IR[ a .... S I. 1$ o , , , • I .s -<. SeRLE or :STII.TVT C o ~ o t s e Q NORTH RIDING Cf YORKSHIR£ St-40WING P.... RISHES ONl..Y, P..... lt l .... .e.OVNPAlj:(/£S ri AlII!» :DATe. .,r EIf,ItL.I£ST E N T itY' ul R £ o l S:rflfs, , Milu ,, ,, 1 ,, '\ c o v n t + D a. s L J THE NORTH RIDING or YORK5H1R£ SHO'-J' .... G PA,.A;I.H~" O",... Y . P..... ", .... &OUlllIloAtt/C'5 /IIVIb l>"TI[. .F £Aft.,... ENTICY' I ~ RL.'S"TU~ [WEST£RN HALF1 Sc.a.l... i n M i l. " ,, t , , ,, \, "( - ) Th~t: "1~ 1 t:,N' f PARISH :~ ,OF HALIFAX DIVIDED INTO TOWNSHIPS / '. " -' , ' . C>' . RE.GISTE.R5 C.OMMENCE. L 6T. PAULS. GROSSTONE (1,.,40) 2. S1: THOMAS: HE.PTON$TALL (ls,~) 1 5T. PETER'~ SOWER&Y (IW43) _.-., -1- 4. ST. MARY'S, LUDDENDEN (I «053) , . .'" 5. 51. MARY'S, ILLlN~WORTH (Hc,9S) '--'./ *" ~ C.HRlST CHURC.H, SOWER&Y &RIDGE ('709) l ST. BARTHOLOMEW!', RIPPONDEN ( 1(o8~ a HAL-I FAY. PARISH CHURC.H (1538) !t ST. JOHN'S, COLEY (17341 - IQ 51. MATTHEWS, LIGHTCLIFFE. (1704) I II. S1 ANNE'S, SOUTHOWRAM (181~) ,. '2, 6t MARY'S, E.LLAND (1559) --. 13. St MATTHEW'S, RASTRICK (1797) 14. $1. JAM£$'. HE.&DEN I!.RID6£ (l8~?') 15. ST. JOHN'~ E.RRINGDE.N (1813) ". ST. JAMES. HALIFAX ( 18~2) • II HOLY TRINITY, HALIFAX (17'8) ~ __ ~~~~f _____ 3~1 _____1~ ___ 4~_ 5~ __~t ____ -Lr __ ~18 18.

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