NOTICE INVITING TENDER (NIT) TELANGANA STATE COOPERATIVE RURAL IRRIGATION CORPORATION (TSCRIC), LIMITED # 10-2-289/107, 1st Floor, Road No.04, Shanthi Nagar, Masabtank, Hyd-500 004 Email : [email protected] Contact No: 9948021869 / 9989930339 * * * * TENDER DOCUMENT Tender Notice No: EE/RIC/MDK/RKVY/2020-21/01,Dt:08-01-2021 of EE, TSCRIC Name of the Work: - Construction of Covered shed of Size 30 x 12 mtrs. (Area 360.00 Sqmtr) in Rangampet (V), Kulcharam (M), Medak District under RKVY 2018-19. Issued to:- Open to all firms /Contractors 1 Contractor Executive Engineer, TSCRIC LTD. Contents INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS .................................................................................................. 5 A – GENERAL .................................................................................................................................. 5 B. Tender Document ....................................................................................................................... 9 C. PREPARATION OF TENDERS ............................................................................................ 9 Annexure –I ............................................................................................................................................... 16 DECLARATION ...................................................................................................................... 17 Conditions of Contract ...................................................................................................................... 22 A. General .................................................................................................................................... 22 B. TIME FOR COMPLETION ............................................................................................. 27 BILL OF QUANTITIES ................................................................................................................... 54 PREAMBLE ................................................................................................................................ 54 BILL OF QUANTITIES ................................................................................................................... 60 [Part-I] ............................................................................................................................................. 60 BILL OF QUANTITIES ............................................................................................................... 68 PRICE BID .............................................................................................................................. 69 2 Contractor Executive Engineer, TSCRIC LTD. GOVERNMENT OF TELANGANA MAREKTING DEPARTMENT * * * NOTICE INVITING TENDER Tender Notice No: EE/RIC/ MDK /RKVY/2020-21/01, Dt: 08-01-2021. Tenders for the work mentioned below are invited from the contractors/contracting firms registered with Government of Telangana 1) Name of the work : Construction of Covered shed of Size 30 x 12 mtrs. (Area 360.00 Sqmtr) in Rangampet (V), Kulcharam (M), Medak District under RKVY 2018-19. 2) Estimate contract value of work put to tender : Rs: 21,77,066.00 3) Period of completion of work : 70 days 4) Form of contract / class of contractor eligible : L.S i) As per GO Ms No: 178, I&CAD (PW-COD) Department dated: 27.09.1997: Class - III (Civil) and higher ii) As per GO Ms No: 132 T(R&B) department dated: 11.08.1998: Class - III (Civil) and higher iii) As per GO Ms No: 8 T(R&B) department dated: 8.01.2003: Class - IV (Civil) and higher iv) As per GO Ms No: 94 I&CAD (PW&COD) department dated: 01.07.2003: Class - IV (Civil) and higher v) As per GO Ms No: 66, I&CAD department dated: 20.04.2015 vi) GHMC Registered contractors are not eligible to participate the tender vii) The deductions for Labour Cess, GST, IT will be made as per the Government rules inforce. 5) a) E.M.D to be paid in the shape of crossed : Rs: 21,771/- demand draft in favour of Managing Director, TSCRIC., obtained from Nationalized bank or any scheduled commercial bank, at 1% of the estimated contract value of work along with bid documents b) Tender Processing Fee (Non- Refundable): 2500/- in favor Managing Director, TSCRIC Ltd., + GST 18% in favor GST. 6) Date and time for receipt and of tenders : From 08/01/2021 at 04.00 PM To 21/01/2021. 7) Last date and time for submission of tenders : 21/01/2021 up to 2.00 PM 3 Contractor Executive Engineer, TSCRIC LTD. 8) Date and time of opening of tenders a) Technical bid : Not applicable b) Price bid : 22/01/2021 at 3.00 PM 2. a) The bidders need to contact for information on tscric.org. b) The bidders need to register on tscric.org . On registration they will be provided with a user ID and password by the system, using which they can submit their bids online. c) While registering on the online bidders need to scan and upload the required documents as per the tender requirements on to their profile. d) Such uploaded documents need to be attached to the tender while submitting the bids. Online self service registration facility to such of the contractors can only participate for eligibility. 3. A copy of valid contractor / firm registration proceedings shall be enclosed along with the hard copies of the tender documents. 4. The tenderer shall hand over the original EMD and transaction fee in the shape of crossed demand draft to the Executive Engineer, TSCRIC LTD., Hyderabad authorized representative directly or through his agent or by registered post or by courier service so as to reach before opening of the price bid. 5. Eligibility criteria for opening the price bid: i) Class of Contractors eligible: Class –IV & above As per G.O. Ms No. 94, dt: 1.7.2003 of I&CAD and G.O. MS 130, dt: 22.5.2007 of I & CAD (PW: Reforms) ii) To furnish Copy of PAN Card iii) Copy of PAN Card and Copy of Latest Income Tax returns for the assessment year 2019-20 submitted along with proof of receipt. iv) The bidder should produce the copy of GST Registration with commercial tax department Registered with Telangana State. 6. The tenders will be opened by the Managing Director, TSCRIC LTD., Hyderabad or his nominee at his office in the presence of tenderers / or their authorised representatives, on the date mentioned above. 7. The price-bids of such tenderers, who are determined to have complied with the eligibility criteria, will only be opened. 8. If the office happens to be closed on the dates specified above, the respective activity will be performed at the designated time on the next working day without any notification. 9. Any other details can be had from the office of the Executive Engineer, TSCRIC LTD, Office Address: # 10-2-289/107, 1st Floor, Road No.04, Shanthi Nagar, Masabtank, Hyd-500 004. 4 Contractor Executive Engineer, TSCRIC LTD. INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS A – GENERAL Name of work: - Construction of Covered shed of Size 30 x 12 mtrs. (Area 360.00 Sqmt) in Rangampet (V), Kulcharam (M), Medak District under RKVY 2018-19. Scope of work: a) Period of completion: 70 days b) SSR adopted : Common SSR 2019-20 c) Rates adopted for a) Cement: 5500.00 Rs / 1 MT (As per GO) b) Steel: HYSD bars: Rs. 48,000.00 / 1 MT (As per GO) d) Details of provisions included in the ECV put to tender i) LA & LI at --- i) Seigniorage charges: as per clause 100 ii) Turnover Tax [TOT]: as per clause 101 iii) Store shed ---- iv) Bore wells --- v) Other allowances ---- e) Reimbursable Provisions. i) Technical personnel : Nil ii) Insurance premium : Nil iii) Avagahana Sadassu : Nil The Executive Engineer, Hyderabad, invites tenders on behalf of Managing Director, TSCRIC Ltd., for the above work vide NIT No: EE/RIC/MDK/RKVY/ 20- 21/01,Dt:08-01-2021 of EE, TSCRIC. The tenderer shall hand over the original DDs to the Executive Engineer, TSCRIC LTD., Hyderabad, authorized representative directly or through his agent or by registered Post or by courier service so as to reach before opening of the price bid and the receipt of the same within the stipulated time shall be the responsibility of the bidder. Department will not take any responsibility for any delay or non-receipt. The tenders will be opened by the Executive Engineer, TSCRIC LTD., Hyderabad, or his nominee at his office in the presence of tenderers or their authorised representatives, on the dates mentioned in NIT. If the Office happens to be closed on the dates, the opening of tenders gets automatically postponed to the next working date, the time being unaltered, unless extended by a notification published in News papers or sent through Fax/telegrams to all those who purchased the tender documents. The successful (L1) tenderer shall furnish the original hard copies of all the documents / certificates / statements uploaded by him before concluding agreement. The successful tenderer is expected to complete the work within the time period specified in the NIT. 2. Firms Eligible to Tender: The Firms who i) Possess the valid registration in the class and category mentioned in the NIT and satisfy all the conditions therein. 5 Contractor Executive Engineer, TSCRIC LTD. ii) are not blacklisted or debarred or suspended by the Government for whatever the reason, prohibiting them not to continue in the contracting business. iii) Have complied with the eligibility criteria specified in the NIT. are the eligible tenderers. Firms Ineligible to Tender: i) A retired officer of the Govt. of TS or Govt. of India executing works is disqualified from tendering for a period of two years from the date of retirement
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