THE GILPIN OBSERVER. VOL. XV. CENTRAL CITY, COLO., THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1901. NO. 18 PERSONALS. his family near Steamboat Spring, Routt RUSSELL GULCH. couuty, arrived last Sunday. He re- Mining John H. Reiley came up from Denver mained here until Tuesday morning, Department. & Richardson Co. are ranking fair Observer Tuesday. The on when he left for Golden, where he will headway in unwatering the Topeka mine. Hon. J. C. McShane was up from visit his daughter, Mrs. Henry Weid- LOMR.4RD-POL AltlS GOLD. ver Mrs. Evan Evans, of Denver, is pay- f glance is readily discernible, some of it is from 16 to 25 feet over to the vein. Arvada on Tuesday. raan. The professor is now settled down (K: Dr. Abo Ashbaugh’s golden goose at ing a visit to her friend, Mrs. j the glance being in crystalized form. This will require about five days to reach in the garden spot of northwestern Colo- Edward tho Lombard-Polaris mine, west of this Hon. J. W. Bostwick returned from Jones. Last Thursday the State Ore Sampling the vein. Power drills are used. When rado as a tiller of the soil and city, last week laid another golden egg Denver on Monday evening. ntock- 1 works gave an assay certificate of 5,290 the vein is reached a drift will be ex- raiser. Ranch life seems to be conducive Mrs. E. W. Williams, of Denver, is the weighing 43 ounces, taken from nine and ounces silver Mrs. F. J. Bullene and daughter Fran- guest of Mr. and and 41-100 ounces gold per tended on the vein to connect with the to good health and he is ns fat and Mrs. Frank Stanfeld, two-thirds cords of stamp mill ore. The cis were visitors at Golden last Sunday. ton, or a commercial value of 83.244.60 625-foot level of the Queen of the West rugged as a cinnamon bear. of thie place. mill concentrates are netting from 815 ton. per Since then P. R. Alsdorf of property. The company will then have Fred Warwick was up the first of the Hugh R. Hughes, Denver, was a as The Humboldt—Kansas—Union, of of to as high 830 per ton at the smelters. the Standard assay ofilco made two a good body of ore to backstope week from Denver calling on his friends from. August 3, says: “Mrs. Charles Schaffner visitor here Saturday and Sunday, re- JULY OKK <SH 11*>1 ENTS. assays which gave tho following values: here. Owen Hughes, who is opening up the departed to-day for Central City, Colo- turning Monday. Although July wan a short month in Silver 3,800 ounces silver or 82,284 per Hughes vein in Virginia canon which Guy Laird arrived from Denver Mon- rado, where she will visit her sou, Mrs. Matt Lewis and Miss Lizzie Jones the production of smelting ore, owing to toe, the second piece assaying 1.20 penetrates Bellevieu mountain, has cut day evening and will remain hero for Charles Schaffner, and the family of are visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Carr and large number of miners laying off a ounces gold and 25,800 ounces silver, a into a fine appearing grade of smelting several days- Mr. William Job, for several weeks. She family at Boulder. week for the Fourth'of July, as is their total commercial value of 815,504. iron. Edward Jones, of Russell Gulch, Professor F. H. Clark, principal of the hopes to benefit her health by this trip Peter usual custom, yet there were or At the time of the visit of the reporter Barnabi and wife left for Den- 310 cars, is interested with Mr. Hughes in this public schools, returned from Chicago and her friends join in /a shipped this hope.” Mrs. ver Tuesday morning, Mrs. Barnabi 5,380 tons, from Black Hawk of The Observer the bottom of the adit property. last Saturday. Schaffner arrived here Saturday evening. being in during July, 1901, which includes the was filled with rock which had not been i poor heulth. The Richard Sykes is a six weeks A. Baleria, crudo ore and mill concentrates. This wheeled out. This caused quite a pool water in the Buell mine main enjoying this city, left for Denver Another dance will be given at Zanca- shaft way vacation at tho seaside resorts in Maine. Tuesday is an increase of 71 cars over the cor- of water to collect aud dam up at the is below the 4C3-foot station, afternoon from whence in com- nella hall next Sunday evening, dancing and good His wife is with him. with his wife and responding mouth in 1900. The increase breast of the tunnel which prevented headway is being made in pany cnild he leaves to commence at 7 o’clock. to for Buffalo, New York, where was 30 pur cent. his digging down into the place where lowering the 500-foot level. Tho Ed. L. Harris returned from Denver they at M. K. Ames, wife and daughter left \ Cameron steam pump appearances Tuesday. accompaniod by teud the exposition being the silver glance came from. to all Idst lie was held in that for Denver, Saturday evening. COLORADO SELL UTAH MINE Mr. MEN A The course of the adit is north of east, is doing very good service. Just at his daughter, Miss Florence. city, and thence will go to Philadelphia, Eben Smith, of Denver, and H. E. Ames went east from that place. which, if continued on, would doubtless present there is a large amount of open P. J. Donahue, of Marengo, lowa, is in Pa., where they visit a brother of Mr. Casey, formerly of.Colorado, last Thurs- Thomas Treloar, of the Comstock strike the Gilpin and Ooaley silver or worked out ground full of water the city, looking around among tho Baleria. They will bo absent three day sold the Causa mine at Tintic, Utah, mine, Idaho district, was calling on his mines on the west side of which necessarily makes the uuwatering mines. He left hero in 1873. weeks. to Clarence K. McCormick, a Salt Lake Glaughter- friends here Saturday and Sunday. House gulch, they having been dis- of the workings very slow. Profes9sor F. H. Clark pilated a party banker, for 8630,< 10. Smith and Casey Miss Lettie McLeod came in from Gil- Those who took the covered by Lesher Bros, way Pullham and Simmons are still of sightseers to James peak last Tuesday in Quarto-Cen- ago back in the con- pin Friday evening and spent two days purchased the property two years tinuing night. They rainy night tennial celebration at Boulder last week 60’s and worked quite extensively bv work on their Williams mine in with her parents in this city. had a of it, for 8123,000, and it had been paying them have returned to their homes in this the late Robert 11. Teats, who erected a Lake district. They nre working at a and failed in eeeiDg a morning sunrise monthly in dividends. It is a H. Trunson and wife, of Colon, Neb., place. 513.000 silver mill on North Clear creek, below depth of 300 feet, the water huving from that elevated point. They returned copper and goid producer, the ore w&re guests at the Teller. Mrs. Trunson Black Hawk, for the treatment of the driven them out of the lower workings. about 11 o’clock yesterday morning, Humphrey Vaughan returned Tues- averaging nearly 850 per ton. is a niece of Herman Pederson, Sr., this day ore mined from the two latter veins. Steve Hoskiu, manager of the Free- very much fatigued from their night’s from Denver. He is feeling but city. experience. leaving KAXSAS-RURKOUOHS ORE OUTPUT. The mill is accredited with having dom mine on Winnebago hill informs little better than when here last James Couch left Saturday morning week. Manager P. McCann, of tho Kansas- taken out as high as "8300,000. On the The Observer that the Mrs. J. B. McKay, returned from a operators of for Aspen, Pitkin county, where ho will Burroughs Consolidated Mining com- same mountain is the Liuden Castle, that property are keeping up their for- ten days visit with Denver friends E. W. Williams came up to Central enjoy a ten days’ vacation visiting pany, reports that for the month of July, property of the late Dr. James H. Reid, mer yesterday was City from Denver on Monday evening shipments of stamp mill; and smelt- friends. morning. She accom- 1901, the output of ore from the com- the Democrat, owned by Major Hal ing ore as well as their development panied by Mrs. James Bernard, of Boul- nnd visited the Special payment mine pany’s holdiugs on the Kansas and Bur- Sayr and A. 11. Whitford, .and the Black work. Will Roberts, formerly with LI. P. der. The latter will remain here the next day. roughs on hill, Nevada district, Jack, owned by James Davies &. Cl’s Pharmacy, this city, has eral Quartz A. Perley and John F. Hopkins, of Denver, Seth A. days, the gues* of the former lady. The Xevadaville, Central City and was 250 tramway cars others, all returned to Denver. Mr. Roberls is now- which represented of which have received a large Howes and Fred L. Siegel have incor- Charles Trenoweth, of the Central Russell Gulch Hare and Hound club, 2,125 and amount of in business in Denver tons of stamp mill smelting development. When silver porated the New Sleepy Hollow Gold Shoe and Clothing company, drove over last Sunday, paid a visit to the Idaho ore, the stood at the 100 point they came greatest proportion of which paid largely.
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