M .n l 3 0 9 W. A. L. BLEY, JR.. ETAL 3,381,216 11C0 B 8NE w F‘ A TEXTI SPINNlNG FRAME OR THE LIKE AND 9MA 61M AC FOR T NING THE MISALIC'NMENT AND TO NBAAI OMN THE O F A SFINDLE THEREIN DC?‘EEH Eme srunnEd IEMRS I18 mo. t . 10, 1965 E WM% J AU,LE my, xw, w,amA 9%w ww SI . 3,381,216 United States Patent 0 ” C3, Patented Apr. 30, 1968 p I 2 means to each of the encasing coils and means for reading 3,381,216 the cycles of electric current to determine the misalign COMBINATION OF A TEXTILE SPINNING FRAME ment of the spindle, e.g., if the readings of electric current OR THE LIKE AND A MECHANISM FOR DETER MINING THE MISALIGNMENT AND TO AID IN are equal, then the spindle is centered within the spinning THE CENTERIN G OF A SPINDLE THEREIN ring, or if one or more of the readings of the current is William A. L. Sibley, Jr., Greenville, S.C., and Robert F. not equal to the other readings, then the spindle is out McNab, In, Greensboro, N.C., assignors to J. 1’. Stevens of alignment and can be manually aligned until the read & Co., Inc., a corporation of Delaware ings are equal. Filed Sept. 10, 1965, Ser, No. 486,465 ‘Some of the objects and advantages of the invention 5 Claims. (Cl. 324-34) having been stated, other objects and advantages will ap~ 10 pear as the description proceeds when taken into con junction with the accompanying drawings, in which: ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE FIGURE 1 is a front elevational view, partly in sec The combination of a textile spinning frame or the like tion, of a portion of a spinning frame illustrating a ro and a mechanism for determining the misalignment and tatable spindle, a spinning ring, and the means of this in to aid in the centering and plumbing of a spindle therein 15 vention by which a cycle of current is caused to be in comprising a rotatable spindle, a spinning ring, means duced in a coil surrounding a permanent magnet when the removably attached to the spinning ring to produce a means is rotating on the spindle; plurality of magnetic ?elds equally spaced around the FIGURE 2 is a perspective view illustrating the means spindle, means attached to the spindle to rotate therewith of this invention for attachment to the spinning ring to and to cause to be induced a cycle of electric current in produce a plurality of magnetic ?elds equally spaced each of the magnetic ?elds for each rotation of the spindle around the spindle and the means for reading the cycles which is directly related to the nearness of the rotating of electric current; means to each of the magnetic ?elds, and means for read FIGURE 3 is a perspective View of the means of this ing the cycles of electric current to determine the mis invention for attachment to the spinning ring, as illu alignment of the spindle. 25 strated in ‘FIGURE 2, and further illustrating spring steel ?ngers for attachment thereof to the spinning ring; FIGURE 4 is an enlarged elevational view, partly in This invention relates to a mechanism for determining section, of the spindle and spinning ring illustrated in the misalignment of a spindle in a textile spinning frame FIGURE 1 and showing the means of FIGURE 3 at or the like and more particularly to aid in the centering tached to the spinning ring and to the spindle; or plumbing of a spindle in a textile spinning frame or FIGURE 5 is a cross sectional view taken substan the like. tially along the line 5—-5 of FIGURE 4; and Heretofore, spindle centering or plumbing in a textile FIGURE 6 is a schematic wiring diagram of the mech spinning frame or the like has been performed by an anisms illustrated in FIGURE 2. operator through viewing of a spindle in a top position of Referring now to the drawings, a portion of a textile the spinning ring and a bottom position of the spinning spinning frame or the like is illustrated in FIGURE 1 ring with the aid of a plug, the outside diameter of which and includes a rotatable spindle 10 having the usual whorl is slightly less than the inside diameter of the ring. If the 11 to receive a driving tape 12 for rotating the spindle spindle appears to be misaligned through either of these 10. The spindle 10 is rotatably received in the usual visual inspections, the operator would manually center 40 bolster casing 13 which is mounted in an. aperture in a the spindle within the spinning ring to the best of his spindle or base rail 14 and is held in position thereon by judgment. a nut 15 tightened against the bottom of the spindle rail It is important that the spindle be centered within the 14 on the threaded portion of the bolster casing 13 so spinning ring from both a gOod running standpoint, i.e. that the spindle rail 14 will be sandwiched between a minimize end breakage, and to obtain a desired package ?ange on the upper end of the bolster casing 13 and the of yarn during the spinning process. The problem of mis nut 15. alignment of the spindle becomes more acute in high The portion of the textile spinning frame illustrated in speed spinning operations and the trend in the textile in FIGURE 1 further includes a spinning ring 20‘ disposed dustry at present is de?nitely toward more and more high around the spindle 10 and adapted to move longitudinally speed operations. Also, certain designs of textile spinning with respect to the spindle 10, in the direction of the frames or the like have rendered the above visual in arrow shown in FIGURE 1, for purposes well under spection procedure of aligning a textile spindle virtually stood by those with ordinary skill in the art. impossible due to portions of the machine obstructing an It is desirable to have the spindle 10 centered within operator’s view of the spindle Within the spinning ring. the spinning ring 20 to accomplish the desired spinning It is, therefore, an object of this invention to provide action, for reasons well known by those with ordinary a mechanism for determining the misalignment of a skill in the art. As set forth above, this has been hereto spindle in a textile spinning frame or the like to elimi fore performed by visually inspecting the position of the nate the necessity of a visual inspection and to aid in spindle within the spinning ring at a bottom position of more accurately and precisely aligning or centering the the spinning ring at the bottom of the spindle, as shown spindle Within the spinning ring. in FIGURE 1, and at a top position of the spinning ring at the top of the spindle, not shown. It has been found by this invention, that the above ob The mechanism of this invention for determining the ject may be accomplished by providing a mechanism hav misalignment and to aid in centering of the spindle 10 ing means adapted to be attached to the spinning ring in within the spinning ring 20 comprises a hollow measur cluding a plurality of permanent magnets having sur 65 ing head, generally indicated at 30, which may be con rounding encasing coils to produce a plurality of mag structed of any suitable material and which includes three netic ?elds equally spaced around the spindle, means matched permanent magnets 31 having surrounding, en adapted to be attached to the spindle to rotate therewith casing coils 31a equally spaced around the measuring and to cause to be induced a cycle of electric current in head 30 and from the center thereof so that the magnets each of the encasing coils for each rotation of the spindle 31 will produce three magnetic ?elds equally spaced which is directly related to the nearness of the rotating around the measuring head 30. 3,381,216 3 A The measuring head 30 includes a plurality of spring equal readings are obtained thereon when equal electrical steel ?ngers 32 equally space therearound and conform currents are induced within coils 31a. ing substantially to the inside circumference of the spin~ The ammeters 50 are calibrated into microamperes ning ring 20, but slightly larger. All of the spring ?ngers‘ ‘from 0-100 and each microampere represents generally 32 are of substantially equal resiliency so that the meas Cl 0.001 of an inch at a given spindle speed between the uring head 30 may be attached to the spinning ring 20 and sleeve 40 and the magnetic coils 31 so that the exact frictionally held thereon by the spring ?ngers 32 inserted amount of misalignment of the spindle 10 may be deter within the spinning ring 20. The equal resiliency of each mined. of the spring ?ngers 32 will center the measuring head Thus it may be seen, that a mechanism is provided for relative to the spinning ring 20 so that the magnetic ?eld 10 measuring the misalignment of a spindle in a textile spin produced by the magnets 31 will vbe equally spaced ning frame or the like to eliminate the necessity of a around the spinning ring 20 and around the desired axis visual inspection and to provide an aid in very accurately of rotation of the spindle 10. and precisely aligning or centering the spindle within the The mechanism of this invention further includes a spinning ring.
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