.. .... Arab-Israel JERUSALEM POST MARsms N_,gotUiwns: u.s. tic~ wh1> often kill one another." according to the Egyptian view. Mubarak, Hussein Sp~:aking about relations with Israel. Ali said: ·•Bilateral relations ar.: there . All we have to do is to lZive life to the peace treatv. In fact. act together to find lsradis are cwrywhere. ·as tourists, lllurnalists and in the Academic Cultural Centre which has been re­ newc~ . ·· Ali takes pride in the fact partners for talks that tomorrow he will OJ)<!n the "During his visit in Washington Egyptian fair which will include an ByARIRATH next week. President Mubarak will Israeli pavill ion , just as he opened Jerusalem Post Cort'epondent clarify to President Reagan how one the book fair. including an Israeli CAIRO.- Egyptian Prime Minster can keep up the peace momentum stand. ~e' era I weeks ago~ Kamal Hassan Ali said yesterday following the meeting with Hussein Stressing that one ha-s to build now that new steps are being taken in full and the Hussein-Arafat agree­ for the future and should not dwell coordination with King Hussein to ment." Ali said. to0 much on the past. Ali neverthe­ C't resolve the problem of forming a less voices a. number of complaints, ~ Ali hoped that following Mubar- joint Jordanian-Palestinian delega­ . ak's Washington visit. the U.S. .. which in his view soured relations. 0 tion including moderate Palesti- r:: would again step up its active in­ "We should not speak about the last nians. volvement in the Middle East for the two-three years. because many ..... He was confident that the solution benefit of the peace process . things happened which could. spoil > President Hosni Mubarak and Hus­ . It is understood that in trying to our relations. There was the destruc­ .... sein discus.o;ed at Wedne~ay's ~urn­ get a U.S. dialogue going with a joint tion of Yamit, the invasion of Leba­ 0 mit meeting in Ghardaka will be Jordanian-Palestinian delegation, non and suspension of our dia­ > acceptable to all the parties con­ Egypt intends to create a situation logue.·· Ali said. cerned. He charged the former Likud gov­ ~ where there would be no need for a J.t Ali explained that the Palestinians· UN umbrella for Middle East nego­ ernment with having stopped the 0 in such a joint delegation would tiations, at least not until a very late dialogue. "I was foreign minister for ~ include people who "abide by inter­ Q) stage. four vears and we could have talked J.t national laws and are not carriers of Ali was particularly pleased that about Taba. as well as a number of rifles." but he declined to mentiol\ Hussein had stood fast and not per­ other issues. but it was Israel which II) any names for the record. ( II) mitted any changes or amendments stopped the talks. Now you are with­ 4) drawing from Lebanon and I hope The Egyptian Prime Minister 1 to his agreement with PLO ChairJ ~ asked specifically to emphasize to man Yasser Arafat. That applies that you will soon withdraw to the c. the Israeli public that Egypt will particularly to article two of the international border. But what is ~ -continue and step up its dialgoue agreement, which refers to the unity h.&Wening with\~ s .hi:ite~. who are 01 with lsro~el, and predicted an ex­ between Jordan and the West Bank , human beings. could also spoil the within the context of a confedera­ •c change of official visits at various relations somehow.·· Ali said. tion. '0 levels in the foreseeable future. Looking towards the future. the .... Political circles here point out that ~·Egypt will never double-cross Egyptian Prime Minister lists a num­ E this is the first time that a document you.·· he pledged, stressing that ber of credit points for Israel. "You which has the consent of the PLO Egypt is serious and sincere in its have already taken some steps to doc:; not refer to an independent quest for peace. make life easier in the West Bank "In our continuing dialogue you Palestinian state. with some confidence-building mea­ will be able to see that our intentions Sc:nior ~nv.:rnme:lt officials in sures. There is a hopeful start to the ar!! to push the peace process (or­ t ·;..ir,, stres~ that a PLO without Taba talks regarding a possible in­ ward. since our final goal is a lasting Geonze Hahash. ;-laif Hawatme and volvement of the MFO and we hope peace in the region. I am quite Ahmed Jibril is an entirely different. to be able to move soon to arbitra­ :~nfident that you have the same PLO. tion. That gives a boost to our rela­ ·intentions. You do not want to re­ Ali pointeJ out in this connection tions and we "'ill try and help. main in a state of war for another :h••• Hu~sein's meeting with ~lubar­ "Israel should realize that a com­ 30-40 .years." Ali reiterated. ak wa~ pn:c.:ded bv a- visit of three prehensive peace in the region 'enivr PLO ;1ftidals to Amman. who means that Egypt will be a bridge Speaking in an interview with TIJ~ '•.Ill" <>l·cectc.J H ussdn ·s explanation between Israel and the Arab world. J~ru.salmr Post at his office in the "i ,;,, ;t!!r.e.:ment with Aratat. with· This is important to you. Not only :heart of Cairo - a picturesque. l >Ut anv .:han~:e~ . being linked to California," Ali con­ . Ali ~;aid the Egyptian delegation at Renaissance-style palace from the cluded. •:••u~ ·:: .' · ·· days of Egypt's monarchy- Premier •.he: (Jhard<~ka talks WCIS pleased that Ali stated that the Ghardaka summit ; I u~~.:in haJ insisted that not e\ en had been ver_• positive. both from •• nc iettcr iu his agreement with Hussein's and from Egypt's point of \rafat b-:: ~han>!ed. view. "There were absolutely no - \~ >..-..:n ir<1rTI Cairo. the .. new .. disagreements between President PL ~ · 1 pp~:ar~ far mon: moder;..te;: Muharak and King Hus.o;ein and we ilbn ::..-t ur..: : .. 1~ \s.witJa~~t , the fana- .t..,,..ll . ! • . ~ . ' were often astonished at how similar the thinking ufboth delegations was. 25 .
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