The Kremlin in Eastern Europe By E R. Frank Jacob Sverdlov By Leon Trotsky • (lass Struggles in Japan Tile Plebiscite in Greece Tile Wallace Affair JACOB SVERDLOV First President, Soviet Republic November 1946 =============25 C'ents STATEMENT OF THE OWNER­ SHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULA­ TION, ETC., REQUIRED BY THE rManager's Column I FOURTH INTERN ATION AL ACTS OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1912, AND MARCH 3, 1933 Of F 0 u r t h International,. published VOLUME 7 November 1946 No. 11 (Whole No. 72) monthly at New York, N. Y., for Bundle order increases indicate an Uctober 1, 1946. upward trend in sales of FOURTH State of New York } INTERNATIONAL. Published monthly by the County of New York 81!1. Before me, a Notary Public In L. Morris, Connecticut State Fourth International Publishing Association and for the State and county afore­ said, personally appeared Reba Agent, writes: "Believe it or not, 116 University Place, New York 3, N. Y. Telephone: Algon­ Aubrey, who, having been duly we need some more October FI's. quin 4-9330. Subscription rates: $2.00 per year; bundles, sworn according to law, deposes 20c for 5 copies and up. Foreign: $2.50 per year; bundles, and says that she is the Business We covered a meeting of the Yale 21c for 5 copies and up. Manager of the Fourth Interna­ Union (similar to the Oxford Union) tional and that the following is, to Entered as second-class matter May 20, 1940, at the post the best of her knowledge and be­ featuring Norman Thomas on 'Soh­ lief a true statement of the own­ office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3, 1879. ership, management (and if a daily oh-cialism.' We sold four Frs, 10 Managing Editor: E. R. FRANK paper, the circulation), etc' of the aforesaid publication for t he date Militarits,· and 24 pamphlets. So shown in the above caption, re­ send us five more copies of the quired by the Act of August 24, 1912, as amended by the Act of October FI, in addition to the three March 3, 1933, embodied in section CONTENTS 537, Postal Laws and Regulations, extra I have already ordered. We printed on the reverse of this form, may still need more." Review of the M'onth to wit: 1. That the names and addresses George Grant, Cleveland Agent, of the publisher, editor, managing The Wallace Affair ................................................ 323 editor, and business managers are: requests: "Please increase our bun­ Pu b lisher, Fourth International dle order for FOURTH INTERNA­ Plebiscite in Greece ................................................. 324 Publishing Assn., 116 University Place, N.Y.C. 3; Ed ito r, E. R. TIONAL by five copies a month, Frank, 116 University Place, N.Y.C. beginning with the October issue. Class Struggles in Japan ............................................ 325 3; Managing Editors, James P. Cannon, Vincent R. Dunne, 116 We have had considerable success Jacob Sverdlov .............................. University Place, N.Y.C. 3; Busi­ By Leon Trolsky .... 327 ness Manager, Reba Aubrey, 116 with the FI in a drugstore near the University Place, N.Y.C. 3. Western Reserve University campus. The Kremlin in Eastern Europe ........ By E. R. Frank .... 330 2. That the owner is: (If owned by a corporation, its name and ad­ We started with foul'- copies there An Open Letter to the Editor of "New International" dress must be stated and also im­ several months ago, but we left mediately thereunder the names By E. Germain .... 345 and addresses of stockholders own­ seven of the last issue and they ing or holding one per cent or more of total amount of stock. If not were sold out." On the Opportunist Utilization of Democratic Slogans owned by a corporation, the names and addresses of the individual E. Brent, Detroit Agent, writes: By E. Germain .... 346 owners must be given. If owned by "C. Neil, who is in charge of news­ a firm, company, or other unincor­ porated concern, its name and ad­ stands, is going to try to place our Correspondence from Malaya ....................................... 349 dress, as well as those of each in­ literature on some new stands near dividual member, must be given.) Egyptian Notes ............................................................ 351 F 0 u r t h International Publishing schools and universities, as Carl's Assn., 116 University Place, N. Y.C. 3; E. R. Frank 116 University Bookshop at 9109 Woodward Ave. Printed by Criterion Linotyping & Printing Co., Inc. Place, N.Y.C. 3; James P. Cannon and Vincent R. Dunne, 116 Uni­ has been selling more FOURTH versity Place, N.Y.C. 3; Reba Au­ INTERNATIONALS than all the brey, 116 University Place, N.Y.C. 3. other stands put together:' 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and 0 the r security doom. That's how I know that capi­ velt, Truman, etc., appear to defend holders owning or holding 1 per • • • talism can't last much longer. I'd it and commit such crimes against cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securi­ Jarvis Mitchell, a worker living like to get this fdea into print. No helpless people, even torturing little ties are: (If there are none, so in Cambridge, sent the following capitalist paper would take my com­ children who can't help themselves t state.) None. 4. That the two paragraphs next comments after reading the June is­ ments, of c 0 u r s e, but I wish I remember it was said of the rul­ above, giving the names of the sue of FOURTH INTERNATIONAL: owners, stockholders and security FOURTH INTERNATIONAL would ing Romans of that age-they had holders, if any, contain not only the "I never went to college, but I've publish them. And isn't it true that lost the power to say if anything list of stockholders and security holders as they appear upon the done some reading in my time. I'm when any ruling class is dying, such was good or, evil. Isn't that just like books of the company but also, in one of those guys who wants to cases where the stockholder or se­ monsters as Nero, Churchill, Roose- the rulers now?" curity holder appears upon the know what it's all about, where books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the everything came from, and where name of the person or corporation it's going. And I can't help seeing for whom such trustee is acting, is given; also that the said two how much this age is like that of paragraphs contain statements em­ bracing affiant's full lmowledge and ancient Rome, when everything was Subscription Blank belief as to the circumstances and dying and decaying there. This atom­ conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not ap­ bomb horror makes me think so FOURTH INTERNATIONAL pear upon the books of the com­ 11 6 University Place pany as trustees, hold stock and much of Nero who tortured women securities in a capacity other than a~d children and the fact that the New that of a bona fide owner; and this York 3, N. Y. affiant has no reason to believe that capitalists are willing for the atom ,any other person, association, or corporation has any interest direct bomb atrocity to be described in I am enclosing $ ..... ... .... ............ Send me or indirect in the said stock, bonds, all its details in the paper and even or other securities than as so stated FOURTH INTERNATIONAL by him. shown on the screen. Isn't that just 5. That the average number of like Roman days when people went copies of each issue of this pub­ for lication sold or distributed, through to the arena and saw even .children the mails or otherwise, to paid sub­ ( ) 6 months ...................................... $1.00 scribers during the twelve months torn by wild beasts? And this exe­ preceding the date shown above is cuting conquered enemies, putting -(This information is required ( ) 1 year .......................................... $2.00 from daily publications only.) them in chains and all that·-I think REBA AUBREY, Business Mgr. more should be said on this point. Name .......................... -............................................. .. Sworn to and subscribed before Truman is Nero the Second to me. me this 27th day of September, 1946. And all capitalist politicians and Address .................................................. Zone .......... -. (Seal) CARNIG AJAMIAN, N. Y. editors are just like the Romans, County Clks No. 172; Reg. No. 219-A-8. cruel as the grave; criminal, mon­ City ........................................................... _............... (My commission expires Karch 30, atroui like madmen reeling to their 1948.) FOURTH INTERNATIONAL VOLUME 7 NOVEMBER 1946 NUMBER 11 REVI EW OF TH E MONTH Significance of Wallace's Dismissal from Truman's Cabinet- The Plebiscite in Greece and Role of Anglo-American Imperialism-Class Struggles and Rise of Labor Movement in Japan The Wallace Affair Why, one must ask, did the paid PAID PRESS press grow so hysterical? Why did There was rejoicing and high GREW HYSTERICAL the government suddenly find itself AT TIlE BANQUET wassail at the banquet tables of thrust into a full-blown crisis? Cer­ TABLES OF THE RICH the rich and the mighty when tainly Wall Street knows full well that Wallace is a mild liberal the news came through that Wal:­ politician utterly subservient to the capitalist powers-that-be. lace had been dumped from Truman's cabinet. What was Wal­ Why then did the Plutocracy insist on the firing of Wallace­ lace's crime which ~ad earned him the awful ire of the Wall a move that increases the dangers of a split in the Democratic Street masters? Did Wallace perchance denounce the war aims party and the possible formation of a new labor party.
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