29, 194s .. ~ .IATII, 'ATII..... ta ... 1'1, I •••• At ....., .. t11 .... .... raOOl1l81lD rOODS, b... If. Partly Cloudy Ill••• ,. II ••• AI'....... CI .... ••••..ta.,. .UGH. T H E ~dents , .... , ••••1& ... ao ••• It ..... I.. flu , ....... IROEI, ..... Ibr•• alr...... 1& ... I, ! •••• "" IOWA: ParlIy elo"". ShoweR '.h".I'e.,. OAIOLlI'Ill, III-A .... ,.•••••• '.r ' •• r "U,,, ........ C·... - , .... c-, ••• ,..... U. ,., II.. ami ceoier. irsday; •. U.... ,.UEL OIL, ,.,•••••• n...... rI ....., ••• DAILY IOWAN , ..., •• ,. lat. 7 ••r·, ...t.. ,... ••• ,... .•. ,. .. :bride till ..JI •• Iowa City's Mornlnv Newspaper ~nvE==~CENTS~~~========~============~~:=ftQ===U=HOm==;.=ftm===n.u============~=========I=O=VV==A==C=tt=Y=,==~===A======VVED===NES~=D=A=Y=.=~==Y==~=.==1~==5========================aa===u=.=.===.=na~=....======~~v=o~L~UME~~X~X~I== ~NU~NmER~~ , number ~Th~ udelliQj HOOVER BACK IN WHITE HOUSE B. Norr~ Hearl of Tokyo • IOQIs, "". Id." ~ .. ~ inClUde \\rho wfll Wiped Oul Yank "Ma rlnes I ben~. ,'Who "'ill lISontht r, COUnr, By Fire Bombs • lOis, Will I~r lettell I~g liollot Jap Command Admits , 15% ot are JUlIa Yokohama Damage, uri , Eugene TeUs of Navy Shakeup cht, Earl legrnuUfr G AM, Wednesday (AP)­ Forestry Official Explains- ~d White; Big Five Offer Goetz The heart of Tokyo has been All of North Ird, Rich. wiped out by fire b 0 m b 8 Middle Powers Hand Gingerich, dropped by American B·29's, lIo0ns Id Camp Mal Gen. Curtis E. Le May, How Japanese Sa Operale Naha Secured lennernan: commander of the 21st bomber In Peace El!forcement --------------------------------------------- KOChste!. command, announced today. WASHINGTON (AP)- A gov­ The hydrogen-filled balloons as­ ignited automatically and sets oCt ernment official said la t night that More than 51 square miles cend lo heights 01 25.000 to 35,000 a demoJltion charge which destroys Total of Jap Suicide surrounding the imp e ria I America Willing Japan's bomb-carrying balloons the balloon." beln, tent against America are feet where they reach air currents Planes Destroyed grounds are a g't'eat rna. s of To Admit Denmark launched in the home islands and which travel constantly from west The only balloons found on the lay gray ashes, matkin!! the site of IJ'OUDd are defective ones which to Conference are controlled by an automatic bal­ to east, he asserted. Each time they Raised to 115 thousands of buildings and resi­ last-dropping device. failed to explode. HOO\ltr dences that once housed factor­ descend to 25,000 feet from loss of Watts said the balloons travel Up SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-The Lyle F. Watls, chief of the United gas, a baromtric pressure switch G An. Wpdn. day (AP)­ ~rs. Flo . ies of all types. to 125 miles an hour. takini from r Big nve held out to middle pow­ States forest service, told in a radio automatically drop a sandbag. Re­ United State. mann stormed who died Here and there fire·black­ ers yesterday the right to take • interview prepared {or the blue 80 to 120 hours t.o ruch this coun­ their way Tu. day in. id 1 be I be held ened ruins ot a few buildings still leue ot this sandbag causes the try. hand in peace enforcement dec:i­ network how the unmanned bal­ balloon to rise again to about 35,000 moated, medieval c a 8 t 1 of Ik In the Itllnd. loons operate. The forest 5ervice He rC!ported that the forest ser­ sions of a new world lealue when teet. hun, keystone strong-point jn She reo "We baye de8troye.l lilt ., \be their armed forces would be used haa been asslstina the army in pre­ vice has Increased Its air patrol to ,daUFhter ..et areas we Ie' 0.' 10 tletitN)'," to prevent war. venting damage from the balloons. "It the Japs have figured right," silbt 85 many as possible in the air til center of tbe flauked Japa­ and Mrs. General Le May said In cUllllloatoc ! There were these additional de­ The army and navy recently dls­ Watls said, "the last sandbai has and shoot them down. It also has n e defens tin on southern been dropped only alter the balloon IVn streel IIdII aslound1n6 d~ from .8-Z9 rOR THE nll8T Ume since he left the lIresldency 12 yean .,0 velopments as the major powers c10sed that some of the balloons increased the number of parachut­ Okinawa. It wa. former head­ 10 daugh. raids that reached their he"'ht Herbert Hoover, rllhl, retllrnetl to the White Houae on the InvltaUon trled to spur the United Nations have landed in the western part oC has reached thls country." ing lire lighters. quarters of the Japan com­ I of San lut week with two ."'lke. 01 Df Pruldent Harry 8. Tru.man, left. who lIOurht a non -partisan pre- con!erence into a finishing sprint: this country and aid they caused A second automatic switch which "There is a point I'd Like to brllll mand on the prnbattled i~land. ;~el1ada' j lOme 500 plan.. each that IIOUft4I scription for qulek alleviation of bun,er In llber.ted Europe. The I. The Amerlcan ~eration no property damage. controls the bombs, then takes out," the forestry chief &aid. "We Leathernecks of the J<'irst rna· SIX great &bo_nels of lone of InceDdIa1'7 White House wlthbeld comment on .uuestlon tbat tbe former pre 1- was reported wllling to back a Watts said the balloons-made of over, he continued. are less worried about this Japan­ rin divi. ion, surpriing orne bombs on colI&'ested are.. 01 the ese balloon attack than we are with den&--lH9-UlSs--...nd UnUed late. food admJnl.stralor and chairman Norwegian request that Denmark five layers of silk paper and 35 feet "When the balloon drops to 27.- ,Japanese swimming ill (l moat pas tor of eft,. of the Bel,'en reUel in World War I would be eon Idered for I. pO t be admitted as the 50th nation at In diameter--are taken to Japan~e 000 teel a bomb Is reieased. The matches and smolces in the hands The Jap high command mean­ urrounding the forlr , un­ reh, Is In In the European reUef setup, but elllPhaslzed ImpOrtance 10 hi viewl. this Golden Gate meeting. war plants where oWclals "make a oolloon goes back up, then down of good Americans hiking and corked the dramatic drive while al will be while reported the great American 2. Though Russia '-8 raised lot of speeches, stir up workers to a agam and another incendlary is camping in the woods. Lumber ror other marlOes of the Sixth division fire bomb raid on the Yokohama some new questions, a urances frenzy and then launch the bal~ relased and 80 on as It travels crating our war good golni to the region during daylight Tuesday were circulated that flnal agree­ laona from the piant {or their trip Bcro the United States. Whf'tl the Paci!lc is still a very critical item. on the we t coast invested all of morning, Japanese time, left "con­ At a Glance- - I I .Chinese Widen Gap ment is near among the Ir~t na­ to the United States." last Incendiary Is dropped, a fu e is We must protect our timber." the rubbl -strewn city ot Naba Iken siderable" damage in the strbtegic tions on the question of Interna­ north of the maln harbor. port city. tional trusteeships. Whether f.be devlldor eotnPlUlY As Yokohama and adjacent dis­ II! Jap Lifeline 3. American delegates now \.alk tricts flamed under the impact of Eden Protests french which lourbt IMide ShUTI eastle i To day:'s, Informally 01 completilli the new Infantry Captures held. Its lIOSlUon or later had to thousands of incendiaries, the Jap­ charter for a new world league by Brilish Trailor anese radio told of a reshuIfie of Chase Fleeing Enemy faU back wa not clear from avail­ June 11. The unofficfal Boa] has Action in Syria able tront reports. the naval high command, seem­ Across South China be n June 6. Dam Near Manila ingly in an eHort to put more IIowan To Indo-China Border 4. Toe Bi" Fiv_the United Today's fleet communique, an­ punch in NipPon's airforce and States, Britain, Russia, France and Seizure Breaks Last Lord Haw Haw Paris Diplomats Say nouncing the round successes on evolve a plan to meet an expected CHUNGKING (AP) - Chinese Chma - considered asking the France Would Reject the west coast and in the center of !...oasion of the homeland. Ma.rI.nes pub* *inlo * casUe of t.roop widened to 120 miles a policy making executive commit­ Japanese Stronghold the line, also raised from 77 to Another of a series of Tokyo ShurL gaping br ach In the ruptured Mediation Offers 115 the number of enemy suicide tee of the conference to prod ll\g­ East of Capital planes destroyed Sunday night and broadeasts, recorded by the FCC, southern end of Japan's' lanD gard committees and, It neces ary, Wounded AId Jap.. n wu or~"11I&' I. new Hea.n of Tokyo wiped out by bridie to southeast. A la yest rday LONDON (AP) - The Paris Monday morning during attacks on w rl I.e agendas lor tb m to .tallow MANiLA, Wednt'JIday (AP) - American shipping. The planes "'olde ~ of y01lll&' officer. and B-29 incendiary raida. and pursued fleeing enemy forces Cram now on. radio, accusing the British govern­ aen 10 pUot rocket bomblr ....alnst Maj. Gen. WilHam C. Chase's 38th LUENEBURG (AP)-"Lord Haw ment of is uing an "unju t" com­ sank one HeM naval un.t and aero s ~outh China toward the S.
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