Mlaa Evallne Pentland of Foster Arlyne, daughter of Mr. and that wUl be full alsed. R la street, prominent local Girl Scout Mrs. aifford L. HlUa of 35 Cooper plaruied to build the houses so as plM>ut Town officer who won a scholarship street celebrated her first blrth- to bo able to sell them for 14,335, Canning day yesterday at a party arrang­ study course at Camp Edith Macy, which means that there will be ed by her mother, attended by ten A ICra. Brwmwell the Girl Scout camp at Pleaaant- required a down payment of small guests. Prises were awarded at fleninten, Pm. mrm vUle, N. Y., will spend the next 3435.50 and the balance under the for the winners In games, and each IBn. Cnwford'a mother, two weeks there. FH A plan on monthly payments Supplies child returned homo with a little PRICE THREE CEN'IH I Tedford of Ea«t Cen- of about 331 a month. (TWELVE PAGES) candy basket. • MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1940 llra. Crawford before Miss Esther Sutherland of Madi­ VOL. L1X„ NO. 270 (CtoasUM Advsetlsisg M rsgs It) f BMtnlac* '’B Brae Lleu- son street Is at Camp Woodstock, EUsabeth E. Buna. the Y. M. C. A. camp, for a week, during the girls’ period. Expect Approval LIVESTOCK CATTLE Wearever Scouta of Troop 14 are Movie Stars Says Congress Postpones Army Plans the week at Coventry Mary C. Keeney Tent, _ Daugh­ POULTRY the eupervleton of Cap- Of Greeiiway Plans German Planes Keep ters of Union Veterans of the Civil Downey Proposed ' ^ ICary ReUIy. War. will hold Its regular meeting FEED Kettles tomorrow evening at eight o’clock Deny Alleged Inea Olaon and Mlaa Mabel at the Y. M. C. A. Plans for at­ Final approval of plans for the Moon’s Feed 10 Qt., reg. 12,50, noV$l,9f> , tOIaoo o f Pearl atreet are epending tendance at the state picnic later development of Greenway, located For Every Need! Ei their vacation at the Madison Road Jobs Follow Link to Reds this month will be discussed. between - Woodbridge street and 12 Qt„ reg. $2.75* now $2 .1 9 U p Attack in Waves; jBeach Hotel, Madison. Manche.ster Green road, are ex­ lira. Mary A. Squatrlto and her Sergeant Major and. Mrs. John pected to be made by the FHA LARSEN'S 14 Qt„ reg. $3.25, now $12.69 Lyons are expecting a short visit Resent Testimony of Baughter Mlaa Rose M. Squatrlto this week and as soon as It Is FEED SERVICE Army Discharges Of 184 Oak street are spending two from their son and daughter-in- received, work will be started on 17 Qt„ reg. $3.75, now $ 2 .9 8 Former House PaintW weeks at Myrtif; Beach, Milford. law, Captain and Mrs. Hudson the erection of 25 single houses. 38 Depot Square Lyons of Ansonia, who are on On Membership in Hit Dover, Air Bases They will be 24 by 36 feet with Telephone 5406 21 Qt., reg. $4.50, now $ 3 .8 9 ]ftev. and Mrs. P. J. O. Cornell their way to attend the Salvation two rooms on the second floor Family Lives In Home Army campmeetlhg at Old Or­ California Senator Ad­ Communist Party ' of 33 Hamlin street left today for While Walls Changed chard, Maine. Captain and Mrs. 24 Qt., reg. $4.95, now $ 4 .2 5 Boiiiherh, Protected by a short visit with friends. In Mor- vocates Construction Smash Through Cur* Man Forced to Strike Itsville, Vermont. Lyons have been notified to fare­ Los Angeles. Aug. 15—(J*)—In well at Ansonia and to take Conahohocken. P a , Aug. 15.' Against Own Barber Shop Skirmish Front o f , ATIO f System of Super- terms of resentment and disgust, tains of Anli-Aircraft charge of the Salvation Army —(;p)_The fabled folk who headquarters at Passaic, N. J. Pressure ighways to Furnish lived In glass houses hadn't a Hollywood movie personages deny Fire to Make Success­ Sf,n Rafael. Calif , Aug 15 - Fighters, Pounds tho where Captain Cvirtls, formerly at Perm anents thing on the De Camlllo fam­ they are membera of the Com­ (i/p)—Elmer Hetl'ien fouud him­ cessary Work for Shores of Britain from the local citadel Is stationed. Cookers........ $14.95 ily. They’re living In a home munist party or financial support­ ful Attacks; 11 British self In a peculiar labor sltua- Monte Carlo for ^nscripts Released. without walls. ; lion. .. .foreeU to atrike against Southeast to SouthWOsl It started when they decided ers thereof as charged In a tran­ Planes Shot Down in his own barber shop. and his Llnne Lodge No. 72 K. of P. will Kitchen Scales . $1.25 script of county grand Jury testi­ to replace the frame walls with own wife. —.\Iso Great Activity on Whist and I hold Its regular meeting td-nlght Daughter At lesst one plaid dress U a mony. Furious Battle Over at Orange Hall at 8 o’clock. 'To­ Washington, Aug. 15.— cement blocks. To save ex- , Hodden ami his w-rfc, Mar- i Shampoo- "must” for Fall. Smart, au­ The testimony waa that of j ISortheast in Fifth Suc­ morrow night, D. D. G. C. Gus­ Beacon Vegetable (A P )— Sima tor Downey (D.. penses the family continued to ; Hawkiuge i r p o r t ; garol. operate a harbor shop Bridge Finger Wave — thentic Scotch Plaids In wool John Lewis Leech of Portland. tave Gull and staff will Install live In the house as the father j and beauty parlor. Mrs. Hod­ Hair Style- like weaves In all color combi­ Presses ............$1.00 Calif.), proposed today that Oregon, former Los Angeles house cessive Day of Raids. Road Benefit the officers of Elm Ix>dge No. 63 and four sons rlppeil away the | Slash at Balloons. den refused to sign a new work , Haircut— nations. .the Rurkc-Wadsworth com­ painter. Communist organizer and To Be Held At The dt East Hartford. walls Replacement Is proceed- j contract with the Hairdressers' , Included Ladles .... 10c to 45c pulsory military service bill Ing slowly, but said Mrs. Dei relief client. and Cosmetologists' t ’nion. Her I Bulletin! ROD & GUN CLUB Of the many Hollywoodltes Bulletin! Miss Marlon Crawford of Ham­ 39” Crown Tested Washable Spun Rayon Include provision for con­ Camlllo: i Leech named. Immediate denials foiir employee walked out. London, Aug. 15.— ( A P )— Dalv Road, Coventry " It ’s not BO bad except when ] Berlin, A ur. 15.— (,M’)— lin street and Mias Eleanor Har­ 7 Jar Canners . .$1.25 struction of a national system came from the following who .So did Elmer. The barbers' AUGUST 16, 8 P. M. Shampoo and It rains hard. And we haven't German warplanes today at­ union took away his union shop The heaviest bombers of th® rington of Broad Brook are at Bar $2-98 and $3-98 of sujicr-highways to furnish coul'l be reached, or their spokes­ ’ (ierman Reich swept 15,000 Admiasion 35c. Harbor, Maine, for a two weeks Finger Wave, 50c Scotch Plaids Food Choppers been annoyed.’* I men: Frederic March, Francis tacked coastal and inland lard because Mrs. Hedden vacation. jolis for conscripts complet­ Lederer. Jean Muir, Humphrey wouldn't sign with the othfir ' feet high and in swarms haa* TELEPHONE 3058 Britain from Scotland to the Smart plaid patterns In au­ ing Army training. Such an Bogart, Lionel Standee, James union. dreds strong into the heart .........$1.29 to $2.35 Brlg. Gen. William E. Shedd (left), assistant chief o f staff of the southeast, with “a hail of thentic Scotch designs—all col­ undertaking, Downey told the Cagney and Writer Sam Ornltx. I of England late today, poaad* ors and washable. Army In charge of personnel, Is shown in Wa.shington with Chairman bombs” reported rained on Senate, would “eliminate” Troops Battle Some of those accused depre- A J May (D Ky ( of the Home Military Affairs Committee when French Beauty Shoppe Corn Creamers . 29c catingly mentioned District Attor­ The Vickers Armstrong Ar- ing at the roots of Britain’s 869 Main St. (Over Marlow's) Open Until 8:00 unemployment and would Shedd told the’commlttee that the time required by Congress to con- , H..hhiirn ’ air and military power from ney Buron Fltta’ current campaign aider conscription had brought about a postp<^>nement of War Depart- i m am ent W o rk s at HeDDUrn PINEHURST FRESH FISH 39” Washable Crown Tested- Mason Jar Tops, solve ^pne of the chief prob­ Small British ' the northern Tyneside to the Again in Mock for re-election. ment plans to have 900,000 men In uniform early this fall. "T^i- and■ the• port of Newcastle. FRESH BUTTERFISH .................................... .Ib. 19c lems ifkely to follow conscrip­ Leech testified In an Inquiry southern downs. Guns and dozen ................. 30c that resulted In murder Indict­ flepartinent now plans to have 900,000 men In uniform by Jan. 1, D.NB, the German official Spun Rayon Crepe tion. Shedd said, "and even that Is an optimistic program " planes took a mounting toll FRESH H A LIB U T . 39c ments last week against five men news agency, also reported Force Being Most conscript.M would be taken New York War accused of complicity in a water of the invaders, reckless la Mackerel Block Island Swordfish A beautiful range of patterns Glass Jar Tops, from the ranks of the unemployed, the bombing of objectives in In printed, plain and tweedy front killing five years ago In a the Californian argued. He said their strength.
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