THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY YEAR—No. 39 ti.u,.,,.,, ,,, s,.,,,,,,! n«». M«ucr • "UK. IMTK'V, \\ l'»t IlBlll, X. J. 32 Page*—10 Cents Amendment Col. Baiimer Will Speak ring June 8 At Memorial Day Service Thank Residents For Spanish Wur Vcls d Will Be WBBL Support Open House At Invited lo I'tiradc Annual Parade, lot In Arthur Weisledcr, chairman Edison June 7 Wutclumg Camp, i)7, \Vont- Observance Set of the Little League's 1959 fii'lcl, has is.iui'il an invitation fund drive, today expressed to all Spanish War VetonuiH >er Election the "sincere thanks" of the Invite of Westfield and vicinity to For Saturday 1,380 boys nmi S75 fathers in pnrtiripntp in the Westfleld will have a chance to the Little League and the To Tour School Memorial Day intrude, Wcstfleld'a annual Memorial Board of Trustees, to West- Jcontroversial hospital- The Westfiold Hoard of Kduca- Curs will bo furnished. No Day parade, featuring many Wcit- •nine amendment pro- field residents for their sup- walking is necessary, ncroril- fluld patriotic organizations and port of the recent campaign. ;io)i announced today that an open |h a referendum in the house for all Westlleld residents ing to S. M. Vines, camp com- mechanized uniu of the 60th Re- eneral election, Coun- He said n financinl audit will be held June 7 from 2-5 u.m. mander. The parade forms In coiinaissnnce Duttalion, Company *hll M. Cooledge an- will be published the lntter in Edison Junior High School. the nouthside railroad park- A of the New Jersey National |it the Town Council part of June. ing nreii at 8:30 n.ni. Gunril, will take place Saturday at nday night. Anyone still wishing to con- The program, expected to nt- 8::]0 a.m., Metro D, Locke, Amcri- lure, which was intro- tribute to the drive may do so ruct about 1,000 persons, will in- enn Legion vice commander, re- §9, was amended to in- clude a tour of the building and by sending donations to West- efreshmeiits to be served hy the Chief Warns On ported today. dumber of Planning field Roys Baseball League, Jdison l'TA, headed by Mrs. Maria Memorial services will bo hold nmendations designed Box 156, Wostneld Post Office, 3d(l,v, president. ut the World War I monument at iideuts' objections, and Mr. Weisleder said. Holiday Driving the Plii7.ii, at the Revolutionary at the Monday night Howiird Tomllnson, princlniil, Cemetery, and nt Fnirview Ceme- changes include pro- said, "our entire staff and student tery. 115 foot strip of shrub- Baccalaureate body is extremely proud of our Urges Resident* To The principal nddrcss will be bing buildings in the modern facilities and we hope that Note Safety Rules delivered nt Pairvlow by Col. Wil- ones from bordering the citizens of Westfleld will visit liam II. Bnumor of (101 St. Mark's _ evergreens that must Service Divided our school to see the building thut avenue, a former advisor at the height of eight feet TOWN HONORED—Weitfield'i Ir.ffic i.fely record durlnj 1958 h«t won for the town a >*fe hey have given to the students." "Safety check your car before driving citation certificate from the Union County Allocation f Insurance Agents. Shown ac- Big Four meetings, and at tho years; minimum lot The Westftelil Board of Educa- you plan nny trip over tlio Memo- Paris Peaco Conference In World 1 ceptlnt the award at a dinner meeting held by the allocation lai week in the Chi.Am Chateau acres with a width of • Three Croups In tion headed by its president, ltob- rial Day weekend," Police Chief War II, He Is now special assistant nd restrictions on noise, are, at the right, Lt. Thomai Catalon, i«fely officer, and Polic Chief Albert Pfirrmann. Male- rt II. Mulrenny, and School Sup- Albert Pflrrmnnn warned residents! to the president of Johnson and land size of buildings, Boro This Year ing th» presentation are Raymond F. Eggera of Rahway, region 1 chairman of the New Jersey erintendent Dr. S. N. EWHII Jr., todny. Tho Nntionul Safety Coun- Johnson, New Brunswick where ho jrehitccture, storage of Anociation of Insurance AgentiV accident prevention committee, nd Mrs. Marie Biddar of Rah- will be on hand to welcome the :il predicts that 200 persons will is in charge of community rela- MOUNTAINSIDE— The annual way, county chairman. townspeople to their latest school lie over this weekend In nutomo- outbuildings, tions and public affairs. He is a baccalaureate service,,held during opened to the student bilu accidents, ho said, "Although second ward councilman. jiposed amendment in the past 13 years for the gradu- Town Cited For body Dec. 1, 1058 and built nt a speed is not tho cause of accidents ovides for creation of ates of the Mountainside public Exchange Club Newcomers Note cost of $1,050,000. It can add to the severity of nn A member of the West Point I'on the town's perim- schools,' will be divided into three Traffic Safety accident to tho point, whore aa n Society af New York, Buumer w»» fcich laboratory-research The school, designed to hold n gradunted from West Point and Is groups this year for the first time, student population of 1,000, pre- result of speed, It etui be u fatal now an infantry colonel In the ations can be construct- it was tinnounced today. Honors Squad Record During '58 15th Birthday one," the chief warned, [imately 130 acres arc sently lias nn enrollment of 810 U. 8, Army Reserve. While in The Community Presbyterian Police Chief Albert Pflrrmann with n staff of 44 teachers, three 'Under the governor's license military servico he wrote several Church and the Mountainside Un- Golden Deeds uml Safety Officer Lt. Thomas Cftt- Will Celebrate administrators, three secretaries relocation program, anyone exceed' books and was a contributor to the lid reading and public ion Chapel will continue to hold a nlun last week accepted a safe driv- and five custodians. Edison hus Ing the speed limit in a SO mphEncyclopedia Britannlca. During ; the amendment will be union service, alternating each Award Presented ing citation certificate for the Event Wednesday 42 classrooms, « cafeteria that ».«ne by 10 mph or anyone exceed- World War II he was on General year, for the Protestants. Our town's traffic Bafety record during serves 800 meals a duy and seats Inii the speed limit by 10 mph in Elsenhower's staff in Europe where |ncil also passed a reso- Lady of Lourdcs, Roman Catholic The Westficld Rescue Squad was 11)58. The award was presented The 15th birthday of tho West 360 students, a double gymnasium a 60 mph zone, will automatically he served us a military advisor. idi that a 21-acre Church recently organized in presented with the Golden Deeds «l n dinner meeting of the Union field Newcomers' Club, ft YWCA- with spectator spacu for 800 per-lose his license for !S0 daya for the Ho and his wife have five children. Award by the Exchange Club at nd in Tamaquea Reserva- Mountainside, will designate a spe- County Association of Insurance sponsoral organization, will be eel sons, and a library expected to first offense, 00 dny« on tho sec- Colonel Buumer will be intro- faside for recreation and cial mass Sunday morning before a dinner Thursday night in the Agents at the Chi-Am Chateau, cbrnted'Wcdneiday at 1 p.m. in house 4,500 volumes. Special in- ond mul Indefinitely on the'third, Shackamaxon Country Club. duced by Joseph Sisto, commander part of the zone change graduation to address the Catholic Mountainside. Milking the presen- tho YWCA at tho regular June structional nru&a include: Fully etc. If we lenvo in plenty of-time of ClnrlellysllpPost 045, Voter- ould be maintained un- graduates. These services will be The award cites the squad for tations In behalf of the New Jer- luncheon meeting. equipped shops for woodwork, we will not be compelled to speed. ans of Foreign Wars, following a is obtained on the held this year Sunday, June 14, "meritorious service beyond the acy Association of Insurance Mrs. William Shine, president crafts, and graphic arts; a room Tho fifth commandment stutcs, recitation of "Graves of the Pa- town for recreation Rabbi Jack Stern Jr. will recog call of duty to community and Agents were Raymond F. Eggcrs, of the club, will conduct the liusi for mechanical drawing; home oco- Thou shalt not kill,' however, If triots" (By Jamea Gates Percl- nlzc the graduates at a regular fellow men." regional vice chairman, and Mrs. ness meeting during which clcc nomic laboratories for foods and we become careless we Rio not go- clothing work; vocal and Instru vnl) by M'IHH Lynn Abrams of dinance appropriating sabbath service Friday evening, William Pavelka, Exchange Club Marie Biddar, accident prevention tion of officers for the next term ing to remember the dead, we are Wesifleld Senior High School. president, made the award to John chairman of the Union County will take place. She \t\\\ tlWus mental music rooms; an art room going to Join th«m," the chlet ^Improve Ratrway »ve- Juno 12, at Temple" Emanu-El, and science laboratories, The Mayor H, Emerson Thomas will Westfleld, for those who embrace BHggs, president of tho «o,und. irroupi Westfleld received a dis- briefly the history und accomplish- warned. deliver nn address nt the Plaza, ftroduced with public tinguished citation for ncliieving ments of tho club during tho pns building is liberally equipped with June 8.
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