Busy Trip. New Argument Pills Succeed "I had a tough time delivering the Mrs. Hatterson (an ardent suffrag- Foley Kidney PITCHER EDDIE PLANK a honest med- mall yesterday,” declared the post- ette)—Well, I see by the paper this because they are good heal kid- i. Coat Most/Comfortable. man. morning that the new banking and icine that cannot help but Straight’Backed and “How was that?” currency bill will add about $500,000,- ney and bladder ailments urinary “Had a bulldog and a chunk of liver 000 to our currency. irregularities if they are once taken in the same delivery.”—Louisville Hatterson (pleasantly)—Yes. Wish into the system. Try them now Courier-Journal. we might come in for some of It, don’t for positive and permanent help. you? Important to Mothers Mrs. Hatterson (savagely)—That's LADIES LISTEN—Why have your beauty marred a hairy akin, when you can re- Examine carefully every bottle of If women by Just the point. We would move it with JAC-ROSE DEPILATORY! CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for Price One Dollar. Sample free. DOS"- , had the vote.—Life. N.J. Infants and children, and see that It WHEELER SPEC. CO.. Dept.D. Paaaalc. j PNFTTMATICA STOPS YOCB PAIN s— or breaks up your cold In one hour. It's marvelous. Bob Groom has struck his stride Used externally. Ail druggists, 26 cents. Adv. Automobiles For Sale In Use For Over 30 Tears. again. • • • Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria The moBt annoying thing In connec- is married life. Baseball Players' fraternity has tion with matrimony To Keep Plants. Stevens-Duryea nearly 450 members. II0 Afl Pave We have a number A good way In which to keep plants sen- • • • Use Roman Eye Balsam for scalding UScll UulS of six cylinder Tonr- sation in and inflammation of or fresh without watering them when the eyes eyes Cars. reasonable. the Nap Rucker, too, Is planning a pil- eyelids. Adv. ing Very Jflst thing house must be closed is to take all the for and resort work. Write us. grimage to Bonesetter Reese. country plants to the cellar or “‘some other * • * “Stick to it" is our advice to the fly A. G. SPALDING A BROS. cold place and set them in tubs, with 1878 Broadway Bow York Eddie Foster is playing as good ball on the sticky paper. an ordinary brick under each flower for the Senators as he ever did In bis pot. Pour Into the tubs just enough life. water to cover the brlckB. It Is best The for Homes * • • Up-to-Date Lighting Systen? Country to place the tubs by an eaBt window Hank a ball Is at The Jenne Pit Generator O’Day says player If possible. Improved Acetylene his best when he Is about thirty years The recent defeats of Eddie Plank Installed in the ground and covered over like n cis- old. have convinced his most loyal backers tern. Far removed from the building. Fool-Proof, » • • that he is actually about done, In spite PIMPLES ON HANDS aAd FEET Frost-Proof, Safe and Convenient. Permitted by Griffith has shipped one of his of his spurt at the beginning of the The National Board of Fire Underwriters. Guar- 396 N. Y.— Cubans, Calvo, to Atlanta of the South- season. Eddie will have to pitch a Wyona St., Brooklyn, anteed absolutely. The best lighting system on "Last Bummer one ern league. couple of no-hit games to convince the when I awoke earth for the least money. Hundreds of farmer* • * * doubters that he is not ready to quit morning I found my hands and feet have become agents after installing our generator Dent, a pitcher sent to Atlanta by just yet. full of pimples. They looked like a in their homes. Write for our special induce- In- in each Griffith early in the season, has shown rash and they Itched very much ments to the first purchaser locality. excellent Control. deed. I scratched them and made Protected by patents. Infringers liable to prosecu- • • * Zinn, a former Yankee, is playing sores. I was not able to put my tion. Full particulars for the asking. President Navin of Detroit has field for the Braves. hands In water and I couldn’t do my • • • The Jenne Acetylene Gas Machine Co., Meridian Life Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. warned Ty Cobb not to play winter regular work. I lpst my sleep at ball In California. Philadelphia writers think Reed, night from the eczema. I suffered a * • • the recruit shortstop, looks like a whole month. I saw the advertise- comer. Walter Tragesser, a newcomer In • ment of Cutlcura Soap and Ointment W. L. DOUGLAS 3 * • * the major leagues, has signed with viewB of the straight-backed figures and those not much beyond and I sent a postal card asking for a *3.00 *3.50 *4.00 Tim Murnane has denied the story the Boston Nationals. TWOcoat, cut away In front above the the normal in size. sample. I purchased some Cuticura * • • that he intendB resigning as head oi *4.bo waist line, and hanging straight from The straight back is a godsend to Soap and Ointment and I used them AND *5iOO the New England A Detroit paper says: “Consider the league. the shoulders, shows how easy and one who is a little round shouldered. two weeks only and my handB and * • * SHOES lily and Roger Bresnahan; they toll comfortable looking It Is. The waist The collar stands away from the feet got clean and no eczema could be McGraw expects Rube FOR MEN AND.WOMEN not, neither do they spin." Manager line is not defined either in the back of the neck and the curve from seen. his star BEST BOYS SHOES In the WORLD * • * Marquard, southpaw heaver, and skirt or In the coat. The the to blades is "When my nephew was two months blouse neck shoulder very $2.00, $2.60 and $3.00. y # to be the star of the coming world’s old he had such brown sores on Connie Mack comes out with the blouse deserves its name as it hangs slight. There is no curve from that large of series. The largest makers statement that he will have a better over the top of the skirt and the ef- point to the" bottom. his head we did not know what to do. * • • Men’s $3.50 and $4.00 team next season. What for? fect is apparently to make the waist But the straight-back Is not for He cried all day and it caused a great shoes in the world. Frank Farrell, owner of the New on large rather than small. everyone and there are plenty of oth- deal of itching. He always kept Ask your dealer to show you I York does not intend to W. L. 83.00, 84.00 an Ivefty Leifleld, who was sent to the Americans, Other models In these are er models to choose from. All the scratching. The Cutlcura Soap and Douglas coatg 14.00 shoes. Just as in style, let money stand in the way of building good coast by the Cubs, won the first two longer in front and gathered in to a new designs may be said to hang on Ointment cured him.” (Signed) Miss fit and wear as other makes costing 80.00 to 87.' the Yankees. —the only difference is the price. Shoes In all games he pitched for the Seals. up loose belt or band, placed at the nor- the rather than to fit it. Among Henrietta Kirschner, Apr. 18, 1913. * • * figure leathers, and shapes to suit everybody. • * • styles mal waist line or a little 'below It. them the Russian blouse is sure to Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold If you could visit W. L Douglas large facto- Griffith believes Milan, his ries at Brockton, Mass., and see for yourself well can afford to be Clyde a few for to for of throughout the world. Sample of each Comlskey hap- And there are models pres- appeal many in point style liow carefully W. I*. Douglas shoes are made, star outfielder, is as good as Tris py if he knows that both Walsh and ent wear with shorter sleeves. Three- there is nothing smarter. It is a cold free,with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post- yon would then understand wny they are warranted or of them as far as ac- to fit better, look better, hold their shape and wear RusboI will be in next Speaker any with turned back or weather to card “Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston.”—Adv. tiptop shape Quarter length garment, however, and be longer than any other make for the price. curate throwing is concerned. year. lingerie cuffs. It must be conceded discussed a little later. If W. L. Dougins shoes are not for sate in your vicinity, order i * * * and save * • » direct from the factory the middleman's profit. that they are smart-looking on trim JULIA BOTTOMLEY. Price of Peace. Slioes for every member of the family, at all prices, by will have Parcel Post, free. Write for Ulnatrateil Jack Connie Mack figures he ex- postage Fournier, the big Frenchman She appeared to be somewhat —--t'utnlog. It will show you how to order by mall, fi***5** in for the world’s TAKE NO ^■ll and can save on footwear. of the White is a en- seven pitchers shape cited when he came home that why you money your ■Stmer! Sox, wrestling night, W. I,. DOUCLA8 are Bender, SUBSTITUTE Brochtoa, the bottom. thusiast and great admirer of Frank series.
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