Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, March 5, 2015 OUR 125th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 10-2015 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SEVENTY FIVE CENTS Westfield Planning Board Denies South Chestnut Street Subdivision By LAUREN S. BARR which he said would, “stand out like it would be acceptable to treat it as Specially Written for The Westfield Leader a white elephant.” such. WESTFIELD – Much to the de- The applicant argued that the sub- While Mr. Elshiekh said the sale of light of the gathered crowd at Mon- division would improve drainage in the property was not contingent on day night’s meeting of the planning the area with the installation of a approval of the subdivision, he did board, the board unanimously de- drainage system, and new homes say that the owner would receive nied an application for a non-con- would correct the current non-con- more money from the sale if a subdi- forming subdivision at 613 South forming setback of the existing home. vision was approved. Chestnut Street. Members of the public and board Board Chairman Vince Wilt said The applicant, Elshiekh Enter- members pointed out that those is- that Mr. Elshiekh was “bringing it prises, represented by Robert Renaud, sues would also be corrected if only (building one large home) up like it’s sought to take a 100-by-150-foot lot one home was built. a threat.” and make two 50-foot lots. Owner The property is zoned for R10, Board member Robert Newell Haney Elshiekh argued that the two which requires a 10,000-square-foot raised concerns that granting such an homes would be completely different minimum; however, the applicant ar- application would set a precedent. in style and would fit in the neighbor- gued that because it borders R6 (6,000 He said that there were similar lots in hood better than one larger home square feet required) properties that the area and that breaking the zone would cause a “creep” of zoning changes. Resident Robert Priestly questioned the planner, Kevin O’Brien, as to whether he knew the size of the large home on the corner of South Chest- nut Street and Fourth Avenue, or the sizes of the new homes recently con- structed off of Fourth Avenue, which Mr. O’Brien did not. Town Planner Bill Drew pointed out that this neighborhood in particu- Dominic A. Lagano for The Westfield Leader lar was examined very closely in the PROMOTED… Marcin Kapka is sworn in as a sergeant in the Westfield Police Department at the town council’s February most recent master plan review, and 24th meeting as his family looks on. that while the town chose to change some zoning along neighboring Hillcrest Avenue, it deliberately did County Freeholders Hear Concerns not change the zoning on South Chest- nut Street. All of the neighbors who spoke out against the subdivision said that they Over Asw. Stender’s Employment favored a single larger home rather than two homes. By PAUL J. PEYTON County Watchdog Association, de- Freeholder Chris Hudak commented Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Dominic A. Lagano for The Westfield Leader Fourth Avenue resident Gregory tailed the scandal involving Mrs. on Mrs. Stender. NEW OFFICER… Kristopher Jackus is sworn in as one of five new officers in Talmont said, “This town is a veri- COUNTY — Several Union Stender and her husband, Richard, “As a resident of the City of Lin- the Westfield Police Department. The ceremony took place during the town table celebration of (zoning) notches” County residents spoke of their con- whereby Mr. Stender received assis- den, I’ve known Linda for about 14 council’s February 24th meeting as Police Chief David Wayman looks on. and that it was done onpurpose to cerns to the Freeholder Board last tance from the nonprofit Coastal years. It’s very sad what has hap- provide for a variety of homes. He Thursday regarding the scandal sur- Habitat for Humanity in Monmouth pened with a personal matter that has said he would much rather see one rounding Assemblywoman Linda County to rebuild his home in taken hold of her career at the mo- Rec. Commission Discusses oversized house there than “two Stender’s (D-22nd, Scotch Plains) and Manasquan that was damaged in ment, and it’s sad because she had boxes.” her husband’s shore property, as well Hurricane Sandy and which Mr. represented the 22nd district with Budget, Park Renovations Mr. Newell said, “I disagree with as the issue of whether Freeholder Al Stender purchased for $465,000 in diligence,” Mr. Hudak said. the applicant that these (proposed) Mirabella has a conflict being a free- 2008. Plans reported in the media He said Mrs. Stender had “always By KATE BROWNE soccer associations were prepared to houses are conforming with the neigh- holder while also employed as town- called for a new home three times the been very responsive to my commu- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader share a portion of the costs of the borhood.” ship manager for Scotch Plains. size of the bungalow that was demol- nity.” WESTFIELD — The members of proposed renovations with the com- CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 Tina Renna, president of the Union ished by Habitat last July. “Hopefully she will be able to work the Westfield Recreation Commission munity. Mrs. Stender announced last Thurs- out those personal issues,” Mr. Hudak discussed preliminary budgets and pro- In response to Ms. Pierce’s proposal, day night that she will not seek re- said. posed renovations to the town’s park’s Recreation Director Bruce Kaufmann Borough Council Hears election to the Assembly seat she has Mrs. Renna said, per her filing an and fields at their meeting Monday noted that the renovations at Memorial held since 2002. Open Public Records Act request, night. were in the early design phase as the Habitat and the Stenders are in a she learned that Mrs. Stender, a former The meeting began with public input commission was in the process of re- Preliminary Budget Figures legal dispute after Habitat said Mr. county freeholder and ex-Fanwood from Michelle Pierce, who spoke on taining a firm to prepare the bid speci- Stender owes the organization mayor and councilwoman, does not behalf of the Westfield Girls Softball fications. He expressed appreciation to By KATE BROWNE of health and the costs of utilities are $11,000 towards the cost of the demo- have any employment contract with and Westfield Soccer Association about the softball and soccer communities Specially Written for The Westfield Leader likely going to increase slightly. Ad- lition. Habitat has said it pulled out of the Union County Improvement Au- the need to consider including a con- for their willingness to support the MOUNTAINSIDE — Mayor Paul ditionally, there will be a 2-percent the project after seeing the proposed thority (UCIA). Mrs. Stender began cession area as part of the renovations project, but noted there might be some N. Mirabelli presented a preliminary salary increase for the union and non- building plans for the new home, her new job as deputy director and at Memorial Field. limitations on the proposed use of the review of the proposed 2015 budget union staff employed by the commu- which were much larger than what project manager with the UCIA on Ms. Pierce explained that the lack of structure due to the location of sewer, at Tuesday’s Borough Council work nity. the organization typically finances. February 4. a concession stand prevented Westfield electrical and water lines. session meeting. According to Mayor Mayor Mirabelli said the planned She said the freeholders, “should “Is it easier to fire an employee from hosting tournaments, which lim- In other renovation updates, Mr. Mirabelli, a home assessed at the expenses for the items which the all be concerned and have some clos- who doesn’t have a contract? Is there ited the team’s profile in the playing Kaufmann advised the public that the average value will likely see a tax borough can control were well ing comments” on the scandal. Only CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 community. In addition, she shared contractor retained to update the tennis increase of $82.27, a significant re- within the 2-percent state-mandated data on the number of potential cus- courts at Tamaques Park was prepared duction from last year’s increase cap. He explained there would be tomers and anticipated concession rev- to begin work as soon as the weather which averaged $146.46. an increase in revenues from the enue, as well as feedback gained from permits and anticipated the project will The mayor explained that the in- cable franchise fees and a $20,000 her discussions with teams operating take 11 weeks to complete. creases were driven by items that decrease in the amount which the concession facilities in neighboring Mark Friedman, who is the board of were outside the community’s con- borough is required to pay the communities such as Mountainside. education liaison to the commission, trol, such as mandatory pension con- Rahway Valley Sewerage Author- Ms. Pierce advised that the softball and CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 tributions and the costs of health in- ity because of the rigorous storm surance. For example, Mayor water run off controls which have Mirabelli noted that health insurance been implemented over the last sev- premiums are anticipated to increase eral years. The budget cannot be by $52,000 and Mountainside’s con- finalized until the borough receives tribution to the Suburban Municipal the final figures from the state, Joint Insurance Fund is likely going which will likely be received prior to increase by $5,000.
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