THE CADET PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE CORPS OF CADETS VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE VOL. XXI. LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1928 No. 27 A. M. A, V. P. I., AND DEVITT PREP. JAN BARBER WILL PL/! Y CADET NINE DROPS TWO GAMES t BOW DOWN BEFORE V. M. I. RATS MUSIC FOR FINAL BAIi ON THREE-DAY TRIP TO CAROLINA TAKE TWO CLOSE AND ONE 1928 Bomb Will Tal Henry For Other Nights. N. C. STATE AND N. C. U. EASY GAME Gothic Art Is GET VICTORIES Burst on June 1 Finals are rapidly becoming less of Subject of Talk Y. M. I., 3; Devitt, 2. an indefinite period in the future and V. M. I., 3; N. C. S., 8. The V. M. I. Rats defeated the De- The heavy hitting of Captain Out- Cadets Asked To Make Early are daily assuming the aspect of im- Col. Moseley Continues Lecture. vitt Prep nine of Washington here pending proximity. The music has en of N. C. State was the chief fac- Friday in a pitchers' duel by a 3-2 Payment On Accounts. been arranged for and bids fair to be Last Tuesday night Col. Moseley tor in V. M. I.'s 8 to 3 defeat on score. Devitt scored one run in both After months of diligent work the of a quality which should satisfy the continued his series of lectures on Riddick Field at Raleigh on Friday. the second and sixth frames on two 1928 BOMB has gone to press and most discriminating of tastes. With architecture by completing his dis- This leader of the Wolfpack had a hite in each case. Griffith pitched a will burst about June 1, according to this important item attended to, it cussion of the French Gothic style of perfect day at bat, clouting a homer, no hit game for Devitt until the statements from the Editor-inChief, only remains the duty of the various construction. He preceeded with phas- a triple, a double, and a single, to seventh when he weakened only to Fred Barkus, and the Business Man- keydets to see that there is a large es of this same general type in Eng- send five runs acrosst the plate. Mc- allow the cadets three hits which ager, S. L. Williamson. Every effort crowd of girls and friends here to en- lend, Spain, and Italy. Dowall, of State, also came in for coupled with an error, counted for has been made by a busy staff of joy it. In England Gothic architecture did his share, getting three hits out of three runs. Shomo pitched a good editors to equal, ifn ot exceed, the Yesterday, the Hop Committee an- not develop as perfectly as in France. five chances at bat. The Cadets game for V. M. I., allowing Devitt record established by the 1927 BOMB nounced that the contracts have been Here we find a strong Saxon influ- gathered five hits, Hull's double be- only five hits. Devitt's outfield did which was awarded the prize for the signed securing Tal Henry's orches- ence which produced very thick and ing the only extra base swat. some mighty good work, robbing Ca- best annual in the state last year. tra to plrfy for the Monday and Tues- massive walls. The windows were State loaded the bases in the first det batsmen of what seemed sure Fred BarkUs is expected to leave day night hops and that Jan Garber made considerably smaller. Flying inning, but Catcher Hull played up hits. shortly for Nashville, Tenn. where and his orchestra will be here to sup- buttresses were not employed and the to the occasion by cutting off two The box score: he will visit the Benson Printing plement it for the grand finale Wed- emphasis on external design was not runs at the plate, taking throws from V. M. I. Company and the Capitol Engraving nesday night. The idea of having so vividly stressed. There was no the infield. Three State runners AB. R. H. PO. A. Company for the purpose of winding two bands for the Final Ball is a distinct division between the ground were left to die on base. Wool, 2b. 4 0 0 2 4 up the work novel one at the Institute and should floor, the triforium, ,and the clere- V. M. I. started the scoring in the Britton, ss 3 10 14 The editors have stated that at be a huge success. With twenty- story. The Cathedral of Salisburg is third when Hull, who had doubled, Langhorn, 8b 4 1112 finals there has always been a de- seven pieces, no one can doubt but the best example of the early Eng- scored on Boxlet's single. State re- Williams, rf 3 0 0 2 0 mand by the calics for extra copies what this combination wil more than lish churches. English Gottiic is di- taliated in the same frame, Outen's Childress, If 3 110 0 of the BOMB. These copies may be fill Ninety-four Hall to overflowing vided into three main types; the lanc- home run sending in McDowall. The Jocobie, lb 3 0 1 14 0 available only if the orders are plac- with harmony. et, characterized by long, narrow win- Cadets came right back, touching DeButts, cf 3 0 0 2 0 ed now. The editors have emphasiz- On first thought, one might be in- dows, the decorative or geometric, Kidd of State, who had relieved Rowe Blocker, c 3 0 0 5 2 ed the fact that no extra copies will cluded to regret the fact that Jan and the perpendicular, in which the in the box, for two markers. Grow Shomo, p 3 0 0 0 3 be printed other than those ordered will not be with us all of the time, as vertical lines are emphasized. These walked, advanced to second on Biggs' |n advance, owing to the possibility of old, but the new arrangement three types were developed in the sacrifice and came home on Hew- Totals 20 3 3 27 IB pf a loss, and they suggest that the should more than make up for this 13th, 14th, and 15th centuries re lett's single to right field. Scott Devitt* cadets of all classes send in their or- loss. The Ramblin' Keydets Will spectively. These English cathedrals fouled up to the catcher. Hewlett AB. R. H. PO. A ders immediately for these extra cop- start the ball rolling Saturday night, are generally longer and less decora- stole second and scored on Talman's Burman, cf 4 0 0 2 0 ies. thus begining a musical program tive than the French. The Cathedrals left field single. Hull struck out. Score—V. M. I., 3; State, 2. Hamilton, 2b 4 1 1 2 2 The Business Manager has further which will be hard to surpass. of York and Lincoln belong to the State came in for a lion sized Forrest, rf 4 0 0 3 0 suggested that the cadets settle their decorative period. The wood and stone share of the glory in the fourth inn- Garvin, If. 4 0 12 0 accounts with the BOMB as soon as carving in theBe two churches is un- ing. Mathews doubled. Seal sin- Ruppert, 3b 4 0 0 3 3 possible. They have pointed to the surpassed. The Chapel of Henry VIII gled and took second. Rowe fanned. Fisher, ss 3 116 1 fact that the Q. M. D. checks this V. M. I. TRACKMEN DOUBLE in Westminster shows the beginnings Woodworth made first on a fielder's Bralove, lb 2 0 10 0 year will not be at the disposal of of a decline in Gothic work. It in- choice as Biggs tried to catch Mat- Engle, c 3 0 0 6 1 the cadet, for they will be sent direct- troduced a Tudor-Gothic style of con- SCORE ON M AND MARY hews at home. Hull dropped the Griffith, p 3 0 10 0 ly home. Since the usual expenses struction not as fine as pure Gothic. ball. McDowall singled, scoring of finals will be heavy, the Business Indian trackmen dropped a meet to The lines were considerably broken Seal. A three-bagger by Outen Totals 31 2 5 24 7 Manager has thought that it would V. M. I. last Saturday on Alumni and the arches were flattened. In brought in two more runs. Rucker Score by innings: be much better to get this debt out of Field, fhe score—76 1-5 to 49 4-5. It Westminster the detail work became R. H. E. the way before June. was a miserable day for track, being more elaborate and greatly influenc- (Continued on Page Eight) Devitt 010 001 000—2 5 3 The BOMB is also circulating a cold and rainy. Under these condi- ed the flamboyant styles which be- V. M. I. Rats .000 000 30x—3 3 1 series of pictures in barracks. Some tions the results were particularly came so universally used in later 'Dulcy" Will Be Summary: few of these photographs will be good. Close finishes featured the French Cathedrals. Errors: Britton, Hamilton, Fisher, 220 dash, 2 mile and low hurdles, Shown on May 5 (Continued on Page Two) Bralove. Two base hits: Childress, (Continued on Pan* F1*?) though Upson in the 440 took first Jacobie. Left on bases: V. M. I., 2; place by a substantial margin as also Cast In Smooth Order. Devitt, 3. Strike-outs: Shomo, 4; did Causey in the half mile. In the COL. MAKES 220 yard dash Holtzclaw, V.
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