THE INFLUENCE OF CHILDLESSNESS ON FEMALE EMPOWERMENT Sarah Doornenbal Family structure and gender roles have beliefs can be traced back to mythology and been dramatically transformed in recent folklore. Women were often childless because history. In particular, women, have become they were barren or unmarried, and thus more empowered as they have withdrawn pitied. In some cases, the childless woman from the traditional housewife role. Raising was viewed as evil and self-serving, and often children and keeping house is no longer the played the role of the protagonist. Classical only option for ambitious, independent tales affirm similar beliefs. Women without females. Particularly in western culture, men children were portrayed in a deficient or no longer dominate society or individual negative light, and cast aside as simply households as they did in the past. In addition, unwilling or unable to fulfill their maternal the workforce is changing, and while women role (Ireland 7). seek to empower themselves through different means, some have done so by focusing on This ideological prejudice persisted their careers rather than on motherhood. through the 20th century. If a woman was These factors may be contributing to a without children, it was assumed she was growing trend in childlessness over the recent either infertile or unfit to reproduce. But with years. In my research, I plan to study the the transition in gender roles, along with influence of female empowerment and growing awareness of female rights, attitudes changing gender roles on childlessness. I towards childless women have changed. project that there will be a clear connection Movements such as women’s suffrage, between the two phenomena of female abortion rights, and improvements in empowerment and childlessness. contraception now made childlessness a choice. As a result, women without children Sociologists have been challenged by the were no longer presumed to be infertile or question: Why do some individuals choose to unhealthy. However, their childless state, and have children, while others do not? Growing women’s decision to maintain it, were still up, getting married, and having a few rug-rats met with great criticism from the majority. may seem like the ideal American dream. This dream, however, does not apply to all. During the post-war years and the Since the pool of the voluntarily childless has consequent baby boom, traditional ideology grown over the years, it is necessary to study again defined the typical roles of the female the roots of childlessness to better understand and the family. Childlessness was nearly this topic. extinct; there was no public affirmation of a life without children (Mary 185). Though Female identity has been wrapped up in women had been encouraged to work during motherhood for centuries. This role the war, once the time of need had ended, designation has led to a very unfortunate women returned to their proper place - in the misperception of women who are not home. As the Cold War commenced, it mothers. It suggests that something is absent became not only the true role of the female in the female’s life—that they are lacking in but a patriotic duty to be a mother. However, some way. The very term ―childless‖ implies during the 60s and 70s new ideologies that one is missing something essential— emerged, and a rebellion against traditional something that is the norm (May 182). Such domesticity began. A new wave of feminism occurred during the 1960s, playing a vital role in the childless The childless movement, however, cannot movement. Unlike the first group of simply be attributed to feminism. So many feminists, who championed women’s rights factors are involved in this growing trend that through motherhood, this new wave of it is virtually impossible to pinpoint one feminists focused on alternatives to definitive cause. Several other philosophies motherhood (Ireland 3). Advocates of the have influenced the childless couples’ choice childless lifestyle began to advance the theory not only in this nation but throughout the that motherhood and romance were world. Along with contraceptive incompatible. Furthermore, many women improvements and the right to reproductive began to experience self-fulfillment in their choice, environmentalism and zero- careers, and view children as simply population growth also played their part. Gay providing distractions and hindrances from and lesbian rights have also contributed, as work goals. In the past, to be sexual a well as a growing commitment to public life woman’s only choice was to become a and careers and the pursuit of personal mother. And thus, as romance died with the pleasures. It is a whole new outlook on children’s arrival, to become a mother was to freedom and self-fulfillment, then, that has become nonsexual (May 5). Abortion and caused some couples to remain childless. birth control, however, had provided new Ultimately, voluntary childlessness is seen as options. A sexual revolution was taking place, the main contributing factor for the lower in which feminists of the 60s challenged the birthrate (May 183). postwar belief that motherhood was the only Since the 90s, voluntary childlessness has true fulfillment of womanhood. Ellen Peck, in become more common. In fact, the Baby Trap, argued that a childless lifestyle quintessential woman is no longer described was the key to keeping a marriage filled with as the devoted housewife and mother who excitement and sensual adventures. Peck also provides for her husband and children in the boldly suggested that children were a home. Although some prefer to continue deterrent to a marriage’s survival, rather than tradition, and honor the postwar ideology of an incitement (Ireland 189), with the domesticity, others would describe the ideal implication that fatherhood and infidelity may woman as happily married, with a good job, be directly related. and childfree. Some feminists took a very aggressive ―Childfree‖ is a new term that is stance against motherhood. And though a becoming popular amongst childless women childless lifestyle was becoming more and couples. This term is an explicit acceptable, activists like Gael Greene, who recognition that young people do not want to wrote A Vote Against Motherhood, were be viewed as lacking some necessary deemed heretics. The National Organization component in life. Instead, with only their of Non-Parents, established in 1972, had an partner in mind rather than an entire family, environmental focus, but also served lifestyle they should be free to live as they wish and issues. Eight years later, the organization pursue their own goals. Some traditionalists decided to soften their message, altering their still view this choice as self-indulgent and title to the National Alliance for Optional neurotic. Childfree individuals and couples Parenthood. Taking their lead from the have often expressed a sense of isolation. NAOP, most childless proponents have made Though childlessness is a growing trend, a similar transition—promoting the postwar versions of the family and acceptance and freedom of choice, rather than domesticity are still popular, and childless advocating one particular lifestyle over people find themselves in the minority. But another. just like their more traditional peers, childfree couples have dreams of marital bliss and means. Now that more women are given the domestic stability. They simply feel these opportunity to pursue their own goals and goals can be achieved without children (May careers, meme transmission may be a direct 185). cause of childlessness. A transition in gender roles has also Having provided an understanding of the contributed to childlessness. In the past, male historical background of childlessness, I now domination over the female played a key role focus on the census data and research in reproduction. Women were dependent on literature which supported my analysis. males for survival, and they had little Statistics clearly show that fewer people are opportunity to support themselves financially having children in the US. In the census data, or pursue their own goals. Wives were forced I searched for declining birth rates in addition to succumb to their husband’s wishes, and to statistics that reflected women’s roles in the fertility was often a sign of fitness in the home and the workforce. In 2004, the male. Due to the uncertainty of paternity prior proportion of childless women between 15 to paternity testing, conceiving several and 44 was 44.6%, up from 35% in 1976 children was generally preferred (Aarssen (Downs). 1769). Thus childbearing, housework, and family ruled the lifestyle of the female. To study the growth of female Gradually, women have gained more empowerment and its relation to independence from men, and the choice to childlessness, I investigated US census data remain childless has simply been one result of over the past 150 years. Women's roles as this new freedom. mothers, wives, and participants in the work force have changed dramatically, which can In an effort to predict future mating be demonstrated through these statistics. To trends, L. W. Aarssen of Queen’s University ensure that a trend in childlessness does in in Canada uses the terms ―sex drive‖, fact exist, I began my statistical investigation ―parenting drive‖, and ―legacy drive‖ to by focusing on birth rates throughout the explain the reasons people have children. United States. This research yielded good While the first two terms may seem rather results. Though the population is steadily self-explanatory, the legacy drive involves increasing, births are not, with immigration traits that promote a desire to leave something increasingly accounting for population of oneself for the future. The legacy drive can growth. Between 1880 and 2000, the birth result from the anxiety that is caused by our rate has consistently declined from 41.16 to awareness of our mortality, and can be 14.90 (Carter 1-35).
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