cal TheCitizen Monday, March 19, 1984 — 2 BIG DAN'S TAVERN Onassis married Bar rape: two guilty a g a in PARIS (AP) - Greek FALL RIVER, Mass. of a 22-year-old woman The case has been in ry a maximum of 20 shipping heiress Christi­ (A P ) — Two m en were in a bar New Bedford, the spotlight for more years. na Onassis, one of the ri­ convicted Saturday of M ass. than a year since police In four days on the chest women in the gang-raping a young The defendants heard reported the woman was witness stand, the wom­ world, was married to­ woman on a barroom the verdict read over raped and sexually an told how how she day to a 31-year-old pool table in 1983 while headphones by a transla­ abused while others in went into a bar to buy French businessman. It spectators joked and tor. They showed no Big Dan’s tavern cigarettes, stayed for a is her fourth marriage. cheered. emotion. cheered them on. drink and was then Onassis, 33, and Thier­ The eight-man, four- Earlier Saturday, the The notion of a crowd grabbed by strangers on ry Roussel were married woman jury reached the jurors had studied a mo- of men cheering as a her way out the door. in a civil service attend­ verdict after 5Vi hours of ckup of the tavern and woman lay pinned to the She said she was ed by about 20 people. deliberation following a asked for lengthy trial table provoked an outcry knocked to the floor, They posed briefly for a 16-day trial in a case transcripts. State Superi­ among women’s rights dragged to a pool table crowd of about 50 photo­ that became a focal or Court Judge William advocates. A week later, and raped by Silva and graphers after the 20- point for women’s rights Young turned down the 2,500 people staged a Vieira. She also said minute ceremony at the advocates. request for the trans­ candlelight march to Vieira and John Cordei- mayor’s office in the Squads of court offic­ cripts. New Bedford city hall to ro, a defendant in the fashionable 7th District ers lined the courtroom The jurors, some protest the incident. separate trial, tried to of Paris. and flanked the two de­ wearing St. Patrick’s Major television net­ force her to perform The bride wore a fendants as the verdict Day shamrocks, began works, magazines and oral sex. white suit and blouse. was read in a hushed deliberations at 9:30 large newspapers have Another witness, bar­ It was the first mar­ courtroom. a.m. after hearing testi­ covered the case. Large tender Carlos Machado, riage for Roussel, who Daniel Silva, 27, and mony by 30 witnesses, portions of the testimony said he saw Silva on top runs a Parisian model­ Joseph Vieira, 28, were and a final appeal by the have been televised by of the woman, “doing ling agency and also has convicted of aggravated prosecutor not to “per­ Cable News Network. piggy things.” But he construction and import- rape, which could bring petuate the myth” that All six defendants face said he only saw Vieira export interests. His a life prison sentence rape victims invite possible life sentences if touch the woman briefly. grandfather was the and possible deportation attacks. convicted on the charge The bartender’s testi­ Dominic McGlinchey, dubbed the “Mad Dog’ Royal Ulster policemen following his capture founder of a leading for the Portuguese The four other defen­ of aggravated rape. The mony contradicted parts by his comrades, is put in police car by two Sunday. French pharmaceutical immigrants. dants are being tried in jury can choose the less­ of the woman’s story. He company, Roussel-Uclaf, The two are among six a separate case that is er charges of rape or said she had three but the family sold the men charged in the expected to go to a jury assault with intent to drinks and joked with 'MAD DOG' McGLINCHEY company about 20 years March 6,1983, gang rapenext week. rape. Both charges car- the men, putting her ago. arms around one defend­ The civil service was ant before the attack. to be followed Saturday ILLINOIS PRIMARY The defence called by a religious ceremony only nine witnesses, in­ Irish fugitive captured at a Greek Orthodox cluding Silva, who said church and a dinner at the woman approached BELFAST (AP) — Dominic McGlinchey, Ire­ McGlinchey was asked about a machine-gun Maxim’s restaurant. Black vote pursuedhim looking for drugs land’s most wanted man, is expected to be attack on a Protestant gospel hall last Nov. 20 in Friends of the new­ and settled for sex. arraigned this week on a charge of murdering a the border town of Darkley, in which three lyweds said Onassis and 63-year-old postmistress in 1977, authorities said church elders were killed, the sources said. Roussel first met 12 by JULIET O’NEILL campaign policies. Rosa Parks rides in the today. Police also link McGlinchey to the December years ago and renewed CHICAGO (C P ) - Col­ The live debate was front or the back of the McGlinchey, 30, who has claimed to have killed 1982 pub bombing in Ballykelly, near Londonder­ their friendship three orado Senator Gary held two days before the bus but whether her son C o m p u te r30 people since 1972, was captured Saturday in a ry, in which 17 people, including 11 off-duty Brit­ months ago in Paris. Hart, former U.S. vice- largest state primarary can own and operate the gun battle with police in the Irish republic. ish soldiers, were killed in one of the worst bomb­ Onassis is the only president Walter Mon- vote held so far in the bus company.” crime He made history by becoming the first militant ings in the W /i years of sectarian bloodshed. surviving child of Greek dale and black preacher 1984 contest to pick a Mondale claimed he nationalist to be extradited by Dublin authorities The liberation army to which McGlinchey be­ shipping magnate Aris­ Jesse Jackson are bid­ Democrat to run against has a superior record in a d m itte d to British-ruled Northern Ireland since the island longs is a Marxist offshoot of the Irish Republican totle Onassis, who died ding for the black vote President Reagan, a Re­ civil rights and other MILWAUKEE (AP) - was partitioned in 1921. Army. Both groups are fighting to end British in 1975, leaving behind a in Tuesday’s Illinois pri­ publican, in the Nov. 6 issues of social justice. Two young men who A spokesman at Belfast police headquarters rule in Protestant-dominated Northern Ireland $l-billion empire. Her mary for Democratic election. He considered himself broke into a series of said McGlinchey was still being questioned by po­ and unite it with the Irish republic which is over­ only brother, Alexander, presidential nomination. It showed the crucial the candidate who is large com puters in Can­ lice detectives late Sunday, 24 hours after Irish whelmingly Roman Catholic to end 62 years of died in a plane crash in The importance of nature of the large black “able to unite white, ada and the United police handed him over to Northern Ireland partition. 1975. black support was un­ vote in the state, espe­ black and Hispanic States to prove they authorities at the border near Dundalk. Irish Prime Minister Garret FitzGerald said the derlined during a tele­ cially Chicago, which across the board in a could do it have pleaded McGlinchey, chief of staff of the outlawed Irish Irish Supreme Court’s speedy ruling to extradite vised debate Sunday could make or break a way that gives us the guilty to two misde­ National Liberation Army, was dubbed Mad Dog McGlinchey made it clear that those who commit when the three contend­ victory by Hart or Mon- strength to win against meanor counts, docu­ by his comrades for the brutality of the killings offences in Northern Ireland can no longer be ers jockeyed for position dale. Mr. R eagan.” ments filed Friday in he allegedly carried out. assured of refuge in the republic by claiming Radar jets as the best civil rights Hart predicted he will Jackson, the first Milwaukee federal court He is expected to be arraigned in Magistrate’s their offences were politically motivated. advocate and tangled attract black voters’ black to go the distance said. Court in Belfast in connection with the 1977 mur­ In London, The Daily Mirror newspaper report­ over racial divisions in support which has he has in a presidential to watch Assistant U.S. Attor­ der of Hester McMullen, 63, who was killed dur­ ed today that police chiefs in Dublin and London Chicago’s local politics. eluded him in other primary, challenged his ney Eric Klumb said it ing a machine-gun attack by Irish nationalist mil­ reached a secret agreement during talks last They also made clear states so far by his eco­ two white rivals to sup­ for Libya was the first computer itants at her home in Toomebridge, County An­ year that militants captured in the republic who none of them would cut nomic proposals which port his efforts to reform WASHINGTON (AP) crim e case of its kind in trim, in a bid to kill her son, a police reservist. faced criminal charges in Northern Ireland would personal income taxes show “ the issue in the the election process in a — The United States has which the motive was McGlinchey admitted participation in the slay­ be turned over to British authorities.
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