PLAINTlFPS EXHIBIT I CER-504 • eramlC~ ulletin October, 1954 OFFICERS Presidtn/ Ray W. Pafford Fort Worth, Texas Pr(Jiden/.Ele(/ Robert Twells CONTENTS Fostoria, Ohio riet.Presidents William O. Brandt Los Angeles, Calif. Papers John F. McMahon Alfred, N. Y. Gun-Placed Silica Cupola Linings 301 Rolland R. Roup T. E. Barlow and P. D. Humont Milwaukee, Wise. ~r Automatic Spraying of Glazes•.•.••••.................•.•.. 307 Dougherty R. J. Verba • burgh, Pa. General Sure/ary and Edi/or Pozzolans-Their Properties and Manufacture .•........••.•..•309 Charles S. Pearce Rudy L. Nordmeyer Columbus, Ohio Commil/ee on Publicalions Articles J. J. Canfield Eisenhower Letter•••.........•..•..•...........•.•.•..•..311 Chairman W.R.Kerr Wollastonite as a Ceramic Material ••••••.•..•..•.•.•....•••. 312 C. H. Hahner Karl Schwartzwalder. Pereny Kilns ..•..•.•.........•.••..•.........•.•..•...•••317 C. S. Pearce (ex officio) Nominations for Officers : 322 Milnaging Editor James S. Welch Rosters Editorial Assis/anls Membership Roster •.•.....•..•.•....••.•..•.•.••.....••••R·f Mary Ann Weigelt Emmoline R. Jamra Institute Roster .•.••••....•.•.••.•........•............• R.1 OS Eill/ern ReprestntatiDe WlIIiam T. Mohrman, Jr. 501 Fifth Ave., !'ew York 17, N. Y. Departments Phone: Oxford 7.2369 In Print for Ceramists 3 Sections 313 Mai Ibox for Readers 4 Schools 315 Offices Meetings Calendar 6 Institute Page 316 _ t'UliDt, tditorial, and adDer. Personal Notes 12 Authors 318 : 2525 North High St., mbus 2, Ohio. Phone LA. Out of the Kiln 13 Names 320 7012. A.T.&T. Teletype, CL593 '" Puhlication: 20th & North· Men & Positions 16, 17 BuildiRg Progress 321 I ampton Sts., Easton, Pa. Advertisers Index 18 I 6400 copies of this issue were printed i~ ....... )44 9CiIffil)INi"-.""'.!i*!f .."LA'~ Membership Roster 1 ....c. ' . The American Ceramic Society .... • "'>:'~is Roster of members is published only for the use of members of The American Ceramic Society. Listings are in alphabetical •. A separate Roster for the Xational Institute of Ceramic Engineers, showing grades of membership, is on pages R-105 to R-1OS a,.thisissue. Xew members received too late to be included are listed in the Addenda on page R-1IJ3. >;~-:These listings give the member's preferred mailing address. \\'here this is not his business ac1dress his compan,' connection is shown ili"parentheses. Divisions and other Society affiliations are indicated in parentheses following each name, in accordance ,,'ith the code Jiwiibelow. The absence of any such designation indicates that the member is from outside the Lnited States or a student member. ·iieitlierof which has Division affiliation. '.,' ," M-Materials and Equipment Division X-Xo Division affiliation R-Refractories Division. F-Fellow of The American Ceramic Society S-Structural Clay Products Division J-Junior Member \\'-White Wares Division I-Xationallnstitute of Ceramic Engineers ADCOCK. Lawrence W., Jr. (Wl .-\LEXAXDER, John B. (~l) 459 W. Washington St., Frankfort, Ind. Southwestern Portland Cement Co. (P. R. Mallor)' & Co., Inc.) 1034 Wilshire Blvd. ADDERLEY, James R. Los Angeles 17, Calif. 42 Church St., Brierle)' Hill ALEXAN DER. John ~l. (:Ill) S. Stafford, England 2376 Hamilton .-\\'e. ADERHOLD, GeM~ H. (Wl Xorth Bellmore, X. Y. Saxonburg Ceramics, Box 100 (Swindell-Dressler Corp.) Saxonburg, Pa. ALEXANDER, R. B. (W) AFFLERBACH, Harry (E) National Tile & ~Hg. Co. R.R. 4, Frankfort, Ind. 1200 E. 26th St.. Anderson, Ind. (Ingram-Richardson, Inc.) ALGEMENE VERENIGING VOOR AGASHE,R. 1':. De NEDERLANDSE AARDEWERK (Bricks) Tata Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. EN GLAS INDUSTRIE P. O. Kumardhubi E~I, Dt. (H. G. P. Kolfschoten) Haaweg 139, Manbhum, India Rijswijk, ):etherlands AG~EW, G. D. (W) ALLEX, Alfred W. (R) Universal Potteries, Inc. Ceramic Engineering Dept. Cambridge, Ohio Vniversit)· of Illinois, C rhana, III. AHEARN, V. P. (M) .-\LLEN, Ben (G) Xational Industrial Sand Assn. Coming Glass "'orks, Corning. ~. Y. 1325 ESt., !'o:. W., Washington 4, D. C. .-\LLEX. Ralph (W) AHL, George W., Jr. (W) 1234 Paddock Hills A\'e. Summit Mining Corp., Bashore Bldg. Cincinnati 29, Ohio Carlisle, Pa. (John Douglas Co.) AKAM, J. W. (S) Natco Clay Products. Ltd. ALLE:\, RICH.-\RD L. (RI) Aldershot, Ont., Canada E. J. La,'ino & Co., Box 365 .-\KMORAK, Miss Huban Xewark. Calif. I, Cobankizi Sokak, Buyukdere ALLEX, Robert G. (R) Istanbul, Turkey Rohert G .\llen Co., Box liD (Turkish Glass Works) l\!echaniC\'ille, X. Y. AKRON PORCELAIN CO. ALLEX, Walter C. (R I (F. W. Butler) Akron 14, Ohio l'. S. Steel Corp. Research L.ab. ALBERS-SCHOENBERG, Ernst (W) Lincoln High\\'ay, Kearny, X. J. 13-B·3 Redfield Village, Metuchen, K J. ALLE:\, Warren 'W., Jr. (5) (General Ceramics Corp.) Hydraulic· Press Brick Co. ALBERT, Joseph (W) South Park, Ohio Albert Pottery, Chamblee, Ga. ALLIANCE WARE. LTD. (R. E. Strain) .-\LBERTALLI, Stephen L. (GJ) Box 550, Vancou\'er, B. c., Canada Coming Glass Works, Harrodsburg, Ky. ALLIEGRO. Richard A. (RJ) ALBERY, D. F. (SFI) 33-05 150th St., Flushing 54, X. Y. 1433 23rd St. !'o:. W .. Canton 9, Ohio (Xew York State College of Ceramics) (Stark Ceramics. Inc.) ALLTSOX. Adrian G. (R) .-\LBRECHT, Ernst Battelle ~!emorial Institute Keramische Fachschule 505 King A,·e., Columbus I. Ohio Hoehr-Grenzhausen/b .-\LLISOX, Leroy W. (M) Kobl~nz. Germany Ceramic Publishing Co., Inc.. Box 9073 .-\LCOCK, Ronald H. Xorth Station. Xewark. X. J. "Ferrum" Espana 402-600. Avellaneda ALDIAJ\, Orin H. (G) Buenos Aires, Argentina Kimble Glass Co., 2626 Dorr St. (Ferrum. L. A. de Ceramica y Metalurgia) Toledo 7. Ohio ALDE~, Charles E. (G) ALT, Leslie R. (51) 1214 Parkside Blvd., Toledo 7, Ohio 547 Simon St.. Hayward, Calif. (Kimble Glass Co.) (Kraftile Co.) .-\LELt'IA, Joao C. F. ALT:\IAXX. Berton G. (B) Av. Araujo E Silva-59 16700 Cypres" \\'ay. Los Gatos, Calif. Aveiro, Portugal (Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corp.) ALEXIUS, Carl Axel ALTON BRICK CO. (Eben Rodgers, Jr.) Iittala Glasbruk, Iittala. Finland Alton, TIL .-\LEXANDER, A. E. <G) ALUMINUM CO. OF AMERICA Tiffany & Co., 727 Fifth Ave. (A. R. Pickett), 1501 .-\lcoa Bldg, !'o:ew York 22. X. Y. Pitt,hurJ,:h 19, Pa, -----------"""ROSTER AMBERG, Charb R. ,~n) A~UERSU~, Scott 11";1 .\RRAS, George. lEI Alfred l'ni\·. Research L.ab., R.R. I Anderson Ph)'sical LaOOralUr) 32 S. Peoria St.. Chicago 7, III. Box 212B, Kingston, X. Y. 609 S. Sixth St., Champaign. Ill. (Quadrangle ~Ifg. Co.) AMBROSE, Mary S. (D) A:\DERSON, William B. (EI .\RTHUR, Edwin 1'. lG) 582 Neff Rd., Grosse Pointe 30, Mich. • Titanium Pigment Corp.. III Broad,,,,y 3110 Las Faldas Dr., Fullerton, Calif (La Driere Studio) l'\ew York 6, :\. Y. (Beckman Instruments, Inc.) . AMBROSONE, Joseph P. (G) A~DREASEN, A. H. M. (Honorary) .\RTIS, William E. (D) 170 Reynolds Ave., Corning, N. Y. Oster Voldgade 10 ~ebraska State Teachers College (Corning Glass \Vorks) Copenhagen K., Denmark Chadron, ~ebr. AMERICAN CLAY FORMING CO. (Royal Danish Technical l'ni"crsity) AR\\'IXE, A. S. (RI (Dan McPhail) Tyler, Texas ANDREWS, Andrew 1. (EFI) Refractory & Insulation Corp. • AMERICAN COLLOID CO. Ceramics Bldg., University of Illinoi, Port Kennedy, Pa. (Paul Bechtner) 1: rbana, 11l. ASDEL~ Bffna~ K. (\V) Merchandise ~lart Plaza, Rm. 813 ANDREWS, Ray (G) Edgar Division Chicago 54, 11l. B. F. Drakenfeld & Co., Inc. ~Iinerals & Chemicals Corp. of America AMERICAN ENCAUSTIC Box 519, \\'ashington, Pa. ~lclntyre, Gcorg-ia TILING CO., INC. A~:'IIS, Aldon P. (S) ..\SIIER, Glen J. (Rl) (Robert A. Williams, Jr.) Texas Vitrified Pipe Co., Box III 2568 Illinois, South Gate, Calif. ~inth St. & Kenilworth Ave. Mineral Wells, Texas (Pryor-Giggey Co.) Lansdale, Pa. ANTAKI, Emile .\SH~IORE, Russell c., Jr. AMERICAN GAS ASSOCIATION Calle Espana 402/600, A\'Cllancda, 25 Kew Brick .-\pts., Clemson, N. C (e. G. Segeler) 420 Lexington Ave. Buenos Aires, Argentina ASHWORTH, GEORGE L., &. New York 17, N. Y. (Ferrum S. A. De Ceramica & BROTHERS, LTD. AMERICAN LAVA CORP. (John Kruesi) Metalurgia) (William G. Eyans) Broad St. Works Chattanooga 5, Tenn. ANTHONY, George H. (R) Hanley, Stoke-on·Trent, England AMERICAN NEPHELINE LTD. 41 Marion Dr., Poland, Ohio ASSOCIACAO BRASILEIRA (H. R. Deeth) (Youngstown Sheet & Tool Co. I DE CERAMICA Lakefield, Ont., Canada ANWYL, Robert H. (S) I Francisco de Salles V. de Azevedo) AMERICAN OPTICAL CO. Box 597, Toronto, Ohio Ceramica Sanitaria "Porcelite" S/A (A. H. Bennett) (Toronto Fire Brick Co.) Sao Paulo, Brazil Research Center, Southbridge, Mass. AO, Takeo .\SQUlTH, Milton AMERICAN PORCELAIN No. 11 I-chome Redfearn Brothers, Ltd. ENAMEL CO. Dairyo-Machi Sumiyoshi, Osaka. Japan Old Mill Glass Works (Robert Long) 1285 Keating Ave. (Osaka University) Barnsley, England Muskegon 36. ~lich. ARANGO, G. Botero .-\ TWELL, George D., Jr. (S) AMERICAN POTASH & Balboa 63-13, Medellin, Colombia Shenandoah Brick & Tile Corp. CHEMICAL CORP. (R. M. Curts) (Cristaleria Peldar S. A.) Box 32. Winchester, Va. 122 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N. Y. ARCHBOLD, Walter H., Jr. (MIJ ACER, Konrad F. AMERICAN RADIATOR & 125 Smallwood Dr., Snyder 21. ~. Y. Xetstal, Kt. Glarus, Switzerland STANDARD SANITARY CORP. (Electro Reiractories & AeLT, };eil N. (BI) (James S. Goodman) 834 E. Broadway Abrasives Corp.) Norton Co., I Xew Bond St. Louisville 4, Ky. ARCHIBALD, W. A. Worcester 6, ~Iass. AMERICAN SMELTING & British Iron & Steel Research .-\5'n. AeSKERN, Allan REFINING CO. (L. G. ~latthews) 140 Battersea Park Rd. Dept. of Ceramics, M. I. Bldg. 120 Broadway. New York 5, N. Y. London, S. W. 11, England Penns)'lvania State University AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS CO. ARCHIE, Chad L. (S) State College, Pa. (A. S. Crandon) 9 West Park Way Archie Structural Products Co. AUSTENAL LABORATORIES, INC. Pittsburgh 12, Pa. Box 312, Corinth, Miss. (R. C. Feagin), 224 E. 39th St. AMES. R. N. (RI) ARCHIE, Chad L., Jr. Xew York, N. Y. • 10718 S. Morgan St., Chicago 43, Ill. Archie Structural Products Co. .-\eSTIN, Arthur O. (W) (U. S. Steel Corp.) Box 312, Corinth, Miss. Box 109, Barberton, Ohio AMES, Robert G. (W) ARENSBERG, Francis L. (G) (A. O. Austin Co.) 69 Jefferson Ave., Cresskill, N.
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