Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-12-1967 The B-G News January 12, 1967 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News January 12, 1967" (1967). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2045. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2045 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Phones Come To Dorm Rooms By KATHLEEN SALAY student lines to be in service telephone system, the operator Mr. Ryland explained. "Each calls. Staff Writer Sept. 1, 1968 with 850 additional would barely be able to raise a year additions were made to pro- Adding to the problem of The University Board of student lines to be in service cord in two seconds." vide phones for the Increasing growth, the telephone companv Trustees has approved a con- Sept. 1. 1969. Mr. Ryland refers to the number of students." must consider the length of time tract with the Northern Ohio In addlton to the increased present telephone problem as a "This year with the addition It takes to obtain new equipment. Telephone Co. to install a Cen- number of phones on campus. " helter- skelter situation brought of the last 380 phones (for each "Each piece of equipment must trex telephone system by Sept- Centrex will also increase the about by the tremendous growth buildings as Krelscher Quad- be specially made for a partic- ember. 1968, A. Inghram Mil- number of lines coming to and which both the University and the rangle, the Student Health Cen- ular city and a particular Job," liron, director of auxiliary ser- going from campus. For ex- city of Bowling Green have ex- ter, the Student Service Building Mr. Ryland said. vice, has announced. ample, "The PABX can handle perienced." and the Library the PABX is "Phone equipment cannot be Presently, the Unlversitv i« about 30 incoming lines," ac- The University is experienced being used at its capacity," Mr. just taken from a shelf and DUX- using a PrivateAutomatic Branch cording to Robert D. Ryland, periods of rapid growth before. Ryland said. chased," he explained. "It must Exchange (PABX) telephone sys- Bowling Green district manager One occurred iust after World Probably the biggest problem be custom-made." tem, "which has already reached of the telephone company. War II, according to Dr. Donnal of the present telephone system For this reason it will take its capacity," Mr. Mllllron said. "Centrex will be able to handle V. Smith, dean of students. "The is that it cannot handle the In- about two years to acquire and "By June, 1968, there will not hundreds of incoming lines," he latest growth period stared about coming calls each evening. Install the Centrex equipment," be one available new phone on said. 1960," he said. Mr. Ryland sees this telephone he said. campus with our present Centrex will eliminate using Dean Smith attributed this problem as a large number of "Realizing that the present system." the main switchboard, A per- growth to the "war baby" boom Incoming calls being tunneled phone problems were coming up, Under the Centrex system son off campus will be able to which all colleges will feel from down to 30 calls which the PABX the University has been working every dormitory room would have direct dial a student on campus about 1960 to 1970. lines and switchboard can handle on them and considering Centrex a telephone. But Mr. Mllllron without going throughtheUnlver- In 1955 theUniverslty installed at a time, as people attempt for about four years," Mr. Mll- said "These plans may be al- sity operator. the PABX telephone equipment. to talk with some of the 10,000 llron said. tered because full details have "It will take about two seconds Before this time each department students on campus. The Centrex equipment hereat not been worked out." for a call to ring the campus had a city phone. Mr. Mllllron believes that In- the University will be installed The contract calls for 850 phone with Centrex," Mr.Ryland "The PABX is made to ahndle creased off-campus housing has in the Maintenance Building base- administrative lines and 3,650 continued. "With the present a capacity of about 1,300 phones," added to the problem of Incoming ment. The B-G News Serving a Growing University Since 1920 Thursday, January 12, 1967 Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 51, No. 53 Primary Elections 23 Will Vie For Title Set For April 5 In Miss BGSU Contest By AL ANDERSON paigning. As it stands now, each Staff Writer residence hall has its own se Pretty Sharon Phillian, the Theta; Sharonkae Pepas, McDo- of rules, which has led to con- reigning Miss Ohio, will share nald East; Barbara Hardy, Al- April 5 is the tentative date fusion and several election vio- the spotlight tomorrow night with pha Gamma Delta; Nancy set for student body primaries, lations. 10 contestants in the annual Miss Killen, Alpha Delta PI; Gall Slo- Bill West, chairman of Election SPIRIT AND TRADITIONS -- BGSU Pageant. bodo, Kappa Delta; Gloria De- Board, announced at the Student Earl Wearsch, co-chairman of Miss Phillian, who won the Noto, Treadway Hall. Also, Cabinet meeting last night. the board, reported that the talent competition in the Miss Becky Quick, Alpha XI Delta; Although the primaries are not Christmas tree lighting cere- America Pageant last September, Jane Stahl, Harshman D; Carol official as yet, there Is every mony has been favorably ac- will repeat her winning perfor- Ann Witt, Prout Hall; Paulette indication that they will be passed cepted by all and It appears to mance here. Breen, Delta Gamma; Sandy by Student Council at tonight's (Continued on Poge 4) Of the 23 women representing Changet, Harmon Hall; Mary Pel- meeting. Sharon Phi Mian the sororities and housing units ton, Phi Mu; Myra Dillard, Mc- The primaries are to be for on campus, 10 will be finalists Donald West. representatives to Student Coun- for the competition in the Union cil and for student body officers. Liberal Arts Faculty Ballroom. Preliminaries will be Senior Appointed The winning candidates in the held tonight at 7:00 j the Ball- primaries would then run In the n general election to be held the room. News Manager following week. To Review Research Winner of the Miss BGSU con- In other board reports: John S. Kilmer, a senior in Liberal Arts and the Two Cul- test will compete in the Miss ELECTIONS -- West stated University faculty members the College of Business Admin- tures" will begin at 1:30 p.m. Ohio pageant at Cedar Point this that the board was in the pro- are scheduled to conduct a con- istration from Dayton, was re- and will feature the following summer. This is the seventh cess of adopting a uniform set ference entitled "The Liberal cently appointed business speakers: Dr. Richard D. Hoare, year the University has been of rules and regulations for cam- Arts and the American Univer- manager of the B-G News for sity" from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. associate professor of geology, represented in the statewide con- the second semester by the Uni- today in the Alumni Room. will speak on "The Educational test. versity Publications Committee. Co-op Bookstore The program will Involve dis- Bedstead." Discussion will be Master of ceremonies for the Kilmer, a general business cussion and criticism of papers by Dr. David S. Newman, as- campus pageant will be Bob Kelly, major with marketing - sales as To Open Monday developed by a liberal arts facul- sistant professor of chemistry. WTOD radio personality from his field of specialization, has ty group during the spring and Dr. Thomas L. Kinney, Toledo. He will be assisted by been assistant business manager A cooperative barter - type summer of 1966. assistant professor of English, Sharon Martin, Miss BGSU of of the News for one year. bookstore will go into operation Panel No. 1, entitled "Commit- will speak on "A Child's Garden 1965. He Is a member of Phi Delta Monday, according to Ken ment and Expertise in the Uni- of Courses." Dr.Stanley K.Coff- Theta social fraternity, theMar- Barclay, senior class president. versity," will begin at 10 a.m. man Jr., chairman of the Eng- Miss BGSU of 1966, KarenKln- ketlng Club and the Society for In charge of the project. Dr. James Q. Graham, associate lish department, will discuss the sey, will also take part in the the Advancement of Management. Students wishing to participate professor of history, will speak paper. program, which is open to the on "Thoughts and the Causes of public. There is no admission should call the Student Activi- "The Purpose of the Higher Our Present Discontents," and charge. ties Office, ext 2232, or mail Learning" will be the topic of the attached coupon on page 6. Dr. Otto F. Bauer, associate The contest, sponsored by the professor of speech, will analyze panel No. 3 which will begin at Alpha Tau Omega fraternity in During the first week after 3 p.m. and will Include the fol- vacation, tables will be set up and discuss Dr. Graham's topic. cooperation with the Union Ac- Dr. Gilbert Abcarian, as- lowing speakers Dr. Archie H. tivities Office begins at 7 p.m.
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