WELCOME TO THE ALPINE GARDEN SOCIETY’S 62nd SEED LIST Please read through these notes and also the notes on the back of the order forms before completing the forms. The main distribution will begin in December and will continue through January. Please note that the distribution takes place from Pershore and the office will be closed for the Christmas and New Year holiday. Consequently, no orders will be made up between 20 December 2013 and 6 January 2014. The seeds offered originate from various sources and cannot be guaranteed true to name. Neither The Alpine Garden Society nor any official of the Society can be held responsible for what is supplied. Members are reminded that named cultivars and hybrids cannot be relied upon to come true, and plants raised from seed from cultivars should not be labelled with the names of those cultivars. Seeds of many species are in short supply and we can never have enough to meet all requests. If you request very rare or scarce species you may be disappointed and we advise you to spread your requests throughout a variety of seeds on the list. We do limit the allocation of rare species to try and be as fair as possible to all members, especially to those who donate the rare seed. Surplus seeds are those remaining after all applications for main distribution seeds have been met. Please see the notes on the back of the order form for further information. On-line ordering is the recommended way to order and pay for seed. There are many advantages in ordering this way, in particular a built in link to pictures of the plants on the list. You can make your selection, then come back later and narrow it down or change your choices. Ordering and paying is easy on line and it is very helpful for the team making up orders. We will take care to ensure parity between on line ordering and postal ordering so neither system will get priority. Please go to http://www.alpinegardensociety.net/seed/exchange/ and follow the instructions on the page. Payment is preferred on line as this reduces our bank charges and will help keep down the cost of seed. It also greatly helps our administration and saves a lot of time and work for our volunteers. If you currently pay your membership by direct debit, we can also accept payment for seed this way. We also can accept sterling cheques or cash in dollars or euros at your risk. No other payment is acceptable. Easy packs: Following the successful introduction last year of "Easy Packs", we will be offering these again. These packs contain ten specially chosen varieties of seed, in a variety of colours, which are easy to germinate and grow and are suitable for beginners or those wanting quick results. The packs will contain information on the plants included, and an instruction sheet on how to germinate and grow these varieties. None of the plants in these packs need Alpine House cultivation. Please select the code letter(s) of the pack(s) of your choice in the box on the order form. You may request any number of packs within your Main Order allocation (one Easy Pack counting as ten of your choices) or in addition to your Main Order allocation at a cost of £3. Easy Packs will also be available in the Surplus Seed Distribution, subject to availability. Overseas Members: We remind members outside the UK and the EU that most countries restrict the import of some species. It is the responsibility of members from overseas to check the laws covering seed importation before ordering to make sure that anything they request is not on their country’s list of banned imports. Failure to do this could cause confiscation and destruction of all the seed within the imported packet at the point of entry to your country. Overseas members should pre-check the list of approved species by contacting their local Ministry of Agriculture. For orders from the US, Australia and New Zealand we will include a printed list of your seeds to meet your countries’ requirements, and we will do what we can to ensure we do not send banned species. Guidance on restricted species may be found on the following sites: Australia: AQIS ICON database: http://www.daff.gov.au/biosecurity/import/icon-icd New Zealand: http://www1.maf.govt.nz/cgi-bin/bioindex/bioindex.pl USA: https://www.nargs.org/restricted-seed USDA regulations do not permit the importation into the USA of any parasitic species, any species of the genus Lathyrus (without treatment, which we cannot fulfil) nor any member of the families Berberidaceae and Rutaceae. Wild Collected Seed The donor code initials after the plant name refer to the donor, please refer to the donor pages at the back of the booklet for their codes. These donor codes enable us to identify individual collection sites. Some species have up to 8 different donors, so a species with two or more donors is indicated by >2. Details of some of the collection sites may be available on request from: Diane Clement, 194 Compton Road, Wolverhampton, WV3 9JX or by e-mail: [email protected] 001 Acacia baileyana KG 045 Aquilegia einseleana RN 002 Acantholimon alatavicum VH 046 Aquilegia flavescens x formosa RRa 003 Achillea clavennae RN 047 Aquilegia formosa JSt 004 Acinos alpinus GSe 048 Aquilegia pyrenaica RSi 005 Aconitum baicalense GB 049 Aquilegia vulgaris RN 006 Aconitum columbianum RRa 050 Arabis alpina >2 007 Aconitum lamarckii RN 051 Arabis bellidifolia RN 008 Aconitum lycoctonum MM 052 Arabis caerulea MM 009 Aconitum rotundifolium VH 053 Aralia californica RRa 010 Actaea rubra GC 054 Aralia hispida GC 011 Adenophora divaricata ST 055 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi LV 012 Adonis vernalis KDI 056 Arenaria capillaris LV 013 Ailanthus altissima IG 057 Arisaema sp ex SKorea HH 014 Ainsliaea acerifolia subapoda ST 058 Armeria alpina RN 015 Alchemilla alpina MM 059 Armeria macloviana KI 016 Allium acuminatum RRa 060 Armeria maritima MM 017 Allium cernuum LV 061 Arnica cordifolia RRa 018 Allium flavum PM 062 Arnica montana >2 019 Allium komarovianum GB 063 Arum maculatum JoB 020 Allium narcissiflorum AV 064 Arum pictum LM 021 Allium sacculiferum GB 065 Aruncus dioicus GSa 022 Allium schoenoprasum sibiricum ON 066 Asarina procumbens GV 023 Allium taschkenticum GB 067 Asclepias speciosa LV 024 Allium tricoccum PB 068 Asphodelus albus AV 025 Allium victorialis >2 069 Aster alpinus >2 026 Alyssoides cretica FF 070 Aster amellus ID 027 Alyssum spinosum LC 071 Asteraceae sp ex Montana SF 028 Androsace dasyphylla VH 072 Astragalus glycyphyllos HP 029 Androsace obtusifolia JBu 073 Astragalus neglectus GC 030 Anemone altaica GB 074 Astragalus penduliflorus RN 031 Anemone narcissiflorum >2 075 Astragalus purshii glareosus RRa 032 Anemone rivularis GB 076 Atropa bella-donna RN 033 Anemone virginiana PB 077 Balsamorhiza rosea RRa 034 Anemonopsis macrophylla ST 078 Bellendena montana KG 035 Angelica archangelica ON 079 Billardiera longiflora GJ 036 Antennaria dioica >2 080 Biscutella laevigata MM 037 Antennaria dioica dioica RN 081 Blandfordia punicea BG 038 Antennaria plantaginifolia PB 082 Boykinia occidentalis RRa 039 Anthericum liliago ID 083 Buphthalmum salicifolium ID 040 Anthericum ramosum ID 084 Callistemon viridiflorus KG 041 Anthyllis vulneraria >2 085 Calochortus lyallii RRa 042 Aquilegia alpina GSa 086 Calochortus macrocarpus LV 043 Aquilegia atrata >2 087 Caltha leptosepala biflora rotundifolia RRa 044 Aquilegia canadensis short form GC 088 Campanula barbata >2 089 Campanula cochlearifolia >2 148 Daphne laureola RK 090 Campanula morettiana JZ 149 Daphne mezereum RN 091 Campanula rapunculoides ID 150 Daphne mezereum dwarf form RN 092 Campanula scabrella RRa 151 Daphne striata >2 093 Campanula scheuchzeri RN 152 Darlingtonia californica RRa 094 Campanula aff scheuchzeri IM 153 Delphinium confusum VH 095 Campanula topaliana JJ 154 Delphinium glareosum RRa 096 Campanula trachelium MM 155 Delphinium nuttallianum RRa 097 Carex atrata ON 156 Delphinium viridescens RRa 098 Carex flava ON 157 Dianthus amurensis GB 099 Carex leporina GC 158 Dianthus andrzejowskianus GB 100 Carex sp New Jersey lime PB 159 Dianthus barbatus RN 101 Carlina acaulis >2 160 Dianthus carthusianorum ID 102 Castilleja thompsonii RRa 161 Dianthus glacialis GSa 103 Catananche caerulea pink form LC 162 Dianthus sylvestris IM 104 Centaurea valesiaca IM 163 Dianthus uralensis GB 105 Chorispora bungeana VH 164 Digitalis grandiflora RN 106 Cirsium eriophorum GSa 165 Digitalis lutea ID 107 Cistus albidus LC 166 Diplarrhena latifolia BG 108 Cistus creticus >2 167 Dodecatheon conjugens RRa 109 Cistus crispus LC 168 Doronicum austriacum RN 110 Cistus monspeliensis LC 169 Dracocephalum peregrinum LB 111 Cistus aff monspeliensis EM 170 Dracocephalum stamineum VH 112 Cistus salviifolius LC 171 Dryas drummondii SR 113 Cistus sp Croatia KI 172 Dryas octopetala >2 114 Clematis alpina >2 173 Dryas punctata VH 115 Clematis flammula TR 174 Drymophila cyanocarpa BG 116 Clematis gentianoides BG 175 Echinops nanus VH 117 Clematis recta RN 176 Echinops aff ritro EM 118 Clematis songarica VH 177 Echium vulgare >2 119 Clematis sp ex Montana SF 178 Epilobium fleischeri AV 120 Clematis stans ST 179 Epilobium glaberrimum fastigiatum RRa 121 Clematis tangutica VH 180 Epilobium latifolium MS 122 Clintonia uniflora LV 181 Eremogone franklinii franklinii RRa 123 Colchicum cf haynaldii HR 182 Erigeron alpinus GSa 124 Colchicum szovitsii GB 183 Erigeron aurantiacus VH 125 Convolvulus angustissimus BG 184 Erigeron glacialis glacialis RRa 126 Convolvulus tragacanthoides VH 185 Erigeron poliospermus RRa 127 Corallorhiza mertensiana MS 186 Erigeron uniflorus
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