The Oxford Democrat

The Oxford Democrat

The Oxford Democrat. VOLUME LVI. PARIS. MAINE. TUESDAY. JULY 1«. 1880. NUMBER 29. k I'*"*. OO COWS HOLD UP TMIIR MILK* M IW mlitrl IkMM ral. THE BABY'S BEAO. it well. lVt*r iVtrowitchrand. Ilirowing THE l*E OF COFFEE. 11»I. AMONli ABOUT FlNtttR RINGS THE FAKMEItK. THE RUINED TEMPLE. lirnrlf l<rr knMt In front of him, Attorney at Law, It i* not an uncommon <-oni|>Ulnt In u|h« I am naif a Ml of imh* ilw liU mMck 4 Writer Wk« H«M« ll I* H< a Nlrtil^ MAi»k tV t«riuuhl that thi* or that in« * til Il<>« hfi* IS* m<«.til*>•»«• Mill#. ftaMM«(hl«g AWwmI IK* (MtnMI llw f*M< rlMpnl tmwchin<ly. 1%*i 'iMtiM ii»« t*t-r la ITmmt larf NUk. ooi ai»«I tV with II'■» Mir Ihr Anwar* atlMi Ihrlr «»••» •n.l 1*1 m m la TW»lr !'•». "Hut thU ImmMiI laat, r*- 1"» rtninhwi «* "<l»f 4*«n,M *|»lrlt ttwl Um lltfM In Mr lnwrtwl hanila* |>r%>tw-al a*r* «a«r«i Mm \»« ml* Ik* IH. 'War frtrml, »nl fMtr from our olMm- '• <a hit h t V ultrrancr U iiit'lr that fuixNM John Hhhium. of Uw Hm her wtlh »tonLrr p<«, "thia all I—Mil allw>« In linplkr* IM »w • h<> trial Ihr |<alhul Tlic Dr. I>i*h<>p U Um U(M Itarding Wttn|wnu»l(il, tr*>W»l M UU iIm- of 111*11 in Orwr* and Tur- I» W-Mk. ihwlMM fc. | lit a *1. m» I* out of humor, Ut'iiHit or ugly liM* i* aixI M iimr lr*riln»tM fall. vt Lincoln in 1759, marrfol thuv tinn-a. blood lliou to U ilifd-knowHl y ye*ra « l»l Mm»«. 'Hf^l fan., Mr aixl Til i»rH In *rr|» «'*f tlflttr# kt*l,- r ||W *<n that ilia umof co(T»w willfully |irr«Ut* In hoMIng up Iht On iln« »■ < juion til hU fmirlh thou not It will relound upon thin* own key, moderate jwire ^*..* at \ Irti*. • Ihr M4tl rH N>r Will. M|aKinl, *h«i f«r to Um «Mar Air, Cv uu««lor Law. milk. Chat ni*> «|o not on* almost a to altaay* gl»r Hmwlnial il «h*i fmrful owl. Imi tlii* motto <m lit* |*«r rm«c: Vwl flrx iika utj tn l>mi>|» b*adf la. might my, blewunjf use judgment. •W*m *» (nit pi kriiui. Mini Vu iltri arr lu\it*^l tu |> |Mit«*«it Mtnl Im*«m n>fy«*>»nk •lie for rich and Kirta in IU um, or th* < *• ml(M>l, fallra k*. If I «ir*ti* "I know It." uu«tnd, "and it poor. < Mm* war |« w hu it Hunt finurr* tu our who U trwiplr i)hi« firry familiar with N "» iimku n>« when th* lieonj i, WiHM<wi>y. ilarly- |'iu4rtlf In |kf luM II lira, ru n*k« of h««Tfn. (tut thou Ua* of it at all, X * l» Ami U I* Ik* (fci* in; «<«iliff, I kl«i4« mj Im'j* eirrpl k of Juilfmml U la irvlKf in «t«» »• Ing «»r ha* ha. I invasion tu t|o mui-h *.hI inrfli.irV< ol It* Mllrf |4H not till u* w licit* r |Im> h (Mi rutted IVler iVtro- tion l« mad* fmtn the « *» • r* lr«r. i|i»h W lia ara|-fa«J Um rail wilt atetig* when? fmuiM |V|. m».iiT •tl* •!•» «atih«Mii i-<>n»ulttug thrlr own Milking. < all wp Ihr «al ka liar Ufa HUtory Ihyarlf, (•air >•«. lint Irl n* l«llr «up| fourth Mr*. TIioiiih* (In* artiU* fcAmiulf ••ml li«MkK witch. trll ni*. whanf and mad*, ia Ivyond any | trv>im«ta»x-ra onrnun with a 'IV or ■|>|ir\i*i'«l berry, properly larg> mammalia mllk-fltlng animal* Itlx In Ihr l« |hu« in gnif, Ai (ha I Kirk a an* « «|*w« mrtol. Attorney A Counselor, ll|i nor »h»tli*r tl># iiiim-Ii thou wiah rtvumad tha an evil On* muit lira in th* •ink ami of nuiiunr ami arr with a who r oftha* »«rrl I hi It .|at-'l In H wm*— BMQt, tuarrrinit MDutf DM)," •jueation |ilmt\ h«i|>'1 fiiriri*V<t fflaml IVilia|i« fa * or lair <>f i4hrr Urr«| to it ihiL In Um Mioiiik* • Mlkii l«mUx| fir* at f'-wt for a while, or if not ther* confln* im plant* alt right a«*rr* «»f mm («v ar< It |t to Mvrvtr or iiiinufrdurr milk fin n Thl» irM|>)r <!•}• U*li<'|> carry pri«*t. "to him frotu ambuarada, of mv I naH frwnt a l>fn»a| l>t to of th« In •«— •»' * • if«Mi •(■raking <i| Nrw Kuglaml farmrr* ami tV Itloaxl. Aflrr tV U Ilul da • In a»l l«rml Ihr »ir Tin- Motto riiiK* t««lajr |«ttrrn« Iik« a bnndll «»f tha mountain*?—to kill himself partaking heTerag* young liroiiflit rr(4 Alhl I drank thai UUndn«- thta uukr* a ikxra amalU-r fattio r*. who mm ih# aHil't i|»ir tna> Ihr llf hi. of tli# **«« r.ilrt mink* a^ii. a hidden l.»lrf I not do ll other countries where tl»* rhara< ter of foitli till* kUimI hnxmiM rhargr<| with 1*1*5 rtnjjaof la «n wrh tutaUlw ki« from No, will • Awl »«rf tn«i thai fatal <lat Tl»f» t -TiUXt, itniml ami trail ui»n morr where it ia »r»nl. >,M |»r«(rfly i»rr|»arr Itlootl. whi< h. un<trr |»m|«rr *tlmuhi*. IV I.U<k lml»a l ml whltr. Tl»# Iiim Mr, of rourev, If it ia tl*> will of Ood that I Uxmoi* tha th* oaf#, or tit* houa* 1 Thr awl «rrw ri|>ti<4i* than an hit, frrl that thr* mu*l n Ala I Um aiatfa IImI an- reaail ma llaaj.lnf A Counselor*. ratrml |.rr.. of tlx* young tran«forin« or itm- ImN Ihr <U>fcr«l alfhl alt. imak-rn. I Kit the h ntiuicnt remain* tli# Inttrunirnl of bla vanfranc*. h* will U a guarantee of th* purltj, t«> appr*- Atu>ra«y* 'hrlr la Iter miik I'akmlr»l IH l-t MndllflM. !t«NM Ilka llwai arr |iilUfi)i| law u|rrall<in< illmlkHi m ort« Into milk. 11k- art ion of tin* glan«i •am*. mm »«t liaa lan k to riat* what a of ootfe* utnuu HIXI Ihr m( Ihr Mail Of Ut« j piw Ml »«-a> him in aiy cup rwll; v KM IT. Iter* »ill hr a* TVfr Ml trM^lr I latttM tny ) ( la«lit*« put »»;.* Iwiknl U|n»n "atuall fr* ," U In ihi wu*r uiMlrr tin* control of thr mlaturv la ruin* ualtr Mailing •lira Uie ii *1 oM Ilii^luli anil lli« liamU AikI \*-*l M mf ikMMi ij-liHa Hrtrml montli* had tinea (hia It ia a rrtyniunl fart that th* •. %ir«t thr rr%ult la lau or a< r» « paaa*d II m (*«!«• ami Ihtvr o( w111 of tV animal. 'IV of 1 |>ro.hirtlou i« -• of our AiiN riniii Iwlkt ir« wloriml IVt*r drunk Ui* of In flu |t>*wa. <lowa. Ihr fair u|>anl lriii|| a interview M»»m iVtrowitch and bjr majority [wfl* half-grow w mm «ln»k»"»l with aml>, lln milk I* a «Ital lnlliii'niT«| Ok, Ufa lhal a aa III a»l gbftuw v > ii> kki< a pcor^a*, largely Hal n»m t*> WiWffrr p«f» an l akHr- miii# mottoca our own undrr th* with ring* that carry th# WWm Um fU'wrnU f.a maa. hit brother's wife, and tha fata of tha rop* and country famtrr (nitnl ln-a««r lir |< muhir to hi tlx- emotional i-oiflitlon of tV ani- »ank atM hrr rata* aallh a |nan aroit|kl in tun# I onf 0»a iktirkna. nam* of coffee u a <«r. at th* ImI. ^ ••arr for ai»i Iter wholr ao lnl>ill»tlM luat nalait «l »I|M tliat th#m Kin# llal's An •••a) Ihwurmtiofi w*a near at hand. a *11*. It, oprratIon run- | mal. ami tV nirutal inn>lltloii, to icrai-t^l day \ttornay at Law. • Hi' it II twr n-<4 uf mln* *a«* l«i a nulnai In kkaH Um tank la Iwr urtrat ptoa' an of Inferior her uliif hint hrhkm! InancUlll a* wrll aa In ha* im t<» not Th*r» u*rd In lh>uic when th* law commanded adulterated compound •|«*«k. murli tlo. oulr H hrt* Iraall thuiilvn la 'Irrwt. Montenegrin 1 %I*K Iter ralrrm i>f all oharrtrfa. t»Ur 111*11 which iii*W i!m» l>ri l< •mil III# Itoa a>*Vl rl*a, Im«ii< or other aulwtitute*. aixl that with tV <|ualltr. I>ut i|uautlty of milk >» aw>t>lrr hklut* rflth |irraval« ^naiiu TKaa UM IkK hi r*M tianrfa* a rrnuiM iation of all aurwilUnc* uj»n I Mil. mm lunv ruffw with a |Mi«lurr ami othrr «a|. IV iihuI fatorahlr iaiii<lltlou Thaa ul Ilia Hfr lluri't Ihn.wa liri l* niarn.t.-i' 4 rin^ of ir<>n to II. In iMr mlftitr criminal*, or amall. in order that when orcaaiooallv tit* genuine » * » n*|tila||r* IimhIik grrat .(i ll«»l T. |l*a I IUNIii* » liiM w»» IIm ||r Irw * ran*** •|ora ai-ll at lUIrt lli|, au«l hi* nrtghlior. for milk itn»>!miloii la tint tV animal V »Imi« how Luting tli* union ought to I*.

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