VOLUME 16 11FNUMBERt 228 Washington, Saturday, November 24, 1951 TITLE 3-THE PRESIDENT ing agreement, as amended, and Order CONTENTS No. 33, as amended (I CFR, Part 933), ,TRADE AGREEMENT LETTER regulatin the handling of oranaes, THE PRESIDENT grapefruit, and tangerines grown In the [PURSUANT TO PRocUMrxor GIVMG Agreement Letter as M State of Florida, effective under the ap- Trade EFTT TO SBrerows 5 MD 11 OF 'plicable provisions of the Agricultural TRADE AcREsEia ExzSuox Acs or Pursuant to proclamtiou giving 1951] Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as effect to cections 5 and 11 of the amended, and upon the basis of the Trade Agreements E tension Novr =Ea 20, 1951. recommendations of the committees es- Act of 1951 ....... 11951 MY DEAR M2. SECRETARY: tablished under the aforezaid amended Pursuant to Part I of my proclamation marketing agreement and order, and EXECUTIVE AGENCIES of August 1, 1951," carrying out sections upon other available information, It Is 5 and 11 of the Trade Agreements Ex- hereby found that the limitation of ship- Agriculture Department tension Act of 1951, 1 hereby notify you ments of oranges, as hereinafter pro- Sec Production and Marketing that the suspension provided for therein vided, will tend to effectuate the declared Administration. shall be applicable with respect to im- policy of the act. Alien Property, Office of ports from the following nations and (2) It Is hereby further found that it Notices: -areas which are entered, or withdrawn Is Impracticable and contrary to the Vesting orders, etc.: from warehouse, for consumption on and public Interest to give preliminar Brunnett, Luise. 11 4 after January 5, 1952: notice, engage in public rule making pro- Copyrights of certain German Union of Soviet goelaUst Republics. cedure, and postpone the effective date natIonaL___ _ 196 Poland and areas under Polish domiuation of this section until 30 days after publ- Diederichs, Emile Charles or controL cation thereof In the Fran REG== Robet._119136 Pursuant to Part II of that proclana- (60 Stat 237; 5 U. S. C. 1001 et ceq.) be- German and Japn e nation- tion of August 1, 1951, I hereby notify cause the time Intervening between the als and governents-.- 11902 you that the entry, or withdrawal from date when Information upon which this German music publishers and warehouse, for consumption of ermine, section Is- based becam available and fox, kolinsky, marten, mink, muskrat, the time when this zection must become Meyer, Zm George F., et eL 11905 and weasel furs and skins, dressed or un- effective In order to effectuate the de- Schenkrer & Co. S. A. G. L__ 11925 clared policy of the act Is insuliclent; a dressed, shall be prohibited on and after Strube, Anthony T...... 12934 reasonable time is permitted, under the January 5, 1952, as to products of the circumstances, for Preparation for such Universim-Film A. G _ 1903 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. effective time; and good cause exists for Universum-Pilm A. G. et al-_ 11893 Very sincerely yours, making the provisions hereof effective Winthrop, Bertram - 190 HARaRY S. TimiA not later than November 26,1951. Ship- Civil Aeronautics Board ments of oranges, grown In the State of Proposed rule maldng: The Hon. Jomr W. SNYDER, Florida, have been subject to regulatlon Secretary of the Treasurv. Schedules interstate air carrier by grades and sizes, pursuant to the certification and operation iP. p. mc 81-14149; Filed, Nov. 23, 1951; amended marketing agreement and or- rules .. 11,T, 12:37 p. m.] der, since September 15, 1951, and w so continue until November 26, 1951; the Commerce Department TITLE 7-AGRICUL-TURE recommendation and supporting in- See International Trade, Ofce of; formation for continued rezulation sub- National Prcduction Authority. Chapter IX-Production and -Mar- sequent to November 25 was promptly Defense Department [eting Administration (Marketing submitted to the Department after an Area of understanding agreement Agreements and Orders), Depart- open meeting of the Growers Adminis- between the General Services ment of Agriculture trative Committee on November 20; such Administration and the Da- [orange Reg. 205] meeting was held to consider recom- partment with respect to PART 933-ORAwNGs. GRApEmrUIT AMD mendations for reulatlon, after giving stan da rds, specifications, TAaMMEis GROVN 3N FLOUDA due notice of such meeting, and nter- packaging, and inspection LLIPSATION OFSW3PIE=T ested persons were afforded an oppor- (ae General Services Admin- § 933.544 Orange-Regulation205-(a) tunity to submit their views at this meet- istration). provisons of this Eection, in- Findings. (1) Pursuant to the market- Ing; the Supplement=ry agreement (see cluding the effective time hereof, are General Services Administra- 3 Prec. 2935, 16 E. R. 7635. (Continued on p. 112=3) tion). 1185_1 11852 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS-Continued CONTENTS-Contlnued Federal Communications Com- pag Land Management, Bureau of PgI EEIEWWREGISTER mission Notices: Notices: Oregon; opening of public lands Dominican Republic broadcast restored from Deschutes Proj- Published daily, except Sundays, Uondays, stations; list of changes, pro- ect ------------------------ 1 1874 and days following official Federal holidays, posed changes asid corrections by the Federal Register Division, National in assignments ---------- 11893 National Production Authority Archives and Records-Service, General Serv- Hearings, etc: Rules and regulations: ices Administration, pursuant to the an- Lakewood Broadcasting Co_. 11892 Bgsic rules of the controlled ma- thprity contained in the Federal Register Menefee, Henry W7 ........ 11893 terials plan (CMI' Reg. 1). 11800 Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Tefit, Frank D., Jr-------- 1189Z Procedure for obtaining mini- amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula- mum quantities of mate- tions prescribed by the Administrative Com- Wr'Y, Inc. (WIY)------- 11892 mittee of the Federal Register, approved by rials by producers of Class B the President. Distribution is made only by Federal Trade Commission products (CMP Reg. 1, Dir. the Superintendent of Documents, Govern- Rules and regulations: 1) ...------------..--- - 11800 ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. 0. Continental Radio Tube Co. et Receipt of authorized con- The regulatory material appearing herein al.; cease and desist order---. 11858 trolled materials ordered is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, for delivery prior to July 1, which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Foreign and Domestic Com- 1951 (CMP Reg. 1, Dir. 5). 11870 to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as . merce Bureau amended June 19, 1937. Steel, use of imported (CMP The Fi PAr.REa=E will be furnished by See International Trade, Office of. Reg. 1, Dir. 4) ----------- 11870 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 General Services Administrationo Zinc, distribution (M-9) ------ 11871 per month or $15.00 er year, payable in Notices: Post Office Department advance. The charge for individual copies Area of understanding agree- (minimum 15?) varies in proportion to the Rules and regulations: size of the issue. Remit check or money ment between the Admin- Postal service, international.. 11871, order, made payable to the Superintendent istration and Department of Defense witl respect to 11812 of Documents, directly to the Government Settlement of accounts, legal Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. standards, specifications, There are no restrictions on the republica- packaging, and inspection 11893 proceedings, compromises... 11871 tion of material appearing in the FmxDzr. Supplemental agreement..- 11895 Star, steamship, and steamboat RaMITRa. routes, and vehicle services In Indian Affairs Bureau cities ----------------... 11871 Proposed rule making: Price Stabilization, Office of Now Available Attorneys and agents-------- 11873 Authority with respect to alloca- Interior Department tion of meat to be exercised by HANDBOOK OF EMERGENCY See Indian Affairs Bureau; Land the Director (see Economic Sta- Management, Bureau of. bilization Agency). DEFENSE ACTIVITIES International Trade, Office of Notices: OCTOBER 1951-mARCH 1952 EDITION Ceiling prices at retail: Notices: Adam Hat Stores, Inc ------ 11881 Published by the Federal Register Division, Siegel Chemical Co., Inc., et al.; Augusta Bedding Co -------- 11880 the National Archives and Records Service, revocation and denial of li- B, J. Brockc & Co., Inc ------ 11881 General Services Administration cense privileges ------ .. 11875 Barron-Anderson C ------- 11877 Rules and regulations: Blackwell Mattress Co ------ 11882 125 PAGS-30 CENTS Export clearance ----------- 11856 Brooke Cadwallader Men's Licensing policies and related Wear Division, Inc ------- 11878 special provisions-- -------__.11856 C. F. Hathaway Co --------- 11880 Order from Superintendent of Documents, Priority ratings and supply as- Evansville Mattress & Couch United States Government Printing Office, sistance assigned by OIT.... 11856 Co., Inc ----------------- 11887 Washington 25, D. C. Project licenses ------------ 11856 Fisher, Bruce & Co --------- 11882 Provisions for individual and Fisher-Price Toys, Inc ------ 11879 other validatdd licenses --- 11856 nternational Shoe Co---- 11883 'CONTENTS-Continued Interstate Commerce Commis- J. A. Dubow Sporting Goods sion Corp -------------------- 11878 Defense Mobilization, Office of Page Notices: Jacob Siegel Co ---------- 11880 Notices: John Oster Mfg. Co -------- 11888 Applications for relief: Julius Kayser & Co- ..------ 11879 Determination
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