January 29, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E195 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING DR. MICHAEL H. A TRIBUTE TO MR. WILFRED G. also founded The Concerned Committee For MOSKOW GOODEN—REAL ESTATE DEVEL- Christian Education (CCCE) which supported OPER, PHILANTHROPIST, CIVIC two schools, one in New York and the other in Jamaica. AND POLITICAL ACTIVIST It was not unusual to walk into his home HON. RAHM EMANUEL and find Congressman Charles R. Rangel and former Mayor David Dinkins in good active OF ILLINOIS HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL conversation. In Jamaica he counted at least OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES three former Prime Ministers as good IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES friends, The Most Hon. Michael Manley, Ed- Monday, January 29, 2007 Monday, January 29, 2007 ward Seaga and P.J. Patterson. His Christmas season trips were legendary Mr. EMANUEL. Madam Speaker, I rise Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, I rise today on behalf of The Concerned Committee For today to recognize the long and distinguished to pay tribute to the life and legacy of Wilfred Christian Education (Seventh Day Advent- ists) when he distributed clothing, books, career of Dr. Michael H. Moskow. On August G. Gooden, civic and political activist who left this world at the age of 84 years and to enter toys and blankets to the children of families 31, Dr. Moskow will retire from his position as in need. into the RECORD an article in the New York President and Chief Executive Officer of the Mr. Gooden is survived by his beloved wife Carib News entitled ‘‘Wilfred G. Gooden, 84, a Sybil and a brother, Vibert who is 93 years Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago after 13 Real Estate Developer, Philanthropist, Civic young of Atlanta, Georgia. years of dedicated service. and Political Activist.’’ In Lieu of flowers, please make contribu- Born in Paterson, New Jersey, Dr. Moskow Wilfred G. Gooden was born in Jamaica and tions to Concerned Committee For Christian Education (CCCE) Box 683, New York, NY received his B.A. in economics from Lafayette spent 60 years residing in New York City. His 10039. College in Easton, Pennsylvania, in 1959 and life is one of those rags to riches stories, in- Viewing will take place on Sunday 21, 2007 a doctorate in business and applied econom- cluding a social, charitable, and political side. from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. followed by the Mr. Gooden began in 1977 rehabilitating city- memorial service at 5:00 p.m. at The Ephesus ics from the University of Pennsylvania’s owned abandoned apartment houses, under Seventh Day Adventists Church at West Wharton School in 1965. the Federal Government’s section 8 housing 123rd Street and Lenox Avenue (Adam Clay- Throughout his career, Dr. Moskow has suc- ton Powell Blvd.) The burial will be Monday subsidy program, along the area of 145th at 10:00 a.m. ceeded in a wide realm of venues. His experi- Street from Broadway east to Amsterdam, f ences range from serving on the faculty of then south along Amsterdam toward 144th Northwestern University’s J.L. Kellogg School Street. IN HONOR OF THE HONORABLE of Management to 14 years in senior manage- Gooden never forgot his Jamaican roots. He TERRY R. SPENCE ment positions for three Chicago companies founded the American Friends of Jamaica in 1982 and remained as a director on its board and appointment for public duty by the Senate HON. MICHAEL N. CASTLE until his death and founded the Concerned on five different occasions. OF DELAWARE Committee For Christian Education, CCCE, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES During his tenure as a public servant, Mr. which supported two schools, one in New Monday, January 29, 2007 Moskow would assume a series of important York and the other in Jamaica. He has re- and influential roles. He served as a U.S. ceived several accolades including the Order Mr. CASTLE. Madam Speaker, it is with great pleasure that I rise today to recognize Trade Representative to Southeast Asia, of Distinction, O.D., for his contribution to Ja- the accomplishments and career of the Honor- Under Secretary of Labor at the U.S. Depart- maican charities from the Government of Ja- maica and an honorary degree of human let- able Terry R. Spence. Mr. Spence is the long- ment of Labor, senior staff economist at the est serving Speaker of the House of Rep- Council of Economic Advisors, Assistant Sec- ters from the Faith Grant College of Alabama. Even though Wilfred G. Gooden passed resentatives in the history of the State of Dela- retary for Policy Development and Research away on January 6, 2007, his contributions to ware. Speaker Spence also has held the posi- tion longer than any speaker in any state leg- at the Department of Housing and Urban De- Harlem, my congressional district, are ever islature in the United States of America. velopment, Director of the Council on Wage present in the buildings he rehabilitated in the and Price Stability, and finally, President and Mr. Spence was born and raised in Wil- area. Please join me in extending heartfelt mington, Delaware. He received an associ- Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Reserve sympathies to his beloved wife, Sybil, and ate’s degree in business from Goldey-Beacom Bank of Chicago. brother, Vibert. College and he later received his bachelor’s Dr. Moskow also serves on a number of WILFRED G. GOODEN, 84, A REAL ESTATE DE- degree from Wilmington College. Speaker civic, professional, and educational organiza- VELOPER, PHILANTHROPIST, CIVIC AND PO- Spence is truly a born and bred Delawarean LITICAL ACTIVIST tions. Currently, Dr. Moskow is chairman of and he has served our state honorably for Dr. Wilfred G. Gooden, O.D., of Riverdale, the National Bureau of Economic Research, over 26 years. New York, a Jamaican American who ar- First elected in 1980, Terry quickly rose as well as the director of the Chicago Council rived in New York almost penniless from Ja- through the ranks to become the Majority maica in 1945, worked hard, saved his money on Foreign Relations, the Council on Foreign Whip of the General Assembly. He served in Relations in New York City, the Northwestern and become one of Harlem’s most successful real estate developers. He died in Kingston, this position for 3 years and was consistently Memorial Foundation, the Chicagoland Cham- Jamaica W.I., at Andrews Memorial Hospital reelected as a Republican, even though he ber of Commerce, and World Business Chi- on January 6th, 2007 just weeks away from served in a Democratic district. cago. The list of organizations he has guided his 85th birthday. As a State Representative for the 18th Dis- and served goes on and on. Mr. Gooden’s life embodied not only a rags trict, Terry has worked tirelessly to defend the to riches story, but he entered the social, middle class. As a member of Labor and Vet- Madam Speaker, I congratulate Michael business, charity and political life of the eran Affairs committees, Representative Moskow on his lengthy and influential career, city, and never forgot his Jamaican roots. Spence has fought to protect the constituents and thank him for his many outstanding con- He was a founder of The American Friends of the 18th. tributions to Chicago and the country as a of Jamaica in 1982 and remained as a director Having worked with Terry during my years on its board until his death. The Government whole. I wish him the best of luck and contin- of Jamaica honored him with the ‘‘Order of as lieutenant governor, governor, and now ued happiness in his retirement and all his fu- Distinction (O.D.) for his contribution to Ja- U.S. Representative, I can attest to his strong ture endeavors. maican charities and the Faith*Grant Col- leadership and his dedication to not only his lege of Alabama presented Mr. Gooden with constituents, but to all Delawareans. Serving an Honorary Degree of Human Letters, He as Speaker of the House is a formidable task, ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:43 Jan 30, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JA8.001 E29JAPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC61 with REMARKS E196 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 29, 2007 and Terry has managed to successfully carry sional District, Kristin McCreary of St. [From the New York CaribNews] out his duties over an extraordinary period of Josaphat School and Lauren Costa at St. Pas- BROOKLYN CELEBRATES YVETTE CLARKE’S AS- time. cal School. I thank these outstanding edu- SUMPTION OF DUTIES AS REPRESENTATIVE Speaker Spence continues to serve as a cators, past winners, and all of the dedicated FOR 11TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT; HUN- dignified leader in the General Assembly and Catholic school teachers in my district for their DREDS ATTEND COMMUNITY EVENT AT BROOKLYN COLLEGE I wish him luck as he begins his work with the devotion to their students and for setting the 144th session of Delaware’s legislative body. I standard for teaching excellence. (By Tony Best) After one of New York City’s big political commend him for a life of service and thank Madam Speaker, I support H. Res. 51 and him for his tireless dedication to Delaware. flash points: a brutal election campaign to encourage Catholic schools in my district and fill a Congressional seat once held by the f across the United States to continue contrib- iconic figure Shirley Chisholm, it was time uting to the development of strong moral, intel- PERSONAL EXPLANATION for a community celebration.
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