FORMER OFFICE-BEARERS Chancellors SIR REDMOND BARRY, Kt KCMG BA LLD Dub. MA. From 17th May, 1853, to 23rd November, 1880. SIR WILLIAM FOSTER STAWELL, KCMG BA Dub. LLD Dub. ir Melb. MA From 2nd May, 1881, to 8th May, 1882. THE RIGHT REV. DR. JAMES MOORHOUSE, DD Cantab. MA Cantab, ir Melb. From 7th July, 1884, to 1st February, 1886. THE HON. DR. WILLIAM EDWARD HEARN, QC AM LLD Dub. From 3rd May to 4th October, 1886. SIR ANTHONY COLLING BROWNLESS, CMG MD St. And. ir Melb. LLD FRCS. From 4th April, 1887, to 3rd December, 1897. THE HON. SIR JOHN MADDEN, GCMG BA LLB LLD. From 20th December, 1897, to 10th March, 1918. SIR JOHN HENRY MacFARLAND, Kt MA Belf. ir Cantab. LLD. From 8th April, 1918, to 22nd July, 1935. SIR JAMES WILLIAM BARRETT, KBE CB CMG LLD Manit. MD MS FRCS FRACS. From 30th August, 1935, to 6th March, 1939. THE RT. HON. SIR JOHN GREIG LATHAM, PC GCMG KC MA LLM. From 6th March, 1939, to 3rd March, 1941. THE HON. SIR CHARLES JOHN LOWE, KCMG MA Adel. ir Melb. LLB Hon. LLD. From 3rd March, 1941, to 15th March, 1954. Died 1969. THE HON. SIR ARTHUR DEAN, Kt QC LLM Hon.LLD. From 15th March, 1954, to 7th March, 1966. Died 1970. SIR WILLIAM GEORGE DISMORE UPJOHN, Kt OBE Hon.LLD MD MS FRCS FRACS. From 7th March, 1966, to 6th March, 1967. THE RIGHT HON. SIR ROBERT GORDON MENZIES, Kt AK CH QC Constable of Dover Castle, Lord Warden of Cinque Ports, LLM Hon. LLD (Brist. Belf. Melb. Br Col. Syd. McGill Malta Laval Tas. Cantab Harv. Leeds Adel. Q'ld Edin. Birm. A.N.U. Sus Drury College and Calif.), Hon DCL Oxon. Kent Hon. DLitt W.Aust. Hon. DSc N.S.W. Hon. FAHA Hon. MAustMM FRS Hon. FRCS Barrister-at-Law. From 6th March 1967 to 6th March 1972. Deputy-Chancellors SIR JAMES WILLIAM BARRETT, KBE CB CMG LLD Manit. MD MS FRCS FRACS. From 17th December, 1934, to 30th August, 1935. THE RT. HON. SIR JOHN GREIG LATHAM, PC GCMG KC MA LLM. From 30th August, 1935, to 6th March, 1939. Died 1965. SIR WILLIAM LENNON RAWS, KtB CBE. From 6th March, 1939, to 3rd March, 1941. SIR WILFRED RUSSELL GRIMWADE, BSc. From 3rd March, 1941, to 1st March, 1943. DR. BERNARD TRAUGOTT ZWAR, MD MS FRACS. From 1st March, 1943, to 5th March, 1945. THE HON. SIR WALTER MASSEY-GREENE. From 5th March, 1945, to 3rd March, 1947. DR. LESLIE SCOTT LATHAM, MA MD BS FRACP. From 3rd March, 1947, to 7th March, 1949. THE HON. TREVOR DONALD OLDHAM, LLB. From 7th March, 1949, to 5th March, 1951. SIR JOHN NEWMAN-MORRIS, CMG MB BS. From 5th March, 1951, to 2nd March, 1953. THE HON. SIR ARTHUR DEAN, Kt QC LLM Hon. LLD. From 2nd March, 1953, to 15th March, 1954. Died 1970. COLIN MACDONALD GILRAY, OBE MC BA Otago MA Oxon. ir. Melb. Hon. LLD FACE. From 15th March, 1954 to 11th March, 1958. SIR IAN CLUNIES-ROSS, CMG DVSc Syd. Hon.LLD FAA. From 11th March, 1958, to 2nd March, 1959, and from 3rd March, 1959, to 4th March, 1962. Deceased. SIR WILLIAM GEORGE DISMORE UPJOHN, Kt OBE Hon.LLD MD MS FRCS FRACS. From 5th March, 1962, to 7th March, 1966, and from 13th April, 1970, to 2nd April, 1973. 199 UNIVERSITY CALENDAR LEONARD WILLIAM WEICKHARDT, CBE Hon.DASc V.I.C MSc Hon.LLD FIChemE FRACI. From 4th April, 1966, to 6th March, 1972. Vice-Chancellors THE RT. HON. HUGH CULLIN EARDLEY CHILDERS, MA Cantab. FRS. From 17th May, 1853, to 12th March, 1857. THE HON. WILLIAM CLARK HAINES. From 15th May, 1857, to 31st May, 1858. SIR ANTHONY COLLING BROWNLESS, CMG MD St. And. ir Melb. LLD FRCS. From 31st May, 1858, to 4th April, 1887. MARTIN HOWY IRVING, MA Oxon. ir Melb. From 2nd May, 1887, to 27th May, 1889. THE HON. SIR JOHN MADDEN, GCMG BA LLB LLD. From 3rd June, 1889, to 20th December, 1897. THE HON. SIR HENRY JOHN WRIXON, KCMG QC BA Dub. From 20th December, 1897, to 7th March, 1910. SIR JOHN HENRY MacFARLAND, Kt MA Belf. ir Cantah. LLD. From 7th March, 1910, to 8th April, 1918. SIR JOHN GRICE, BA LLB. From 6th May, 1918, to 18th June, 1923. SIR JOHN MONASH, GCMG KCB VD Hon.DCL Oxon. Hon.LLD Cantab, ir Melb. BA LLB MCE DEng. From 2nd July, 1923, to 8th October, 1931. SIR JAMES WILLIAM BARRETT, KBE CB CMG LCD Manit. MD MS FRCS FRACS. From 7th December, 1931. to 17th December, 1934. Salaried Vice-Chancellors SIR RAYMOND EDWARD PRIESTLEY, Kt MC MA Cantab. DLitt Malaya LLD St. And. Natal Dal. ir Birm. DSc N.Z. W.I. ir Melb. From 1st January, 1935, to 30th June, 1938. Died 1974. SIR JOHN DUDLEY GIBBS MEDLEY, DCL Oxon. MA Oxon. ir Melb. Hon.LLD From 1st July, 1938, to 1st July, 1951. Died 1962. SIR GEORGE WHITECROSS PATON, Kt BA BCL Oxon. Hon.LLD Glas. Syd. Q'ld Tas. Lond. Monash ir Melb. DCL W.Ont. MA Of Gray's Inn, Barrister- at-Law. From 1st July, 1951, to 29th February, 1968. Wardens of the Senate THE REV. DR. JOHN EDWARD BROMBY, MA BD DD Cantab. From 16th July, 1867, to 8th August, 1868. THE HON. DR. WILLIAM EDWARD HEARN, QC AM LLD Dub. From 8th August, 1868, to 24th August, 1875. THE HON. SIR JOHN MADDEN, GCMG BA LLB LLD. From 24th August, 1875, to 14th September. 1882. ANDREW HARPER, MA. From 14th September, 1882, to 13th May, 1886. CHARLES ALFRED TOPP, MA LLB FLS. From 13th May, 1886, to 12th Sep­ tember, 1890. DR. THOMAS PATRICK McINERNEY, MA LLD. From 12th September, 1890, to 17th December, 1923. Wardens of Convocation MORRIS MONDLE PHILLIPS, MA LLM. From 24th March, 1924, to 13th November, 1934. DR. LESLIE SCOTT LATHAM, MA MD BS FRACP. From 11th January, 1935, to 14th February, 1944. THE HON. SIR ARTHUR DEAN, Kt QC LLM Hon.LLD. From 10th May, 1944, to 15th March, 1950. Died 1970. ELIAS GODFREY COPPEL, CMG QC LLM LLD. From 1st April, 1950, to 15th April, 1959. ROBERT FOWLER, OBE VD MD BS FRCS. From 4th May, 1959, to 4th November, 1962. Deceased, HIS HONOUR JUDGE JOHN GERALD NORRIS, ED LLM. From 5th November, 1962, to 18th August, 1965. THE HON. MR. JUSTICE CLIFFORD INCH MENHENNITT, QC LLM. From 19th August, 1965, to 17th April, 1968. 200 FORMER OFFICE-BEARERS THE HON. MR. JUSTICE WILLIAM OLIVER HARRIS, QC LLM. From 1st May, 1968, to 19th August, 1970. SAMUEL AUSTIN FRANK POND, OBE ED MA LLB DipCom. From 23rd Sep­ tember, 1970, to 30th September, 1972. RAYMOND MOYLE NORTHROP, QC LLM. From 17th November, 1972, to 14th January, 1975. Presidents of the Graduate Committee RAYMOND MOYLE NORTHROP, QC LLM. From 15th January, 1975, to 16th December, 1975. RONALD GEOFFREY DOWNES, DAgrSc FAIAS. From 17th December, 1975, to 20th June, 1976. Presidents of the Professorial Board 1856-1934 WILLIAM PARKINSON WILSON, MA FCPS. From 1856 to 1857. WILLIAM EDWARD HEARN, QC AM LLD. From 1857 to 1858. MARTIN HOWY IRVING, MA Oxon ir Melb. From 1858 to 1861. WILLIAM EDWARD HEARN, QC AM LLD. From 1862 to February 1865. MARTIN HOWY IRVING, MA Oxon ir Melb. From April 1865 to 1867. WILLIAM PARKINSON WILSON, MA FCPS. From 1868 to 1871. GEORGE BRITTON HALFORD, MD FRCP Lond. From 1872 to 1873. SIR FREDERICK McCOY, KCMG MA DSc Cantab. FRS. From 1874 to 1875. HERBERT AUGUSTUS STRONG, MA Oxon ir Melb. From 1876 to 1877, EDWARD JOHN NANSON, MA Cantab ir Melb. From 1878 to 1879. SIR FREDERICK McCOY, KCMG MA DSc Cantab. FRS. From 1880 to 1885. JOHN SIMEON ELKINGTON, MA LLB. From 1886 to 1887. WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT, MA MCE MInstCE. From 1887 to 1888. EDWARD ELLIS MORRIS, MA LittD. From 1888 to 1889. HENRY LAURIE, MA LLD. From 1889 to 1890. EDWARD ELLIS MORRIS, MA LittD. From 1890 to 1893. HARRY BROOKS ALLEN, MD BS ChB LLD. From 1894 to 1896. SIR DAVID ORME MASSON, KBE MA DSc FRSE FRS. From 1897 to 1898. EDWARD ELLIS MORRIS, MA LittD. From 1898 to 1901. THOMAS GEORGE TUCKER, CMG MA LittD. From January to October 1902. HENRY LAURIE, MA LLD. From October 1902 to 1903. SIR WALTER BALDWIN SPENCER, KCMG MA DSc LittD FRS. From 1904 to 1911. SIR DAVID ORME MASSON, KBE MA DSc FRSE FRS. From 1912 to 1915. SIR WILLIAM HARRISON MOORE, KBE CMG BA LLD. From 1916 to 1918. WILLIAM ALEXANDER OSBORNE, MB BCh Belf. DSc Tubingen ir Melb. Hon.DSc Belf. Hon.FACS. From 1919 to 1921. ERNEST WILLINGTON SKEATS, DSc ARCSc FGS. From 1922 to 1924. SIR ROBERT STRACHAN WALLACE, KBE MA Oxon ir Melb. LLD Aberd. From 1925 to July 1927. SIR ERNEST SCOTT. From July 1927 to 1930. WILFRED EADE AGAR, CBE MA Cantab. DSc Glas. is Melb. FRS. From 1931 to 1934. Chairmen of the Professorial Board SIR DOUGLAS BERRY COPLAND, KBE CMG MA DSc N.Z. LittD Harv. Q'ld ir Melb. Hon.LLD A.N.U. DCL Bishop's LLD McGill Clark Carleton BC Adel. ir Melh. 1935 to 1937. SIR KENNETH HAMILTON BAILEY, CBE QC BCL MA Oxon. Hon.LLD Dal­ housie ir A.N.U. LLM Hon.LLD. 1938 to 1940. SIR SAMUEL MacMAHON WADHAM, MA Cantab. 6- Melb. Hon.LLD AgrDip Cantab. 1941 to 1943. SIR PETER MacCALLUM, MC MA N.Z. MSc N.Z. ir Melb. MB ChB DPH Edin. MD FRCP Edin. FRSE FRACP MCPA. 1944 to 1946. Died 1974. SIR GEORGE WHITECROSS PATON, Kt.
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