Accused Persons arrested in Thiruvananthapuram Rural district from 04.03.2018 to 10.03.2018 Name of Name of the Name of the Place at Date & Arresting Court at Sl. Name of the Age & Cr. No & Sec Police father of Address of Accused which Time of Officer, which No. Accused Sex of Law Station Accused Arrested Arrest Rank & accused Designation produced 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Akhila Bhavan, Nr Aswani . J.S, 04.03.18 301/18 U/s : 1 Sindhu Savithri 38 Chathanpadu jn, Pothencode Pothencode S I of Police, Station Bail 11.45 hrs 117€ of KP act Vembayam village Pothencode PS Kalluvila Veedu, Aswani . J.S, Thiruvelloor, 04.03.18 302/18 U/S : 2 Anu Anil @ antony 38 Ariyottukonam Pothencode S I of Police, Station Bail thettichira, 13.00 hrs 151 Cr PC Pothencode PS andoorkonam village Manoj Bhavan, Aswani . J.S, Manakkattil, 04.03.18 303/2018 U/S : 3 Manoj Manikantan 24 Pothencode Pothencode S I of Police, Station Bail Karichara, 18.00 hrs 279 IPC Pothencode PS Pallippuram village A1. Karuna Veedu, Aswani . J.S, Karunakaran 04.03.18 304/18 U/S : 4 Muraleedhara 54 Melemkode, Kalladichavila Pothencode S I of Police, Station Bail Nair 20.45 hrs 160 IPC n Nair Karippooru village0 Pothencode PS A2. Sreenilayam Veedu, Aswani . J.S, Prabhakara 04.03.18 304/18 U/S : 5 Sreekantan 57 Poothakode, Kalladichavila Pothencode S I of Police, Station Bail Pillai 20.45 hrs 160 IPC Nair Andoorkonam village Pothencode PS Yamuna Aswani . J.S, Vasavan Shanmughan 05.03.18 305/18 U/S : 6 56 Vilasom,Kudavoor, Pothencode Pothencode S I of Police, Station Bail Assari Assari 17.30 hrs 151 Cr PC Mel thonnakkal village Pothencode PS Ushas Veedy, Aswani . J.S, Peruthala, 05.03.18 306/18 U/S : 7 Umesh Udayakumar 28 Pothencode Pothencode S I of Police, Station Bail Kattaikonam ward, 17.45 hrs 151 Cr PC Pothencode PS Andoorkonam village Ajitha Bhavan, Aswani . J.S, Sreenarayanapuram, 06.03.18 308/2018 U/S : 8 Biju Sadanandan 43 Pothencode Pothencode S I of Police, Station Bail Keezhthonnakkal 19.50 hrs 279 IPC Pothencode PS village Mulam Kunnil Veedu, 309/2018 U/S : Aswani . J.S, 06.03.18 9 Remanan Shanmughan 60 Velavoor, Koliyacode Pothencode 279 IPC & 185 Pothencode S I of Police, Station Bail 19.55 hrs village of MV act Pothencode PS Roadarikathu Veedu, Aswani . J.S, Sasidharan Chellappan 06.03.18 310/18 U/S : 10 52 Aruvikkarakonam, Karoor Pothencode S I of Police, Station Bail Nair Pillai 20.15 hrs 151 Cr PC Uliyazhthara village Pothencode PS Thippalikonathu 311/18 U/S : Aswani . J.S, Madhavan Veedu, 07.03.18 11 Gopa Kumar 47 Pothencode 118(a) of KP Pothencode S I of Police, Station Bail Pillai thippalikonam, 11.00 hrs act Pothencode PS ayirooppara village Puthuval Puthen veedu, Nr. Safa Abdul 458 / 18u/s Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 12 Noushad 52 Audittorium, Kaniyapuram 4/3/18 Bail By Station Azeez 279 IPC m Police Thonnakkal, Melthonnakkal village Aluvila Vedu, 459 / 18u/s Kizhzkkumoola, Murukkumpuz Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 13 Biju 32 Vincent 4/3/18 279 IPC and Bail By Station Sasthavattom, ha m Police 185 of MV Act Veoloor Village 463 / 18u/s Appolo colony, Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 14 A1. Vishnu 26 Vijayan Karihcara 4/3/18 15© of Abkari Bail By Station Pallippuram villae m Police Act Appolo colony, Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 15 A2. Ratheesh 28 Vijayan Karichara 4/3/18 / u/s Bail By Station Pallippuram villae m Police 464 / 18u/s Manika Appolo colony, Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 16 A1. Renjith 30 Karichara 4/3/18 15© of Abkari Bail By Station ndan Pallippuram villae m Police Act A2. Vishnu Maniya Appolo colony, Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 17 30 Karichara 4/3/18 / u/s Bail By Station Prasad n Pallippuram villae m Police H.No. 234, Appolo 465 / 18u/s Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 18 Jayan 40 Gopi Colony, Pallippuram Karichara 4/3/18 279 IPC and Bail By Station m Police Village 185 of MV Act Muham Akbar Manzil, 466 / 18u/s Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 19 Asharaf 48 med Parambilpalam, ward, Keezhavoor 4/3/18 279 IPC and Bail By Station m Police Kunju Andoorkonam village 185 of MV Act Onampally House, Church Road, 470 / 18u/s Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 20 Rajesh 44 Thomas Arattumukku, Arattumukku 5/3/18 279 IPC and Bail By Station m Police Murukkumpuzha, 185 of MV Act Veiloor village Chandra Bhavan, Nr. 471 / 18u/s Chandr Mangalapuram PHC, Murukkumpuz Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 21 Ajeesh 24 5/3/18 279 IPC and Bail By Station a Babu Anthonimala, Veiloor ha m Police 185 of MV Act village Vilayail Veedu, Ramach 474 / 18u/s Vishnumnagalam, Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 22 Vinod 28 andran Mangalapruam 5/3/18 279 IPC and Bail By Station Kalluvetty, m Police Nair 185 of MV Act Melthonnakkal village Thekkevilakamveedu, 475 / 18u/s Michael Thalamukku, Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 23 Prajim Job 33 Keezhavoor 5/3/18 279 IPC and Bail By Station Job Murukkumpuzha, m Police 185 of MV Act Veilloor Village Manakkattuvilakam 478 / 18u/s veedu, Jawa cottage, Abdul 268,269,278,IP Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 24 Anvar Sadath 31 Pallinada, Kaniyapuram 6/3/18 Bail By Station Vaheed C & 120 ( e) of m Police Kaniyapuram KP Act 2011 Kadinamkulam village Gokulam veedu, Balakris 480 / 18u/s Mundakkal, Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 25 Udayan 49 hna Nellimoodu 6/3/18 279 IPC and Bail By Station Murukkumpuzha, m Police Pillai 185 of MV Act Veilor village Appolo colony, Nr. 481 / 18u/s Appuku CRPF Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 26 Aji 42 Mythani 6/3/18 15© of Abkari Bail By Station ttan Camp,Pallippuram m Police Act villae RP Bahvan, Kalluvetty, 482 / 18u/s Madhav Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 27 Rajan 58 Vishnumangalam, Kudavoor 6/3/18 15© of Abkari Bail By Station an m Police Melthonnakkal village Act Thoppil Veedu, 483 / 18u/s Sreedha Murukkumpuz Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 28 Vijayan 50 Mundakkal Veiloor 6/3/18 279 IPC and Bail By Station ran ha m Police village 185 of MV Act Chittoorparampil 488 / 18 u/s Abdul Veedu, Kandal, Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 29 Sajin 25 Karichara 7/3/18 279 IPC and Bail By Station Azeez Karichara desom, m Police 185 of MV Act Pallippuram village Kunjuvilakam veedu, 489 / 18 u/s Ponnap Kambath, Karihcara Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 30 Paramasivan 37 Karichara 7/3/18 279 IPC and Bail By Station pan desom, Pallippuram m Police 185 of MV Act village Kunjuvilakam veedu, 490 / 18 u/s Ponnap Kambath, Karihcara Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 31 Manoj 41 Karichara 7/3/18 15© of Abkari Bail By Station pan desom, Pallippuram m Police Act village Mundakkal Leksham 491 / 18 u/s Satheen veedu Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 32 Sreejith 26 Karichara 7/3/18 15© of Abkari Bail By Station dran Colony,Muurkkumpuz m Police Act ha, Veiloor Village Kunchuveedu, 492 / 18 u/s Dharma Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 33 Manikantan 42 Karichara desom, Karichara 7/3/18 15© of Abkari Bail By Station palan m Police Pallippuram village Act Vilayailputhen veedu, 493 / 18 u/s Kunjira Nr. Veiloor School, Murukkumpuz Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 34 Venugopal 49 8/3/18 15© of Abkari Bail By Station man Sasthavattom, Veiloor ha m Police Act village Shebin House, 497 / 18 u/s Viswam Mullasseri desom, Murukkumpuz Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 35 Shebin 24 8/3/18 279 IPC and Bail By Station baram Murukkumpuzha, ha m Police 185 of MV Act veiloor village Muham Puthen veedu, Kandal, 498 / 18 u/s Murukkumpuz Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 36 Shereef 49 med Karichara desom, 8/3/18 279 IPC and Bail By Station ha m Police Kunju Pallippuram village 185 of MV Act Thekkumkara Puthen 499 / 18 u/s Jafarkha Chempakaman Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 37 Nishad 28 veedu, Poovathoor 9/3/18 15© of Abkari Bail By Station n galam m Police Vattappara, village Act Charuvila Putehen Ramach 500 / 18 u/s Veedu, Kattumpuram, Chempakaman Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 38 Rajesh 44 andran 9/3/18 279 IPC and Bail By Station Kaduvayil, Attingla galam m Police Nair 185 of MV Act village Bindu Bhavan, Michabhoomi, 502 / 18 u/s Binuku Kaniyarathukonam, Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 39 Bibin 21 Karamoodu 9/3/18 279 IPC and Bail By Station mar Pothencode, m Police 185 of MV Act keezhuthonnakkal village Kulathinkara Veedu, 503 / 18 u/s Thajude Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 40 Noushad 40 Chalil, Andoorkonam Kariyapurma 9/3/18 15© of Abkari Bail By Station en m Police Village Act Deva Sthree, veedu, 504 / 18 u/s Mohana Nr. YMA Jn Chempakaman Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 41 Sureshkumar 43 9/3/18 279 IPC and Bail By Station n Nair assamblymukku, galam m Police 185 of MV Act Melthonnakkal village Manakattil Veedu, Nr. Kiochukodungalloor, 505 / 18 u/s Vijayak Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 42 Akhilesh 20 Nr. Pazhachira Kandal 9/3/18 279 IPC and Bail By Station umar m Police Temple, Chinda Jn, 185 of MV Act Kadinamkulam villae Fayas Manzil, Manakkattuvilakam 506 / 18 u/s Mamm Mangalapura B. jayan SI of 43 Ameer @ 29 veedu, Kandal 9/3/08 279 IPC and Bail By Station u m Police Masthammukku, 185 of MV Act Pallippuram village Paratheesh 507 / 18 u/s Gopi Bhavan,Paruthipalli, Mangalapura B.
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