The College of Wooster Open Works The oV ice: 1981-1990 "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection 9-20-1985 The oW oster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1985-09-20 Wooster Voice Editors Follow this and additional works at: https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1981-1990 Recommended Citation Editors, Wooster Voice, "The oosW ter Voice (Wooster, OH), 1985-09-20" (1985). The Voice: 1981-1990. 107. https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1981-1990/107 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection at Open Works, a service of The oC llege of Wooster Libraries. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oV ice: 1981-1990 by an authorized administrator of Open Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE WOOST. YbTmneCn ITHEWOOSTERVOICE FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 20, 1235 Neater 4 Geiringer ?o present Dach lecfure By Carrie Allison Thanks to the efforts of its music not find himself in one of the world's his books, The Bach Family (1954), department, the College of Wooster better known professions. A Music ofthe Bach family (1955), will be privileged to have on its cam- musicologist's main duties are to Symbolism in the Music of Bach pus one of the top musicologists in research musical works, periods, (1958), and Johann Sebastian Bach . the world today. Dr. Karl Geiringer, performers, and composers and to (1968). Two other notable who lectured at Wooster three years write, lecture, and teach on his or biographies are Haydn, A Creative ago for the Brahms-Schuman- n her findings. Geiringer stands out Life in Music (194t)andBrabms, His Festival, will return to deliver two among the musicologists of our Life and Work (1947). lectures, one at 11:00 a.m., and the time, not only for his fine work, but other at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, also in light of his colorful life. He Geiringer is a man who brings September 28. Both lectures will was born in Vienna in 1889, earning a freshness and clarity to his work, a take place in Ifackey Hall and will degree in History of Music and Art in fact noted by the College of Wooster be the closing events of the music 1922, and from 1930 to 1938 serving as among his other outstanding department's IMS Bach Festival, custodian of the Collections of the qualities when it conferred upon him held in honor of the anoth birthday of Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in an honorary degree of Music at last Johann Sebastian Bach.The morning Vienna. Forced to flee his native year's Commencement. Winter lecture is entitled "Pictorialism and land in the face of Nazi suppression, speaks warmly of his personal a who, - Symbolism in the Mask of Bach," he came to the United States in 1940, Iualities, calling him man while the evening lecture is headed where he has lived ever since. After espite his many successes, has "no "The Political and Social World of teaching at Boston University from pretense at alL" he also calls Geir J.S. Bach." As an added bonus, the 1941 to 1962, he traveled to the inger, " a man whom I have ad evening program will be divided bet- University of California, Santa Bar- mired for many years because he is ween Geiringer' talk and a piano bara, where he still works today, such a great scholar." His lecture I performance by Mr. Daniel Winter, overseeing graduate students in promises to be fascinating, not only chairman of the music department, music. His illustrious career led to for musicians, but lor au wno enjoy of a selection of Bach's work. his 1955 election to the presidency of music and wish to learn more about Following his appearance here, the the American Musicological Society, the life, works and times of the man 8 year-ol- d Geiringer will travel to and in 1959 he became Fellow of the who wrote such masterpieces as the Oberlin College for a lecture on the American Academy of the Arts and "B Minor Mass" and the "BraMen- - 28th. Sciences. His expertise concerning . urg Concertos." As a musicologist, Geiringer does Baeh and his music is evidenced by Homecoming jus? around ftie corner f!n pearance, and construction, as weu bv 4:00 k. Thursday Seotember 19 R1fir ox According to Carolyn Matthews, Nineteen-Eighty-Fi- ve marks the as theme, ana a easn prize au wiu 67th Homecoming at the College of ha award H for the beit float. The who la the head of the Election Com Wooster. The theme of this year's applicatin deadline for the float eon-- mittee for Homecoming, these ap Homecoming, chosen by the Student test is Monday, septemoer a i :uu plications nave aireaay oeen sent Activities Board, is "Wooster: A in the S.A.B. office, and a ten dollar out to all dorms, groups, and cam-bu- s application fee should be included. organizations. Tradition of Excellence." competition There are numerous events and ac- Groups are also encouraged to This vear's clown is tivities planned for the weekend of nominate one male and one female open to anyone. Applications will be Woman omce oy :uu on October 4--6 on campus. There will for the Outstanding Man and due in tne sjl.js. awards, to be announced at halftime Frio1 October 27: winners of this be live entertainment, athletic at Winnie williami onee a ctin demonstrates the computer networx all-scho- ol All contest will also be announced the events, an dance, a bon- at the football game on Saturday. ago. Medii over the will have the opportunity to football game. Three cash prises hn Douglass during the open house .week 'from jsfl fire, and a parade "before the game; students - an nowrcemw - all students are encouraged to par- vote in both the primary elections on will be awarded, based on creauvi- country was m tne dorm lor ue ticipate in these special events and September 30, as well as in the final rv M(timii. ami inncinnM. Photo By Don Ham five-mil- e will should start planning for them now. elections which will take place on Homecoming Fun Bun Clubs, sections, groups, and Thursday October 3. begin on Saturday at i:oo a.m. at organizations are invited to enter a All elections will be held during Severance Stadium. Interested par- float in the Homecoming parade lunch and dinner, at which time each ticipants can register until 7:00 a.m. Eileen Stevens to sped: which will be held on Saturday, Oc- students will select the eandidate(s) By encouraging student involve game. they feel most exemplify the school ment. Chairperson of Special Events tober 5 before the football oore "tannin to this Nominations are open to all groups, in terms of excellence in academics, Jeff If i make but should revolve around this athletics and socially. The actual the biggest and best Homecoming forC.H.U.CM. year's theme of excellence. Entries nominations made by clubs and ever." will be Judged on originality, ap groups must be in the a.a. a. omce By Debbie Shepherd To help aid in this transformation Transformation from ordeal style the Dean of Student's office has ar- initation week to a positive educa- ranged for several speakers and pro- Meiv dorm a possibility for flie torture tion of inductees is the theme to a grams to come to Wooster to raise series of presentations sponsored by awareness about hazing, initiation HMii the near future positive The first BY JONATHAN BABCLAY nroleet at this time ia the construe past June, the Col- the Dean's Office. and alternatives. building, However, this any demonstration of this action is a lec- In the wake i of the successful tion of the new music lege repaid the 40 year government Hazing, defined as " doing act formally which is targeted to begin next spr- another, including the ture by Eileen Stevens. Stevens is "Campaign for Wooster," loan taken out in 1964 for the con- or coercing to ox yew, ing if all the necessary money is in victim, to do any act of initation to the head of the Committee Halt s.v compieiea ai ue era struction of Stevenson, Bissman, Useless Killings. (CH.U.CJC.) many questioned ue possiDiutyii ox hand, according to Patton. and Armlngton Halls. Using the in- any student or other organization dormitory or the With the new music building con- money that causes or creates a substantial CJLU.CJL is an organization that renovations terest savings and the addresses problems with hazing and building of a new residence haH. struction, five houses will be torn previously designated to make risk of causing mental or physical concern- down, according to yice-preside- nt any other person," is illegal offers models that illustrate and In response to questions payments on the loan had it gone full harm to positive ing plans by the College to invest any for Finance and Business William in the state of Ohio, as well The Col- give support for achieving term "might be one way" to finance member education. Stevens will Campaign funds ' in new' dorm Snoddy. To recover some of that lost construction of a new dormitory, lege of Wooster according to the Vice-preside- nt the speak September 23. 1985 at 7:30 renovations or construction, space, Snoddy said that discussion according to Snoddy. memorandum from President Sara on a new residence hall is now in its Copeland, October 2, 1984. The Dean p.m. in Mateer Auditorium. The for Development Though a new dorm on campus is open to the public Patton said, "As far as I know, there early stages.
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