SUCCESS MARKS GRID START I * (Rger HE ROAKb FOR CLEMSON 9-~ VOL. XXIV Olcuison College, S. C. Wednesday, September 36, 1928 No, 2^ TIGERS TAKE FIRST FOOTBALL EN000NTER NEW FAGOLTY MEMBERS R DANCING CLUB OPENS DANCING TROUNCING NEWBERRY INDIANS 30 TO 0 HOLD MANf DEGREES SEASON WITH HO 1 NEXT FRIDAY NIGHT Clemson Linesmen and Backs Teaching Staff Adds Experi- Big Gym to Be Decorated Demonstrate Superir Of- enced Men RENOWNED SPEAKERS CLEMSON MEN GO TO With Streamers of Pink, fense and Defense Green and Blue The authorities of Clemson seem The Clemson Tigers opened their HERE FARMER'S WEEK to have made their motto: "A Bag- CAMP PERM MATCHES football season at Riggs field Sat- The Senior Dancing Club will ope'i Free Movies and Paris Island ger and Better Clemson". Among urday afternoon in rather auspicious the many steps that they have taken Caughman and Clyburn Attend the dancing season at Clemson with Marine Band Furnish En- fashion by trouncing the Newberry s ths admission of the largest Fresh- National Rifle Matches a hop next Friday night. The Cluh Indians 3 0 to 0. The game was tertainment man class ever to attend Clemson. desires to make this dance a brii- played under the rays of an un- Innumerable other moves have been liant affair, and although it is early Farmer'.? Week began with a rush Two Clemson men, J. M. Caugh- merciful September sun which with made toward the attainment of this in the season, it is hoped that it Monday night, August 13. On that nan and T. M. Clyburn, were members its intense heat caused much suf- great aim of "putting C. A. C. on the will be one of the best ©f the year. night, after all the farmers present of the Fourth Corps Area R. O. T. fering on the part of the players map." Perhaps one of the most im- Every effort is being put forth to of both teams. had been assigned to rooms, there C. Rifle Team at the National Rifle make it a success. As yet the or- portant steps is the continual addi- Matches, Camp Perry, Ohio. The The Indians started the game was a free picture show in chapel. chestra which will furnish music for tion of capable professors and in- National Rifle. Matches, which are with a bang. On the first two However, the main part of the pro- structors to the faculty. the occasion has not been decided gram , lid not start until Tuesday. held every year and are participated plays atfer the kickoff Wertz and The following li:,t contains the upon, but it is assured that bent in by men from all branches of Whitaker made a ifirst down, how- By . oon on Tuesday at least a obtainable will be secured. names and previous studies persued the service, were held this year from ever this was where they shot, thousand people had. arrived. At The big gym, which will be the by some of the men who are newly- August. 26 to September 15. their bolt for the first was their the first demonstration of the week scene of the merry-making, will be elected members of Clemson College Three men from the Fourth Corps last, the Tigers smothering every it started to rain, and all the rest faculty: elaborately decorated with streamers of the afternoon the people were Area placed in the National Individ- other play that threatened to be Howard Louis Hunter—Assistant of pink, green, and blue. The decor- confined to their rooms. The rain ual Match. No other team -placed a gain. Professor of Chemistry, Ithaca, N. Y. ating committe consists of Frank continued 'iroughout Wednesday this many men. T. M. Clyburn wa» John Justus started like the cata- Degrees, B. Chem., 1925; Ph. D. Gaines, chairman, Tom Mitchell, and ruined 11 field demonstrations, one of the Fourth Corps entrants. pult that he is. He slid off tackln 19 28 Cornell University. Taught at Swinton Rodgers, "Ma" Stribling, putting a (arge part of the college His rating was 79th place out of a for five yards on the first play Cornell at assistant instructor from Brown Stevenson, "Fuzz" Burdett. total of 1453 entries. The highest and then reeled off 25 more by farm twenty feet under water. The 192 4-1927 inclusive. and Laird Anderson, all of whom score made was 286, while Clyburn's the same route on the next. In rain did not delay the speeches and Peter Carodemos—Assistant pro- have considerable experience in dec- score was 269. James M. Caugh- this play, however, Justus injured indoor demonstrations, but it did fessor of Chemistry; Athens, Greece. orating. Besides the beautiful decor- man led the R. O. T. C. team match his shoulder and was removed from prevent 'many farmers who intended Degrees, B. S. Turfts College, Bos- ations which the gym is sure to have, with a score of 2 6 5. Fourth Corps the game not to be returned for to come from making the trip, as ton, Mass., 1922; Ph. D. Cornell Uni- the campus will be flooded with Area received third place among the the remainder of the afternoon. washouts cut Clemson off from the versity, 197. Laboratory instructor the silvery light of a brand new R. O. T. C. teams. Son after this Clemson recovered rest of the world. Cornell University, 1923-1927. moon. Wbat more could a Clemison Clyburn was also high scorer at u fumble on Newberry's 20 yard All the people who attended were Theodore Cooper—Instructor in Cadet desire that a full September the R. O. T. C. camp.. Camp McClel- line. The Tigers received a 15 yara hou.:cd !fi the barracks and fed fcr GeneralChemistry; Case, West Va. moon and a girl that is wondrous lan, Alabama It was he who won penalty placing the ball on the 35 a small sum in the mess hall. Sev- Degree, A. B. West Virginia Univer- fair. the R. W. Simpson medal for being yard line. On the first play C. eral features were offered to enter- sity, 1922-26; two years at Yale The dance will start promptly at the best drilled cadet at Clemson McMilllan hurled a pass to Pad- tain the farmers and. their wives. Medical School, 1926-28; assistant ten and will continue until that good during commencement, 1928. gett for 20 yards. McMillan and The Paris Island Marine Biand, a in Zoology, West Virginia University, hour when the world is gently wait- Pitts then added the other 15 in musical organization of fifty instru- 1924-26. ing for the sunrise. The dances last tlrree tries, Pitts going over for ments, furnished music throughout Flood S. Andrews—Associate pro- year began at nine and ended at two, the touchdown. the week. The band gave a special fessor of Horticulture; Farmville. but this change is time offers a two- Later in the quarter after Clem- concert in chapel one night, and on Va. Degrees, B. S. Virginia Poly- CORPS ELECT CHEER fold advantage. First, the young son had received la punt on New- another night a company of singers technic Institute, 1924; M. S. Mich- ladies will be given ample time to berry's 40 yard line, Davis stepped from Greenville entertained. igan State College, 1928. Taught in properly "primp" for such an occa- off 5 yards thru the line, and on The three free movies shown were* public schools in North Carolina and LEADERS AT MEETING sion. Second, the committee took the next play slid off tackle, all well attended. "Ramona", "The Virginia; Vocational assistant, Vir- into consideration that moon which squirmed, twisted, and sidestepped Circus", and "The Goucho" were ginia Polytechnic Institute, 1922-24. At a meeting of the entire corps is sure to rise, and changed the hour his way into open territory to race the pictures shown, all being late R. A. McGinty—Professor Horti- last Thursday night three new cheer in order to run on schedule. 3 5 yards for a touchdown. releases from large companies. culture and Head Horticultural Di- leaders were elected to help take As is usual the hospitality of the Clemson's next touchdown was The speeches in chapel were the vision; Birmingham, Alabama. De care of the "Roaring Tigrs" at all good ladies of the campus will be outstanding features of the program. scored atfer Swofford had recover- grees, B. S. Alabama Polytechnic In- athletic events that take place at extended to entertain the fair visit- Some of America's foremost speak- ors. The Reception Committee of ed, a fumbled punt on the Indian'? stitute, 1913; A. M. Washington Uni- Clemson or other places when the ers on agricultural problems made which Harold Mayer is chairman, is 45 yard marker. The Tigers set versity, St. Louis, Mo.. 1919; work Clemson student body is present talks. Dr. Branson of the University already on the job. Assistants on up a drive here, with Hane and toward Ph. D. degree at Cornell Uni- The election of these three members of North Carolina made especially this committee are: Bill Kline, Jerry McMillan toting the ball, that was versity, 1926. Taught at Colorado brings the grand total up to six interesting talks every morning in Suber. Charlie Jackson, Bill Welch, never stopped, McMillan carrying the Agricultural Colege as instructor, as- From the Senior class C. M. Bur- the "Y". Dr. Frank Bohn, Dr. Clar- Charlie Lewis, and Dick Carter. ball over a few minutes later. sistant professor and associate pro- dett, better known as "Fuzz", will ence Poe, Dr. W.
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