THE VALUE OF ACADEMIC LIBRARIES A Comprehensive Research Review and Report Prepared by Dr. Megan Oakleaf, Syracuse University for the Association of College and Research Libraries Value of Academic Libraries: A Comprehensive Research Review and Report Megan Oakleaf for the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) © 2010 American Library Association All Rights Reserved September 2010 Association of College and Research Libraries A Division of the American Library Association 50 E. Huron St. Chicago, IL 60611 Citation: Association of College and Research Libraries. Value of Academic Libraries: A Comprehensive Research Review and Report. Researched by Megan Oakleaf. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2010. Published online at www.acrl.ala.org/value Value of Academic Libraries - Bibliography Page 2 Value of Academic Libraries: A Comprehensive Research Review and Report Bibliography Prepared by Megan Oakleaf for the Association of College and Research Libraries Advisory Committee: Debra Gilchrist, Bruce Kingma, Martha Kyrillidou, George Kuh Assistant Researchers: Patricia L. Owen, Leah Sopchak, Anna Dahlstein, Tamika Barnes Table of Contents BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................. 4 APPENDIX A – “MUST READ” RESOURCES ....................................................................40 Value of Academic Libraries - Bibliography Page 3 BIBLIOGRAPHY Aabo, Svanhild. “Libraries and Return on Investment (ROI): A Meta-Analysis.” New Library World 110, no. 7/8 (2009): 311-324. 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