University of the Pacific Scholarly Commons The aP cifican University of the Pacific ubP lications 2-8-1952 Pacific eekW ly, February 8, 1952 University of the Pacific Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/pacifican Recommended Citation University of the Pacific, "Pacific eW ekly, February 8, 1952" (1952). The Pacifican. 554. https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/pacifican/554 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University of the Pacific ubP lications at Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aP cifican by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact mgibney@pacific.edu. NARANJADO Blood Donors! ON Sign Up PSA Office SALE Next Week Vol. 47 C. O. P. - STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA Feb. 8, 1952 - No. 15 "A" For fllonzo Pacific to Hold Annual Spring Sports Pacific Theatre to Feature Original Music Clinic Tomorrow COP BASEBALL GIVEN NEW HOPE Musical Play As Final Production The second annual mid-winter string and choral clinic will be NELSON TO HEAD FUND RAISING A new and original musical comedy by Pacific student held tomorrow on the Pacific By JOHNNY KANE Jerry De Bono has been selected as the fourth and final campus. Constantin Bakaleini- Hopes for the continuation of intercollegiate baseball here at koff, musical director of RKO Pic­ production of the 28th season of Pacific Theatre by Director Pacific were on the upswing this week as the campaign for season tures, and Jester Hairston, a Hol­ tickets got underway. Approximately $600 must be raised by the DeMarcus Brown. The show is scheduled to open May 2 lywood choral director, have been March 1 deadline if baseball is to remain on the Spring sport schedule. secured as guest conductors by for four performances, with a cast of 40 including some 27 A fund raising committee head­ speaking roles. David T. Lawson, Pacific Music ed by Barney Nelson, has been Camp Director. Titled 'A for Alonzo," the pro-f" One-Act Plays In appointed to originate and coor­ duction calls for 15 scenes in two More than 1000 junior high dinate ideas for the enterprise. acts. DeBono, a speech major VA Announces school, high school, and junior Studio Theatre Two of the local service clubs, the from Stockton, has been working college music students will come Lions and Kiwanis, have already on the book, lyrics, and music for from California and Nevada for A program of three one-act heard appeals for aid, and many eight months. The story relates GI Aid Deadline the clinical program. Sectional re­ plays will be presented by the more are to be contacted within the saga of a small town Ohio hearsals will be held in the morn­ Studio Theatre Thursday, Friday, the next few weeks. A ticket booth Veterans who wish to resume movie fan who wins a magazine ing, with joint rehearsals sched­ and Saturday evenings at 8 p.m., has been set up at Pacific basket­ study under the G.I. aid bill, after contest with an all-expense junket uled for the afternoon sessions. under the direction of Barbara ball games to further push the being discharged must apply by to Hollywood and a screen ap­ A public concert by the 800- Andress. Plays chosen for produc­ sales. pearance as his reward. His esca­ July 21, 1951, announces the Vet­ voice choir and 200 instrument all- tion are "Crabbed Youth and eran's Administration. Suggestions still in the planning pades en route precede a satirical string orchestra will be given at Age", "End of the Trail", and "A stage are a cake sale, similar to farce on Hollywood itself as an Vets are advised not to put off 7:30 p.m. in the Civic Auditorium, Marriage has been Arranged." the one that sent our basketball Appearing in the trio of play­ institution. their training plans, and to keep without charge for admission. team to Kansas last year, and a lets will be Virginia .Graham, DeBono won critical acclaim for in mind the three requirements sports carnival. It is believed that Mary Bendes, Barbara Bagalini, his interpretation of the young that must be met in order to take if all these avenues of income are Gypsy mute, Toby, in last spring's post-cut-off date training after lean Betz Expounds George Felker, Mary Ann Phil­ properly tapped, sufficient funds lips, Dave Manley, Barney Nel­ production of "The Medium", a military service: On Spring Registration should be forthcoming. contemporary opera by Gian-Car- son, Sondra Chapman, Jim Elfers, . Students Sue Billups, Bud Wat- 1. Conduct and progress of Dick Merrifield, Sherwood Goo- lo Menotti. He recently had the their previous G.I. Bill courses On the third day of registration kins, and Johnny Kane are work­ lead in the Studio Theatre offer­ for this semester one more per­ .zee, and Virginia Quessenberry. ing in close conjunction with must have been satisfactory. 2. The student rate is 50 cents, ing, "Caste", and previously ap­ The amount of training they may son had started the process of publicity director Carroll Doty, peared in Pacific Theatre's "Sing joining force with the College of with the 75 cent tariff applying baseball coach Hugh McWilliams, get after discharge will be limi­ to the general public. Out, Sweet Land", and "Pygma­ ted by their remaining G.I. Bill the Pacific than had done so on and Boyd Thompson, in an effort lion", and is at present rehears­ entitlement. 3. Their courses may the third day of registration in to secure the necessary amount. ing for the February 29 opening not extend beyond the wind-up of September 1951. I hesitate to say President Burns Greets Also, Jerry Kirsten has pledged of "Much Ado About Nothing." the G.I. Bill program on July that this one person is a symbol the full support of the athletic Sets for the production will be 25, 1956. of a "bigger and better semester" 100 New Students office staff. designed by Pacific Theatre's for it may not always be possible These season tickets, good for According to the law, the July, to exceed. On the other hand, Heartiest greetings to the old all COP home games, sell for Technical Director Anthony Reid, 1951, cut-off date applied to World as well as the new students! One and are to be executed by the we can certainly look forward to $2.50. With nine such games al­ War II veterans discharged be­ the finest "second semester in of the privileges of college work ready scheduled, the price aver­ classes in stagecraft. Student fore July 25, 1947. For those few is to wish one group of students Musical Director Wayne Morrill the second century" of the col­ ages out to about 28c per con­ discharged afterwards, the cut-off lege. the best as they graduate at the test. And with such top notch will arrange the music for per­ date is four years from their date end of a semester and to greet Baseball is back as is the competition as Fresno State, formance by soloists and a mixed of discharge. those of the incoming class. We WSSF Carnival. The AWS U.S.F., Santa Clara, and San chorus. A small combo will aug­ are happy to report that over one Spring Formal is jointly spon­ Jose State already slated, good ment the accompanying two pia­ hundred new students have reg­ sored by the PSA and open to baseball would be assured. nos of Morrill and Donald Dol- BIG-LITTLE SISTERS istered at this date for the Spring all card holders. The Freshmen Drive Chairman Barney Nelson, larhide. Miss Betty Hackett, local Semester. dancing instructor who created VIEW NEW FASHIONS are working on a variety show. who has been putting in a great One writer has recently said deal of time and effort to return the choreography for "Sing Out, Band Frolic is just around the that, "American college students New and old women students, corner and then there's Mardi baseball to Pacific, made it clear Sweet Land", will direct the dance are on the threshold of an era group. dressed in comfortable pedal- Gras. Oh yes, classes will be held that every interested student when being a playing or partici­ pushers, crowded the floor of the as usual. should attempt to make some con­ Auditions will be announced at gymnasium for the semi-annual pating citizen of the United States The leadership shown by your tribution to the campaign. a later date. AWS Big-Little Sister Party, Wed­ is going to be the toughest job in officers has been outstanding this "Although PSA student body nesday night. fhe world." That will be true of year. In all areas your represen­ cards are all that is necessary to you. While there will be oppor­ gain admittance (to the base­ Radio Scripts for Each girl, new to Pacific, has tatives are in there pitching; join tunities for play at Pacific, there a "big sister" in an older student. them to see to it that the high ball games), student support is "Dr. Christian" will be the greater opportunity to requested to further ticket sales," The duty of a "big-sister" is to level of our activities is continued steel yourselves for "the tough­ acquaint the new student to cam­ in 1952. Nelson reported. "If anyone Deadline on the Dr. Christian est job in the world." knows of a party interested in pus life by acting as guide, coun­ EDWARD S. BETZ student radio play contest is mid­ ROBERT E. BURNS buying a season pass, please con­ sellor, and question answerer.
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