A REGULAR MEETING OF THE YORK COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD OF YORK COUNTY, VIRGINIA WAS HELD AT YORK HALL BOARD ROOM 301 Main Street, Yorktown, VA MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2016 7:00 P.M. PRESENT: DR. ROBERT W. GEORGE, CHAIR MRS. BARBARA S. HAYWOOD, VICE CHAIR MR. MARK MEDFORD MR. R. PAGE MINTER MRS. CINDY KIRSCHKE ALSO PRESENT: DR. VICTOR SHANDOR, SUPERINTENDENT DR. CARL L. JAMES, CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER DR. STEPHANIE L. GUY, CHIEF ACADEMIC OFFICER MR. DENNIS R. JARRETT, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER DR. JAMES CARROLL, CHIEF HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICER MRS. SANDRA FORD, CLERK MS. KATHERINE GOFF, COORDINATOR COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC RELATIONS I. Dr. George called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Brianna Anderson, a 5th grade student at Dare Elementary School, led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. III. RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS a. Seniors of the Month: The following students were recognized for their achievements: Bruton High School-Tayhah Andrews (Mrs. Haywood), Grafton High School-Olivia Darko (Mrs. Kirschke), Tabb High School- Emma Vedock-Gross (Dr. George), and York High School-Darius Reynolds (who did not attend-Mr. Medford). b. Student Service Awards: Dr. George and Dr. Shandor presented awards and plaques of recognition to Nicole Knight (Coventry February 22, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 6 Elementary School) Alex Walton (Dare Elementary School), and Caroline Arnette (Queens Lake Middle School). c. Community Volunteers of the Month: Dr. George and Dr. Shandor presented awards relating to volunteerism to Ms. Sophie Davis (Coventry Elementary School) Ms. Michelle Ross, was unable to attend and will be presented with her award next month, (Dare Elementary School); and Ms. Stacie Lohr (Queens Lake Middle School). d. York Foundation for Public Education: Mrs. Kirschke asked Mr. Dick Carter, YFPE Member, to come forward to present a special gift from “Cookie Text~An Edible Tweet!” on behalf of the York Foundation for Public Education Inc. and in partnership with Jeanne Fiocca of “Cookie Text~An Edible Tweet!” to the Pledge Leader, Student Service winners, and Senior of the Year recipients. e. School Board Appreciation Month: Mrs. Haywood shared comments relating to School Board Clerk Appreciation. Dr. George and Dr. Shandor presented Sandy Ford with a Certificate of Appreciation pertaining to her service as Board Clerk. (This item was not on the agenda). Dr. Shandor shared comments relating to School Board Appreciation month. He remarked that Board members were being presented with a VSBA Certificate of Recognition, along with a gift, in appreciation for the advocacy and support they provide to our school division each day. The following principals and students also shared comments of appreciation and presented gifts to the Board members: Mrs. Jennifer Goodwin from Waller Mill Elementary School. Mrs. Lisa Ruffieux from Grafton Bethel Elementary School; Taylor Hodges (5th grade-SCA President), and Helen Schmuck (5th grade- Reflections winner), and Isaiah Chisolm (SCA Treasurer and lead camera-man for the GBES morning show). The Board members each expressed gratitude for the many expressions of appreciation they have received from individuals and schools. f. Accent on Academics: Yorktown Elementary School staff (Kelly Denny, Principal; Caron Garner and Kathy Lennartz, Teachers; and students, Sanai Conley, Mache Freeman, Elizabeth Reilly, and Jessica Springhorn) shared a presentation called “Show Me the Money.” The YES students shared information regarding their project based learning experience which tasked them to act as financial planners in a mock budget simulation. Students shared examples of how they were given a real-life fixed income in which they had to develop a livable budget. They used problem solving skills in order to work through real life February 22, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 6 events and stay within the budgeted amount. This project supports the Virginia Standards of Learning through student development within the 21st century competencies of critical thinking, collaboration, and communication. Dr. George declared a short recess at 7:46 p.m. for the Board to meet tonight’s award recipients. Dr. George reconvened the meeting at 7:58 p.m. IV. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: a. There was no unfinished business to discuss. V. PRESENTATIONS: a. Construction Report: Dr. Shandor asked Mr. Mark Tschirhart, Associate Director for Capital Plans and Projects to provide information about the Capital Projects for February, 2016. Mr. Tschirhart gave a brief overview of the following projects: Waller Mill Elementary School additions and renovations; and New Horizons Regional Education Center-special education facility. VI. COMMENTS BY CITIZENS a. Public Participation: at 8:09 p.m. Dr. George opened up the comments by citizens and the following citizens spoke pertaining to the topic noted and the public comments ended at 8:42 p.m. Dr. George stated that an opportunity would be given at the end of the meeting for any additional comments. Mr. Dennis Wilder and Devyn Wilder, 111 Runey Way, Yorktown, VA 23693 (AP human geography); Ms. Tammy Rosario, 104 Bellows Place, Yorktown, VA 23693, (school start times); Ms. Namita Patel and Ms. Hirang Patel, 210 Potter Lane, Yorktown, VA 23693 (school start times); Ms. Kathleen Howe, 121 Lance Way, Yorktown, VA 23693 (Yorktown Elementary and sign-in sheet); Ms. Delphia Hedgepeth, 202 Yorkview Road, Yorktown, VA 23692 (new school site); Ms. Bobbie Martin, 115 Vivian Ct., Yorktown, VA 23690 (Yorktown Elementary); Ms. Caroline Herath, 306 Artilary Road, Yorktown, VA 23692, (rezoning); and Ms. Eunice Namkoong and Erica Kelly, Tabb High School students, (Y-Street-tobacco policy update). February 22, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 6 b. Public Hearing on FY17 Operating Budget: Dr. Shandor shared brief remarks and highlights pertaining to the budget. At 8:44 p.m. Dr. George opened up the public hearing and it was closed at 8:48 p.m. after the following citizen came forward and gave input regarding the FY17 Operating Budget: Mr. Sam Eure, 302 Penrith Crossing, Yorktown, VA 23693 (budget). VII. MATTERS BY BOARD MEMBERS a. Mr. Minter thanked Mr. Tschirhart for providing information on the progress of the new special education facility at New Horizons. He also remarked on the Daily Press article in today’s paper relating to New Horizon students competing in a culinary art contest as part of the HUNCH Program (High School Students United with NASA to Create Hardware). Mr. Minter shared comments pertaining to Read Across America and the opportunity he had to be a guest reader in Carol Bauer’s fourth grade class. He remarked on the Bethel Manor Title I Distinguished School Celebration and extended gratitude to all of those who sent him notes and gifts in recognition of School Board Appreciation Month. b. Mr. Medford thanked everyone for the many expressions of recognition pertaining to School Board Appreciation month. He remarked on his lunch invitation from Seaford Elementary in recognition of School Board Appreciation month. Mr. Medford shared that he had an opportunity to accompany Chad Green on a tour of Yorktown Elementary. He also thanked the citizens who spoke during public comments and he encouraged them to also share their views at the Board of Supervisors’ meetings. c. Mrs. Kirschke shared comments pertaining to the various York County population groups discussed earlier that have concern for York County Schools, She expressed appreciation for the overwhelming support received relating to School Board Appreciation month. She also thanked the students and all citizens who shared comments. Mrs. Kirschke shared remarks relating to Bethel Manor being named as a Title I Distinguished School. She gave a shout out to Ms. Bauer for the opportunity to read to her class. d. Mrs. Haywood echoed other Board members pertaining to Bethel Manor Elementary and their accomplishment regarding the Distinguished School Celebration. She thanked Tabb Elementary for hosting a visit with several staff members and the First Lady of Virginia, who observed and congratulated them for their breakfast program. Mrs. Haywood also thanked everyone for the many gifts in recognition of School Board appreciation month. She mentioned the February 22, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 6 upcoming Waller Mill dinner theatre this week. Mrs. Haywood encouraged citizens to be a part of the budget process and discussions. She gave a shout out to the Bruton High School boys and girls basketball teams for their recent conference wins. e. Dr. George commented on the informative Capital Conference he attended in Richmond. He shared his plans to accompany Tom Shepperd on a tour of Yorktown Elementary on Thursday. He expressed appreciation for the gifts and the touching video that Seaford Elementary students did in recognition of School Board Appreciation month. Dr. George commented on the need to reinforce to all citizens the importance of education and York County Schools. VIII. FINANCIAL MATTERS Mr. Minter summarized the items under financial matters: a. Approval of Claims Certified for Payment. b. Financial Reports. c. Approval of Resolution 16-08. A motion was made by Mr. Minter and seconded by Mrs. Haywood to approve Financial Matters. The motion passed 5-0. IX. CONSENT CALENDAR Dr. George reviewed the items on the Consent Calendar: a. Approval of personnel actions. b. Approval of donations in the amount of $40,369.41. c. Approval of minutes from a special meeting on February 1, 2016, a regular meeting on February 1, 2016 and a work session/special meeting on February 2, 2016. d. Approval of an overnight trip for the Grafton High School Model UN to travel to Richmond. A motion was made by Dr. George and seconded by Mrs. Kirschke to approve the Consent Calendar The motion passed 5-0. X. ACTION ITEMS a. Approval of Resolution 16-07, requesting the Board of Supervisors to issue general obligation school bonds for school purposes and consenting to the issuance thereof.
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