VOL. vm. MASON. MTCIilGAN, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 1, 1S83. "NO. 44. Laiisiii.!:; now roaelics out after Ihe stal*; Tilc Doil^'e nill. (air, asl<ins to iiave il, locateil tlioro pornia- iionlli'. Well, she Qiisht to have anything The Detroit fllvening Acic,? notices Un PnliHsliod iivory TliitrHrlny she asli.s for. fact that llin Ingham county board of sn pervisors denounced the action of the legis• ». i»: niiiTMont:, Jfcs-sr.?, 'J'lionipldiis it Isnioii of Soutii We Have One Thing to Say lature for passing llio "Dodge bill," and Jjyoii, will enter into the ivheat-biiyiiij; hii.'i- tlion adds that il is always left for the do iiessat Piiioliney as soon as tlic railroail is And tluit i.s tlii.s : Wo litive tho LarROSt Stock, tho Best Stock, feated party in a law suit lo damn the court. ready for lousiness.— ]ToiueUJ)cni. These and tlio Choiiijoat Stoolc in Contral MiohiKan, Wo iiavo Is that exactly .equare, Mr. Ncv>s? The wltlitn tho laat two wook rooeived, miirked and put Kentleiiiiin have already rcqnoslod ns to -Ofte Voar, $1.50 ; Su mon*h«, 75 c«nti ; Three Ingham county supervisors said iiothin on otir counters monlhg, 40 can*i. chango tlio addre-ss of llie DEMOcaAT in about tho decision of the suproino court. accordance wilh the aljovo. • They accepted thai as tho oiher law-abiding Our advnrlUIiig riKcH an'¥100 por column, poran- The Lansintr Mutual Benefit Association, citizens of Ingham do. Bui thoy denounc• num.. HiisiiirHS iintimifl fivo fii>iit.H pnr lino tor eiich -OF- luHPrllon. Killtorliil iioticf'H 10 cunt:*. formerly located at Liuising, and which the ed the aelion of the legislature, which is UntilnnHH c.iWiU St .'tfi per lino pur yenr. comniissioiior ol insurnneo at first refused a very dilVoreul tiling, as the jVcH'.v will Mnniii},"' ini'l <l''»lh juilici's InHcrtoil fn'o, Ohitnrvry criiiiiuiuiirt, rL'rtnliiilons.canlri of ilianltM, otc., will Imro- to license, liaa heon allowed to resume bus• readily admit. 'J'lie right of protest against (iftor III! clmrKiMl fur at llm ratn of tlva cuntn jujr linn. Corrn.ipnndiMiCf conlaiiiiiig local iiuwjt, ii soHcitiii] iness again and to day removes the ollico In what is believed to be oppros.sive law, is as New Overcoatsi Suits I from alt piirtH of Ilu' cniiiity. this city. Inking rooms over Howard it sacred as the right of peliiion. Counties AnonymoiiH Cfmiiniiiicatioiii' nut InnortoU unilor ftiiy uU-ciiin.itiuicL' .Son's grocery. That is right, they are wel• in remote parts of the stale enaclod what Bought al the great closing out sale in the East, for one-half their value, come. the Ingham supervisors believe to bo an and having marked down our Fall Stock to correspond, wo do not JOB PRINTING! oulrageouly oppressive law; at the lirst op .lospli l[. ICeanc played Rip Van Winkle hesitalo to promise (and we always keep our promises,) that Our ni.atorltvl is now and of tlie latfst ptyles and -we porlunily Iho Inglnim suDervisnra said so };uariintoe satlsfiictlon, l)Otli in prices and at llaynnr opera house last ovoning to a we will duplicate the prices of any concern in Mich, onalitv of worlc. oHluially. Is there anything wrong abaiit small .iiidionco, principally because it was that? la il to bcdispoaod ol with a sneorV 'rlii.H pnp''V may lif fonnil on tile at i"!en, P. Itowell lint advertised, Mr. Keiinu's jiortrayal of Will the Kcws kindly iiduiil that Ingham And will Undersell any firm in Central X'. Cn.'s KewHpiipur Adv'i lii'in;; Biirfan (In Spruce .SI) this char:\etfir is nne.veollod and his support ivhere advertisini; coiiliaetH may lie nn\de for it In county has a riglit lo rcspeclfully ask that ,>,'ew y.irli. was good. The company is under the ex- Michigan. she bo allowed to regulate her own local cellent innnagomont of .Tohn Power and afl'airs in her own way, as seems lo her is entilleil lo do a bettor bu.sincss ilian they right and just ; audio resjiettfully protest COME AND SEE US AND m WILL BUY, did hero. Vi'hoat ••>(: Oi) i^U.[rl 10 day. when that privilege is deniod her? The On Monday hist a neat little four page, board of supervisors did not ''damn" the CHAS.BEOAS, Head Fordnow locals llii.s week. one penny daily, christened the Baili/ .Dcm- court for a judicial decision, but it did pro• Call al tlii.s ollico for ta.\ receipts. oorii/, was born at St. Louis, Slich, Ft is test against what il believed to be an abuse The Clothier, Lansing. in the hnnd.s of ,T, \. .Tohnsoii, the founder of legislative anthorily. Road Dr. T. Honiieti.'.s notice in another of this |)!ipcr, and wo certainly wisli for it coliuiin, all the success to which it is entitled, and A large number ol teachers made appli• Ijasl nichl was Ilolloiv'on, but ;;iie3S the if ".r. V." fnllills all the unvarnished prop• cations for cerlificaloa at tho meeting of the Fjirincrrt, Kvi!ryln»tl3'[ Foril, llio ]tii-/.iiiir Miin'.H T.nciilH. boys forgot it. ositions and promises lie sets forth in his connly board of ccaminers in this oily last Messrs, Spencer it Henderson, proprie• Pioinomber llial Ne.xt Salnrdav is Open• .salutatory, it will bo abundant ; at any Friday, and most of Ihcso paased very Dr. Siicdl lias an anetion sule iie.Kt Satiir- tors of tho Palace .Meat Market, call your ing Day for Holiday Goods at Eord's Ba• creditable eliminations. day. Seo notice. rate, we hope so. uttoution to their unsurpassed facilities for zaar. Ta.v receipts—the most convenient form manufacturing Sausage, having an improv• Ne.xt -Saturday, al Ford's Bazaar, you Dr. C. li. Randall advortisRB two horses ^^ason liorses figured a.s follows in llio published—printed and bound in a ,good ed steam cutter. They also manuraeture can find Dolls, 'J'oys, Vaces, Smokers' Sots, I'or Sale. See notice. W'illiaiiislon races this week ; Nettie Oil- snbstantnil manner al the Dkmocuat oIHoo, Steam Kettle Rendered Lard,and keep their .'\-ntogra))h and Photograph Albums, Scrap markflt well sit|iplioil with the CImicost hfu't, owned by S, Collar, won first inniioy for ;')0 cents |ier hundred. Township treas• Books, 'I'oy Books, Fine China Cups and The; IJotroil Art Loan closes Nov. l'2th, Fresh and Salt Meals of all kinds. Don't in the three minute race Tuesday, and gut urers are restioelfnlly inviiod lo call and Saucers, Hanging Lamps, Fine Lace Col• with a dress reception,. leave their orders, instead of sending away wear your life away c.iHing sausage meat lars and Fichus, an elegant lino of Silk one-third of the second, third and fourth lo some aniateur ollico. Wo give, you a but lake it to them and have it done bettor Handkerchiefs, and evorything to please Aline lot of now sidew.-vll: has lieon monies in the free-for-all race yesterday. perfect job or charge you noihing. and quicker. Call uu ihoni for niiylhiiig liolh old and young. built on Ijunsiiiir street. in their line. Flurn, owned by A. 0. Duliois, won third Ueiiiomber wc will make llio: Bazaar All gciillenien over fourteen years of ago money in the three miiuito l'aco Tuesday, Itu.sliicKK I^ncalM. -Fi-ot! CJnnsultiitinns, headquarters for all kinds of Holiday Good.-t and all kinds of 0 and lOc Goods. sliould not l'nil to lier Dr. liinens' closinjj and Mnrrico Bemcut's two-year-old mare, Those who are troubled wilh catarrh, .-Vntition Sulu. asthma, weak lungs, dys])opsia, or any oth• Liidioa, call and seo our now ITair Crimp• leclure this eveninc. * .Maud, B,, won tliecolt race yesterday. Consisting of cattle, colls and hogs. Also er chronic disease, will do well to call on ers. a quantity of hay, a carriage, itc, al my Dr, Emoiis, at the American House, Iie- The Eaton Rnpids Journal is now pritil 'J'ho Allegan Journal of Ocl. 27, contains ' Those Woolen Soclis, ;! pair for !)(lc, farm two miles west of Mason, Saturday, Iwoeii now and Saturday at !•• p, ni. His eil on a new press, which we tiudersland is beat litem all, at Ford's Bazaar. a very eoinplmontiiry notice of the exten• Nov. .-Id., Dr. L. A. Snhi.i.. coiisulliilions are free ; his charges for treat- to he rini by l\or.<e power. sive buiiness being established in that city inetit very reasonable and his troatmont Ladies' and Children's Pine M^eriuo IIosu llnvii Voii Y«!t Hciirillf.' at li'ord's Bii/.iiar. by Messrs. Boeclier it Peek, formerly of successful. -t-lwlp, The Laiisin;; lOveninj; Tehfjmin is a wel• If not, remember Dr. T. Bennett comes to Underwear for men, women and children this city, Itstates they are dressing and come visitor to tliis ollice ami is entitled to the Donnelly House every lour weeks and >'ttW l.*illti)rii IIiitH al Ford's Bazaar. shippin J from 1(100 to 1.S00 pounds of poul• a liberal support in this section. doea all he advertises to do. Hero again and Bonnets al Fuller's, try daily, and desire to increase to 2,000 Nov. 2!!, Dec. 21, Go and see him. ' ClniikH and Uoliiiiitiit For ,Siilo. At the lowest prices at, GiiKGOii's. .lames W'oi^'man of liolt, lias sold his pounds. They want to sell their grocery jror Sitlu lit. 11 ltar;j;iiiii, A first class hoiiting stove and a quantity business to Win.
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