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(866) 1 call groups, tour commercial may be due. be may Join the California State Parks Foundation today. Foundation Parks State California the Join Discover the many states of California. of states many the Discover For school group reservations, call 1 (866) 240-4655; for for 240-4655; (866) 1 call reservations, group school For per reserved campsite will be deducted from any refund you you refund any from deducted be will campsite reserved per Support your State Parks! State your Support and General Vallejo’s home are just some of your choices. choices. your of some just are home Vallejo’s General and emergency or death in the family, a cancellation fee of $7.00 $7.00 of fee cancellation a family, the in death or emergency Railroad Museum in Old Sacramento, Sonoma Mission SHP, SHP, Mission Sonoma Sacramento, Old in Museum Railroad • If you are unable to honor your reservation due to a medical a to due reservation your honor to unable are you If • California State Parks Foundation Parks State California Park (SHP), Marshall Gold Discovery SHP, the California State State California the SHP, Discovery Gold Marshall (SHP), Park on the early out policy. out early the on rich past. California’s State Capitol, Sutter’s Fort State Historic Historic State Fort Sutter’s Capitol, State California’s past. rich remains open, but you choose to leave, refunds will be based based be will refunds leave, to choose you but open, remains sites in the Sacramento and Sonoma areas typify California’s California’s typify areas Sonoma and Sacramento the in sites • In cases of inclement weather, when the campground campground the when weather, inclement of cases In • —The historic historic —The State Capitol Museum and Historic Sites Historic and Museum Capitol State refunded. be will fee, reservation the we will try to notify you as soon as possible. All fees, including including fees, All possible. as soon as you notify to try will we ‚ call 1 (866) 712-2286. (866) 1 call ‚ Castle Hearst at ® • If an emergency or disaster forces closure of a campground, campground, a of closure forces disaster or emergency an If • www.parks.ca.gov www.hearstcastle.org . For wheelchair-accessible tours tours wheelchair-accessible For . days to receive your refund. your receive to days www.parks.ca.gov or or at on-line tickets Castle Hearst TTY Number: 1 (800) 274-7275 (800) 1 Number: TTY ® refund or your credit card has been credited. Allow at least 30 30 least at Allow credited. been has card credit your or refund 1 (800) 444-4445, (TTY: 1 (800) 274-7275), or reserve reserve or 274-7275), (800) 1 (TTY: 444-4445, (800) 1 International Phone Number: (916) 638-5883 (916) Number: Phone International camping confirmation letter until you have received your your received have you until letter confirmation camping reservations, call call reservations, Castle Hearst or Nuevo Año For ® (Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day) Year’s New and Christmas, Thanksgiving, (Closed before 12 noon (there are no exchanges). Retain your your Retain exchanges). no are (there noon 12 before late newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst. Randolph William publisher newspaper late For fees and reservations, call 1 (800) 444-PARK. (800) 1 call reservations, and fees For • If you must leave the park one or more days early, check out check early, days more or one park the leave must you If • and San Francisco, is the world-renowned home of the the of home world-renowned the is Francisco, San and the park each day to hold the remainder of your reservation. your of remainder the hold to day each park the overlooking the Pacific Ocean, midway between Los Angeles Angeles Los between midway Ocean, Pacific the overlooking • If you miss your first day, but plan to arrive later, you must call call must you later, arrive to plan but day, first your miss you If • On the spectacular Central Coast Coast Central spectacular the On — Hearst Castle Hearst ® $7.00 cancellation fee, and one night’s camping use fee. use camping night’s one and fee, cancellation $7.00 mammals as they come ashore to rest, mate, and give birth. give and mate, rest, to ashore come they as mammals campsite, less the nonrefundable $7.50 reservation fee, the the fee, reservation $7.50 nonrefundable the less campsite, This “must see” allows visitors the chance to observe marine marine observe to chance the visitors allows see” “must This reservation. You will be refunded the amount paid for the the for paid amount the refunded be will You reservation. the largest colonies of northern elephant seals in the world. world. the in seals elephant northern of colonies largest the will be considered a “no-show,” and the park will cancel your your cancel will park the and “no-show,” a considered be will March, beaches north of Santa Cruz are home to one of of one to home are Cruz Santa of north beaches March, arrival date. If you do not call the park before that time, you you time, that before park the call not do you If date. arrival —Each December through through December —Each Año Nuevo State Reserve State Nuevo Año • A campsite will be held for you until 12 p.m. the day after your your after day the p.m. 12 until you for held be will campsite A • 6 California State Parks Tours and Activities and Tours Parks State California arrival date, the first night’s campsite fee is forfeited. is fee campsite night’s first the date, arrival California State Parks Tours and Activities and Tours Parks State California • If you cancel your reservation after 5 p.m. the day before your your before day the p.m. 5 after reservation your cancel you If • park office where you plan to visit. to plan you where office park be charged. be 9” visitors upon request. Prior to arrival, contact the the contact arrival, to Prior request. upon visitors reservation during the same call, a transfer fee of $7.50 will will $7.50 of fee transfer a call, same the during reservation Sacramento, CA 94296. CA Sacramento, Reasonable accommodation will be provided to to provided be will accommodation Reasonable • If you cancel a confirmed reservation and make a new new a make and reservation confirmed a cancel you If • California State Parks Pass Program, P.O. Box 942896, 942896, Box P.O. Program, Pass Parks State California not discriminate against individuals with disabilities. disabilities. with individuals against discriminate not be deducted from any refund you may be due. be may you refund any from deducted be a pass application, call 1 (800) 777-0369, Ext. 5 or write to: to: write or 5 Ext. 777-0369, (800) 1 call application, pass a U.S., call (916) 653-6995. California State Parks does does Parks State California 653-6995. (916) call U.S., early, a cancellation fee of $7.00 per reserved campsite will will campsite reserved per $7.00 of fee cancellation a early, and day use at all California state parks. For qualifications and and qualifications For parks. state California all at use day and CA 94296-0001, or call 1 (800) 777-0369. Outside the the Outside 777-0369. (800) 1 call or 94296-0001, CA • If you cancel a confirmed reservation, or must leave the park park the leave must or reservation, confirmed a cancel you If • Veteran/Prisoner of War Pass gives complimentary camping camping complimentary gives Pass War of Veteran/Prisoner Communications Office, P.O. Box 942896, Sacramento, Sacramento, 942896, Box P.O. Office, Communications • Your original $7.50 reservation fee is nonrefundable. is fee reservation $7.50 original Your • offers 50 percent off regular camping fees, and the Disabled Disabled the and fees, camping regular off percent 50 offers www.parks.ca.gov or write to the California State Parks Parks State California the to write or at 1 (800) 695-2269.
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