SPORT Monday 13 August 2018 PAGE | 17 PAGE | 19 Lorenzo holds off Salah on target as Marquez to win Liverpool open Austrian GP season with 4-0 win Handball: Qatar eye winning start at Asiad ARMSTRONG VAS QATAR HANDBALL Games: five in a row from 1986 The diverse and ambitious THE PENINSULA SQUAD to 2002, and in 2010. team of 222 athletes includes 29 In total, Republic of Korea females who will take part in DOHA: Qatar, the Asian Games Youssef Ali, Allaedine Berrached, has won eight medals, as it also new and exciting sports, every- defending champions in Zineeooine Boumenedjel, finished third in 1982 and thing from shooting to handball, will be looking to Rafael Capote, Firas Chaieb, second in 2014. taekwondo. begin their campaign in the Amine Guehis, Moustafa Heiba, If Qatar wins a gold medal, Qatar will take part in the multi-discipline continental Ahmad Madadi, Frankis Marzo, they would join Republic of following disciplines: Archery, event on a winning note when Abdulrazzaq Murad, Bertrand Korea as only team to win con- Artistic Gymnastics, Athletics, they take on Malaysia in the Roine, Danijel Saric, Marwane secutive gold medals at the Basketball, Basketball 3x3, Group A match today. Sassi, Wajdi Sinen, Goran Asian Games. Beach Volleyball, Bowling, Qatar has an impressive Stojanovic, Rasheed Yusuff, Ameen The Al Annabi have been Boxing, Cycling Track, Diving, record in handball at the Asian Zakkar and Anis Zouaoui performing consistently over the Equestrian, Fencing, Football, Games and have played the spoil last few years. Golf, Handball, Karate, Parag- sport to the aspirations of They won the last three liding, Rowing, Sailing, Squash, Republic of Korea in the last few of Korea was again beaten by Asian championships, including Swimming, Shooting, Table editions. Qatar: 24-21. That defeat ended earlier this year in Suwon in Tennis, Taekwondo, Tennis, Republic of Korea missed a 13-match winning run for January. Trampoline Gymnastics, Vol- out on the podium of the men’s Republic of Korea at the Asian Qatar also finished second leyball, Weightlifting and handball tournament was in Games, starting with their at the world championship in Wrestling. Doha in 2006, when it was opening fixture of the 2010 2015 on home soil, when they The 2018 Asian Games offi- beaten 40-28 by Qatar in the Asian Games. lost 25-22 to France. It was the cials begins at Jakarta and semifinals and 31-27 by Iran in Republic of Korea has won first time an Asian men’s team Palembang, Indonesia on A Qatari handball player in the third-place play-off. six of the nine gold medals in finished on the podium of the August 18 and will continue action during a friendly match In the final in 2014, Republic men’s handball at the Asian world championship. till September 2. in this file photo. Record-breaking Bounedjah seals big win for Al Sadd FAWADFAAWAW D HUSSAINHUSSSAIAIN TTHEHEH PPENINSULAENE INSUULAL DOHA:DOHOHA: Iff anyany QNBQNBB StarsStatarsr LeagueLeLeagaguuee (QSL)(QSQSL)L) teamteaeam wantswwants too stopstoop AlAl SaddSadd inin thethe trackstrtraacksk theythheey willwill havehaavve too subduesusubdb ueu strikerstrtrikkere BaghdadBagghddada BounedjahBBoounu edjaah andana d halfhaalf thethhe jobjojob hishih s done,dod nen , butbuut AlA ArabiArA ababi failedffailede toto thatththata Bounedjah resultingrer susultl ining in theirtheirir annihi-annniihhi- celebrates after the lation.latit onon. 10-1 win yesterday. BounedjahBoB uneeddjajah fifiredrer d ssesevenevveen goals,gogoallss, a newnewe QSLQSLS recordreeccorord forfoor mostmom sts goalsgoaoalsl inin a singlesinglee minuteminun te goalgoal mouthmmouth melee.mele There was no respite for match,mamatct hh, toto steerstteeer AlA SaddSaaddd too a BounedjahBouunedjahh firstfirst signalledsiggnal Al Arabi as Bounedjah scored 10-1100-11 demolitiondeemolliittioion ofof AlAl ArabiArabi ini hishis desireddeesiire inin thetthe 22nd222 nd minuteminn three more goals (62, 64 and DohaDDoohah derby,deerbyby, yesterday.yessterdaayy. whenwhwhen hehe crccreatedeated a chchanceanncee but 72) - all coming from assists FFoFormerorrmmer IIraqirar qiqi iinternationalnnternnatiionnaal failedfaf iledd toto beatbeat thetheh lastlast defender.defend from Afif - in quick time. YunusYYuunuus MahmudMaM hmhmuudd heldhele d thethe pre-prre- AfAAfifif scoredscoc red hishis firstfif rst goalg Afif scored his second goal viousvviioouus recordrer coc rdd ofof sixsiix goalsgooaals in tthehhee inin thethe 25th25t5 h minute,minuutet , firingfirin a in the 85th minute before 2004/200522000404/220005 season.sseason. craftycraffty kickkick fromfromm justjusu t insideins Bounedjah scored his seventh ItIt waswwaas BounedjahBBoouunneddjajah allall thethhe thethe boxboox offooff a cornercornnere takentaken by goal in the 88th minute to waywwaay atat AlAl Sadd’sSSaddd’s’s homehoomme groundggroounndd captaincaptp ain XaviXavi Hernandez.Here nandd complete a 10-1 rout of Al as thethhe AlgerianAlglgerian scoredssccoorred oneone goalgoaal MustafaMusttafa compensatedcoc mpenssaatet d forfor his Arabi. inn thethee firstfirrst halfhallf andaand dismantleddid smantleedd ownowo n goalgoal andand reducedrededucu ed leadle Earlier, in yesterday’s first Al ArabiArar bib defensedefefeennses inin thethe finalfinaal forfof r Al ArabiArar bi withwith a goalgog al inin the match, also played at Al Sadd sessionsesession wwiwiththh ssixixix mmoreorre goggoalsals ttoo 34th343 thh minute.mininute. Stadium, newly promoted Al craftcrrafft theirthheir secondsesecoonnd successivesucccec sss ivve HoHowever,wew ver, MMustafa’sustat fa’s ffoul Shahania pulled off a 1-0 win bigbbig winwiw n thisthhis season.seaeassoonn. againstagaiinsn t BounedjahBounnedjah eighteii over Al Kharaitiyat. TheThT e 3030-year-old-yyeaearr--oold alsoalso firedfired minutesminun tes laterlal ter justjuustt insideinside the Argentinian striker Luciano a hat-trickhah t-trrick inn AlAl Sadd’sSSadd’s firstfirstt boxboox resultedresultedd inin a penaltypenalty for Vazquez scored the all- gamegag mem ofof thethe seasonseeaassono lastlast weekwweekk thethhe AlgerianAlgeg riann whichwhhich changedchah ng important goal in the 27th whenwhwhene theythhey thrashedththrar shs ed AlAl thethhe coursecocourse ofof thetthhe match.mmaat minute. KharaitiyatKhharaitiyaat 6-0.66-0.0 TheThee hugehuguge winwiw n BoBBounedjahunedjaj h cocomfortablyomforo ta Al Shahania, who had lost tooktook AlAl SaddSaddd onon topttoop ofo pointspoio ntts pushedppushhed thetheh ballball to thethe goal-go to holders Al Duhail in the first tabletable overoover AlAl DuhailDDuuhah il onon goalgoal keeper’skkeepper’s rightrighth toto scorescore his round, thus opened their difference.did fffere ene ce. openingooppenening goalgoala of thethe matchmatch as account, while Al Kharaitiyat ROUND 2 QatarQaQatar U-23U--2233 starstar AkramAkkraam AlAl SaddSadd ledled 3-133-1 at halfhalf time.tim crashed to their second suc- Afif,Affiiff, whowwho willwiill skipskkiip AsianAAssiian BoBounedjahuuneddjajah lookedlooked com-co cessive loss. They had lost to YESTERDAY’S RESULTS GamesGGaammees challengechallennge tot staystaay willwwiill pletelyplp etele y uncontrollableuncoontntrollable forfor Al Al Sadd earlier. AlA SaddSaddd forfor theirthheie r AFCAFAFC Cham-CChaamm- ArabiArabbi defendersded fef nndeers in tthehe ssecondeco Al Shahania were clearly the Al Shahaniya 1 - 0 Al Kharaitiyat pionspipionns LeagueLeLeagueu last-eightlasstt-eie ght clashclclaash halfhalff asas heh sealedseealel d hishih s doubledou better side. againstagainst Iran’sIrran’s EsteghialEsteghial FC,FC, hat-trickhhat--trt iick in quickquick time.timee. They created more Al Sadd 10 - 1 Al Arabi alsoalsoo scoredscoored a bracebraca e besidesbesides AAn AfifAfif assistassiist inin thethe 47th4 chances compared to Al providingprovviding assistsasssissts too minutemminute hhelpedelped hhihimm scscoredored his Kharaitiyat whose main bane Bounedjah’sBouneddjaj h’h s goals.goalss. secondssecond goalgoal andand justjust twot was wayward shooting. Al SaddSadd openedopenede AlAl Arabi’sArabbi’i s minutesmim nutes laterlater he ccompletedompleted his Nassif Al Bayawi’s wards Al Sadd’s Baghdad Bounedjah scores first of his floodgatesflooo dgd attes throughthrouugh anan ownowwn firstfif rst hat-trickhat-trick oof tthehe mmatchatch off were not a determined lot and seven goals against Al Arabi during their QNB goalgoall fromfrom MustafaMustaffa MohammedMohammmed a brilliantbrilliant headerheeader toto givegive Al that reflected on their Stars League match played at the Al Sadd Stadium AbdullaAAbdulll a whowho scoredscs ororedd inin a 14th14th SaddSadd a 5-15-1 lead.leaadd. performance. yesterday. Pictures by: Mohamed Farag MONDAY 13 AUGUST 2018 SPORT 17 From left: Second placed Repsol Honda Team’s Spanish rider Marc Marquez, winner Ducati Team’s Spanish rider Jorge Lorenzo and third placed Ducati Team’s Italian rider Magnificent 7 as Andrea Dovizioso celebrate on the podium after the Austrian MotoGP Grand Prix race at the Red Bull Ring in Spielberg, Austria, yesterday. Americans seal Pan Pacs rout AFP by Canada’s teen sensation Taylor Ruck in the 200m TOKYO: American free. swimmers completed a American Kathleen brutal Pan Pacific demo- Baker captured gold in the lition job on their rivals women’s 200m backstroke yesterday by winning seven in 2:06.14, tipping out Ruck, out of 10 gold medals on the who took silver for her fifth final day of the pool compe- medal of the week. tition. Zane Grothe beat fellow Cate Campbell led the American Jordan Wili- resistance as the Aussie movsky to win the men’s
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