x CONTENTS PART 1 Author’s Preface v Editors’ Preface vii Acknowledgements viii 1 WARFARE AND WATER POWER TRANSFORM IRONWORKING 1 Th e earliest ironworks 1 Water power and its impact on early iron smelting 2 Early furnaces in Italy and Sweden 6 2 IRONWORKS IN NAMUR AND BURGUNDY 10 Namur under the Dampierre counts 10 Th e Namur ironworks in the Dampierre period 12 Th e dukes of Burgundy 19 Burgundy and its ironworks 21 Th e earliest eff ective guns 22 Th e Burgundian alliance with England 24 Gun manufacture in the Hundred Years’ War 25 Burgundian Namur and capitalism in its ironworks 28 Th e earliest fi nery forges 29 Wood supplies and ironworking 30 Partnerships and combinations 31 3 THE FIRST WALLOON MIGRATION 34 Military implications 34 Merchant capital 38 Technological base 38 Personal motivation 39 Further displacement of uncertain motivation 40 4 IRONWORKING IN THE BEAUVAISIS AND NORMANDY 42 THE PAYS DE BRAY 42 Th e geography 42 Ironworking in the Middle Ages 43 Th e end of the Hundred Years’ War 45 Th e post-war economic setting 45 THE BEAUVAISIS OR BRAY PICARD 48 IRONWORKS ON THE AVELON, THE AUNETTE, THE THERAIN AND THE PETIT THERAIN 48 Metalworking in Beauvais 48 La forge du Becquet 50 Le fourneau des Rouges-Eaux 51 Les forges de Milly 54 La fonderie de Ons-en-Bray 55 Les forges du Vaumain 56 Les forges de Rainviller 58 Les forges de Saint-Omer-en-Chausée 60 THE END OF IRONWORKING IN THE BEAUVAISIS 60 THE MID-BRAY 62 xi IRONWORKS ON THE EPTE, ANDELLE AND THÉRAIN 62 IRONWORKS ON THE MORETTE AND THE MESANGUEVILLE STREAMS 63 Le Mont Louvet furnace 63 Th e forge on the Petit Vivier de Bray 64 IRONWORKS ON THE ANDELLE 65 Th e furnace of Le Fayel 66 Th e Normanville forges 67 La grosse forge de Morville 69 IRONWORKERS ON THE THÉRAIN 70 Ironworks at Canny-sur-Th érain? 70 IRONWORKING ON THE BÉTHUNE 72 Th e political setting and iron exports from Dieppe 73 THE IRONWORKS AT COMPAINVILLE AND BEAUSSAULT 75 La fonderie de Glinay 75 Ironworkers of Compainville 80 Les forges de Beaussault 82 Ironworkers of Beaussault and Conteville 87 Ironworkers of Beaubec and Gaillefontaine 91 IRONWORKS IN NESLE-HODENG 95 La fonderie de Hodeng 95 La forge de Hodeng 97 La forge d’Acher 102 La fonderie de Frenchy 104 IRONWORKING IN THE VICINITY OF NEUFCHATEL-EN-BRAY 107 Neufchâtel and its industries 107 Th e cutlery trade 109 THE IRONWORKS 110 Le moulin du Pré, Sainte-Saire 110 Les forges de Neuville-Ferrières 111 La fonderie de Sainte-Radegonde 136 La forge des Iles 138 IRONWORKS IN OTHER PARTS OF NORMANDY 154 THE PAYS DE CAUX 154 Th e Old forge 154 Torcy-le-Grand 155 WEST OF THE SEINE 157 Piseux 157 Glissoles 157 Rainville 158 Pontgouin and Francvilliers 159 Boissy-Maugis 159 THE TECHNOLOGY OF THE INDUSTRY IN THE PAYS DE BRAY 160 Th e founday 160 Th e furnace at Le Vaumain 161 Other Brayon furnaces 161 Th e forges 163 PRODUCTS AND MARKETS 163 Products 163 Markets abroad 165 Home markets 167 WOOD AND THE IMPACT OF ITS PRICE ON IRONWORKING 171 THE FORESTS 173 La Haute Forêt d’Eu 173 La Basse Forêt d’Eu 173 xii La Haye de Mortemer 174 La Haye d’Auvillier 174 La Forêt de Lucy 174 Th e forests of Aumale 175 La Forêt du Hellet 175 La Forêt d’Eawy 176 La Forêt de Bray 178 La Forêt de Croixdalle 178 CORDWOOD AND CHARCOAL 179 THE DECLINE OF IRONWORKING IN THE PAYS DE BRAY 180 Wood purchase 180 Forge rents 181 Forgemasters; technicians, landlords, merchants 182 Emigrants 185 Famine and emigration 187 5 HENRY VII AND IRONFOUNDING IN THE WEALD 189 Henry Tudor in exile 189 Th e arrival of the blast furnace 190 Th e fi rst furnaces and forges 195 Technology 197 Th e earliest forgemasters 198 Th e earliest ironworkers 200 Huggett, Woodman and Collyn - French or English? 202 Early immigrants made denizen: 210 Symart; Ellis; Laby alias Alman; Mocumble; Roberts alias Callis; Caron; Allard; Turke alias Tomplin; Denwall; Gillet alias Duforde; Averell; Vassel; Richard; Lambert; Lawrence; Pynion; Sherowe alias Gownet; Angell; Belleville or Belfi eld 6 EXPANSION IN THE WEALD UP TO 1525 244 HISTORICAL SETTING 244 Forgemasters 244 Technology 249 Immigrants in the industry 251 Th e course of immigration 252 Frenchmen into Englishmen 254 IMMIGRANTS RECORDED IN THE DENIZATION ROLLS: 257 Bodying (or Bodewyn?); Mishaw, Meissance, Messedge, Mason and Machyn; Perigo; Leonard; Carbonet; Bilet; Vinton; Tancre or Tanckerell; Lawhen alias Collyn; Carye; Gavell or Cavell; Mittell; Morris; Dowst; Briseboys alias Barr; Hunnisett; Lamy alias Barden; Kydevilde; Russell; Boyle; Bully; Snashall; Botting; Villain; Gillet alias Russell; Bewsawe alias Mathewe; White; Barton alias Gillet; Harby; Angerfi eld; de Moonsell; Hatto alias Fewtrell; Glodde; Dabancourt; Motton; Pullen; Vernys; Buttery; Tyler; Morrell; Fremyng; Growte; de Verray alias Nonno; Godard alias King; Bartholomew alias Ponting; Bellatt; Deprowne; Larby; Lucas; Leaney alias Th omas; Cacherie; Duggan; Burder; Roveray; Valliant; Byllard IMMIGRANTS FIRST LISTED IN THE SUBSIDY ROLLS OF 1524 AND 1525 384 Hartfi eld hundred: Jarvis?; Blank 384 Ironworkers of John Edward in Hartfi eld hundred 385 Myskyn; Robyn; Asces or Astes; Reynold; Jakatt; Haynk or Jenkes; Capel; Jolly; Kennad Roger Machyn’s workers: Lyllat; Corse; Gossatt; May; Botell; Cheverell 393 xiii Withyham Greenhurst borough of Loxfi eld hundred: Shoesmith; Allen 395 Rotherfi eld hundred: Colyan 397 Lindfi eld Burleigh Arches hundred: Flote 398 Pashley borough of Shoyswell hundred: Tassen; Gerrard; Talboy 398 Netherfi eld hundred: Sampson; Vigot, Bigod or Bugo 414 Hawksborough hundred 416 Workers with John Walstedde at Heathfi eld: Grant; Tomkyn; Sage 416 Workers with John Collyn at Burwash: Cropper; Darvie; Jenkin 419 Henhurst hundred: Robinet; Browne 420 Wadhurst borough of Loxfi eld hundred 423 Loxfi eld hundred: Lovet 425 Foxearle hundred: Holland 425 PART 2 7 CONSOLIDATION AND THE MANUFACTURE OF CANNON, 1525-1550 428 HISTORICAL SETTING 428 Ironworks on the Continent: Walloons in the German Ardennes; Wallonia 432 Ironworks in the Weald: Forgemasters and their ironworkers in the Weald 436 TECHNOLOGY 457 Furnace: Furnace bellows 457 Forge : Hearths, hammers, anvils and tools; Forge bellows; Hammer assemblies 460 IMMIGRANTS RECORDED IN THE DENIZATION ROLLS: 466 Boysard, Bussard, Billing or Blyn(d); Jonnett; Recreff , Harvey; Longley; Clarke; Addes, Judd or Powell; Gaege; Margo; Holmes; Mowery or Morye; Dechyn; Marrian alias Dippraye and Meadow; Borde; Bluit or Blewett; Tullet; Nevill alias Burdett; Gardambas; Bennett alias Beeny; Baccal or Buckhold; Meryall; Marie or Marygold; Gayne; Raunser; Gumrie; Levett; Roboye; Totayn; Clachoo; Harshaw; Soberis; Lygon; Predom; Collier; Deff ere DENIZENS WHOSE ARRIVAL WAS UNDATED: 517 Joan Isted’s Frenchmen: Ogyer; Borayne; Freman 517 Nicholas Eversfi eld’s Frenchmen: Fremens 519 Richard Weekes’ Frenchmen: Kellery 520 Servant to Sir William Sidney: Torshy 520 Servants of my lord of Norfolk: Harrison 521 Miners recruited by William Pepwell: Marchaunt; Malet 522 HANAPER-ROLL DENIZENS OF 1541: Carpenter; Coppyn; Godfrye; Reder 523 ALIENS FIRST MENTIONED IN PRE-1550 COURT ROLLS: 526 Vouche; Gewe; Susslawe; Masculer; Bilbow ALIENS FIRST MENTIONED IN PRE-1550 CORONERS’ INQUESTS 528 Milward; Holgatt; Deneuve ALIENS MENTIONED ONLY IN SUBSIDY ROLLS, 1540-1550 529 SUSSEX - HASTINGS RAPE 529 Foxearle hundred: 529 Taylor; Bourdell; Chaplin; Unckle; La Mell; Grewe(?); Fardell; Stampylyon; Hussey Bexhill hundred: Rowland 535 Shoyswell hundred: Roche; Derrye; Anthony; Bee 536 Netherfi eld hundred: 537 Colyn; Bredes; Turner; La Mott alias Finch; Griaunt; xiv Werett; Dewewe; Brye Hawksborough hundred: 543 Jasper; Gawyn; Makkowe; Sampton; Fawke or Fakett; Garman; Mynion or Monyon; Maryon; Gotier; Arthur Henhurst hundred: Essewe 550 Robertsbridge hundred: Buckett; Garrett; Byne; Jerre 551 Aliens in the works of John Philpott, smith: 552 Bayarde or Ballard; Lokear; Nayler or Clotear SUSSEX - PEVENSEY RAPE 553 Loxfi eld hundred: 553 Stoborne; Relf; Glade; Collet; Rowe; Clerygo; Hambrey; Hambonye Hartfi eld hundred: More; Bordyn; Scrace; Mores; Myclowe 558 Danehill Horsted hundred: 558 Jenne; Picard; Lawnsyne and de Lawnse; Jordan Danehill Sheffi eld hundred: Carler; Neve; Lorman 561 Rushmonden hundred: Richardson 562 Lindfi eld Burleigh Arches hundred: Johnson; Gascon 563 Shiplake hundred: Trowley; Cosenet 567 SUSSEX - LEWES RAPE 567 Buttinghill hundred: Pyballyar; Low; Ridleigh 567 KENT 567 Barnfi eld hundred: Bousselowe 569 West Barnfi eld hundred: Loye 569 Brenchley hundred: Fannor 570 Washlingstone hundred: Delamer 570 WORKERS MENTIONED IN THE SIDNEY ACCOUNTS: 570 Lauris; Pray alias Pinyon and Spray alias Pinyon; Cachecoll; Humfrey; Milner; Gerlett; Pommy; Herston; Barnet; Daniell; Bannson IMMIGRANTS NAMED IN PROBATE RECORDS: Gilham 586 8 WEALDEN IRON TO ITS ZENITH AND BEYOND ITS BORDERS, 1551-1575 587 HISTORICAL SETTING 587 POLITICS AND IRONWORKS ON THE CONTINENT 589 IRONWORKS IN ENGLAND AND WALES AND BEYOND 592 Th e Weald 592 Beyond the Weald 600 Th e Midlands 601 South Wales 605 South Yorkshire 607 Norway 611 FORGEMASTERS 611 IMMIGRANT WORKERS MENTIONED IN THE SIDNEY ACCOUNTS AFTER 1550: 616 Rossett; Lassoll; Henold; Foster; Lavender; Ullard IMMIGRANT WORKERS MENTIONED IN THE SUBSIDY ROLLS, 1550-1575 627 SUSSEX - HASTINGS RAPE 627 Foxearle hundred: Burgonyon; Seddes; Sellen 627 Bexhill hundred: Growshe 629 Shoyswell hundred: 629 Capper; Allow; Lunto; Degoye; Prevaute; Mynnage; Cressey Netherfi eld hundred: Fever; Polvo; Pavy; Peter; Latornys, Pettit 636 Hawksborough hundred: Fasshatt; Haunyng; Gringo; Drowsh 642 Henhurst hundred: 645 Mallet;
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