Presents Eliot Feld Ballet HELEN DOUGLAS MONA ELGH ELIOT FELD MICHAELA HUGHES BRIAN JAMESON KATE JOHNSON CHARLES KENNEDY EDMUND LAFoSSE BARRY LEON REMUS MAReu LINDA MILLER GREGORY MITCH ELL GEORGE MONTALBANO ELIZABETH NESI MARY RANDOLPH CHHISTINE SARRY JEFF SATINOFF GWYNN TAYLOR PETER LONGIARU, Pianist JOHN H . PAULL III, Production Stage Manag er CORA CAHAN, Administrator TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 21, 1978, AT 8 :.00 POWER CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN PROGRAM THE REAL McCOY (1974) Choreography by ELIOT F EW Settillg alld Costumes by ROUBEN TER-ARUTUNIAN Music by GEORGE GEnSHWIN Lightillg by THOMAS SKELTON Is it all earthquake or simply a shock? Is it the good turtle soup or merely the "//lo ck? It is a cocktail tltis fee lillg of joy or is what I feel the Real McCoy? Ha ve I the right hlllleh or have I the wrollg? Will it be Bach I shall hear or jll~t a Cole Porter sOllg ? A t Long Last Love by Cole Porter, 1938 Copyright by Chappel & Co., Inc., N.Y.C. ELIOT FELD MICHAEL HUGHES Charles Kennedy, Gregory Mitchell, George Montalbano, Jeff Satinoff, Brian Jameson Eighteenth Program Seventh Annual Choice Series, Power Center Complete Programs 4109 INTERMISSION MAZURKA (1975) Some dance with the heart, others with the heels. Choreography by ELIOT FELD Costumes b)' R OUDEN T ER-ARUTUNI AN l\Ii1lsic by F ilEDER1CK CHOPIN Lighting by THOMAS SKELTON This description of the Mazurka is found in Dr. E. W . Shallenberg's book, Frederic Chopin: It began with a pro cession in which the dancers made glidin g passes and stamped their fee t. I'll the second stage it broke liP into pairs alld solo dances; these dances were of prime importan. ce for here the performers were 01/ I,heir mettle and here the il/n'/I'lner­ able s'mall dr ea'ms were enacted which delighted Chopin-"Ou. I'omollr se mele 'aux dOlllwrs de la patrie" ("Where lo ve and the melancholy of the laud meet") , These dances lasted an hOllr or more befor e re- formed at the end. CHRISTINE SARRY MICHAELA H UGHES H ELEN DOUGLAS LIN DA MILLER GREGORY MITCHELL EDMUND L AFOSSE GEORGE MONTALBANO R EMUS MARCU PETER LONGIARU, Piano Soloist INTERMISSION I THE CONSORT (1970) Choreography by ELIOT F ELD Arrange d and Co ndllcted by MICHAEL JAFFEE Mllsic by DOWLAND, MORLEY, NEUSlDLEIl Lighting by THOMAS SKELTON and anonymous compose rs Costll'mes executed by MILO M OIlRO W and GARY J ONES MICHAEL H UGHES LIN DA MILLER ELIZABETH NESI MARY RANDOLPH GWYNN TAYLOR MONA ELGH BRIAN J AMESON C HARLES K ENNEDY EDMUND LAFOSSE REMUS MARCU J EFF SATIN OFF BARRY LEON Ahout the Company Organized in 1973, the E li ot Feld Ballet serves as the re id ent dance company of the New York Shakespeare Festival, and toured l\Iexico, Central and South Ameri ca as the United States' offi cial cultural presentation in Latin America during the Bicentennial year. It has al so performed for network television in the "Live at Wolf Trap" seri e , and in the P ublic Broadcasting Service project, " Dance for Camera." The company's studio and headquarters are located on lower Broadway in New York City, as is it New Ballet School, where fr ee classes will be offered to New York City school children. Acclaimed as " the most talented classic choreographer of hi s generation anywhere in the world ," Eliot Feld is a native of Brooklyn who joined the Broadway cast of West Side Story at age sixteen and appeared as Baby-John in the film version. He danced on the Gary 1\Ioore and Ed Sulli van television shows, and appeared on Broad­ way in I Can Get !I For You W li olesale and Fiddler on the Roo]. A former member of the American Ballet Theater and the Ameri can Ballet Company, he has chore­ ographed twenty-five ballet. since 1967 for compani es such as the Royal Danish Ballet, the J offr ey Ballet, the National Ballet of Canada, the Royal Swedish Ballet, and the Royal Winnipeg Ball et. T he Eliot Feld Ballet's visit to A lin A rbor this week comprises a half-week dance residency includillg three concert performances alld a master class in the University Dance Department, with support fro ll/. the Natiollal Elldowment for the Arts alld the Mic higan Council for the Arts. The activties of the Eliot Feld Ballet, have been made possible ill part by Th e Rockefeller Foundation, The Shubert Foulldatioll, The Mellon Foulldatiou, alld with public fUllds from the New York State Council on the Arts alld the Natiollal Elldol~'lI/.ellt for the Arts, This is an Encore Company Club night Encore is the membership organization of the l\lusical Society. Members of the new Company Club are community-oriented bu inesses whose generous support helps bridge the gap between ticket revenu e and the ever-increasing cost of presenting the performing a rts. Ten performance are designated thi season to honor them and their em] loyees. Tonight we especiall y recogni ze the newest member of Encore Company Club: F. Jos. Lamb Company of Warren, Michigan Philippe Entremont, Pianist (replacing Lazar Berman, ori ginally scheduled last November) Saturday, April 1, at 8 :30 in Hill Auditorium BACH: Partita o. 1 in B-flat major BEETHOVEN: Sonata in D major, Op. 28 ("Pastorale") CHOPIN: Nocturne in D-flat, Op. 27, No. 2; Scherzo No. 2 RAVEL: Sonatine; Gaspard de la nui t All tickets for the Berman recital wi ll be honored on April 1; additional tickets are available from $4 to $lO. RE MAIN ING EVENTS ELIOT FELD BALLET Wed nesday, February 22 Choreographed by Feld: Harbinger (Prokofiev) ; Santa Fe Saga (Gould) ; The Consort (Dow­ land and anonymous composers) ; A Footstep of Air (Beethoven). CARLOS MONTOYA, Guitarist Thursday, February 23 ALEKSANDER SLOBODYANIK, P.ianist Saturday, February 25 THOVIL, SRI LANKA Wed nesday, March 1 BALTIMORE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA/ COMISSIONA Sunday, March 19 NIKOLAIS DANCE THEATRE Tuesday & \V ednesday March 21 & 22 KYUNG -WHA CHUNG , Violinist Thursday, March 23 ORPHEUS CHAMBER ENSEMBLE/ FESTIVAL CHORUS Saturday, March 2S QAWWALI MUSIC FROM PAKISTAN Tuesday, March 28 (replacin g Okinawan Dancers). PHILIPPE ENTREMONT, Pianist Saturday, April 1 AMADEUS STRING QUARTET Thursday, Ap ril 6 BAVARIAN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA/ KuBELIK Saturday, April 8 Mahler : Symphony No.9 in D major MAY FES TIVAL April 27-30 (Series ticke ts no longer available because of unprecedented early sales.) UNIVERSITY MUSICAL SOCIETY Burton Memorial T ower, Ann Arbor, M ichigan 48 lO9 Phones: 665 -37 17, 764-2538 .
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