March 12, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E363 My bill will award grants to local school dis- sanitize, deodorize and conceal them. No bet- Fund. The Reverend Leon Edwards was tricts and teacher training programs that de- ter than our animal friends, we cannot escape called as the fourth pastor in July, 1974. Rev- velop alternative routes to certification pro- certain realities of our existence from birth to erend Edwards served with much pride and grams that open the teaching profession to in- decay. Indignity is inescapable. commanded the respect of all. Under the lead- dividuals with professional experience who ``There are moments so undignified that no ership of Reverend Edwards, Southwestern have the desire to teach. one dares peak of them in casual conversa- was able to complete the construction of its My bill will empower local school districts tion or popular entertainment. Commercials new church facility. On January 27, 1997, God that are facing teacher shortages or subject- show people with forks or beverages, but rare- called Reverend Edwards home to rest. area shortages to develop bold and innovative ly eating or drinking, because chewing and The Reverend Dwight D. Craig, assistant programs that recruit and prepare these highly swallowing are not pretty. Eating is not glam- Pastor under Reverend Edwards was installed qualified individuals to teach in our elementary orous. Neither is sneezing, scratching, hiccup- as the fifth pastor of Southwestern on June and secondary schools. ing, burping, nose blowing, acne, giving birth, 29, 1997. Reverend Craig has continued to These individuals could include education and other acts that I cannot even mention. build on the legacy of his predecessors. Souls paraprofessionals, former military personnel, Beans anyone? have been saved and healed; they that were mid-career professionals, or returned Peace ``Great figures in history, George Washing- bound have been set free; the discouraged Corps volunteers. It can also include recent ton, Clara Barton, Mother Teresa, Martin Lu- have gained courage; and the weak have college graduates who have a record of aca- ther Kind, Jr., were men and women of dignity been made strong. demic distinction and hold a BA in the aca- not because they did not do these things, but demic subject area in which they plan to because they were courageous, benevolent, Mr. Speaker, Southwestern has been an an- teach. and honorable. They accomplished extraor- chor in the First Congressional District, the These individuals bring distinctive and di- dinary things while remaining bound by their State of Illinois and indeed the nation. I am verse life experiences into the classroom, human imperfections. They were men and honored to recognize the historic anniversary which can enrich the curriculum and school women of integrity and, therefore, of dignity. celebration of the Southwestern Missionary and enhance the quality of our educational History judges the measure of men not by Baptist Church and am privileged to enter system. their physical being, but by the quality of their these words into the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD My bill will also encourage States to develop hearts. of the United States House of Representa- more rigorous assessments certification and ``My uncle spent the last 3 months of his life tives. teacher licensing exams based on subject- in a hospice, dying of cancer. He told my par- matter knowledge, teaching knowledge, teach- ents that between visits with friends and fam- f ing skills and other performance-based exami- ily, he spent the hours praying for people that GOVERNOR WILSON ABOLISHES nations. he loved. Bedridden, breathing oxygen AFFIRMATIVE ACTION I am joined by my colleagues JIM MORAN, through a tube, suffering with pain and dis- CAL DOOLEY, RON KIND and ANNA ESHOO. I comfort, my uncle spent his last days thinking urge your support for this important bill. of others, doing what he could to serve them. HON. RON PACKARD f People say they don't want to be remembered that way, but this is how I will remember my OF CALIFORNIA DISMAY OVER OREGON'S DEATH uncle, a selfless, kind man, whose dignity in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES WITH DIGNITY LAW death was far greater than many will possess in life.'' Thursday, March 12, 1998 HON. BOB SCHAFFER Dignity is about character which is not di- Mr. PACKARD. Mr. Speaker, yesterday OF COLORADO minished by frailty. The term ``dignity in death'' California Governor Pete Wilson issued an ex- is simply a euphemism used to legitimatize the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ecutive order that institutes a provision of killing of the weak, the desperate, and now, Thursday, March 12, 1998 State Proposition 209 which abolishes affirma- the poor. tive action. I commend Governor Wilson for Mr. BOB SCHAFFER of Colorado. Mr. f Speaker, I rise today in dismay over the Or- his commitment to abolishing policies that egon Health Service Commission's decision to TRIBUTE TO SOUTHWESTERN MIS- favor any group for reasons other than merit. use taxpayers' money to end the lives of Med- SIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH OF This has been an uphill battle for Governor icaid recipients. This decision, an inevitable CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Wilson. California voters passed Proposition outcome of the state's Death with Dignity law, 209 in 1996, yet officials were unable to en- devalues the lives of the poor and forces their HON. BOBBY L. RUSH force the measure because of a clause in the neighbors to contribute to their demise. Our OF ILLINOIS State Constitution that requires agencies to forefathers believed, as do I, that the value of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES continue to enforce affirmative action pro- human life is not found in circumstance, lest grams until they are negated by an appellate Thursday, March 12, 1998 poverty or frailty diminish it, but from God who court decision. gives each of use the will to overcome the in- Mr. RUSH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay Last fall, a federal court ruled that any law dignities of life. On this point, I want to share tribute to and honor the Southwestern Mis- mandating that state contractors favor compa- the thoughts of Krista Kafer of Colorado. sionary Baptist Church of Chicago, Illinois on nies owned by minorities or women is uncon- ``The Oregon Health Services Commission's the occasion of the celebration of their 70th stitutional. After contemplating a request to re- decision to spend taxpayers' money to finance year Church Anniversary. consider this decision, the U.S. 9th Circuit the killing of terminally ill poor people will no On March 6, 1928, God called together Court of Appeals upheld the federal court rul- doubt revive the debate over euthanasia. We eight individuals for the purpose of establish- ing earlier this week, giving Governor Wilson will once again hear proponents talk about the ing a church to the glory of God. That church the go-ahead to issue his executive order. need for `death with dignity.'' If Oregonians soon became known as the Southwestern are shocked that they may actually help kill Missionary Baptist Church. The Reverend B. Mr. Speaker, Governor Wilson's order paves the undignified dying poor, then they should H. January was called as the first pastor of the road for other states looking to abolish af- call to memory the slippery slope argument Southwestern Church. Reverend January firmative action programs and allows us to they once ignored. They should have ques- served faithfully and with distinction for over turn our attention to the federal level. Con- tioned the concept of `death with dignity' a few 27 years before his retirement. He was suc- gressman CHARLES CANADY (R±FL) has intro- months ago. ceeded in leadership of Southwestern by the duced H.R. 1909, the Civil Rights Act of 1997. ``That we should die to escape indignity or Reverend Eugene M. Dillard. This bill provides equal protection of the law kill to alleviate it is a dangerous concept in- Under the ministry of Reverend Dillard, and prohibits discrimination and preferential deed. Of those who espouse such a morbid Southwestern moved to its present location at treatment on the basis of race, color, national conviction, one might inquire further: When 8638 South Michigan Avenue. Reverend Dil- origin, or sex in federal actions. there is so much indignity in life, why pre- lard retired from the ministry in October, 1966. I urge my colleagues to take a close look at scribe death only to the dying? Indignities The Reverend William Conley served as the this legislation. Mr. Speaker, it is time for us abound from morning to night, even in sleep, third pastor of Southwestern from 1966 until to follow California's lead and reward individ- in spite of our constant, desperate efforts to 1974 and initiated the church's first Building ual's based on their merit, not quotas..
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