TRADES DIRECTORY.) HAMPSHIRE. C.AR 839 lleale Hy. Sholing, Southampton Redman Wm. Sussex rd. Petersfield Brown H. T. 27 Lawson rd. Sonthsea Bendell E. 198 Kingston r<Jad, Buck- Richard~J.Cliiton cot.Balii<Bett,Sthmptn Brown T. 85 Pyle st.Newport, I. of W land, Portsmouth Richards James, Bishop's WalthamS.O Brunt T. 28 Hyde Park rd. Southsea Bennett Jas. r8 Marine par.Southmptn Richards Wa.lt. Bassett, Southampton Rnlf rd John, 6r Dover st. SontbmptR Boswell Chas. 62 James st. Sthmptn Richards Walter, jun. Burgess street, Bull W. The Briars, Sea View, Ryde Boyes Mrs. E. Bramhridge, E~t- Highfield, Southampton Bullock James Thos. Haven st. Ryde leigh R.S.O Rolfe .Alex. New pond, Romsey Bullock William Henry, 37 South st. Brewer Henry Charles, 39 Winchester Russell Hy. 47 Osbome rd.Sonthmptn Newport, Isle of Wight road, Portswood, Southampton Silver H. R. North st. Emsworth Bunch Henry, jun. Yateley,Blackwater Brown Frederick, jun. Lynchford Stanley James, 244 Twyford avenue Bunch Samuel, Binsted, Alton road, Farnborough & Stamshaw road, Landport Bunday Charles J. Dibden, Southmptn :Bundy .Alfd. I3 Stanford st. Sthmptn Stubbington W. 9 North walls, Wnchstr Bunday Thomas, Dibden, Southamptn Butt William, ()handler's Ford, East- Taylor Wm. 55 James st.Southamptn Bunney Robert, Owslebury, Winchestr leigh R.S.O- Thompson William, Apse heath, New- Burningham Thos. Hol}bourne, Alton Byng John, Upper Swan st. Southsea church, Sandown R.S.O I. of W Burns William, Bramdean, Alresford Byng Mrs. 1\Iary Ann, 3 & 4 Provi- Toms John, 4 Parsonage ril.Sthmptn Burt A. J. 42 Grosvenor rd. Aide shot deuce place & 24 Sussex st.Southsea Tongs Wm. Michelmers.h, Romsey Bush James, 23 Church street, Shir- Byng Wm. 75 Belgrave st. Southsea Tonks John, xa, Langley road, Buck- ley, Southampton Chambers Henry, Pound green, Fresh- land, Portsmouth Butcher William, Bridge street,Tit~h- water Station R.S.O., I. of W Tull Alfd. North street, Havant field, Fareham Chapple W. 44 Alexandra rd . .Aldersht Viney F. 26 Hartland's rd. Fareham Butler Frank, Bargates, Christchurch Chm·cher William, Bank street, Ward Alfred, Palmerston st. Romsey. Butler George, 4 Millway rd. Andover Bishop's Waltham S.O See advertisement Butler J. Downton, Lymington Oockeram John James, Old Netley, Ward John B.Queen's rd.Farnborough Bye George, Botley S.O Hound, Soubhampton Wheeler Geo. Yateley, Blackwater Cable R lph G. 20 L ndon s . Andovr Cole Waiter, School green, Fresh- WhiteSl.Aven.rd.SandownR.S.O.I.ofW Oaines Wi.Jiam Henry, 1 Wmchester water Station R.S. 0., I. of W Wilson Hy. 16 Marine par.Southmptn road, Portswood, Southampton Coleman Wm. Saml. Amery st . .Alton Yaldl'en T. Corn. Bishopstoke, East- Cake H. B. 9 Gloucester st. Sonthsea Cohnan Hy. Bartley, Southampton leigh R.S.O Canner Waiter, West street, Havant. Cooper W. jun. The Hundred, Romsy Young T. 254 Ho1denhurst rd.Brnmth Carpenter A. Rumbridge st. Sthmptn Cooper Wm. B. IS Love la. Romsey Carter Samuel, Milton, Lyrmngton (Jox_Al~ert, :Brook, Sarisbry. St?mptn CARPENTERS & JOINERS. Champion Jonah, Vi.ctori rd. Fleet, Dav1s S1dney, Oak Tree road, B1tterne Winchfield park, Southampton Achland Thomas, Tiptoe cro<:s, Hordle, Champion Thos. Newnham,"\\-inchfield . h Lymington D e d man J ames, Twyfor d • Wme ester Ad H B f d d B k Chandler George Charles 37 Romsey Derham William G. Inkerman road, lamds penryt ' 3 theres or r · ne - road Old Shirley Southampton 'tt s th ~~ an , or smou , . , B1 erne, on amp.,.,n Ad Rchd 0 h d 1 Sth tn Chapman Waiter G1llman Gra}shott D Will. B kh t Go t ams . 32a, re ar a. mp , , owse 1am, roe nrs, spor Al'be Alf d W t L" S 0 Haslemere R.S.O Dunnings Frank, :Bartley, Southmptn Ald eyG re 'B' ehst t<:Als . f d Child Henry & Son Soherton Bishop's D · w B tl S th t er eorge, 1g on, res or , , unnmgs m. ar ey, on amp on A H A 0 t Whtch h R S 0 Waltham S.O Emmett Alfred, Dnrley, Bishop's Wal- Amey R. b .rt ver oGnl, d t rcrd.. B. Child Charles Dene road .Andover tham s 0 mor o e , 37 a <: one . os- . , , ·. comhe, Bournemouth Child Wm. Robt. Wherwe 1, Andover Flux tE~--;m, f2.W·O~apel street, New- Annetts Louis, The Green, Lockerley, Chinchen James, Osborne rd.Ea.Cowes por •. eo Ig t Romsey ChivertonS. to4Pyle st.Newport,I.of W Frankhn _A_lfd. A~nerley rd.Bournmth Ashford George, L~ndhurst R.S.O Church J. Steventon,Whitchrch.R.S.O Fry~r Wilham Oliver, Burgesi street, Aslett Wm. H. TwYford, Winche~ter Clear J. Purbrook, Cosham R.S.O Highfield, Soutihampton .Attrill Hy. St. Vincent st. Southsea. Cl('rnents J hn, 10 Sidnev vira, Mtd- ~rl?ng S. 34 & 36 He;tford st.Lndprt Avery Eli, 30 Romsey rd. Winchester dle road, Westbourne, Bournemouth Gtttms John, 54 St.Vmcent st.Sthsea Bailey Ohas. 38 South front, Sthmptn Qinker James, West t wn, South Goodeno_ngh John, Southampton rrl. Baker Charles J. Selborne, Alton; Hayling, Havant G Eastleig~ilS.O Ead Sh lfl t Telegrams, "Baker, Selborne" Cockell James, Amport, Andover :;enen th aR~eO e;, W a ee ' Baker G. Bri.ghstone, Newport, l. of"\\- Coffin H. C. 27 Fair Mile rd. Chrstchch 1 0 armtt oGu F. d. ·. k. t S th t Baker H. North Warnboro',Winchfield Cole H. Roumelia ter.B scmh.Brnmth H ll 1 8 &ta eh d · J 3 H re encR · • t ouS mpth n B a11 ard J . H ungerf ord , F ord. mg b r1"d ge Co' enutt S . H'1g h s t . N"ton, V ent nor 8 0 H t~ ar H • T. ir d lvers ~ · B ~ sea Banting H. Hambl&lon,CoshamR.S.O Coles Wm. Clanfield,Horndean R.S.O Ha ~y t Y· s·ci e ge pe~ ' ~ 1 ey d Baskett Edwin, 59 High st. Lymingtn Collins Fredk. Middle rd. Lvmin!!t n eBrnng oub 1Bney, 83 athmers on r · Bastin William, The Mount, "\Voolton Coltberup M. 8 Lomhard st. Portsmth oscom e. ournem.ou h'll, N b S · Holmes Charles, Ho1mwood, Winches- r " ew ury • Comben John,J4 h~nkhn rd.Southsea Bath E. & Co Morley road, \Vest- Conwav Charles, W1ckham, Fareham ; t er roa d , P ort swoo d , S onth amp t on b B th ... Sh dfi Id B tl S 0 Hunt Geor e Manor Farm road, Bit- ourne, ~nrnemon "" e e • o ev_ · terne parl 'Southampton Batsford W.St.Mary Bourne, Andover Conwav T. East st.Titchfield,Fareham Isaac Samu~l Asbley road, Boscombe Batterham J. C.Stanley la. Sontb<Jea Cook Mrs. Octav·ns, Sea View, ~yde & Sea road,' Pokesdown, Bournemth Beav~s H. Grayshott,Haslemere R.S:O ~oomhs John, \"\estern rd. Lynnngton Kellaway .Alhert, 1 Church street,Shir- :Beav1s .Tames, 8r Church strel't, Shir- Cooper J. Wootton R.S.O. I. of lV ley Southampton ley, Southampton Cooper James, 55 Claremont road, Leech Thomas The Gardens Ex- Belton John T. Sunnyside villa, The Fratton, Portsmouth mouth road, Southsea ' Grove, Aldershot Couzen.s W1lliam, Longpari<~h, Whit- Lockyer Alfred, Chapel st.Petersfield B.:mham Charle~, '!9 South st. Gosport church _R.S.O . Long John, Burgate, Fordingbridge Bennett J. G. Lttt.edown rd.Bonrnmth Creane Miles, 52Welhngton road,Free- Marsh Goorge 40 Winchester road, Bennett J. Northwood, Newport.l.ofW mantle, Southamnwn Portswo{)d, Southampton Bennett. Richard, 86 Upper St. James Cripps Harry, 47 Wolverton rd. lJos- Merriott. Fdk. 1 Qarence st.Sthmptn street, Newport, I. of W combe, Bournemouth Mew T. G. 69 Forster rd. Southamptn Berry William, 28 Front street, St. Croucher C. 14 Church <:t. Christchrcb Minty Samuel, The Triangle, Brnmth Cross, Winrhester Crowther T. G. Herritt st. Aldershot Moorman Charles, 2 Holford vil~a. Bevis Owen, Warsash, Fareham Curran Wm. 19 Florenre Td.S uthsea St. Paul's crescent, Shanklin Bilk William, St. Mary rd. Cowes Cushen Edwd. 21 Harrow rd. South sea Moorman William, r Landguard villas, Bishop George, Martin, Salisbury Daish William, St. Helen's, Ryde Landguard road, Shanklin Blake H. Carisbrooke,Newprt. I. of W Damp Frank, I Eastleigh terrace, Lug- ~unford Hy. 29 New rd. Buckland Bone Henry, Buriton, Petersfield ley street, Newport, I. of W Musson Wm. Penton Grafton, Andover Boniwell Rtchard Rufns, Middle road Davis Robert, 63 Gladst.one rd. :Bos- Needbam Hy. 18 Harrow rd. Sthsea Westhonme, Bournemouth c mbe, Bournemouth Nicholas Charles, 9 Tamworth place, Borrett Robert, Thruxton, A.ndover Dawe J. 2 Station rd. Shirlev,Sthmptn Freemantle, Bournemouth Boys T. 72 Shelley rd. Bo<~cmb.Brnmtb Day Alfred Th,.nnas, MicheldPver Nuthurn George Thomas, Eastfie1d Brading Charles, 1 Clutha cottages, Dear James, :Bnrley, Ringwood · road, St. Deny's, Southampton Marlborough road, Ryde Dear W. North Gorley, Fordin~hridge Perkins Frank, The Home farm, Dib- :Brading Thomas, Grove rd. Ventnor De La Cour John, u Guillanme ter· den, Southampton Britton Edwin. Brockenhurst R.S.O race, Sou.thampfNn Phillips George H. 2 Myrtle villas, Broad Henry, Old .Alr&sford,NewAlrsfd Denham H P. 92 Monkton st. Ryde Norwich road, Bournemouth Brown Harry. Rockhourne, Salisbu-ry DorB Joseph, 22 Queen's rd. Gosport Pointer C. 27 Gamier street, Fratton, Brown Henry, Sandyway, Shorwell, Down Jesse, Cadnam, Southampton Portsmouth Newport, I. of W .
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