Industrial gas turbine components Improving economic and operational effi ciency through on-site application of advanced surface coatings anufacturers and operators of power generation equipment M routinely rely on surface coatings to improve engine life and HIÀFLHQF\&ROGVHFWLRQFRDWLQJVSURWHFW airfoil sections against corrosion and wear, limit compressor fouling and help to prevent failure in sensitive and vul- QHUDEOHHQJLQHDUHDV,QWKHKRWVHFWLRQ coatings are used to reduce the effects of hot corrosion and oxidation, and in VRPHFDVHVWRDFWDVDWKHUPDOEDUULHU Failure of unprotected components can trigger a chain reaction within the turbine that could result in catastrophic IDLOXUH Traditionally, components have been shipped to an off-site facility for FRDWLQJ,QWKHWUDGLWLRQDORIIVLWH method, servicing and coating engine components can be a time-consuming SURFHVV&RPSRQHQWVPXVWEHGH stacked, shipped, coated, reshipped DQGUHVWDFNHG'LVDVVHPEOLQJDORQH On-site surface coating of power generation components—in both the cold and hot sections—can shorten outage time, reduce damage risk and increase turbine effi ciency. can involve hundreds of individual SDUWV Large industrial turbine components Table of contents and assemblies such as compressor ,QFUHDVHWXUELQHHIÀFLHQF\ ______________________________ 2 rotors, stators, bladed disks and cases Overview of on-site services _____________________________2 can now be coated on-site, at your ீ &RDWLQJVHUYLFHVWDEOH __________________________________ 3 SRZHUSODQW3UD[DLU·V$[[HVV on-site coating services can help: Fouling and corrosion __________________________________ 4 Environmental conditions _______________________________ 5 Shorten outage time On-site coating process _________________________________ 6 Reduce damage risk Summary ____________________________________________ 7 ,QFUHDVHWXUELQHHIÀFLHQF\ Improving economic and operational efficiency through on-site advanced surface coatings Shorten outage time ing around on aircraft or trucks and no calculations were made using two Every day a gas turbine is not gen- risk of damage from being mishandled Westinghouse 501F compressors; the erating power results in a loss of RIIVLWH review estimated the coating payback UHYHQXH2QVLWHFRDWLQJHOLPLQDWHV On-site coating provides power gen- WLPHZDVOHVVWKDQWKUHHPRQWKV VKLSSLQJRISDUWVDQGFRPSRQHQWV HUDWLRQRSHUDWRUVZLWKSHDFHRIPLQG $GYDQFHGVXUIDFHFRDWLQJVDUHRQHRI &RPSRQHQWVVWD\RQVLWHVRHTXLS- When coating occurs on-site, operators the most practical alternatives avail- ment is ready for use as soon as pos- can monitor progress as it occurs to able to prevent and control fouling VLEOHZLWKRXWORQJGHOD\V HQVXUHFRDWLQJVPHHWVSHFLÀFDWLRQV and corrosion of airfoils, compres- When parts ares shipped hundreds of sors and other components, which Reduce damage risk miles away, the ability to inspect and OHQJWKHQVWKHOLIHVSDQRIFRPSRQHQWV &RDWLQJFRPSRQHQWVRQVLWHUHGXFHV DGMXVWWKHPLVVHYHUHO\OLPLWHG Longer lifespans can help lower replacement part costs: Fewer parts the labor needed to package and re- Increase turbine LQVWDOOSDUWVDQGFRPSRQHQWV$[[HVV require replacement, and the time be- on-site coating, in some instances, efficiency WZHHQUHSODFHPHQWVFDQEHH[WHQGHG can eliminate the need to de-stack 3UD[DLU·VVPRRWKVHDOHGDOXPLQXP By extending the lifespan of compo- DQGUHVWDFN2QVLWHVHUYLFHVFDQ based coatings have been shown nents, operators also may be able to cure many blades in stacked condi- WRLPSURYHWKHHIÀFLHQF\RISRZHU extend the time between service out- WLRQ7KHHQWLUHSURFHVVLQYROYHVOHVV JHQHUDWLRQWXUELQHVE\WR 1 DJHV$[[HVVRQVLWHFRDWLQJZLWKRQH WHDUGRZQDQGUHDVVHPEO\7RJHWKHU Evaluation of an axial compressor RI3UD[DLU·VDGYDQFHGVXUIDFHFRDWLQJV WKHVHEHQHÀWVUHGXFHWKHULVNRIGDP- demonstrated a heat rate improve- FDQSD\IRULWVHOITXLFNO\ DJHWRFRPSRQHQWV7KHUH·VQRVKLIW- PHQWRI,QRQHFDVHSD\EDFN $VPHDVXUHGE\76)& WKUXVWVSHFLÀFIXHO consumption) An overview of on-site services and the benefits of in situ coating 3UD[DLU·V$[[HVVRQVLWHFRDWLQJ (OLPLQDWHVWUDQVSRUWDWLRQDQG services, featuring SermeTelா coat- VKLSSLQJGHOD\V&RPSRQHQWV LQJVFRPSULVHTXDOLÀHGSHUVRQQHO stay on-site and are ready for use and the equipment necessary to ZLWKRXWH[FHVVLYHGHOD\V coat applicable components with- 0LQLPL]HVULVN7KHUH·VQRULVNRI RXWOHDYLQJWKHSRZHUSODQW loss or damage in transit because Applying a customized surface coating to the “fir WKHUH·VQRVKLSSLQJDQGKDQGOLQJ tree roots” section of the turbine disk improves )XUWKHUPRUH$[[HVVRQVLWHFRDW- both structural integrity and blade stability. The ing can coat certain components 3URYLGHVTXDQWLÀDEOHSD\EDFN improved stability prevents “bucket rock,” which 3D\EDFNFRPHVLQWKHIRUPRILQ- is often found in gas turbines used for standby or in situ, which means they can be peaking service. FRDWHGLQWKHVWDFNHGSRVLWLRQ7KLV creased power production, labor capability eliminates the time- savings and lower replacement consuming need to de-stack and SDUWFRVWV UHVWDFNFRPSRQHQWV ,QVLWXFRDWLQJDOVRDSSOLHVWR $[[HVVRQVLWHFRDWLQJFDQUHVWRUH WXUELQHGLVNUHVWRUDWLRQ7XUELQH GLVNVLQPDQ\HTXLSPHQWFRQÀJX- disk restoration successfully ad- rations as well as coat compressor dresses “bucket rock,” a condition often found in gas turbines used EODGHVLQWKHVWDFNHGSRVLWLRQ On-site coating can eliminate the need to remove IRUVWDQGE\RUSHDNLQJVHUYLFH vanes or disks—there’s no need to de-stack and The ability to coat certain compo- later re-stack compressor blade disks. Instead, nents in situ: critical components stay on-site and are ready for use without shipping delays. – 2 – Improving economic and operational effi ciency through on-site advanced surface coatings Coating services and benefi ts Surface coatings on power generation equipment can extend engine life, pro- tect valuable assets and ensure optimal SHUIRUPDQFH7UDGLWLRQDOO\FRPSRQHQWV have been shipped off-site for coat- Ht Cld LQJ6RPHFRPSRQHQWVUHTXLUHRIIVLWH coating due to the nature of the coating, WKHSDUWRUWKHVSHFLÀFDWLRQV0DQ\ components, however, can be coated RQVLWHSURYLGLQJDGGLWLRQDOEHQHÀWV VXFKDVVKRUWHURXWDJHV7KLVFKDUWLOOXV trates types of coatings used for various FRPSRQHQWVDQGVSHFLÀHVWKRVHHOLJLEOH Coat hot section components Coat cold section components IRURQVLWHYVRIIVLWHFRDWLQJ for asset protection. to improve effi ciency. Praxair Surface Technologies coating services Coating name Components Use and benefi ts Technical specifi cations SermeTelா Process 5380DP s Compressor rotors s Corrosion and erosion protection Abrasion resistance: > 300 liters/mil s Compressor cases w/stators s Tight tolerances or dimensionally critical Heat resistance: up to 1200°F (650° C) surfaces Tensile bond strength: *8000 psi s Excellent surface fi nish SermeTelா 2F-1 s Turbine rotors s Cyclical corrosion and erosion resistance Heat resistance: up to 1100°F (593°C) Abrasion resistance: >150 liters/mil Tensile bond strength: *8000 psi On-site services NiAl Thermal spray s Turbine disks s Restores fi r tree clearances to address turbine Tensile bond strength: >9100 psi blade/bucket "rock" Hardness: 55 – 80Rb CrC coatings s Transition ducts s Wear resistance Heat resistance: up to 1600°F (871°C) MCrAlY coatings s Blade s Type I and type II hot corrosion Corrosion to 1500°F (816°C) s Vane s Oxidation resistance Oxidation resistance: 2000°F (1093°C) SermaLonா s Centrifugal compressor s Acid rain, deicing fl uid, decontamination fl uid, Heat resistance: up to 600°F (315°C) s IGV hydraulic fl uid and lube oil resistance s Turbine components exposed s Hydrocarbon fouling to corrosive steam s Relative humidity to 100° and with continuous salt/mist in air SermaLoyீ s Gas turbine hot section s High-temperature and low-temperature hot Heat resistance: up to 1835°F (1000°C) components; particularly those corrosion made of high-strength, low- s Oxidation resistance chromium, nickel-base alloys SermaWearா s Compressor s Solid particle erosion protection Tensile bond strength: >5700 psi In-shop services s Salt spray resistance Erosion resistance: >1000 liters/mil SermeTelா AFC7000 s Compressor s Environmental compliance Heat resistance: up to 1400°F (760°C) Zircoatீ yttria-stabilized zirconium s Combustor liner s Extreme heat exposure Hardness: *750 HV.3 s Turbine blade s Solid particle erosion resistance Heat resistance: up to 2250°F MCrAlY + thermal barrier coating s Blade s High-temperature corrosion protection Dependent on component s Vane s Oxidation protection s Shrouds s Thermal protection s Transition ducts s Combustion liners – 3 – Improving economic and operational effi ciency through on-site advanced surface coatings Effects of fouling FRVWV %\FRQWUDVWHQJLQHVWKDWRSHU es the mechanical integrity of com- and corrosion on fuel DWHPRUHHIÀFLHQWO\LPSURYHIXHOFRQ SUHVVRUEODGHVDQGYDOYHV,QVHYHUH effi ciency sumption—and they generate fewer cases, pitting can lead to catastrophic nitrogen oxide emissions, which can PHFKDQLFDOIDLOXUH $YDULHW\RIIDFWRUVFDQUREDQHQJLQH KHOSPHHWHQYLURQPHQWDOVWDQGDUGV RIIXHOHIÀFLHQF\EXWIHZPRUHVR $HURG\QDPLFORVVHVLQWKHFRPSUHV Factors affecting WKDQIRXOLQJ)RXOLQJ is any deposit sor also may increase exhaust gas value of coatings RQDVXUIDFHWKDWGLVUXSWVODPLQDUÁRZ temperatures and increase wear and Beyond the protection they provide, Fouling occurs through a variety of corrosion, further increasing costs and surface coatings can contribute to a mechanisms, such as dissolved materi- reducing time between overhauls and reduction in exhaust temperature and als in air that condense on blade sur- RXWDJHV faces, or electrostatic forces that attract DQLQFUHDVHLQRXWSXWSHUIRUPDQFH $QRWKHUFRQWULEXWRUWRSRRUIXHOHI DQGKROGÀQHSDUWLFOHVWRWKHEODGHV
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