JOBNAME: Beggan PAGE: 1 SESS: 2 OUTPUT: Fri Jan 12 11:20:21 2018 Index Aboitiz, F. 222 Bayesian analysis 163 abortion 45–7, 143 Bayes’ theorem 170–73 abortion laws, liberalization of 31 Beaumont, Charles 25 “The Abortion Revolution” 32 Beggan, J. K. 11, 13, 15, 24 Abortion Rights Association 33 Bennis, W. 77, 81 abortion rights movement 30, 31 Berg, D. N. 84 acquiescence 101 “Big Brother” 127 actor–observer difference 14 biological theories 4 adaptive challenges 76, 77 Birchler, G. R. 168 adolescence 144 birth control 37 affairs, base rate for 167–8 access 41–5 Ailes, Roger 2 methods 144 Alison, L. 187 pills 43 Alive and Kicking (2016) 200–203 birth-death-rebirth cycle 219 Allen, E. S. 167, 169 Bisel, R. S. 81 Allison, S. T. 15, 24, 50, 227 bisexuality 108, 154–5 American Association of Sexuality bisexual people 108 Educators, Counselors, and Blake, William 224 Therapists (AASECT) 146 Blankfein, Lloyd 118 American Birth Control League 38 Blau, K. 50 American Civil Liberties Union 29, Bogaert, Anthony F. 24 33 bondage and discipline 183 American sexual imagination 21 bondage, discipline, sadism, and American sexual inhibition 25 masochism (BDSM) 13 American sexual repression 25 Bradbury, Ray 25 antiabortion movement 41 Branagan, J. 170 anticipatory socialization 134 Araji, S. 95 Broadwell, Paula 11 Atkins, D. C. 167, 169 Brooks, Mel 7 Austen, Jane 203 Buckley, William F. Jr. 22 autocratic leadership styles 128 Burke, Edmund 216 autoethnographic case study 54–69 Buszek, Maria Elena 23 badass bottoming 193 Calderone, Mary S. 32 Badgett, M. V. 113 California Committee to Legalize Bailey, B. 22, 43 Abortion 32 Baird, Bill 31, 33, 43 Campbell, Joseph 227 Banderas, Antonio 199 cardinal virtues 76 Baumeister, R. F. 175, 190 Catholic Church 2, 153 231 James K. Beggan and Scott T. Allison - 9781786438652 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/28/2021 09:37:25PM via free access Columns Design XML Ltd / Job: Beggan-Leadership_and_sexuality / Division: Index /Pg. Position: 1 / Date: 4/1 JOBNAME: Beggan PAGE: 2 SESS: 2 OUTPUT: Fri Jan 12 11:20:21 2018 232 Leadership and sexuality Center for Disease Control in Atlanta cowardice 83–7 215 Coyne, R. 221 Center for Sexuality and Religion Creed, Barbara 217, 218 (CSR) 147–51 “The Crooked Man” 25 “Circles of Sexuality” 152 cultural ideology 108 education and dialogue 148–51 Curley, Timothy 74 internet depictions of sex 153–4 Cuvelier, Steven J. 23, 24 sexual orientation 154–5 sexual value systems, religious Dadoun, R. 220 communities 153 Dale, Beverly 156 subject of intersexuality 154 Daloz, L. A. 77 twenty-first century challenges Darley, J. M. 86 151–5 child sexual offender 94 DeMichele, M. T. 130 Chuang, Y. T. 114 democratic leadership styles 128 “Circles of Sexuality” 152 Deshotels, T. H. 131 civil inattention 64 deviance 27 civil rights movement 22, 77 de Visser, R. O. 186 clergy 156 de Vries, Kets 79 Clinton, Bill 1, 7, 13, 161–79 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Clinton, Hillary 164 Mental Disorders (DSM-5) 184 Clinton–Lewinsky affair scandal, Digby, D. 22 threat of 164–6 Dionne, E. J. 165 commodification of dance 205–8 discovered affairs, base rate for 168–9 communication 76–8 disease-causing mutation 216 Comstock Act 38, 41 domestic partner benefits 111 conditional likelihood 170 dominance and submission 183 consensual BDSM, power dynamics dominant bottoms 193 183–94 Durso, L. E. 113 educational and socioeconomic Dwight, Lucy 10 demographics 186 Dworkin, Andrea 23 power dynamics in 192 dystopian universe, rebirth and practitioners, demographics 185–6 regeneration 218–21 psychosocial and psychological characteristics 186–8 Eastern Regional Homophile rituals and symbolic acts 189 Conference 27 roles, activities and interactions Easton, D. 193 187–8 effort justification paradigm 63 sexual identity and 187 Efthimiou, Olivia 15 understanding roles in 188–92 Ehrenreich, Barbara 22 Cook, K. 113 Eisenstadt v. Baird 43 Cook, Tim 109 Ellis, Albert 32 Corbin, H. 220 Esco, Lina 55 Cortina, J. 112 ethnomethodology 58, 62 Cosby, Bill 1 eugenics 39–41 courage 75, 76–8, 83–7 evolutionary psychology 4 courageous leadership 73–88 tolerance for risk and 175 Cowan, R. L. 79 value of sex and 173–4 James K. Beggan and Scott T. Allison - 9781786438652 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/28/2021 09:37:25PM via free access Columns Design XML Ltd / Job: Beggan-Leadership_and_sexuality / Division: Index /Pg. Position: 2 / Date: 4/1 JOBNAME: Beggan PAGE: 3 SESS: 2 OUTPUT: Fri Jan 12 11:20:21 2018 Index 233 evolutionary theory 176 Freud, Sigmund 217 excellent communication 194 Fyke, J. P. 12, 86 exclusive heterosexual 28 exemplars 11 Gagné, Patricia 24 exemplification strategy 10 gag rule 49 extensive brain alterations 215 Gardiner, P. 219 extra-marital affairs 14 Gates, Robert 13 extramarital sex 169 gay ghettos 109 gay marriage 8, 118 Fals-Stewart, W. 168 gay men 107–9 Family Planning Services and gender 127–8 Population Research Act in expression 142 1970 38 imbalance 208 Fear of Flying (Jong) 200 Gentile, Mary 86 fetal tissue sales 47–8 gentleman 206 fetal viability 46 Gilbert, James 23 Finkelhor, D. 95 Glide Memorial Methodist Church First Amendment Defense Act 145 (FADA) 106 Goethals, G. R. 50, 227 Fisher, A. 220 Golden, J. 168 Fixated abusers 96, 97 good leadership 209 flagrante delicto 164 Gordon, L. 40, 41 Flanders, Scott 34 Gray, P. B. 174 Florence, M. 78 The Grove 214 Flynt, Larry 55 growth leaders 10 followership skills 209 Grulich, A. E. 186 “football first” culture 74 Forsyth, C. J. 131 Hafer, C. L. 24 Fortson, E. 78 Haffner, Debra 155 Fortune 500 firms 111 Hall, Robert 32 Forum 30–33 Halpern, D. F. 162, 166, 178 FoxNews2 Halvorsen, B. 114 Franco, Z. E. 50 Hardy, J. W. 193 Fraterrigo, Elizabeth 24 Hart, Gary 165 Freeh Report 75, 87 hate crimes 108 Free the Nipple movement 54–69 Health Department for contraception continuing 65–6 44 immersion therapy 62 Hefner, Hugh 10, 11, 21–34 legitimize breastfeeding 62 biography of 24 in Louisville 56–7, 67 Herek, G. M. 108 research strategy 57–8 heroic leadership 106–19, 212–28 role of men in 63–5 transformation, genes, and evolution social media campaign 59 221–3 success 66–9 heroic self-sacrifice 213 topless woman vs. women 61–3 hero organism 212–28 Willow Park, rendezvous point heterosexism 106–19 58 LGB-supportive policies 110–18 James K. Beggan and Scott T. Allison - 9781786438652 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/28/2021 09:37:25PM via free access Columns Design XML Ltd / Job: Beggan-Leadership_and_sexuality / Division: Index /Pg. Position: 3 / Date: 4/1 JOBNAME: Beggan PAGE: 4 SESS: 2 OUTPUT: Fri Jan 12 11:20:21 2018 234 Leadership and sexuality sexual minorities and 107–10 Jablin, F. M. 76, 78, 84, 86 heterosexuality 154–5 Janus Society 28 heterosexual men 25 Jenner, Edwin 215 heterosexuals 206 Jerry Sandusky–Penn State sexual hierarchical structure, strip clubs abuse scandal 11 129–34 Johnson, V. E. 4 alcohol and drug use 131–2 Johnston, D. 112 appearance standards 131 Jones, Cory 34 bodily safety 131 Jones, Morgan 218 champagne delights 134–8 Jong, Erica 200 communication style 130 Jung, Carl 219, 222 fees and tipping 132–3 recruitment and anticipatory Kameny, Franklin E. 27 socialization 133–4 Kashdan, T. B. 168 rule enforcement and flexibility Kastanis, A. 113 130 King, E. B. 112 Hoebbel, C. 168 Kinsey, Alfred 25, 28, 54 homophobia 27 Kissinger, Henry 6, 13 homosexuality 25–7, 29, 106, 107, Kleinplatz, P. 184, 187–8, 193 109, 154–5 Knots Untie 224 Horan, S. M. 79 Kristeva, Julia 217 Hornstein, H.A. 77 Human Rights Campaign 111, 112 Lacayo, R. 170 Hurley, D. 222 Lader, Lawrence 30 Huss, Sheila 10 Laguens, D. 49 hustle club management 133 laissez-faire leadership styles 128 hybrid 206 Latane, B. 86 Hyde Amendment 47 Lavin, M. 132 hypersexualization 65 Lawson, A. 168 leadership qualities 128 Incarnation Institute for Sex & Faith leadership styles 128 156 lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) 106 individualized consideration 116 lesbians 107–9 inhuman offspring 218 Lewinsky, Monica 1, 7, 13, 161–79 inspirational motivation 116 LGB-supportive policies 110–18 institutional discrimination 108 transformational and heroic intellectual stimulation 116 leadership 114–18 International Birth Control conference LGB workers 106 42 Lief, Harold 147 International Planned Parenthood Li, F. 112 Federation (IPPF) 37, 38, 41–3, lifestyle 142 45, 49 Lim, A. 114 interpersonal discrimination 108–10 Lindsey, Janelle 30 interpersonal dynamics 191 Lippa, R. A. 174 intersexuality 141–2 Los Angeles Times 22 intimacy 152 Lucas, K. 12, 86 James K. Beggan and Scott T. Allison - 9781786438652 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/28/2021 09:37:25PM via free access Columns Design XML Ltd / Job: Beggan-Leadership_and_sexuality / Division: Index /Pg. Position: 4 / Date: 4/1 JOBNAME: Beggan PAGE: 5 SESS: 2 OUTPUT: Fri Jan 12 11:20:21 2018 Index 235 MacCannell, J. F. 7, 8 Osborn, G. 219 MacKinnon, Catharine 23 Osgerby, B. 23 MacLennan, B. J. 222 O’Toole, A. M. 55 Maginnis, Pat 30 Ottesen-Jensen, Elise 42 Malina, M. A. 112 Mallory, C. 113 paraphilias 184 Malthusians 41 Parks, K. 168 Margolis, R. L. 168 Parks, Rosa 77 marital infidelity 1, 171 Paterno, Joe 11, 74, 75, 84, 85 Marriage Council of Philadelphia 145 patriarchy 127–8 Masters, W. H. 4 pedophile 95 maternal imaginary 220 Penn State sexual abuse scandal McGuire, William 67 73–88 McNamee, Sheila 77 courage, and cowardice 83–7 McQueary, Michael 74, 84–6 focal narrative 81–3 Medicaid 47 implications 83–7 Meyerowitz, Joanne 22 Peters, S. 198 Millennium Development Goals 44, Petraeus, David 1, 11 45 Philips, Charles 28 modern and ancestral environments, Pichler, S.
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