-...--., -- - ~ - -~. I The Newark Post PLANS DINNER PROGRAM oC ANDIDATES Newark Pitcher Twirls iFINED $200 ON ANGLERS' ASS'N No Hit, No-Run Game KIWANIS HOLDS FORP LACE ON Roland Jackson of t he Newark SECOND OFFENCE SEEKS INCREASE J uni or Hig h Schoo l baseball ANNUAL NIGHT team, ea rly in life realized t he SCHOOLBOARD I crowning ambition of every Drunken Driver Gets Heavy Newark Fishermen Will Take AT UNIVERSITY ',L baseball pitcher, when, Friday, Penalty On Second Convic- 50 New Members; Sunset S. GaJlaher Fil es For Re- I he pi tched a no-hit, no-run game against Hockessin, in the D. I. 300 Wilmington Club Mem­ election , !\ ll's. F. A. Wheel­ tion; Other T rafflc Cases Lake .Well Stocked A. A. Elementary League. To bers Have Banquet In Old ess Oppno's Him ; Election make it a real achievement, the ga me was as hard and cl ose a s Frank Eastburn was a rre ted, Mon­ The Newa rk Angler Association College; A. C . Wilkinson May 4. ewark Pupils Win a ba ll game can be that comes to day, by a New Cast le County Con­ held its first meeting of the year, last a decision in nine innings, for stabl e on a charge of dr iving while F riday night at the Farmer's Trust Arranges Program Newark won the game with a in toxicated. After hi s arrest he was Company. O. W. Widdoes, the presi­ lone run in the lucky seventh. taken before a physician and pro­ dent, presided. J. E . Dougherty, Twenty-two Hockessin batters nounced drunk a nd then arra igned tr easurer , read a fin a ncial statement H. E. KARR SPEAKER CHERS REELECTED .faced Jackson, eighteen he re­ befo re Mag istrate Thompso n. As this of the club, showing an ex penditure of tired by strikeouts, a r ecord was E astburn's second arraignment severa l hundred dollars last year to Thl'ee hundred Wilmington I<i wa l1 - performance in itself. on the same' charge he was fin ed $200 im prove the fi shing grounds of the ians made the ninth a nnua l pilgrim- On FridA ), . the last day for ~ling a nd costs, a nd his license was re­ .. fur school boa rd el'lctlOns, This was the third straight Association, at Sunset Lake. age to the U ni ve rsity of Delawar e, victory for the unbeaten Newark voked. The president forecast Splendid fi sh- la st night, and held a ba nquet in Old • '011 ' had bee n fil ed with t he Eight other traffic offender s were of the l'cace, ew a st le Coun­ Jnuiors. Tomorrow Newark will ing in the lake, t his seaso n, saying Co llege. A rthur G. Wilkinson, busi- a rra igned before Magist rate Thomp­ that the game fi sh, with which the ness administr ator of the Univcr sit na ming H. S. Ga ll a ~ e l' a nd Mrs. pl ay a return game with Hoc­ son dur in g the past week. On Friday, lake has been stocked were plentiful a nd the ol'ig inator of t he pilgrimage, A l\'hl'l,lc"s a H cand id ates f or the kessin, a t Hockessin. State Officer Workman arrested John and multiplying. was chairma n of the progr am com- . ill the Board of E ducation, ~=============:::!) Rulor, of Philadelphia, for driving an An important matter discussed wha s ARt.ITUR G. WILKINSON mittee, and was co ngratulated for S p~ei a l Sc hoo l Dist rict. The overloaded truck. He was fin ed $10. will be h ld on Saturday, an increase in the member ship of t e having pl anned the best program in State Officer J ewell escorted three or ganization and it was decided, in t he hi story of the event. Alvin B. [rl1 m :2 to 5 p. m., in the New STATE LEGION priso ner s to Newark Friday and Sat- ' Build ing. Any voter, qualified order to. make f urther improvements Rober tson, president of the club, pre- urday. Harold O. Schneider, of New and extend the fi shing privileges to s ided at the ba nquet. Dean Dutton _~vem e .nt v 'U'"".... l~ ,.'"" in thc last general elec tion and .. York ~ i~y was assessed $10 and costs other s, the membership books should H. B.. WRIGHT IS . g reeted the vi sitor s. , ng wi thin the district, is qualified MEETING HERE for drlvmg from 50 to 55. Henry W. in the ,chool election. be opened to provide for an increase The ma in speaker was Harry E. • Woods, of Ladimburg, Pa., paid a $10 of 50 member s, there are about that DEATH VICTIM I<arr, of Balt imore, past president of vac ancv is caused by the ex- General Cox, Chairman Na- fin e for having no mirror on hi s truck. i te rm 0'[ Mr . Gallaher, who Ie number of active member s now en- Kiwanis International, who inter- Edward Pearl, of Philadelphia hover- roll ed. Three new members were tak- preted Herbert Hoover's speech at ing for reclection. Mr. Gallaher tional Defense Committee, ed at a speed of from 55 to 58. His se rved HI yea rs on the board, hav­ en in Friday. Well-known Merchant Suc- the Associated Press luncheon, in New s Arrangements will be made with York, this week, a s implying that un- HIIIJrOv'eDl!l_ n~ been elected in 1910 for the first Chief Speaker; Other fin;t::e tl~~ e r Hayes arrested Clyde In 1f121, at the time of the re­ Wilmington and other parts of the cumbs Suddenly, Saturday ; f ortunate conditions in the country Distingui'shed Guests Easterbroo k, of Norfolk, Va., Mon­ Sta te to r eceive applications for mem- Had Been In Business were the direc t fault of the citizens. fllIiI.rgarli zaUo l1 of the board, he was ap- day, and Frank Farra, of Coatsville, vegelabl"pomt.eo a member by Governor Town­ bership. Applications also may be Mr. Karl', in hi s discussion of Pres- yesterday. Both drove recklessly. made direct in person or in writing to Here 52 Years ident Hoover's address, scored what Mr. Gallaher has served the The meeting and banquet of the Both paid $10 fines. State Officer Sul­ I di trict during the period of either Mr. Widdoes or Mr. Dougherty. he declared to be the prevalent at- Delaware Department of the Ameri- livan arrested Christian Terp, of It was decided to call another meet- titude in this country of "Let George rapid growth of its school can Legion was held in the dining- Irvington , N. J., Wednesday, for reck­ which included t he construc­ ing next month at which time it is Newark lost an old and di stinctive do it.'~ He emphasized that it is the room of Old College Hall at the Uni- less driving, and Mr. Terp paid $10 pr.oposed to make arrangements for figure in its business life, last Satur- prime duty of all Americans to con­ .f======-tio n of the new building. versity of Delaware on Thursday and costs. On Wednesday, William Mrs. Wheeless has been a resident holding an outing at Sunset Lake day morning, in the sudden death of stantly strive for civic improvement evening, April 18. Following the ban- Fullwood rushed the red light at some time during the early summer Hughes Beard Wright. Mr. Wright, along every line. 'ewark fo r three years, having quet an interesting program was ren- Chapel street, and Officer Cunningham origina ll y f rom California. She for members and their families at who was 73, died very suddenly.. He Among several other social issues, de red with R. S. Brinser presiding as took him in tow. His rine was $10. which a program of sports will be had spent Friday afternoon in his to which he referred in the course of two chi ldren in the Newark toa stmaster. ii'l l' . Wheeless was urged to carried out, including athletic events hardware store at Main and Chapel his address, Mr. Karl' scored the ar- Brigadier General Albert Cox, of and bait casting: streets and was stricken shortly af- rangement under which lawyers prac- a candidate by friends, who Raleigh, N. C., and Colonel John I ",n'orIlDIY I!.-IL.I:_.. _. that there should be a woman • • • tel' he returned home from the store. tice their profession in most states. Thomas Taylor were the chief speak­ MEMORIAL FUND 1I".rElprelse nt;ati've on the board. She has ers of the evening. General Cox SHORT COURSE He dted a~ 1:30 Saturda.y morning.. Every practicing lawyer, he declared, intc rest in school problems and served during the war as Colonel of a woman's interest and experi­ the 113th Field Artillery and now BILL PASSED WELL ATTENDED 18~\~r~~: ~:~~O{i: I;n~re:v~~: :~ :~~~lda~:r:~~~~e~a;O a~~o~i~f;~e:h~! would be an aid in solving many the town. In 1877, at the age of 21, obviating the possibilities for high commands the 156th Field Artillery. • he started into business for himself, handed freedom among member s of She has gone on record as He is chairman of the National De­ a five member board. Mrs. Newark Veterans Of Foreign opening a store on the site of the this profession. fense Committee of the American Le­ present Catholic church.
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