PERSPECTIVES ON TERRORISM Volume 12, Issue 3 Bibliography: Terrorism and Ideology Compiled and selected by Judith Tinnes [Bibliographic Series of Perspectives on Terrorism - BSPT-JT-2018-4] Abstract This bibliography contains journal articles, book chapters, books, edited volumes, theses, grey literature, bibliog- raphies and other resources on terrorism and ideology. It covers a broad spectrum of ideological aspects on the individual and organizational level (such as ideological foundations, concepts, and evolution of terrorist groups, ideological differences between terrorist organizations/ideologues, or ideology as a radicalization factor). Though focusing on recent literature, the bibliography is not restricted to a particular time period and covers publications up to May 2018. The literature has been retrieved by manually browsing more than 200 core and periphery sourc- es in the field of Terrorism Studies. Additionally, full-text and reference retrieval systems have been employed to broaden the search. Keywords: bibliography; resources; literature; terrorism; ideology, ideological aspects, ideologues, Salafism, Wahhabism, Jihadism, doctrine, theory NB: All websites were last visited on 25.05.2018. See also: Note for the Reader at the end of this literature list. Bibliographies and other Resources Al-Tamimi, Aymenn Jawad (2012, November-): Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi’s Blog. URL: http://www.aymenn- jawad.org/blog Berman, Ilan (Executive Ed.); Thomspon, Chloe (Managing Ed.) et al. (2013, October-): World Almanac of Islamism. (American Foreign Policy Council Database). URL: http://almanac.afpc.org Bott, Catherine (Task Lead) et al. (2006, December): Radicalization: An Overview and Annotated Bibliogra- phy of Open-Source Literature. (Homeland Security Institute; Final Report). URL: http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/ GetTRDoc?Location=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf&AD=ADA497263 Brookings Institution, The (2016, March-): Islamists on Islamism today. [Interview Series; Brookings’s Rethink- ing Political Islam project]. URL: https://www.brookings.edu/series/islamists-on-islamism-today Brown, Jonathan A. C. (2009, December): Salafism. (Oxford Bibliographies). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/ obo/9780195390155-0070 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (2017, November): November 2017 Release of Abbottabad Compound Mate- rial. [Data Set]. URL: https://www.cia.gov/library/abbottabad-compound/index.html DeLong-Bas, Natana (2009, December): Jihad. (Oxford Bibliographies). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/ obo/9780195390155-0045 DeLong-Bas, Natana (2009, December): Wahhabism. (Oxford Bibliographies). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/ obo/9780195390155-0091 Fradkin, Hillel; Haqqani, Husain; Brown, Eric (Eds.) (2005-): Current Trends in Islamist Ideology. [ISSN: 1940- 834X]. URL: http://www.CurrentTrends.org Hassan, Muhammad Haniff (2007, March-): counterideology 2. URL: http://counterideology2.wordpress.com Hedayah (2015, July-): Counter Narratives Library. URL: http://www.cn-library.com/login Hofmann, David C.; Schmid, Alex P. (2012, December): Selected Literature on (i) Radicalization and Recruit- ISSN 2334-3745 119 June 2018 PERSPECTIVES ON TERRORISM Volume 12, Issue 3 ment, (ii) De-Radicalization and Dis-Engagement, and (iii) Counter-Radicalization and Countering Violent Extremism. Perspectives on Terrorism, 6(6), 114-143. URL: http://www.terrorismanalysts.com/pt/index.php/ pot/article/view/235 Huet, Esther et al. (2017, October-): Bibliographie « radicalisation » et « terrorisme ». [Regularly Updated Content]. Radicalisations. URL: https://f-origin.hypotheses.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/2725/files/2017/10/Bib- lio_radicalisation_4oct2017e.pdf King’s College London (2017-2018): Homegrown Radicalisation and Counter-Radicalisation in Western Eu- rope and North America. (7SSWM053 Reading List). URL: https://kcl.rl.talis.com/lists/94191FB0-895E-8FFE- FD00-C31B8CE821CB.html Maynard, Jonathan Leader (2017): Recent Research on Ideology’s Effects on Armed Conflict: An Annotated Bibli- ography. URL: http://www.jleadermaynard.com/ideology-and-armed-conflict-bibliography.html McCants, William et al. (Eds.) (2008, May-): Jihadica. URL: http://www.jihadica.com NATO Multimedia Library (2013, October): Islamist Challenges. (Thematic Bibliography No. 7/3). URL:http:// www.natolibguides.info/ld.php?content_id=10701667 Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI); University of Oslo (2016-): Jihadi Document Repository. URL: http://www.hf.uio.no/ikos/english/research/jihadi-document-repository/index.html Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) (2015, May-): Bin Laden’s Bookshelf. URL: https://www. dni.gov/index.php/features/bin-laden-s-bookshelf Pawella, Jeanne (2016, April-): Dispositifs et rapports sur la radicalisation. [Regularly Updated Content]. Rad- icalisations. URL: https://radical.hypotheses.org/681 Price, Eric; Schmid, Alex P. (2010, May): Selected Literature on Radicalization and De-Radicalization from Terrorism. Perspectives on Terrorism, 4(2), 58-76. URL: http://www.terrorismanalysts.com/pt/index.php/pot/ article/view/102 Prucha, Nico (2007-): Online Jihad: Monitoring Jihadist Online Communities. URL: https://onlinejihad.net Schmid, Alex P.; Price, Eric (2011, May): Selected Literature on Radicalization and De-Radicalization of Ter- rorists: Monographs, Edited Volumes, Grey Literature and Prime Articles Published since the 1960s. Crime, Law and Social Change, 55(4), 337-348. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10611-011-9287-4 Tinnes, Judith (2014, August): Bibliography on Islamist Narratives and Western Counter-Narratives (Part 1). Perspectives on Terrorism, 8(4), 111-145. URL: http://www.terrorismanalysts.com/pt/index.php/pot/article/ view/366 Tinnes, Judith (2015, December): Bibliography: Homegrown Terrorism and Radicalisation. Perspectives on Terrorism, 9(6), 119-153. URL: http://www.terrorismanalysts.com/pt/index.php/pot/article/view/476 Tinnes, Judith (2017, February): Bibliography on Islamist Narratives and Western Counter-Narratives (Part 2). Perspectives on Terrorism, 11(1), 80-123. URL: www.terrorismanalysts.com/pt/index.php/pot/article/view/366 Zelin, Aaron Y. (2010, June-): Jihadology. URL: http://jihadology.net Books and Edited Volumes Aboul-Enein, Youssef H. (2010): Militant Islamist Ideology: Understanding the Global Threat. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press. Adang, Camilla et al. (2015): Accusations of Unbelief in Islam: A Diachronic Perspective on Takfīr. (Islamic His- ISSN 2334-3745 120 June 2018 PERSPECTIVES ON TERRORISM Volume 12, Issue 3 tory and Civilization, Vol. 123). Leiden: Brill. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004307834 Adiong, Nassef Manabilang; Mauriello, Raffaele; Abdelkader, Deina (2018): Islam in International Affairs: Pol- itics and Paradigms. Abingdon: Routledge. Afsaruddin, Asma (2013): Striving in the Path of God: Jihad and Martyrdom in Islamic Thought.New York: Oxford University Press. Alagha, Joseph Elie (2006): The Shifts in Hizbullah’s Ideology: Religious Ideology, Political Ideology, and Political Program. (ISIM Dissertations). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Al-Bayati, T. Hamid (2017): A New Counterterrorism Strategy: Why the World Failed to Stop Al Qaeda and ISIS/ ISIL, and how to Defeat Terrorists. (Praeger Security International). Santa Barbara: Praeger. Aldis, Anne; Herd, Graeme P. (2007): The Ideological War on Terror: Worldwide Strategies for Counter-Terror- ism. (Political Violence). Abingdon: Routledge. Al-Rasheed, Madawi; Kersten, Carool; Shterin, Marat (Eds.) (2013): Demystifying the Caliphate. New York: Columbia University Press. Ashour, Omar (2009): The De-Radicalization of Jihadists: Transforming Armed Islamist Movements. Abingdon: Routledge. Awan, Akil N.; Hoskins, Andrew; O’Loughlin, Ben (2011): Radicalisation and Media: Connectivity and Terror- ism in the New Media Ecology. (Media, War and Security). Abingdon: Routledge. Baehr, Dirk (2009): Kontinuität und Wandel in der Ideologie des Jihadi-Salafismus: Eine ideentheoretische Ana- lyse der Schriften von Abu Mus‘ab al-Suri, Abu Mohammad al-Maqdisi und Abu Bakr Naji. (Forum Junge Poli- tikwissenschaft, Vol. 22). Bonn: Bouvier. Bano, Masooda; Sakurai, Keiko (Eds.) (2015): Shaping Global Islamic Discourses: The Role of al-Azhar, al-Medi- na and al-Mustafa. (Exploring Muslim Contexts). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, in association with the Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations. Bassiouni, M. Cherif; Guellali, Amna (Eds.) (2010): Jihad and its Challenges to International and Domestic Law. (Hague Colloquium on Fundamental Principles of Law). The Hague: Hague Academic Press. Berman, Paul (2011): The Flight of the Intellectuals: The Controversy over Islamism and the Press. Brooklyn: Melville House. Bin Ali, Mohamed (2016): The Roots of Religious Extremism: Understanding the Salafi Doctrine of Al-Wala’ wal Bara’. (ICP Insurgency and Terrorism Series, Vol. 9). London: Imperial College Press. Bonnefoy, Laurent (2011): Salafism in Yemen: Transnationalism and Religious Identity. London: Hurst. Bowering, Gerhard (Ed.) (2015): Islamic Political Thought: An Introduction. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Brachman, Jarret M. (2009): Global Jihadism: Theory and Practice. (Cass Series on Political Violence). Abing- don: Routledge. Bukay, David (2008): From Muhammad to Bin Laden: Religious and Ideological Sources of the Homicide Bomb- ers Phenomenon. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers. Cavatorta, Francesco; Merone, Fabio (2017): Salafism after the Arab Awakening: Contending with People’s Pow- er. New York: Oxford University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780190274993.001.0001
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