Paper - Still Need m THE WESTFIELD LEADER --Si Save THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Published Pust Office, Westfield, N. 1. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1946 Every Thursday. 24 Pages—5 Cent» jf Problems Topic of Varied Programs Notice To Veterans Red Cross Fund Charles Clark, town clerk, asks Plan Celebration For all returning and discharged vet- For Women's erans to call at the town clerk's Drive Passes 0 Meeting Here Tomorrow office, Municipal Building, 121 Club Groups Prospect St., on or before Apr. 25HalfWayjVlark Returned Veterans to register for voting in the 1946 Imminent Officials Msgr. Watterson elections. Departments List Parents of veterans still in the Report Collections Mayor Names Committee To Consider Means j Speak At Junior armed forces who are eligible to Vicar Forane Topics For Next vote the military ballot, should Of $14,278 At Of Honoring Service Men And Women ; gh School Month's Meetings mail their military address, stat- Tuesday's Meeting ing ago, rank, date of birth, serial Appointment of an Independence Day and Welcome Home Cele*. igA proble^Tas Related to •Local Priest Receives number and home address. |%ace b the topic of the High Church Honor The various departments of the Cash contributions and pledges bration committee by Mayor Kobert S. Purvis at the meeting of the ifwtine tomorrow night at Woman's Club of Westfield look totalling $13,278.60 were turned in Town Council Monday night indicates that Westfield'a official celebra- Tuesday evening at the first Teport K m In Roosevelt Junior forward to a busy month in March. tion in honor of veterans of the late war may be held July 4, although lihool to which first hand Announcement has been made of Th6"Hewly formed Art Department Many Attend meeting of captains of the Red ill be brought by emi- the appointment Feb. 10 by Most has reKched its membership quota Cross fund drive. This figure rep- no announcement was made to that effect. The Mayor named Alan Reverend Thomfls J. Walsh, Arch- ,«....** who know and are of 25, M*s. EAR. Merry Jr., chair- resents 52% of tho goal, $27,400, a Bruce Conlln chairman of the com- bishop of Newark, of the Right with the problems. Tho man pro Hem, reports, and names Vagelos Services slightly higher percentage than mittee and other members include Reverened Henry J. Watterson as that at the corresponding meeting Republican Wpmen «ers will be Dr. Chen Shih- are now being placed on the wait- Ruskin Wntts, Robert Harden, Vicar Forane or Dean of Union ing list. On Mar. 20, members of during last year's campaign. Com- Hampton Hanna, Robert L. Dun- fcounselor to the Chinese Em- County. This distinction conies to Veteran Merchant Will Meet Monday this department will go to ,Mont- plimenting the workers on their can, Fritz Helm, Raymond S. An- '' Washington; Col. Guy It. Monsignor Watterson in the 45th clair Art Museum to view a collec- co-operation, W. Page Selby, chair- derson, Col. Edward P. Anderson, president of the New Zea- year of his priesthood, over 33 Accident Victim man of the drive, expressed the The Westfield Women's Republi- Jitute of International Af- tion of contemporary American Irvine B, Johnstone, Wi'liam T. years of which have bene spent as hope that collections might be prac- can Club will hold its March meet- ; paintings. 1 Ewen, C. M. Tremaine, George W. - l» and James K. Penfield, Dep- pastor of Holy Trinity parish here. With a large number of his fel- ing Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock tically complete by tho next report Koeehlein, Arthur K. Kling, Will- Rrector, Office of Far Eastern The Recreational Activities De- low residents present, funeral serv- meeting Friday evening. at the YMCA. There will be a |,j V. S. State Department. A Vicar Forane is a priest who partment will meet Tuesday at ices for Thucydides Vagelos, 59 iam T. Vnnderbilt, Police Chief rS) presides over each deanery or coun- panel discussion on the by-laws • PenfieM will represent the 12:30 a. m. at the home of Mrs. F. years old, who died Thursday night "For the past few years," Mr. and purpose of the club. Tea will John li, Sehroiber and Georga Ji States at the town meet- ty by appointment of the bishop. L. Maisch, 714 Glen Ave. at 12:30 of injuries received' when he wasSelby said, "Westfield has been Weise. He has the right and duty to watch be served under the direction of , jponsored by a large list of p. m. Members urc asked to take struck by an automobile, were held high among New Jersey commun- The Mayor also reappointed over the various affairs of tho Mrs. Maude Pirct assisted by Mrs. J organizations. Born in New a bos luncheon. A short business Sunday night in Gray's Funeral ities in completing its quota. Last Evelyn Dayeock, Mrs. Mario members of the Defense Council clergy and of the parishes and pre- j year we finished third. This year A City, anil graduated from meeting will be followed by a so-Home, the Kev. Arthur F. O'Don- Mitchell and Mrs. Marion Free- whoso terms expired Jan. 1 in or- cedes in honor all other pastora cial afternoon. Bowling at the nell, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal let's-make it even better. We all der that they may wind up the af- Hi Stanford in 1929, he began and priests of his idstrict. man. There will also be a recep- Recreational Alleys will be enjoyed Church, otliciating. Masonic serv- know tho value of the Red Cross tion for new members. fairs of the organization. MeTii" S service in Mexico in 1930. to both soldier and civilian. This , lias done consular service in This honor is conferred upon j on succeeding Tuesdays at 2 p. m.ices, conducted by Atlas Lodge, bers include Col. Leigh M. Pear- one priest in each county and Mon- Mrs. E, W. Hall is chairman of the 125 F. and A. M., followed. Greek is our opportunity to show our sail, chairman, Byron D. Stuart, ,lon Mukden, Yunnanfu and gratitude and I am confident that •gking, China, and in Green- signor Watterson's appointment is department. Orthodox rites were observed Mon- Shelby G. Fell, Robert F. Darby, to fill the vacancy .left by the day at 1 p. m. in St. Paul's Epis- We*stficld will respond with splen- George M. Haskew, W. J, Lee, Mrs. i, On Jan. 1, 1045, he was de- The Music Department, of which death of the late Monsignor Chas. copal Church by the Rev. George did' generosity." Burglars Steal Arthur D, Bauer and Mrs. Charles ls] to the staff of the Com- Mrs. S. L. Mapes is chairman, will Mackel, late pastor of St. Patrick's Spyridakes, minister of the Greek E, Bingham. have a program "March Hares," Tho division reports were in some mder - in-Chief, Pacific Fleet. in Elizabeth. Orthodox Church of Newark, and Mar. 12 at 12:30 p. m. at the home cases incomplete, but Division 7 By resolution, the Council set si October he came to Washing- interment was in Fairview Ceme- Safe From Store Monsignor Watterson is a native of Mrs. T. Stevenson, 639 N. Chest- headed by Aiigelo Villa led with a the building lino on the southeast ,s Deputy Director, Office of tery. r of Jersey City and was ordained nut St. Members will take a box 4B /u return. Division 6, headed side of Quimby St. and on Central ir Eastern Affairs. With his by H. A. Leedom, came next with ground he is well qualified to to the priesthood in June, 1001. lunch. The department chorus will Mr. Vagelos died Thursday night Break Into Safeway Ave. between E. Broad St. and He served as assistant pastor of 459'c and Division 2, headed by F. tak on "Machinery for Control take part, and Mrs. A. L. Baumann at 9:30 p. m. in Muldenberg Hos- Lenox Ave as ten feet from the St. Lucy's in Jersey City for nine is program chairman for the day. W. Montgomery was a close run- Store Yields $1500 property line. jicies of Japan." pital an hour lifter ho was struck ner-up with 44%. Others were as years and as pastor of St. Fran- by an automobile an he crossed Throe offers to purchase tax _i Powlcs takes tho plaeo of cis in Lodi for three years before The Americnn Home Depart- follows; Division I, T, K, Craw- Police reported this morning ment will meet Monday, Mar. 18 at East Broad St. at Euclid Ave, on title property were rejected as fol- r Carl Bercndcn, who cannot being appointed to tho Westfield ford, 40%; Division 3, d E. that "there are no new develop- lows: Fred Osman, lot at 463 Edge- p his enprairenicnt in Westfield 2 p. m. at the home of its chair- his way to bis home, 543 Arling- Pnulea, 33'/a; Division 4, Frank ments" in the robbery Sunday : parish. During his pastorate at ton Ave., from his business, tho wood Avo. for $400; Robert Daw- we the Prime Minister of New Holy Trinity, ho erected the entire man, Mrs. E. R. Merry Jr., C18 McGough, 42; Division G, Mrsnigh. t of the Safeway Store, 121 Arlington Ave. Einnrn Howe, su- Westfield Sweet Shoppe. Benjamin son, lot at 103:i-3fi Irving Ave. for Jand on his return from the parish plant, church, school, con- 1JH. C11KX C1I1II-3IAI Thomas Armstrong, 40; Division Quimby St., when burglars took a $650 and Henry C.
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