.3578 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MARCH 17 .sundry nominations, which were referred to the appropriate To be lieutenant colonels committees. Maj. William Donaldson Fleming, Medical Corps, from <For nominations this day received, see the end of Senate April 6, 1938. proceedings.) Maj. Samuel Demetrius Avery, Medical Corps, from April EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 9, 1938. Mr. LOGAN, from the Committee on :Military Affairs, re­ Maj. William Robert Lewis Reinhardt, Medical Corps, from ported favorably the nomination of Maj. Romeyn Beck April 9, 1938, subject to examination required by law. Hough, Jr., to be lieutenant colonel with temporary rank in Maj. Howard Moore Williamson, Medical Corps, from April the Air Corps, Regular Army, and also the nomination of 10, 1938, subject to examination required by law. Capt. Kenneth Campbell McGregor to be major, with tempo­ Maj. Francis Joseph Clune, Medical Corps, from April 10, rary rank in the Air Corps, Regular Army. 1938. He also, from the same committee, reported favorably the Maj. George Edward Lindow, Medical Corps, from April -nominations of sundry officers for promotion in the Regular 16, 1938. Army. Maj. Jaime Julian Figueras, Medical Corps, from April 20, Mr. McKELLAR, from the Committee on Post Offices and 1938. Post Roads, reported favorably the nominations of sundry To be majors postmasters. Capt. Stuart Gross Smith, Medical Corps, from April 1, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The reports will be placed 1938. on the Executive Calendar. Capt. Lester Maris Dyke, Medical Corps, from April 24, If there be no further reports of committees, the clerk 1938, subject to examination reqUired by law. will state in their order the nominations on the calendar, To be captains with the exception of the one passed over. First Lt. Charles Joseph Farinacci, Medical Corps, from DIPLOMATIC AND FOREIGN SERVICE April 1, 1938. The legislative clerk proceeded to read sundry nominations First Lt. Gladen Robert Hamilton, Medical Corps, from in the Diplomatic and Foreign Service. April 20, 1938. Mr. BARKLEY. I ask that the nominations in the Diplo­ DENTAL CORPS matic and Foreign Service be confirmed en bloc. To be lieutenant colonel The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Without objection, the nominations are confirmed en bloc. Maj. William Elder Sankey, Dental Corps, from April 17, 1938. THE JUDICIARY VETERINARY CORPS The legislative clerk read the nomination of Francis C. To be lieutenant colonel Canny to be United States Attorney for the southern dis­ trict of Ohio. Maj. Herbert Kelly Moore, Veterinary Corps, from April The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Without objection, the 1, 1938. nomination is confirmed. That concludes the calendar. To .be captain RECESS First Lt. John Howard Rust, 3d, Veterinary Corps, from April 4, 1938. The Senate resumed legislative session. CHAPLAIN Mr. BARKLEY. I move that the Senate take a recess until 11 o'clock a. m. tomorrow. To be chaplain with the rank of lieutenant colonel The motion was agreed to; and <at 5 o'clock and 20 minutes Chaplain (Maj.) Harry Dubois Southard, United States p.m.) the Senate took a recess until tomorrow, Friday, March Army, April 4, 1938. 18, 1938, at 11 o'clock a. m. CONFIRMATIONS NOMINATIONS Executive nominations confirmed on March 17 <legislative day of January Executive nominations received by the Senate March 17 5), 1938 <legislative day of January 5), 1938 DIPLOMATIC AND FOREIGN SERVICE COAST Am> GEODETIC SURVEY Boaz Long to be Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni­ Leo Otis Colbert, of Massachusetts, to be Director of the potentiary of the United States of America to Ecuador. United States Coast and Geodetic Survey for a term of 4 Meredith Nicholson to be Envoy Extraordinary and Min­ years, vice Raymond S. Patton, deceased. ister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Nicaragua. APPOINTMENTS, BY TRANSFER, IN THE REGULAR ARMY Antonio C. Gonzalez to be Envoy Extraordinary and Min­ TO FINANCE DEPARTMENT ister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Capt. Thomas Martin Tiernan, Field Artillery, with rank Venezuela. from January 7, 1929. UNITED STATES ATTORNEY TO ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT Francis C. Canny to be United States attorney for the First Lt. John Archibald Barclay, Jr., Field Artillery, with southern district of Ohio. rank from August 1, 1935. PROMOTIONS IN THE REGULAR ARMY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES To be lieutenant colonel Mal Hardin Cleveland Sweeney, Infantry, from March 15, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1938 1938. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. To be major The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D .• Capt. Francis Irwin Maslin, Quartermaster Corps, from ·offered the following prayer: March 15, 1938. Merciful Heavenly Father, blessed be the Lord God of MEDICAL CORPS Israel from everlasting to everlasting. May the words of our To be colonels mouth and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in Lt. Col. William Bertram Meister, Medical Corps, from Thy sight, 0 Lord, our Strength and our Redeemer. Glory April 27, 1938. Thyself by our labors, by our sacrifices, and by our faithful­ Lt. Col. Leeson Oren Tarleton, Medical Corps, from April ness. We pray Thee to crown us with the riches of pure 30, 1938. thoughts, with right aspirations, and With self-denial. 1938 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 3579 Blessed Lord God, we thank Thee and praise Thee for the ·have to look after this; it·ts your responsibility as well' as pure, strong, gifted souls whom Thou ~ast raised up in every the responsibility of every Membet· of Congress. Are you age to promote Thy kingdom of righteousness and Christian big enough on this St. Patrick's Day to meet your respon­ faith. We join the multitudes today which are cele~rating sibility? Your past action creates suspicion. Ireland's patron saint and prophet. We are grateful for his The SPEAKER. The time of the gentleman from Penn.. life and character which live through the years; they abide sylvania has expired. in the spirit of the good Samaritan under the inspiration of Mr. RICH. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to ex.. the Master. Help us -to emulate his faith, his courage, and tenq my remarks in the RECORD. fortitude, and Thine shall be the praise. Through Cbtist our The SPEAKER. Is there objection? Savior. Amen. There was no objection. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and EXTENSION OF REMARKS approved. Mr. STEFAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to EXTENSION OF REMARKS extend my remarks in the RECORD and to include therein Mr. FISH. Mr. Speaker, I ask tinanimous consent to ex­ brief excerpts from a letter. · tend my remarks and to include therein an address delivered The SPEAKER. Is there objection? by Mr. John L. Lewis on The Struggle of Labor in America. There was no objection. The SPEAKER. Is there objection? CONFERENCE REPORT AND STATEMENT-DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA There was no objection. APPROPRIATION BILL, 1939 MEMORIAL SERVICES Mr. COLLINS. Mr. Speaker, I present a conference re.. Mr. JARMAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for port and statement upon the bill (H. R. 9181) making appro­ the present consideration of House Resolution 445, which I priations for the government of the District of Columbia and send to the desk and ask to have read. · other activities chargeable in whole or in part against the The Clerk read as follows: revenues of such District for the fiscal year ·ending June 30, 1939, and for other purposes, for printing under the rule. House Resolution 445 Resolved, That on Wednesday, April 20, 1938, immediately after THE LATE WILLIAM P. CONNERY, JR. the approval of the Journal, the House shall stand at recess for the Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, I ask purpose of holding the memorial services as arranged by the Com­ mittee on Memorials, under the provisions of clause 40-A of rule unanimous consent to proceed for half a minute and tore.. XI. The order of exercises and proceedings of the service shall be vise and extend my remarks. printed in the CoNGRESSIONAL RECORD, and all Members shall have The SPEAKER. Is there objection? leave to extend their remarks in the CoNGRESSIONAL RECORD until There was no objection. the last issue of the RECORD of the third session of the Seventy-fifth Congress on the life, character, and public service of the deceased Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, I rise to.. Members. At the conclusion of the proceedings the Speaker shall day because it is St. Patrick's Day and to remind the House call the House· to order, and then, as a further mark of respect to of a former Member of Congress of Irish descent, a dearly the memories of the deceased, he shall declare the House adjourned. beloved colleague, William P. Connery, Jr., who was with us a Resolved, That the necessary expenses connected with the memo­ rial services herein authorized shall be paid out of the contingent year ago today, though I feel I do not need to remind Mem­ fund of the House upon vouchers signed by the chairman of the bers of the House of his great .services to the Nation and Committee on Memorials and approved by the Committee on particularly to all of those who are underprivileged, who need Accounts. help of all sorts, and also of his great service to the veterans. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the present consid­ Every one of us misses "Billy". Connery's fine sense of eration of the resolution? humor, his wonderful faculty for entertainment, and his There was no objection. ·cheerful smile that always prevailed whether things were The SPEAKER. The question is on agreeing to the difiicult or easy. The veterans miss him greatly, for he was resolution. a true friend to them, fighting their battles for them in Con­ The resolution was agreed to.
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