Names used by Garter Knights of the Plantagenet period, up to 1485 Full Name Suffix Title Birth-Death Plate No Plate Plate name Note No Ralph Basset Lord Basset of Drayton ca1335-1390 I 1 (none) Sir John de Grailly KG -1377 II 2 Le Capitow de la Bouch' Mons' Piers Sir Neel Loring KG -1386 III 3 Mons Neell Loryng p'm' fund Sir John Chandos KG -1369 IV 3 Mons John Chandos Primer Fondeux Sir Sanchet Dabrichecourt KG -c.1360 V 4 Mons Sanchete de Dabrichecourte Sir Walter Paveley KG -1375 VI 5 Mons' Wauter Paveley p'mer foudo' Sir William FitzWarin KG -1361 VII 7 Mons ffu fiz Baren Wrong forename William Latimer Lord Latimer ca1329-1381 VIII 8 Le S de Latemer Willm Guy de Bryan Lord Bryan <1319-1390 IX 9 Mons Gwy de Bryen Sir Thomas Banastre KG -1379 X 10 Mons' Thomas Banaster Sir Bermond Arnaud de Pressac KG -aft 1384 XI 11 Mon l' Sandich' de Traue "Sandich" = Governor Sir Thomas de Felton KG -1381 XII 12 Mons' Thomas de Felton John Devereux Lord Devereux -1393 XIII 13 Mons' John Deverose John Bourchier Lord Bourchier -1400 XIV 14 Le Syre de Bourgcher John John Beaumont Lord Beaumont ca1361-1396 XV 15 Moun s' de Deaumunde John Sir William Arundel KG -1400 XVI 16 Mons' Wyl liam Arondelle John Beaufort Marquis of Dorset ca1373-1410 XVII 17 Le Counte de Somersete Sir Simon Felbrigge KG -1442 XVIII 18 Mon S' Symond de ffelbrygg 'ff' is now written 'F' Sir Philip de la Vache KG -<1408 XIX 19 Mons' Philippe la Vache William de Willoughby Lord Willoughby ca1370-1409 XX 20 Le S' de Wylogby William Richard Grey Lord Grey of Codnor <1371-1418 XXI 21 Le S' de Grey Richard Hugh Burnell Lord Burnell -1420 XXIII 23 Le Syre de Burnell Hugh Gilbert Talbot Lord Talbot 1383-1418 XXIV 24 Le S' de Talbot Gylbert John Cornwall Lord Fanhope -1443 XXV 25 Mons' John de Cornewayll Hugh Stafford Lord Stafford -1420 XXVI 26 Le S' de Bourc' Hugh de Stafford John Gray Earl of Tankerville >1384-1420 XXVIII 28 Mons' John Grey Lewis Robessart Lord Bourchier -1431 XXIX 29 S' Lowes Robessart le S' Bourgchier John (V) Mowbray Duke of Norfolk 1392-1432 XXX 30 Le Count Marchall John Sir Hugh de Courtenay KG 1326-<1349 XXXI 31 Mons' Hugh de Courteney p'me' Foudeu Reynold de Cobham Lord Cobham ca1295-1361 XXXII 32 Sir Reynald Cobeham Sir John Sully KG -c.1388 XXXIII 33 Sir John Sully Richard de Beauchamp Earl of Warwick 1382-1439 XXXIV 34 Le Conte de Warrewyk John Lisle Lord Lisle ca1318-1355 XXXV 35 Mons' John Lyle p'm' Found' Sir Richard de la Vache KG -1366 XXXVI 36 Mouns' l' Richard le Vache Edward Cherleton Lord Cherleton 1370-1421 XXXVII 37 Le S' de Powes Edward' Sir Herton von Clux KG c.1445 XXXVIII 38 Mons Heer Tanke Clur Sir Miles Stapleton KG -1364 XXXIX 39 S' Miles de Stapulton p'm' fond' Humphrey (X) de Bohun Earl of Hereford 1342-1373 XL 40 Le Counte de Herford Ofrey Thomas de Beauchamp Earl of Warwick <1339-1401 XLI 41 Le S' de Warwyke Thomas Sir Thomas Erpingham KG -1428 XLII 42 Mons' Thomas Erpygham Edmund of Langley Duke of York 1341-1402 XLIII 43 Le Duc de York Edmod John of Lancaster Duke of Bedford 1389-1435 XLIV 44 John Fitz Roy Duc de Bedeford Thomas Beaufort Duke of Exeter -1426 XLV 45 (none) Sir Peter de Courtenay KG -1405 XLVI 46 (none) Henry Fitzhugh Lord Fitzhugh ca1358-1425 XLVII 47 (none) William Phelip poss Lord Bardolf 1383-1441 XLVIII 48 Mons William Phylyppe Walter Hungerford Lord Hungerford ca1378-1449 XLIX 49 Le Sire de Hug'ford Waulter William de la Pole Duke of Suffolk 1396-1450 L 50 Guilham de la Pole Cont de Suffi John Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury ca1388-1453 LI 51 Le Counte de Schrewisberi Humphrey Stafford Duke of Buckingham 1402-1460 LII 52 Le Conte de Stafford Edward King of Portugal -1438 LIII 53 (none) Sir John Grey KG -1439 LIV 54 Mes John Grey de Ruthin Richard Neville Earl of Salisbury ca1400-1460 LV 55 (none) Gaston de Foix Count of Longueville -c.1458 LVI 56 Mons Gaston de Foix Conte de Longueville et de Benanges Captan de Buch William Neville Earl of Kent -1463 LVII 57 (none) John Beaufort Duke of Somerset ca1404-1444 LVIII 58 (none) John Beauchamp Lord Beauchamp -<1475 LIX 59 John lord Beauchamp Richard Wydevill Earl Rivers -1469 LX 60 (none) Henry Bourchier Earl of Essex <1404-1483 LXI 61 Mons' Henry Bourghcher le Count de Essex Thomas Stanley Lord Stanley 1405-1459 LXII 62 Mon Seinour Stanley John Bourchier Lord Berners -<1474 LXIII 63 Mons John Bourgchier S' de Berners George Plantagenet Duke of Clarence 1449-1478 LXIV 64 Duc de Clarence Sir William Chamberlain KG -1462 LXV 65 Mons Gelam Chamberlen John Tiptoft Earl of Worcester 1427-1470 LXVI 66 (none) William Hastings Lord Hastings ca1420-1483 LXVII 67 (none) John Neville Marquess of Montagu -1471 LXVIII 68 Le C de Montagu Sir John Astley KG -ca1488 LXIX 69 Syr Jon Asteley John Scrope Lord Scrope of Bolton 1437-1498 LXX 70 (none) James Douglas Earl of Douglas -<1491 LXXII 72 Mons Iamis le Count de Dowglas Sir Robert Harcourt KG -1470 LXXIII 73 Le Mes Robert Harcourt Richard III Plantagenet 1452-1485 LXXIV 74 (none) Charles the Bold Duke of Burgundy 1433-1477 LXXV 75 (none) John (VII) Mowbray Duke of Norfolk 1444-1476 LXXVI 76 (none) Walter Devereux Lord Ferrers of Chartley -1485 LXXVII 77 Walt Dev'eux lord fferr 'ff' is now written 'F' Walter Blount Lord Mountjoy ca1420-1474 LXXVIII 78 Walter Blount s'or de Montjoye John de la Pole Duke of Suffolk 1442-<1492 LXXIX 79 John de la Pole duk de Suffolk Henry Stafford Duke of Buckingham 1455-1483 LXXX 80 (none) Frederick Duke of Urbino -1482 LXXX! 81 Le duc de Urbyn Frederic Henry Percy Earl of Northumberland ca1449-1489 LXXXII 82 (none) Richard Plantagenet Duke of York 1473-1483 LXXXIII 83 Le Duc de Eu'wyk Rychard John II King of Portugal -1495 LXXXIV 84 Johan Roy d' Portingallie Francis Lovel Viscount Lovel ca1456-ca1489 LXXXV 85 Francis viscont Lovell S' de Holand Burnett Deyncort & Grey Thomas Stanley Earl of Derby ca1435-1504 LXXXVI 86 Thomas lorde Stanley Thomas Burgh Lord Burgh (of Gainsboro) ca1430-1496 LXXXVII 87 Mons' Thomas Burgh chlr Sir Richard Tunstall KG -ca1491 LXXXVIII 88 Mons' Rici Donstal Chlr Sir Frank van Hale KG -c.1376 LXXXIX 89 Monsr Franke van Haile Capp de Calais Prob the plate is a 16thC fake.
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