Lighting The Road To The Future Inaugural Highlights Data Zone Page 6 “The People’s Paper” January 26 - February 1, 2013 47th Year Volume 37 www.ladatanews.com Special Edition Super Bowl 2013 Comes to New Orleans Over 30 Community Events Planned! Page 2 Newsmaker Trailblazer Ray Nagin Jeffrey Indicted May Page 4 Page 5 Page 2 January 26 - February 1, 2012 Cover Story www.ladatanews.com NFL, National And Local Organizations Host More Than 30 Super Bowl XLvii Community Outreach Events in New Orleans Super Bowl XLVII brings much more than foot- Super Bowl XLVII Sports Equipment and Book Donation Project ball to New Orleans . Throughout the weeks pre- Environmental Program Climate Change Initiative ceding the game, more than 30 charitable activities For more information, contact Jack Groh, NFL and community outreach events will enliven and The NFL Environmental Program has devel- Environmental Program Director, at 401-952-0886 enrich the community and provide lasting legacies . oped a series of initiatives to minimize the impact of or NFLenvironment@aol .com . Super Bowl Week activities will also include the Super Bowl activities on the local and global envi- announcement of the annual Walter Payton NFL ronment . Environmental projects are developed in Man of the Year Award, the presentation of the Don partnership with the 2013 New Orleans Super Bowl NFL Play 60 & LULAC Shula NFL High School Coach of the Year Award, XLVII Host Committee and local, state and national Health Festival and a celebration of the positive impact of the Super organizations . Bowl with the Super Saturday of Service These initiatives include: On Saturday, Jan . 26 from 10:00 a .m . – 12:00 The following are just some of the ways the NFL Solid Waste Management/Recycling p .m ., the NFL, in partnership with the League of and Super Bowl XLVII will benefit New Orleans: Prepared Food Recovery United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) will host Cover Story, Continued on next page. DATA NEWS WEEKLY P.O. Box 57347, New Orleans, LA 70157-7347 | Phone: (504) 821-7421 | Fax: (504) 821-7622 INSIDE DATA editorial: [email protected] | advertising: [email protected] Terry B. Jones Contributors CEO/Publisher Corey Anderson Glenn Jones Edwin Buggage Cover Story . 2 Data Zone . 6 VP Advertising Lee A. Daniel & Marketing Julianne Malveaux Edwin Buggage Art Direction & Production Newsmaker . 4 Commentary . 8. Editor MainorMedia.com Calla Victoria Editorial Submissions Executive Assistant [email protected] Trailblazer . 5 . Special Section . 9 . June Hazeur Advertising Inquiries Accounting [email protected] Please call 504-309-9913 for subscription information or to obtain a back issue of the paper ONLY. Dated material two weeks in advance. Not responsible for publishing or return of unsolicited manuscripts or photos. www.ladatanews.com Cover Story January 26 - February 1, 2012 Page 3 Cover Story, Continued from previous page. a “health fiesta” at St . Martin Epis- each other through pen-pal letters copal School (225 Green Acres Rd ., will meet for the first time at the Metairie, La .) . The NFL and LULAC New Orleans Audubon Zoo (6500 will offer fitness-focused activities Magazine St .) . and information about local health Local schools participating in resources and the the One World event are as follows: NFL PLAY 60 campaign for lo- Lusher Charter School, Hynes cal Latino youth and families . Youth School, Arden Cahill Academy, Es- attendees will participate in a num- peranza Charter School, Alice Harte ber of NFL PLAY 60 skills and drills School, Langston Hughes Academy, led by USA Football coaches . These Mary McLeod Bethune Elemen- activities will help introduce kids to tary, St . Catherine of Siena School . the game of football in a non-intimi- For more information, contact dating, non-contact way . Clare Graff, NFL, at 212-450-2435/ For more information, contact clare .graff@nfl .com or Richard Darlene Capiro, NFL, at darlene . Buchsbaum, Audubon Zoo, at 504- capiro@nfl .com or Paloma Zuleta, 212-5452 . LULAC, at 202-812-4477 . NFL Play 60 NFL Prep 100 Series Challenge On Saturday, Jan . 26 and Sunday, Jan . 27, NFL Player Engagement School Visit will kick off the PREP 100 Series in As part of NFL PLAY 60, the New Orleans . The event will host league’s youth health and fitness 100 local student-athletes who will campaign, NFL players including participate in two days of classroom New Orleans native and former instruction stressing player health Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback and safety, as well as on-field instruc- KORDELL STEWART will visit Fifth tion focusing on proper techniques Ward Junior High School (81419 and player improvement drills . The Highway 21, Bush, La .) to host a student-athletes will be selected special fitness activity on Tuesday, based upon academic achievement, Jan . 29 from 9:30 – 11:00 a .m . The athletic experience, leadership ac- NFL PLAY 60 Challenge, developed tivities, and coach and teacher rec- in conjunction with the American ommendations . Heart Association, is the primary Participants will receive on field in-school curriculum for NFL PLAY coaching from former NFL players 60 . More than 150 4th-6th grade stu- including BRENTSON BUCKNER, dents at Fifth Ward Junior High took MO COLLINS, and ETHAN HOR- part in the NFLPLAY 60 Challenge, TON, as well as participate in ses- a Super Bowl program that taught sions with current and former NFL students the importance of getting players . 60 minutes of daily physical activity . To learn more about PREP 100, For more information, contact visit www .nflplayerengagementClare . Graff, NFL, at 212-450-2435/ com or contact Austin Moss at 212- clare .graff@nfl .com or Linzy Rous- 450-2437/Austin .Moss@NFL .com . sel Cotaya, American Heart Associa- tion, at 504-473-6494/Linzy .Cotaya@ heart .org . Super Bowl XLVII One World The NFL Experience Super Huddle Driven By GMC New Orleans area fifth graders will learn about the differences that The NFL Experience Driven make them unique and the simi- by GMC, pro football’s interactive larities that bring them together as theme park, will return to New Or- part of the NFL’s diversity program leans for the first time in a decade “One World: Connecting Commu- from Wednesday, Jan . 30 – Sunday, nities, Cultures, and Classrooms .” Feb . 3 . Located at the Ernest N . Mo- On Monday, Jan . 28 from 10:00 a .m . rial Convention Center (900 Conven- – 1:00 p .m ., eight classes from vary- tion Center Blvd .), the NFL Experi- ing ethnic and racial backgrounds ence puts the ball in the fans’ hands, who have been communicating with allowing them to run, pass, punt and Cover Story, Continued on page 9. Page 4 January 26 - February 1, 2012 Newsmaker www.ladatanews.com Former Mayor Ray Nagin indicted on Federal Corruption Charges NEW ORLEANS – Former The charges stem from a City and his family in Hawaii and was New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin Hall corruption investigation that flown first-class to Jamaica by a has been indicted by a grand jury already has resulted in guilty city contractor . Accepted a free on 21 federal corruption charges pleas by two former city officials private jet trip to Chicago and Las stemming from alleged wrong- and businessmen Frank Fadella Vegas from another contractor doing while occupying the city’s and Rodney Williams who are co- and steered business towards his highest elected office . operating witnesses in this case New Orleans-based family granite Specifically, the indictment re- against former Mayor Nagin . supply company through dealings leased alleges Nagin awarded lu- The indictment alleges that, be- with the city . crative city contracts to tween 2005 and 2008, Nagin: He’s due in federal court Feb . contractors in exchange for Accepted more than $70,000 20 to be arraigned by a federal more than $200,000 in kickbacks in bribes from a consultant who magistrate . and first-class trips to Hawaii, Ja- later won more than a dozen Data News Weekly will update maica and Las Vegas . If convicted public works contracts with the this story as it progresses . on all charges, he could receive city . Received paid lodging and Edited by Data News Weekly more than 15 years in prison . Former New Orleans Mayor C. Ray Nagin vacation expenses for himself from published reports ladatanews.com looking At AT&T we know your business requires solutions that are efficient, cost-effective beyond and productive. And we know your life deserves the same. That’s why we are next always looking ahead, beyond the next new technology. Bringing limitless innovation to meet all your communications needs. © 2013 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. www.ladatanews.com Trailblazer January 26 - February 1, 2012 Page 5 Jeffrey May 21st Century Activist by: Edwin Buggage Jeffrey May has dedi- workshops to empower ternity, he has worked need . Since its inception, cated his life to commu- people in various com- mentoring young men; they have worked to sup- nity service and help- munities about consumer in addition, to working port homeless veterans ing those in need . He protection and leads a with the homeless and in New Orleans, donated is a person whose life is team that investigates other community ser- monies to 2010 CNN draped in the spirit of his banks looking for pat- vice projects . “Giving is Hero, Derrick Tabb and passionate conviction in terns of discrimination in the most important thing his New Orleans music the fight for fairness and their lending practices . we can do, I feel we gain preservation program justice . “I had a great “As a student of his- when we give, so it not and other worthy causes . example in my mother, tory I realize that we still only enhances the life of “Wherever I am I will who worked serving have a long way to go in the person who is receiv- always be connected to others and always told our journey to full justice ing it also enhances me New Orleans, it is my my brother and I that and equality, but we must as well .” home and whatever I can when you are blessed recognize that while we As Hurricane Katrina do to help I will,” says you bless others,” he still have a long way to scattered people from May .
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