1945 CO-NGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 9465 Medical Director Thomas M. Rivers to be a that the Senate had passed, with amend­ mittee to e~cort our distinguished guest medical director in the United States Naval ments in which the concurrence of the into the Chamber the Senator from Ken­ Reserve, with the rank of commodore, for House ·is requested, a bill of the House of temporary service. tucky [Mr. BARK~EY], the Senator from Medical Director Alphonse McMahon to be the following title: Maine [Mr. WHITE], and the Senator a medical director in the United States Naval H. R. 694. An act to amend section 321, title from Massachusetts [Mr. WALsH]. Reserve, with the rank of commodore, for III, part II, TransFJOrtation Act of 1940, with At 12 o'clock and 31 minutes p. m., the Mmporary service. respect to the movement of Government Doorkeeper announced the Secretary of Dental Surgeon George C. Paffenbarger to traffic. the Navy, Hon. James Forrestal. be · a dental surgeon in the United States Naval Reserve, with the rank of commodore, The message also announced that the At 12 o'clock and 33 minutes p. m., the for temporary service. - Senate had passed a concurrent resolu­ Doorkeeper announced fleet commander Pay Director John W. Landregan to be a tion. of the follQwing title, in which the ·of the United States Navy, command((r pay director in the United States Naval Re­ concurrence of the House is :~;equested: - in chief of the Pacific Fleet and the serve, with the rank of commodore, for tempo- S. Con. Res, 34. Concurrent resolution au­ Pacific Ocean area, Chester W. Nimitz. rary service. thorizing the Committee on Irrigation and . Admiral Nimitz, escorted bY the com­ Pay Director William L. Nelson to be a pay Reclamation to have printed additional copies mittee of Senator~ and Representatives, director ill the United States Naval Reserve, of the hearings before said committee on entered the Hall of the House of Repre­ with the rank of commodore, for temporary S. 555, a bill to establish a Missouri Valley - service. Authority. sentatives and stood at the Clerk's desk. Chaplain Robert J. White to be a chaplain [Applause, the Members rising.] in the United States Naval. Reserve, with The message also announced that the ';['he SPEAKER. Members of the Con­ the rank of commodore, for temporary service. Senate agrees to the amendment of the gress, I have the great privilege and the Civil Engineer Cuthebert P. Conrad to be a House to a bill of the Senate of 'the fol­ high pleasure of presenting to you a civil engineer. in the United States Naval Re­ lowing title: great American, a great fighting man, serve, with the rank of commodore for S. 694. An act for the relief of Dan. C. one of whom all Americans are proud, temporary service. Rodgers. Civil Engineer Roy M. Han·is to be a civil · commander in chief of the United States engineer in the United States Naval Reserve, The message also announced that the Pacific Fleet, Fleet Admiral Chester W. with the rank of commodore, for temporary Senate disagrees to the amendment of Nimitz. [Applause, the Members rising. 1 service. the House to the bill <S. 90) entitled ADDRESS OF ADMIRAL CHESTER W. Civil Engineer Francis M. McCarthy to be a "An act for the relief of the estate of NIMITZ civil engineer in the United States Naval Re­ serve, with the rank of commodore, for George O'Hara," requests· a conference Admiral NIMITZ. Mr. President, Mr. temporary service. with the House on the disagreeing votes Speaker, Members of the Congress of the of the two Houses thereon, and appoints United States, distinguished guests, it is Mr. ELLENDER, Mr. O'DANIEL, and Mr. with all humility that I appear before you WHERRY to be the conferees on the part on this occasion. _I feel confident that HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the Senate. · no greater honor will come to me during RECESS my lifetime. I am sensible of the fa:ct FRIDAY, OcTOBER 5, 1945 The SPEAKER. An enclosed space on that I do not come here as an individual the East Capitol Plaza has been reserved and I acknowledge at the outset that I The House inet.at 12 o'clock noon. am here only as a representative of the The Chaplain, Rev. ~ames Shera for Members and gallery visitors who wish to view the parade which will fol­ brave men who fought under my com­ Montgomery, D. D., ofiered the following mand in the Pacific. Some of them are prayer: low the appearance of Admiral Nimitz. In view of the fact that most of the here with me today. [Applause.] Blessed be Thou, 0 Lord; Thou who exits to the building are closed, Mem­ Speaking in the name of those brave art the creator of the mountains and bers and gal~ery visitors who desire to men, whether they wore the uniform of master of the winds and tides, breathe view the parade._ should go to .the first the Army, the Navy, the Coast Guard, -upon us anew the blessing of the divine floor and leave the building by the door or the Marine Corps, I wish to give you a presence. Give our · fair land a will to directly opposite the air-line ticket office. brief report on the job we are just bring­ forsake lesser ambitions and to share The Chair declares the House in recess, ing to an end. 0 with others what we are and have. Di­ subject to the call of the Chair. Five weeks ago I was in a land of hun­ rect" us to put ourselves in the spirit of Accordingly (at 12 o'clock and 7 min­ ger, and defeat, and disillusionment. utter selflessness on the side of right and utes p. m.) the House stood in recess, Five weeks ago t ·was in Japan. Among justice, and to live . courageously the subject to the call of the Chair. the ships of the Pacific Fleet anchored great moral and spiritual imperatives JOINT MEETJNG OF THE MEMBERS OF in Tokyo Bay was a proud symbol of upon which our Republic was founded. THE HOUSE AND SENATE IN HONOR OF . that humanity and mercy. which can ex­ 0 Trinity of love and power, today the FLEET ADMIRAL CHESTER W. NIMITZ, ist among a civilized .people even in the minds of our people are arrested by the COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE PACIFIC midst of· bloody war. That symbol of visions of a better world, foreshadowed FLEET AND THE PACIFIC OCEAN AREAS humanity and mercy was a ship of the by the presence of those valiant leaders At 12 o'clocl{ and 20 minutes p. m .•. United States Navy, the hospital ship who have led captivity captive and the Doorkeeper announce~ the President n·enevolence. She had been sent to broken. the chains of pagan rule, restor­ pro tempore and the Members of the Tokyo Bay, as her sister ships had been ing faith and hope where darkness and United States Senate. sent to other enemy ports, to take on despair prevailed. For all brave and in­ · The Senate, preceded by its President board the starved, the sic!{, the wounded, trepid masters of the sea and of the pro tempore, its Secretary, and Sergeant and t)le heartsore American prisoners of depths beneath, we give our gratefu_l at Arms, entered the Hall of the House war in that area. I shall always remem­ thanks; through danger and death they of Representatives. ber that visit because it was my privi­ fulfilled their perilous missions, with The President pro tempore of the lege· that day to shake the -hand of so love of freedom as the watchword of Senate took the chair at the right of the many men who had fought and sufiered their souls. In the spirit with which Speaker, and the Members of the Senate that this Nation might remain free. I they led their mighty ships through tool{ the seats reserved for them. was again impressed 1:5y the bright cour­ tempest and wild alarm, 0 God, unite our The SPEAKER. On the· part of the age and unshaken confidence which had country in an eternal purpose to preserve House, the Chair appoin.s the following sustained them during their captivity. and bear aloft the torch of nations who members of the committee to escort our To me those men like others I have seen. love Thee and keep Thy commandments. distinguished guest into the Chamber: in many hospitals and those to whom I 0 Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The gentleman from Massachusetts [Mr. have been privileged to make awards in The Journal of the proceedings of .yes­ McCoRMACK], the gentleman from Geor­ the name of the President were a re­ terday was read and approved. gia [Mr. "".~INSON], and the gentleman minder that our victory had been pur­ from Massachusetts [Mr. MARTIN]. chased at great price. In the hearts and MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The PRESIDENT pro tempore of the the hungry eyes of those rescued men you A message from the Senate, by Mr. Senate. On the part of the Senate, the could see a kinship with their thousands Gatling, its enrolling clerk, announced Chair appoints as members of the com ... of lost comrades, men who will forever 9466 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE OCTOBER 5 sleep beneath the lonely palms of the three of those five ships stayed afloat to in the field. We are also grateful to the distant Pacific isles, men who will stand complete their journey.
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