eneplisen Agathon. Allilouia! the hungry soul with Good 7. Kathimenous en skoti ke skia Things. Alliluia! Thanatou. Allilouia! 7. Those sitting in the Darkness and 8. Pepedimenous en ptohia ke sidiro. Shadow of Death... Alleluia! Allilouia! 8. Bound in Poverty and Fetters... 9. Ipatosan i lelitromeni ipo Kyriou, ous Alleluia! Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria & All Africa elitrosato ek hiros ehthrou. 9. Let those Redeemed by the Lord say Allilouia! so, whom He Redeemed from Archdiocese of Good Hope 10. I psihi afton en aftis exelipe. the hand of the enemy. Alleluia! Allilouia! 10. Their soul fainted in them. Alleluia! 11. lIsthenisan, ke ouk in O voithon. 11. They were weak and there was no Allilouia! one to help them. Alleluia! 12. Ke ekekraxan pros Kyrion en to 12. Then they cried out to the Lord in thlivesthe aftous. Allilouia! their afflictions. Alleluia! 13. Ke exigagen aftous ek skotous ke 13. And He brought them out of skias Thanatou. Allilouia! Darkness and the Shadow of 14. Oti sinetripse pilas halkas ke Death. Alliluia! mohlous sidirous sinethlasen. 14. For He crushed the Gates of Bronze Paschal Matins & Divine Liturgy Allilouia! and shattered the bars of iron. 15. Ke thisatosan afto Thisian Eneseos. Alleluia! Hymns & Readings Allilouia! 15. And let them offer a Sacrifice of 16. Ke exangilatosan ta Erag Aftou en Praise. Alleluia! agalliasi. Allilouia! 16. And let them proclaim His Works 8 May 2016 17. Ipsosatosan afton en ekklisia laou ke with exceeding Joy. Alleluia! 2 N D S UNDAY OF H OL Y P A S C H A en kathedra presviteron 17. Let them exalt Him in the Assembly enesatosan afton. Allilouia! of the people, and Praise Him in 18. Exigerthi os O ipnon Kyrios, ke the seat of the Elders. Alleluia! The Belief of St Thomas epataze tous ehthrous Aftou. 18. The Lord awoke as from sleep, and Allilouia! He struck His enemies. Alleluia! Also the Feast of ST JOHN BELOVED APOSTLE , THEOLOGIAN & 19. Anastito O Theos, ke 19. Let God Arise, and let His enemies be diaskorpithitosan i ehthri Aftou. scattered. Alleluia! EVANGELIST - St Arsenios the Great – St Arsenios the Lover Allilouia! 20. And let those who hate Him flee of Labours of Kiev Far Caves Monastery – St Pimen the 20. Ke figetosan apo Prosopou Aftou i from before His Sight. Alleluia! Ascetic of Kiev Far Caves Monastery - St Tamara, Queen misountes afton. Allilouia! 21. This is the Day the Lord made; let us of Georgia 21. Afi imera, in epiisen O Kyrios. greatly Rejoice and be glad Agalliasometha ke therein. Alleluia! evfranthomen en afti Allilouia! 22. Arise, O Lord my God, let Thy Hand Tone 1 22. Anastithi, Kyrie O Theos mou, be lifted High, and do not forget E OTHINON 1 ipsothito i hir Sou, mi epiilathi Thy Poor to the end. Alliluia! ton peniton Sou is telos. R ESURRECTION G OSPEL 1 –M ATTHEW 2 8 : 1 6 - 2 0 Allilouia! K ATAVASIAS O F H OLY P A S C H A § oxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati, § lory to the Father, and to the Son, D G Our Eternal Gratitude to Pater Seraphim Dedes & all the contributing Translators ke nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and elsewhere for the original Greek & English texts and for making our Worship a eonon. forever, and to the Ages of ages. little easier to understand, to participate and to appreciate. Amin Amen Glory to God for His Great Mercy! Allelouia! Alleluia! www.agesinitiatives.com/dcs/public/dcs By the Grace of God [email protected] OR DOWNLOAD DIRECTLY FROM ARGUERITE AIZIS ON CRIBD COM M P S . R E - EDITED ON - 16 A PRIL 201 6 NOT FOR MATERIAL PROFIT!! 20. P ASCHAL H YMNS – S UNDAY OF S T T HOMAS – 8 M A Y 2 0 1 6 ton ilon, ke valo tin hera mou is tin nails, and place my hand in His Side, Sunday of the Belief of St Thomas Plevran Aftou, ou mi pistefso!” I will not believe!” Ke meth’ imeras okto palin isan eso i And eight days later, His Disciples were Sunday after Holy Pascha – Antepascha or the Second Sunday of Holy Pascha – is Mathite Aftou ke Thomas met’ afton. again in the house, and Thomas was the Sunday of the Belief of St Thomas. Historically, this was the day when the with them. Newly Baptised Christians removed their white Baptism Robes and entered Erhete O Iisous ton thiron keklismenon, The doors were shut, but Jesus came, once again our earthly life. ke esti is to meson ke ipen: “ Irini and stood amidst them, and said: Today is referred to as ‘Antipascha’ which does not mean ‘opposed to Pascha’ but imin!” “Peace be with you!” rather ‘in place of Pascha.’ Beginning with this first Sunday After Pascha, the Church dedicates every Sunday Ita legi to Thoma: “Fere ton daktilon To Thomas He said: “Put your finger of the year to our Lord Jesus Christ’s Glorious Resurrection. In fact, the word for souode ke id etas Hiras Mou, ke here, and see My Wrists; and stretch Sunday in Russian is ‘Resurrection Day’ and in Greek, ‘The Lord’s Day.’ fere tin hira sou, ke vale is tin forth your hand, and place it in My So, every Sunday of the year in the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church is dedicated Plevran Mou, ke mi ginou apistos, Side, and do not be unbelieving, but to our Lord’s Resurrection, beginning with today, which is the Eighth day of the alla Pistos.” believe!” Paschal celebration – the Last Day of Bright Week. Ke apekrithi Thomas ke ipen Afto: “O And answering, Thomas said to Him: Liturgically, the Holy Church of Christ remembers St Thomas the Apostle of Christ Kyrios mou, ke O Theos mou!” “My Lord and my God!” and our Resurrected Lord Jesus Who invited St Thomas to “... put your finger here – and see My Wrists 1 – and put out your hand, and place it in My Side. Legi afto O Iisous: “Oti eorakas me, Jesus said to him: “Have you believed And do not be faithless, but believing.” pepistevkas. Makarii i mi idontes because you have seen Me? Blessed And St Thomas – without touching our Lord - spontaneously responded with all his ke pistevantes!” are those who have not seen, yet Love for Christ: “My Lord and my God!” Thus our Saviour comments: “You believe!” have believed because you have seen Me. Blessed are those who have not Palla men oun ke alla Simian epiisen O Many other Signs were done by Jesus in seen, yet believe!” Iisous enopion ton Mathiton Aftou, a the presence of His Disciples, which As with all the Holy Paschal Services until the Feast of Ascension, the Paschal ouk esti gegrammena en to vivlio are not written in this book. Troparion is sung: “ Hristos Anesti, ek nekron...” touto. The Epistle Readings are from St Luke’s Book of the Acts of the Apostles, which relate T how the first Christians lived in Communion with our Resurrected Lord and Tafta de gegrapte ina pistevsite oti Iisou hese are written so that you may Saviour, Jesus Christ. estin O Hristos - O Iious tou Theou - believe that Jesus is the Christ – the The Holy Gospel Readings are from the Holy Gospel According to St John the ke ina pistevonte Zoin ehite en to Son of God – and that believing, you Beloved Apostle, Theologian and Evangelist, which is considered as having Onomati Aftou. may have Life in His Name. been written particularly for the Newly Baptised Christians. M EGALYNARION –S T T HOMAS S UNDAY - I NSTEAD OF THE A XION E S T I N Se tin fainin lampada, ke Mitera tou O Brightly Shining Lantern, and the St Thomas was born in the Galileian city of Pansada and was a fisherman. When Theou, tin arizilon Doxan, ke Mother of our God, O Conspicuous he heard all the Good Tidings of our Lord Jesus Christ, he left everything and anoteran panton ton piimaton, en Glory! Thou art Superior to all followed Him. imnis Megalinomen. Creation! We Hymn and Magnify According to Holy Scripture, St Thomas did not believe the reports of the other Thee! Faithful Disciples and Apostles of Christ regarding His Glorious Resurrection, for C OMMUNION H YMNS – S T T H O M A S S UNDAY – P SALM 147/148: 1 2 – 2 0 he always needed to establish the Truth of everything for himself, which is why our Lord gave him the nickname “ Didymos ” – “the Twin ,” meaning that he was Epeni, Ierousalim, ton Kyrion, eni ton Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem! Praise “double-minded ” and had to examine everything more than once before Theon Sou, Sion. Allilouia! your God, O Zion. Alleluia! accepting it as Truth. Hence his statement: "Unless I see in His Wrists the print of S ELECTED V ERSES FOR S UNDAY OF S T T H O M AS the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into 1. O Kyrios evasilefsen, evprepian 1. The Lord reigns; He clothed Himself His Side, I will not believe." (JOHN 20:25) enedisato. Allilouia! with Majesty. Alliluia! On the Eighth Day (symbolising Eternity) after the Resurrection, our Resurrected Lord 2. Enedisato Kyrios dinamin ke 2. The Lord clothed and girded Himself Jesus Christ appeared again to His Apostles – this time specifically for the periezosato. Allilouia! with Power. Alliluia! benefit of St Thomas, who had not been present on previous occasions. 3. Ke gar estereose tin ikoumenin, itis ou 3.
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